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Feb 13, 2013

yeah baroque looks great. theres something about 3D on the saturn that makes everything look like a sprite scaler even when it isn't. i love roguelikes so i think i will really enjoy it


Jan 10, 2022

Been super into my Saturn lately. The port of Command & Conquer is very nice but I’ve been getting destroyed by the stupid Nod flamethrower guys.

Can’t recommend Sakura Wars enough.

Decided to make my first Tomb Raider play through a Saturn one as well, I see people saying it’s not as good as the PSX version but the Saturn one wins just for the longbox case.

Nov 2, 2013

holefoods posted:

Been super into my Saturn lately. The port of Command & Conquer is very nice but I’ve been getting destroyed by the stupid Nod flamethrower guys.

Can’t recommend Sakura Wars enough.

Decided to make my first Tomb Raider play through a Saturn one as well, I see people saying it’s not as good as the PSX version but the Saturn one wins just for the longbox case.

Sakura wars is fantastic, it was worth getting the Sakura Taisen special edition that came bundled with the sega saturn mouse peripheral. My burns were a little messed up, in that it would crash if I tried to play minigames, so I played the game in both English and Japanese. Thankfully the saves were compatible, tho that’s not the case with lunar

btw translated demo for 2 is out (tho no pre-patch floating around yet) with the full release not far off

Island Nation
Jun 20, 2006
Trust No One
I finally got my Satiator yesterday so coupled that with the Japanese Model 2 and a 4 in 1 cart, I'm ready to tackle this system head on.

I've loaded up a 512GB SD card with the entire US library, European games that didn't come here, Japanese games that got translated and ones that the hivemind (vs recommended) suggested. With that in mind, what other games am I missing that makes this console sing?

Nov 2, 2013

Island Nation posted:

I finally got my Satiator yesterday so coupled that with the Japanese Model 2 and a 4 in 1 cart, I'm ready to tackle this system head on.

I've loaded up a 512GB SD card with the entire US library, European games that didn't come here, Japanese games that got translated and ones that the hivemind (vs recommended) suggested. With that in mind, what other games am I missing that makes this console sing?

don’t limit yourself to just fan translated Japanese games if you can help it as that still leaves out the bulk of all saturn releases. If I post a list it’s either going to be sprawling or missing so much

Oct 26, 2010

:hmmorks: :orks:

Here's the most important rule of enjoyment when sorting out a list of games to play: start with those you already have, as you will never figure out the perfect list, and time is limited. Play the games and have fun, you can always revise the list later.

And make sure Hyper Duel is in there somewhere. And Vampire Savior. And Shining Force 3.

Jan 10, 2022

OldAlias posted:

btw translated demo for 2 is out (tho no pre-patch floating around yet) with the full release not far off

There is a pre-patched version out there but I don’t think it hit any public sites yet. Let me know if you’d like it - I requested it because I don’t have a modern enough Windows setup to run SSP.

Nov 2, 2013

holefoods posted:

There is a pre-patched version out there but I don’t think it hit any public sites yet. Let me know if you’d like it - I requested it because I don’t have a modern enough Windows setup to run SSP.

that would be great yeah. my most modern windows machine is an x61t with ultrabase running windows 2000 (which is where I burn most of my cdrs off). I tend to patch most stuff within a Linux VM, using wine, but just sending it would be more convenient

Nov 23, 2005

Young Orc

kirbysuperstar posted:

I'll have to think of February's games now I guess

Virtual Hydlide??

Saturn was my first major effort to collect a bunch of games for one system. I would imagine prices have ticked up in the last 10-15 years, but there was a website I would order stacks of $5-$10 games from, literally anything with a neat or goofy cover.

Island Nation posted:

I finally got my Satiator yesterday so coupled that with the Japanese Model 2 and a 4 in 1 cart, I'm ready to tackle this system head on.

I've loaded up a 512GB SD card with the entire US library, European games that didn't come here, Japanese games that got translated and ones that the hivemind (vs recommended) suggested. With that in mind, what other games am I missing that makes this console sing?

