Sometimes you just need to tell the world your thoughts about an album, and this is the thread to do it in. Anything goes in terms of format or genre. If you want to wax poetic for 2000 words about the first album you ever bought, go for it. If you just want to say "it stinks", that's fine too.
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 10:09 |
Aerosmith, Aerosmith (1973) I mostly know Aerosmith as a band that had a bunch of singles on the classic rock stations and put out some really bad songs later on, so I decided to do a bit of a deep dive into their earlier work. I'm going in chronological order, so the first piece to look at is their self-titled debut. If I had to sum this one up, I'd tell you that it's fine. The songs are perfectly good blues rock from the early 1970s that don't really sound like anything Aerosmith did later on. The notable exception is "Dream On" which is certainly their most famous song and probably the best, but it's a bit out of place here. I know "Mama Kin" from the radio and I guess it's a little more like what they'd do later, but that's pretty much it. The only other song that stands out at all is "One Way Street" for being about twice the length of anything else and not collapsing under its own weight. But other than those three, there's nothing that stands out at all in any way
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Smashing Pumpkins, Zeitgeist (2007) This is an album that a lot of people hate on, but for me, there's a lot to like. Lots of great riffs and guitar playing in general, meaningful lyrics that touch on religion, immediate songwriting, lyrics on politics, love, relationships. Probably the best drumming Jimmy Chamberlain ever committed to a recording. Most of it is from Billy and Jimmy writing and recording in a month or two in a house, and there's something really honest about it. For all the band drama, and on-again, off-again relationship, Jimmy and Billy have always had great chemistry in playing music that rocks and has an unmistakable feeling to it. The riffs and drumming just work. Overall, it's a really consistent album, with a lot of heavy, back to basics guitar and drumming. The only thing wrong with it is Billy being too high in the mix, and all the backup vocals. But it doesn't detract too much. A lot of the classic albums were Billy and Jimmy and this shows how much they do together as a duo. You can't find it on streaming services, or even buy it on Itunes or bandcamp, so I had to buy the CD. But I've listened to it a lot and it sounds like two guys who wanted to get together with a engineer who got them, and record music they wanted to make based on their chemistry at the time. I really didn't like most of the albums they put out after Mellon Collie, or since Zeitgeist, but this album just came together.
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I have a Tumblr I've run since 2012 where I write one-sentence reviews after listening to an album for the first time, and only once. I used to review an album a day, but now it's just whenever.
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Aerosmith, Get Your Wings (1974) Continuing on with Aerosmith's back catalog, we reach their second album. Like the first album, it's fine but not really distinguished. The blues influence is much less pronounced for a more mainstream classic rock sound, but it's still not anything that demands my attention. There are a couple tracks on here that became radio staples ("Same Old Song and Dance", "Train Kept A Rollin'") and one attempt at a power ballad that mostly works ("Seasons of Wither") but nothing else really stands out.
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I found the “Post MY Favorite” sub forum a few months back, and use that to post my reviews into the void. Every five days I add a new album, listen to it every 10 days, and on the fifth play I review it. I don’t have a count, but I probably have done at least 40 reviews at this point. https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=4004461 Be warned, I’m incredibly OCD and I have A System. Mostly linking it here to also bookmark this thread.
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Aerosmith, Toys in the Attic (1975) This is it. This is the reason why Aerosmith is as big as they are. Something came together here and the band was able to write an album that demanded my full attention. It's similar in style to the last one, but it's better in every way. The only track on here that couldn't've been a single is "Big Ten Inch Record"; everything else would've been a perfectly good choice.
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king gizzard after rat's nest: we get it, guys.
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Aerosmith, Rocks (1976) This one's on the level of Toys in the Attic or better. Everything on here is great, and I really don't understand how I've never heard "Nobody's Fault" or "Get the Lead Out" before now.
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Astrochicken posted:king gizzard after rat's nest: we get it, guys. get what
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 10:09 |
I had a different album in my queue recently that I feel needs to be commented on.IUG posted:
01 - Nuge Snight (3 stars) 02 - Battery Not Included (3.5 stars) 03 - Bite My Face (3 stars) 04 - Slo Bread (3.5 stars) 05 - Protect My Bitch Pt. 2 (2.5 stars) 06 - …Speak Of The Devil (3.5 stars) 07 - Skinhead (2.5 stars) 08 - Lower Than Scum (2 stars) 09 - Devil At The Crossroads (3.5 stars) 10 - The World, The Flesh, The Devil (3 stars) 11 - Limits (2.5 stars) 12 - Dead Or Asleep? (3 stars) (First off, very disappointing to have Saul Williams on this album, and then he just does some spoken poetry over no music or beat.) I think I really love this album as a whole, even if I don’t love the individual tracks. It’s such a different sound that I’ve heard from the other genres I listen to regularly. It’s unfair to say they’re “alternative rap”, and stick them in the same group as Death Grips. This album has amazing bass and beats, but it also has a lot of punk rock inspired vocals and guitar work. I’m not well versed in the terminology for rap, but there are some classic samples and beats on this album that I should be able to place elsewhere (sounds like classic rap in some places). The only (other) downside to this album is its brevity. It is only 33 minutes long, short even if it was on vinyl. I was done listening to it before I even knew it. It does make me want to check out the first album from this band, so I guess leaving me wanting more isn’t the worst quality of this album.
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