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outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

thread disappoints


outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

cool story.

even cooler story: i just smoked some weed

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

been vaping some delta8 distillate. has some great citrus terps in it, hits well. only gripe is that it's too cold outside for distilate to flow, so my cart keeps forming air bubbles around all the intakes, but the distillate is so viscous that the bubbles stay around the intakes, blocking them

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i dunno about you folks, but this thread looks like a jamaican restaurant to me

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

I’m now spending a few months in a place without legal weed

pray for mojo

if you're in the us the delta 8/10 poo poo is pretty dece.

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

Perplx posted:

also can’t you get the gummies that are 10mg of delta 9 but are heavy enough to be under the 0.3% farm bill limit

yeah. i saw some 20mg thc+40mg cbd in 2.5 fl oz shots too

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

just got high and ordered some jamaican patties thanks to this thread

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

back when weed was illegal, it was the perfect tool for making friends at bars or bonding with colleagues

now that it's legal, it sucks for both these things

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i think you got lost

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

it's really neat how half the posts in the weed thread are people talking about how they hate weed

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i watched shrooms turn an old housemate into a trumper

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

Gnossiennes posted:

it probably wasn't the shrooms so much as latent trumpantcy hth

oh, no doubt. dude already had issues, but months of nonstop shrooms slowly exposed a real piece of poo poo

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

what is weed? baby don't toke me, don't toke me, all right

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

echinopsis posted:

joints do serve a purpose but they’ve largely been superseded

but when you’re out and about and wanna carry something you can smoke and then all evidence etc is gone, they’re great. plus joints are cool

not caring about evidence anymore, i prefer a good old fashion dugout for smoking out and about town

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

drinkable weed is all too weak

gently caress that 10-25mg/12oz noise. gimmie 100-200mg in 12oz

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

anyone else remember the bhang fire bar?

many years ago i ate a whole bar after work one day, then got on bart to berkeley where i needed to catch a bus on home. by the time i got to berkeley the bar was hitting *hard*. i had the spins and was hugging a pole on the bus just to try to stay upright. went on to do a successful phone screen at the goog that afternoon while laying on the floor in my bedroom closet with the lights off.

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

Achmed Jones posted:

why would you do that?

i was young, dumb, and used to lower dosage bhang bars

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

Beeftweeter posted:

i haven't done a weed in almost a month and i'm thinking about keeping it going until then

how much fake weed you been vaping though

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

it's been a good 15 minutes for me

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

checking in with team nightmares

also sweat. so much sweat at night if i haven't smoked.

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

Beeftweeter posted:

how shot j.r.

maggie griffin

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

apparently the loophole weed is going away

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

akadajet posted:

none of that is weed though. the worst thing that can happen with weed is that you turn into a soundcloud rapper.

weed gave me the diabeetus

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i'm in the 'i know it has negative effects, but smoke it anyway' group.

99% certain weed is the cause of my cyclic vomiting, but hey, i'm able to mostly control that through nortryptiline, so i keep on smokin. then there's the general lack of motivation, the garbage diet, the cardio damage from smoking

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003


it's not like y'all don't have your own self destructive tendencies

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

louisville has a spectacularly weird collection of restaurants named double dragon:

the original double dragon:
double dragon kitchen:
double dragon ii:
a different double dragon ii:
another double dragon ii:
one more double dragon ii:
someone got sick of ii, so here's double dragon 9:

i'm gonna get high and order some general tso's

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

bout that time

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

Jonny 290 posted:

heck yeah, glad my rec worked out. it's a neat gadget!

i also have their 510 cart vape. it flips open like a key fob and everybody who sees it loves it. the batt lasts forfuckinever too

and you can also sneak it in anywhere if you put it on your keyring

do 1ml carts fit in it pretty well? looks like the carts you can get with it are all .5ml

also how well do their carts hold up to refilling? i tried doing the refill thing a while back and found most of the carts i tried to refill were done after 1 gram of distillate

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i'm at 27 hours with no weed. just 19 more to go

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i've been staying in an extended stay hotel in a weed illegal state. when i'm someplace i can easily smoke, i burn through an ounce a week easily. here it's a pain in the rear end to smoke, so i've cut back to vaping a crafty or a couple hits from a dugout a few times a day.

down to about 1/8oz a week now and thinking i might taper to nothing for my first tbreak in years

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

himalayan blackberry is a weed

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i just injected two weeds between my toes

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i hit the ol vape pen at about 11:30, and bam, next thing i know it's 3

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

why you gotta taint the weed thread with your hairy junk echi

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

any of you stoners on semaglutide?

if so, have you found any impact on the munchies?

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

smoke some dope

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i think i've decided half-gram carts are better than full gram carts

by the time you're at the tail end of a full gram cart it almost always tastes like rear end

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

yes. except when it doesn't and it makes things worse. otherwise it's good tho


outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

what is it good for

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