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Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

ty for delivering us this weed thread!


Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

i probably need to take a lil tolerance break. i've noticed my tolerance going up up UP lately, but a day or two reset is usually enough to drop it back down for me.

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

lol i have six years of accumulated kief in my grinder

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

cws: smoking weed right now

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

FAT32 SHAMER posted:

can you please stop spamming our cool weed thread with the same goddamn videos you spam in every thread


Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

i like to get high, lie in bed, and rotate spiders

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

Beeftweeter posted:

you don't even need to get to the store early, it's literally the same thing every time

which is good for consistency i guess but it kinda takes the fun out of it

my dispensary never has the same strains as before, so i just pick whatever has a cool name and/or is from a company whose stuff i've liked in the past

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

cws: have not smoked any weed today, trying to get my tolerance down a bit

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!


Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

for me, weed is cool and fun and can also be a neat introspective tool. for some people, it is not cool and fun and not a neat introspective tool.

i would probably have better memory and some other stuff if i stopped smoking for a while, but i'm also going through weaning off of ambien after being on it for several years, and it kinda fuckin sucks, so i'd rather have my weed crutch to help deal with it!

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

nudgenudgetilt posted:

i watched shrooms turn an old housemate into a trumper

it probably wasn't the shrooms so much as latent trumpantcy hth

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

i wish i knew how to find them tbh. at the recommendation of my old psychiatrist, i tried getting into psilocybin trials for treatment-resistant depression, but never got accepted :(

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

echinopsis posted:

not that I an suggesting you do this but they are super easy to grow

you used to have to sterilise grains etc but someone worked out that those boil in a bag rice things are effectively sterilised grains and it lowered the barrier of entry so much, and the more that did it the more refined the methods got etc,

and it also seems trivial in the US to order mushroom seeds

if I lived a different life, I’d defo be into doing that I reckon. mescaline and psilocybin. just grow all your own drugs

maybe one day I’ll move into the forest and truly find my calling as a bush wizard

california is one of the few states you can't get spores legally lol

granted psilocybin is decriminalized in a couple of cities, but i don't live in them

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

Qtotonibudinibudet posted:

come visit oakland you can legit just buy them in a shop

it's ostensibly a church but uh, yeah


ty for the recommendation, i've been looking for a reason to spend a day in the city or east bay.

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

it's been roughly two hours for me, sounds like it's time to hit it again

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!


Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!


lol remember when head shops had to pretend that all the products were for tobacco use only? and you had to call them water pipes, if you even said the word bong you were kicked out of the store lmao

i'm remembering how they would give you the tiny lil baggie of plausible tobacco deniability

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

echinopsis posted:

and the pivot toward using fent as a cheaper than heroin alternative doesn’t seem like something that can easily be stopped.

perhaps it’ll just mean drugs really are as dangerous as they told us they would be in the 90s

i lived in places that just straight up didn't have heroin, like they were too far from major cities for it to be a viable industry, so it went straight from vikes and oxy to fent lol. oxy was damaging enough, so god knows what it looks like now.

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

smoked some weed and did my daily ink drawing (which i've done daily since the 1st of the year hell yeah) and it was lovely. a+++ weed and drawing session

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

nothin but botw and weed today. a good weed day.

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

well i'm probably gonna get high on your birthday too

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

Perplx posted:

I’m thinking about getting high on my birthday, as a treat

(happy birthday!!!!!)

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

post hole digger posted:

in California when you still needed an Rx for MMJ you weren’t like, getting that from your GP. you were getting it from Dr Nick whose office was just a big room with a folding table and was next door to a crooked car smog certification place.

and the dispensaries all had names like "compassion medical supply"

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

bringin back the weed thread.

trying edibles again. 10 minutes post dosing: these edibles ain't poo poo

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

Fanged Lawn Wormy posted:

lol @ this poster not returning

unfortunately the edibles really weren't poo poo

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

yeah these are dispensary gummies so they're pretty (afaik??) exact in dose.

i think my tolerance is just higher than i expected, so next time I'll try a higher dose and see what's up.


Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

OldAlias posted:

there’s still more variability than you’d hope for even with dispensary gummies

yeah, true

anyway, tried 1.5x the dose instead today and boy is it working this time. i am one with the couch

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