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Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

rotor posted:

its very tedious to have to explain this to people irl because they're always like "yeah people have always been afraid of automation, they'll just find other jobs" and they dont really have the desire, patience or background to understand the difference beween, say, robot welders on a car assembly line and a general-purpose AI.

it’s a good thing we’re not all that close to a general-purpose AI in any of these scenarios then right?

j/k the true worry isn’t that general-purpose AI will take all the jobs away but that lovely neural net Chinese Room regurgitation is a hair over the margin of acceptability for penny-pinching self-enriching management types to take all the jobs away

I get the impression this has been a problem in the translation community for a while now, nobody wants to pay for a skilled translator when a lovely neural net Chinese Room regurgitation looks like it gets enough of the point across enough of the time and why spend a penny more than absolutely necessary, ever?


Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

rotor posted:

like i dont think there's suddenly going to be zero programmers. I just think that vast swathes of them that are working on vanilla predictable business database skins will be put out of work in favor of a few people who know how to put all this poo poo using ai generated code.

this has been the goal of a substantial portion of the commercial software industry for virtually its entire existence

honestly this sort of issue should have been addressed by companies just adopting ERP systems and adapting their business processes to the systems, instead of assuming that every single thing about their deployment needs to be customized or bespoke

for the overwhelming majority of organizations, the thing that’s interesting about them isn’t in any of their standard business processes, so as long as their business systems have extensibility/integration support that should be the only software development they need

and that stuff’s bound to be interesting enough that you can’t have a big neural net confabulate its way to a custom application

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

distortion park posted:

AI still can't do high quality translations for literature, education, subtitles, or most marketing yet - I know a qualified translator and it's the already badly paid work that it is hurting most.

the problem with that is the badly paid work had been the apprentice and journeyman work needed to develop skills to the level of doing the high quality work, by killing the low end it kills the entire pipeline

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?


Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?
steganographic side channel to include hash signature of registered AI generator

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?
not only does this prevent your NN from eating its own poo poo

it also prevents your NN from eating other NN’s poo poo

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

fart simpson posted:

are octopuses smart enough to qualify as ai?

found the hackernews


Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

(at least my suspicion is that this started with bing chat and spiraled into the "what do kids like these days" engagement thing).

does this mean everything we wrote is now also going to have to include an astonished-looking open-mouth reaction pic to improve its likelihood of being clicked in the search results?

(my guess is that whole “YouTube Face” thing happened because the Homo sapiens pattern recognition engine likes faces so much it sees them in everything with more than a couple marginally discernible edges, much like pigeons and what they’ll consider a nest, so a thumbnail with an easily recognizable and excited face will automatically generate 0.001% more engagement, and at global scale that behaves like evolutionary pressure and soon every thumbnail has to be YouTube Face just to avoid being buried)

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