If you've got the whole US Library, plus PAL + the NTSC/J games from the V list, I don't know that you'd be missing much honestly. I would say don't sleep on some of the goofier looking 3D stuff like Magical Hoppers/Pandemonium.

Nov 2, 2013

Nancy posted:

Virtual Hydlide??

Saturn was my first major effort to collect a bunch of games for one system. I would imagine prices have ticked up in the last 10-15 years, but there was a website I would order stacks of $5-$10 games from, literally anything with a neat or goofy cover.

If you've got the whole US Library, plus PAL + the NTSC/J games from the V list, I don't know that you'd be missing much honestly. I would say don't sleep on some of the goofier looking 3D stuff like Magical Hoppers/Pandemonium.

vs list is extremely far from exhaustive, and is mostly ‘what is accessible to non Japanese speakers,’ with the exceptions of franchises the community likes such as megaten and langrisser, tho it’s nice seeing black matrix there (but with the inferior cover) and wachenroder. still it’s missing the majority of what’s worth recommending imo

I’ll draft up a list of Japanese titles worth looking into after I return from a pharmacy trip

OldAlias fucked around with this message at 17:11 on Jan 31, 2023

Nov 23, 2005

Young Orc

OldAlias posted:

vs list is extremely far from exhaustive, and is mostly ‘what is accessible to non Japanese speakers,’ with the exceptions of franchises the community likes such as megaten (tho it’s nice seeing black matrix there, but with the inferior cover). it’s missing the majority of what’s worth recommending.

I’ll draft up a list of Japanese titles worth looking into after I return from a pharmacy trip

Word, the games I have are really haphazard and I play a lot of Sim so my recs would be weird, like Ginei Plus? Quovadis? I don't think most care about that stuff.

Jan 10, 2022

OldAlias posted:

that would be great yeah. my most modern windows machine is an x61t with ultrabase running windows 2000 (which is where I burn most of my cdrs off). I tend to patch most stuff within a Linux VM, using wine, but just sending it would be more convenient

I uploaded the file to as “Sakura Wars 2 Special Demo” - still not sure what the rules are for linking content, seems like a hard no in some forums but can slide in others? Anyhow, if you search that it’s showing at the very bottom of the results at the moment.

It’s so frustrating when software related to patching, ROM hacking or any other activities you want to do are closed source and Windows dependent. I used to just do everything like that in Windows but then I started looking a bit closer and realized most of the open source stuff could be built for macOS. There’s only one or two programs I absolutely have to use Windows for now.

Oct 22, 2010
Gotta have elevator action returns and the d&d collection

Nov 11, 2012

Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess.

Exclusive: Shinobi Legions/Shionbi X/Shin Shinobi Den

One of the few existing Sega IPs that made it to the Saturn, Saturn Shinobi has bit of a reputation for its digitized sprites and live action FMV. Sega didn't even publish the US version themselves, letting Vic Tokai pick it up instead. Also the PAL version has a different soundtrack as SOE thought the existing stuff was rear end so they got Richard Jacques in to do something a bit closer to what Koshiro would have done, making it kind of the better version for once.

Manual: Not on hand but here's some control and item notes:
Achivements: Yes!

Port: Battle Arena Toshinden Special

Tamsoft's Virtua Fighter competitor gets a Saturn port thanks to..uh, Takara. It adds a new character as the box tells you but runs and looks a bit worse than the PS1 version. Still, it's one of the earlier games that was on both systems to draw a comparison with.

Manual: Nope
Achievements: Nay

Sports: Decathlete/Athlete Kings

It's track and field, by way of Sega arcade! I haven't actually played this yet but it looks pretty fun in that ST-V/Model2 kinda way. It was the first in a fairly short lived series of 4 games.

Manual: Negative
Achievements: No

Oct 26, 2010

:hmmorks: :orks:

Shinobi X is one I never gave much attention to as I got it way later when I was too busy with the Dreamcast's library (and the PS2's but don't tell anyone I said this!). Probably the right time to change that and give it a proper try.

