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Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

General Information

This is a time-themed role madness Mafia game for 14 players that was literally designed in an afternoon because someone made a joke on Discord and thus may contain some ill-advised roles (and is generally more hastily assembled than usual). That said, it's probably not bastard. There are no jesters, involuntary alignment changes, misleading role PMs, falsified flips or other similar mechanics involved. So what is it? What does time-themed mean? Timezones? Only one way to find out. Well, two, if you want to observe.

Days will generally be approximately 48 hours long with exceptions if necessary. Nights may end early if all actions are submitted; in that case leftover time will go into the day phase. The deadline will be approximately 10 pm UTC (5 pm EST), even if the day starts or ends early.

Eliminations will be by majority vote. No-elimination days are possible if no majority is reached.

I expect this to start later in the week when the current games slow down a little, but if it fills up early somehow, we start before then.

This game is kindly co-modded by saladscooper!

Rules and Regulations

Standard rules apply.
  • Discord is required to play. > DISCORD SERVER IS HERE <
  • Do not edit posts.
  • Do not post while dead, at night, or between hammer and flip.
  • Do not quote or copy-paste out-of-thread information like moderator messages or private chats. Paraphrasing the contents of such messages is okay.
  • Do not fake day actions. If you perform or are targeted by a day action, do not post until it is resolved.
  • Do not lurk. Less than 10 posts per game day will result in a warning, repeat lurking to more serious consequences. This minimum is reduced to 5 posts if the day ends more than 12 hours before deadline and removed entirely if the day ends more than 24 hours before deadline.
  • Night action results will generally be along the lines "Your action was successful", "Your action failed", and/or "Your target did X." Don't read too much into night action flavor and be aware that an action resolving successfully does not necessarily mean it resolved the way you intended!
  • Most importantly, have fun and treat fellow players as human beings.

  1. CirclMastr
  2. death cob for cutie (he/they)
  3. Grandicap (He, Him)
  4. Ignatius M. Meen (he/him/whatever)
  5. Illusionis
  6. Kashuno
  7. Maerlyn (she/her)
  8. ObamaAkbar. (He/him)
  9. Rhymes With Clue
  10. Sandwolf (He/Him)
  11. shwinnebego (he/him)
  12. SporkChan
  13. WindwardAway (she/her/whatever)
  14. wologar (he/him/whatever)

Hyper Crab Tank fucked around with this message at 17:22 on Feb 27, 2023


Dec 12, 2011
Good timing

death cob for cutie
Dec 30, 2006

dwarves won't delve no more
too much splatting down on Zot:4
yeah, sure

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo


Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

I don't know if I've played in an HCT game yet, if I haven't I want to.

Jul 11, 2002

Maerlyn posted:

I don't know if I've played in an HCT game yet, if I haven't I want to.

I will make sure your stay here is enjoyable

(By murdering you so at it is at least short)

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

shwinnebego posted:

I will make sure your stay here is enjoyable

(By murdering you so at it is at least short)

You know what, fair (I know not enough time has passed to unsully my reputation)

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
Sign me up!

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
Oh I shouldn't. But...

Jul 11, 2002

I’ve never been turbod yet maybe this will be my lucky game

shwinnebego fucked around with this message at 05:49 on Feb 23, 2023

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

This is a game based on the Justin Timberlake movie right

Dec 12, 2011
I only have 24 hours left and must turbo Shwinne before I run out

Feb 8, 2006

I will be a player in this game.

Apr 7, 2009

DesiredPopulationMin = 3
DesiredPopulationMax = 19
AverageDeathsPerDay = 6
WeaponsUsed = 13

Let’s go

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

5 more needed?

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer

Feb 11, 2014

Dibs on Kiribati.

Give me three roles, pls:

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

I'm going to be very cross if I have to play two games at once (but not enough to just pass this up entirely instead).

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

it’s easy you :justpost:

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

Sandwolf posted:

it’s easy you :justpost:

you do realize this will end up being blingee pictures in the worst case right?

Jul 4, 2010

Sure I'll play.

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
I'm up for some role madness, but me in coach!

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
That's a full game! I'll do some book-keeping and we will start soon.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Time is a curious thing. It seems like you never have enough of it when you need it, and then at other times, far too much of it. In one such place, a cold and dark one, people suddenly found themselves in the odd position of having just as much time as before, it was just suddenly somewhere else, where it hadn't been before. All in all it was a peculiar thing to happen, but life goes on, as they say, and people were far too busy anyway to worry about exactly what the hour hand was pointing at when the sun rose and set each day.

Night 0 has ended with the elimination of Alaska Standard Time, UTC-9.

What do you mean, gone? Time zones don't just... disappear. Get me the president of time on the line, right now.

It is now Day 1. The game has begun!

Votecount for Day 1

Not Voting (14): CirclMastr, death cob for cutie, Grandicap, Ignatius M. Meen, Illusionis, Kashuno, Maerlyn, ObamaAkbar., Rhymes With Clue, Sandwolf, shwinnebego, SporkChan, WindwardAway, wologar

With 14 alive, it's 8 votes to execute. The current deadline is March 01st, 2023 at 10 p.m. UTC -- that's in about 2 days, 4 hours.

death cob for cutie
Dec 30, 2006

dwarves won't delve no more
too much splatting down on Zot:4
gently caress YOU, alsaka!

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
I’m the wackiest role of them all

Vanilla Town

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
##vote maerlyn

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

Day 1 should be shorter and I have the power to ensure this. ##spring forward

Feb 11, 2014

Kashuno posted:

I’m the wackiest role of them all

Vanilla Town

GILT: A likely story.
PHOT: ##vote Kashuno
LINT: lol, get bent

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

Ignatius M. Meen posted:

Day 1 should be shorter and I have the power to ensure this. ##spring forward

The deadline is now March 01st, 2023 at 10 a.m. UTC -- that's in about 1 day, 15 hours.

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer

Ignatius M. Meen posted:

Day 1 should be shorter and I have the power to ensure this. ##spring forward

I will not vote Meen this game

Jul 11, 2002

##vote sandwolf i don't actually think i've ever played a game with you where you're scum, this time's the charm right?

Jul 11, 2002

Kashuno posted:

I will not vote Meen this game

yeah good move on meen's part

Feb 11, 2014

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

The deadline is now March 01st, 2023 at 10 a.m. UTC -- that's in about 1 day, 15 hours.

GILT: Oh, nice.
LINT: Hell yeah, brother!

Jul 11, 2002

it's funny cuz i got used to playing this game on 24 hour day/2 hour night cycles, so even this shorter day 1 is still sorta long by my standards

Jul 4, 2010

G'day mates! I'm vanilla town so I'm looking forward to a relaxing game where nothing bad happens!

death cob for cutie
Dec 30, 2006

dwarves won't delve no more
too much splatting down on Zot:4

Ignatius M. Meen posted:

Day 1 should be shorter and I have the power to ensure this. ##spring forward

god I hope you can only do this once because this is a scum-rear end power

wologar posted:

GILT: Oh, nice.
LINT: Hell yeah, brother!

what is this

Jul 11, 2002

death cob for cutie posted:

god I hope you can only do this once because this is a scum-rear end power

what is this

this is a scum-rear end question ##vote death cob

Feb 11, 2014

GILT: Strange to see two early vanilla claims in role madness.

death cob for cutie posted:

god I hope you can only do this once because this is a scum-rear end power

PHOT: ##vote cob

LINT: ur doom


Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
##vote wolo sorry bud I assume this posting style is a role requirement and I’m just not gonna deal with that

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