MononcQc posted:it is simultaneously true that ChatGPT has allowed people to write better than they did and that editors out there are flooded by more garbage than ever before and are losing ways to cope with the noise because a lot of it is still poo poo. This! I work as an editor; now I have to interrogate authors whether or not they use ChatGPT, and then I have to waste time fact checking every single thing they write because if someone's stupid enough to submit AI generated work to me, they're also stupid enough to lie about it. And then there's these two fuckwits: https://twitter.com/DulwichQuantum/status/1654066665678688256
# ¿ May 6, 2023 11:39 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 12:44 |
What I actually do is whenever a client fucks up I add them to the blacklist me and a couple of people I know share. It's reactive, but I can't think of a good proactive solution atm
# ¿ May 6, 2023 21:17 |
nudgenudgetilt posted:so, armpit_enjoyer... Editors and fact checkers are, in fact, different professions. MononcQc posted:If you think of something like a technical book, you'll have various people going over it: an editor who makes sure it's readable, a technical reviewer who looks for the factual accuracy of it, and someone dealing with the layout. Some publishers are going to have variants like having audiences of various skills read the text to see how readable it is (and may sometimes fold technical revisions into it), and if they want to pay (or you want to forfeit part of your advances/royalties) you can also have an indexer go around it to write the actual index. What's worse is that a lot of publishing houses these days cheap out on technical reviewers or don't hire them outright. I can do the best possible job ensuring that whatever drivel gets submitted is readable — but if I get a book about, say, Haskell? I'm not going to learn the thing to fact check an author who's got a ten year head start on me, not for a $700 contract.
# ¿ May 6, 2023 22:54 |
Sit the heck up. New Ed Zitron: https://ez.substack.com/p/artificial-labor
# ¿ May 12, 2023 20:02 |