The Saturn version of Toshinden had the most hamfisted acted story cutscenes, which were not present at all on any other version of the game. As a kid who didn't know English properly I was pretty happy I could voice most of those lines by memory since they were easy to understand. As a young adult however I couldn't stop chuckling every time a random voice clip triggered randomly in my head, since they were so, soooo bad. "YOU KNOW ITS NAME??"

Athlete Kings was pretty fun for an afternoon or two. It doesn't leave a lasting impression, though.

Oct 26, 2010

:hmmorks: :orks:

Seriously, Toshinden 1 is an amazing kusoge to play. Not only does everything feel weird if you ever played a proper fighting game, but these cutscenes, they are so great!

Skip the fights in the video.

bone emulator
Nov 3, 2005


There's a 60hz hack for Shinobi X in case people want to play that version. Sadly did not run on MiSter.

Big Bizness
Jun 19, 2019

Saturn Shinobi is pretty good. Revenge is definitely the best but the Saturn game is about as good as III, imo. The European soundtrack is definitely superior. Everytime I play it I usually bail on the mine cart stage which is very trial and error based. The cutscenes are wonderfully cheesy, as is the toy dinosaur head with the MS Paint eyes that keeps popping up in the cloning facility stage.

I said come in!
Jun 22, 2004

I appreciate these monthly posts, it's giving me exposure to Saturn games I would not have otherwise played.

Dec 9, 2005

AvP Nerd/Fanboy/Shill

Big Bizness posted:

Saturn Shinobi is pretty good. Revenge is definitely the best but the Saturn game is about as good as III, imo. The European soundtrack is definitely superior. Everytime I play it I usually bail on the mine cart stage which is very trial and error based. The cutscenes are wonderfully cheesy, as is the toy dinosaur head with the MS Paint eyes that keeps popping up in the cloning facility stage.

Based on your avatar you probably know the answer to this, is X-Men: Children of the Atom worth picking up for the Saturn?

Nov 11, 2012

Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess.

I said come in! posted:

I appreciate these monthly posts, it's giving me exposure to Saturn games I would not have otherwise played.


Shinobi's FMVs are great, I love how hard Musashi breathes constantly.

The Automator
Jan 16, 2009

There are people in this conversation who try to give others advice.


Xenomrph posted:

Based on your avatar you probably know the answer to this, is X-Men: Children of the Atom worth picking up for the Saturn?

It’s the first Saturn game I played at wal mart and is a good port if you like the marvel vs games. There are WAY better ways to play it, including just hooking a laptop up to a tv.

Big Bizness
Jun 19, 2019

Xenomrph posted:

Based on your avatar you probably know the answer to this, is X-Men: Children of the Atom worth picking up for the Saturn?

It's decent, it has some slowdown you don't see in Capcom's later Saturn ports. Ironically it's at it's worst when Sentinel is on screen! Marvel Super Heroes is even worse in that regard.

X-Men vs Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter are great though, lots of content and no slowdown. They require a 4MB expansion cart.

Mr E
Sep 18, 2007

Was watching Retropals and they played a bit of Nanatsu Kaze no Shima Monogatari, which looks like an incredibly animated adventure game I'm sad isn't translated. I could probably brute force my way thru with the amount of Japanese I know but I'd love this to be one of the games that gets translated since there seems to be more coming out for the Saturn lately. I'm not even sure if I knew the Saturn existed when I was younger but I haven't regretted buying one and getting a Fenrir ODE recently, it has a really great library if you're willing to play Japanese games without translations.

I said come in!
Jun 22, 2004

For the Panzer Dragoon fans in the thread

worms butthole guy
Jan 29, 2021

by Fluffdaddy
I think i'm one of the five people on earth who love Toshinden Remix. There's a whole slew of random weird 3D fighters on the Saturn that don't get much love and I think this is one of them.

Oct 22, 2010
The saturn is home to Virtua Fighter 2, perhaps the greatest game ever made

Wrong thread but the point stands

Nov 11, 2012

Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess.
VF2 got pretty lucky in that both of its home ports (we don't count the Mega Drive one) were real good quality.

Anyhoo thoughts on this month's games? Here's mine.

Toshinden: You know what? Good quality port. Runs well, the 3D is mostly pretty stable and they even managed to get transparency looking just about right for things like Ellis' stupid-rear end outfit. It's just that..well, VF2 existed. Hell, over on PS1 Toshinden 2 was only like two months away.

Decathlete: This one doesn't have a lot of staying power really but it's an excellent conversion and I find it a bit more fun than the usual Track & Field arcade games. I'd probably pick Numan Athletics/Mach Breakers over it but neither of those had home ports. This was probably a fun rental at least.

Shinobi X: That minecart stage can eat a big bag of rear end but in general it's a good not great Shinobi game that's elevated by its extreme cheese factor. I have no idea why Sega didn't want to publish it themselves but that was the strangest era of Sega after all.

Combat Lobster
Feb 18, 2013

The level 4 boss in Shinobi X drove me up a wall, cause he would just spam the 'set the platform you're standing on on fire' over and over again. Also yeah, gently caress that mine cart level and the level after that.

Nov 11, 2012

Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess.
Oh yeah the shaman boss also blows chunks, took me forever to figure out what to do and when I did he started to spam the floor fire thing constantly

Jan 20, 2011

I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna!!!

Nov 11, 2012

Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess.
It is excellent news indeed that there's at least five distinct ways of playing TO

Big Bizness
Jun 19, 2019

Is there anything specifically advantageous with the Saturn version?

Jan 20, 2011

I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna!!!

According to the Readme


Qualitative differences between versions of the game for Saturn and PS1/SNES:
- Better quality music.
- Voice acting in important cutscenes.
- No freezes during the battle (unlike the PS1 version).
- The visible area of the battlefield is increased by 37% (сompared with SNES / PS1 versions).
- Extended names for items and spells.
- Reduced data loading time (compared with PS1 version).
- Art gallery in Deneb Report mode (enter the character's name as "D_REPORT" after beating the game).

Oct 26, 2010

:hmmorks: :orks:

Waffleman_ posted:

According to the Readme

Saturn stays winning

Island Nation
Jun 20, 2006
Trust No One
Credit to TVs Ian for finding it in the Retro Games thread:

Nov 11, 2012

Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess.

Saoshyant posted:

Saturn stays winning

that's right

I'll put up a thing with March games later in the day

Dec 8, 2015

I'll give this a shot; not really had much experience with the Saturn, with most of it just being me messing with ports of games I've played on other systems. Some are good, straightforward ports with the odd additional bells and/or whistles (Resident Evil), some are decent but with obvious compromises having been made (Quake, which is impressive enough but not really "Quake" per se), and some are just total loving poo poo (Doom... seriously, what was with Sega and having the shittiest Doom ports per generation?!).

I'll have to sit out any RPG nonsense though. I just do not have the patience or mentality for that sort of thing :v:

holefoods posted:

Been super into my Saturn lately. The port of Command & Conquer is very nice but I’ve been getting destroyed by the stupid Nod flamethrower guys.
Not played the Saturn port myself, but it's essentially the same thing as the PSX port, which means no mid-mission saves, which means lots of babysitting, which means that even one bad move can result in restarting said mission. Quite possibly the opposite of the ideal C&C experience :yayclod:

Why the gently caress such a common infantry unit was allowed to be so cheap, so fast and so effective is still beyond me almost 30 years later. What did GDI get as their analogue? loving glorified suicide bombers.

Anyway, the APC is generally a good hard counter to those little shits :)

holefoods posted:

Decided to make my first Tomb Raider play through a Saturn one as well, I see people saying it’s not as good as the PSX version but the Saturn one wins just for the longbox case.
Much like C&C above, there's really not much in it between the two (most obvious would be visuals, and how the PSX does translucent effects while the Saturn doesn't) but ohhhh boy, both versions were certainly a thing to experience for someone coming off the DOS port. I hope you have a high tolerance for unnecessarily cruel save systems :gonk:

Nov 11, 2012

Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess.
You might have heard the story but the Doom port is like it was because the team did have it running well with hardware acceleration but Carmack stepped in and said "you should be able to do it in software switch to that" not too long before release and we got what we got.


Storm One
Jan 12, 2011

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