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Jan 20, 2012

Cloacamazing! posted:

So this is probably a good time for me to claim Survivor



Feb 11, 2014

Cloacamazing! posted:

So this is probably a good time for me to claim Survivor

Cloacamazing! posted:

Wol, I promise on my love for baby seals that I am not a survivor


Jan 20, 2012

Cloacamazing! posted:

Wol, I promise on my love for baby seals that I am not a survivor

is there nothing sacred in this world???

Jan 20, 2012

honestly that claim makes me even more comfortable with voting clo out, lol

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

It's an obvious lie, it's just funny in that if cloaca actually WERE a survivor this is pretty much the only way she could have lost the game.

Nov 21, 2005

##vote Cloaca

Nov 21, 2005


Pander posted:

I don't get the vibe deadmeat is super invested in solving this.

Im not especially great at solving anyway. I mostly read poo poo over and over again and wait for the vibes to hit. It's not really the most accurate, nor does it really work, but its what I do.

Jan 20, 2012

Deadmeat5150 posted:

Im not especially great at solving anyway. I mostly read poo poo over and over again and wait for the vibes to hit. It's not really the most accurate, nor does it really work, but its what I do.

hey that's basically what I do too! I don't know if that's necessarily a recommendation of the method though

Jan 20, 2012

also that was a very fitting hammer, glad you could make it

Feb 8, 2006


Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 5

Cloacamazing! (4): Infinitum, wologar, Pander, Deadmeat5150
wologar (1): Infinitum, Infinitum, MockingQuantum
Infinitum (1): Cloacamazing!

Not Voting (0):

With 6 alive, it's 4 votes to execute. The current deadline is April 20th, 2023 at 10 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 4 hours, 14 minutes.

Feb 8, 2006

Out at dinner, real flip when I can, but for now

Clocamazing! SCUM-aligned Ninja has been executed day 5.

Feb 8, 2006

No wonder the tone of the game has been so off, it looks like they brought in the foreign language producers again. The lederhosen in the gift baskets should have been a bigger clue. But at least for now, the gameshow that has bewitched the nation is once again proudly British.

Cloacamazing Nümberwang! SCUM-aligned Ninja has been executed Day 5.

Night 5 starts now, you have 24 hours or your actions are forfeit.

Feb 8, 2006

Once again you head back to craft services, hoping they have replaced the mostly wilted salad and sad looking sandwiches, but still the same meager looking offerings are spread out on the table. Just as you reach for half of a sandwich that is too hard and too soft at the same time the Theme Music kicks on. It's too early to comeback from commercial, isn't it? You head back to the stage and there is a record scratch as the music starts over at the top... what is going on.

Everyone else looks confused as well until the sound engineer takes a look in the booth. It's carnage up there. Someone is going to have to put together a new theme song, and quickly, if this episode is ever going to make it to air.

Infinitum Numberwang! The Theme Song TOWN-aligned Vanilla has been stuck on repeat Night 5.

Day 6 starts now.

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 6

Not Voting (4): Deadmeat5150, MockingQuantum, Pander, wologar

With 4 alive, it's 3 votes to execute. There is currently no deadline set.

Feb 11, 2014

##vote Quantum

I watched myself, lol. No one visited.

Jul 30, 2004

:zombie: THAT'S NUMBERWANG! :zombie:

Nov 21, 2005


wologar posted:

##vote Quantum

I watched myself, lol. No one visited.

I followed Quantum last night with my one night track, they went nowhere.

##vote Pander

Jan 20, 2012

well heck, that changes everything... so the possibilities are:

- deadmeat is somehow not confirmed town and actually scum, but if that's the case I feel like it's unlikely he would have gone to bat for me when I'd be an easy vote-out today

- pander is scum, in which case he's played an incredible game of deception that included a pretty risky doctor claim--I'm not ruling this out entirely, since if the doctor claim wasn't contested, then it's possible pander chose not to kill someone the night before last, but if that's the case it's too galaxy-brained of a move for me to understand

- wolo is scum, which seems far and away the most likely possibility to me, none of his claims are able to be substantiated and I've had scum vibes on him since early on

Jan 20, 2012

so really right now how I vote does come down to how likely I think it is that I've been dazzled by the bright, shining rays of some high-effort town posting from a scum pander

Feb 11, 2014

Deadmeat5150 posted:

I followed Quantum last night with my one night track, they went nowhere.

##vote Pander

Wait, really?


Feb 11, 2014


Feb 11, 2014

Barring two ninjas (or a one-shot ninja), that would make Pander scum, then.

Why withhold the kill N4?

Feb 11, 2014

Roleblocker Pander tracks with his N1 and specially N2 actions (the ones I watched). N1 Infinitum because he could be a threat. N2 Deadmeat because he could be a cop.

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

I doctored deadmeat. Tried to bluff doctoring myself yesterday before flip to make the killer wifom a bit.

Last scum wouldn't know that deadmeat has a track ability. So the only hitch they'd have would be my doctoring and wologar's watching.

Here's the thing, if I'm scum I kill wologar every time. He's the only one who would ever be able to finger me as scum if he saw me visit someone who died. He'd be defenseless. If he starts the day screaming he saw me visit someone, that's about the only way as scum I'd predict trouble.

Wologar as scum needs a kill, because a successful doc buys an extra day. That'd endgame him. If the possiblity I can self doc multiple days in a row exists, it's scary enough to just go for inf and settle on a QM vote today. Hence why he jumped out of the gate voting QM.

I don't see two ninjas, so it's got to be wologar.

##vote wologar

Feb 11, 2014

Pander posted:

I doctored deadmeat. Tried to bluff doctoring myself yesterday before flip to make the killer wifom a bit.

Last scum wouldn't know that deadmeat has a track ability. So the only hitch they'd have would be my doctoring and wologar's watching.

Here's the thing, if I'm scum I kill wologar every time. He's the only one who would ever be able to finger me as scum if he saw me visit someone who died. He'd be defenseless. If he starts the day screaming he saw me visit someone, that's about the only way as scum I'd predict trouble.

Wologar as scum needs a kill, because a successful doc buys an extra day. That'd endgame him. If the possiblity I can self doc multiple days in a row exists, it's scary enough to just go for inf and settle on a QM vote today. Hence why he jumped out of the gate voting QM.

I don't see two ninjas, so it's got to be wologar.

##vote wologar

Ok, that does it.

##vote Pander

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

wologar posted:

Roleblocker Pander tracks with his N1 and specially N2 actions (the ones I watched). N1 Infinitum because he could be a threat. N2 Deadmeat because he could be a cop.
I protected them because I found inf towny and because deadmeat softclaimed cop.

And n4 makes no sense if I'm RB.

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

wologar posted:

Ok, that does it.

##vote Pander

Lol towns going to lose because deadmeat is going off ~vibes~.

I've got a field walk right now. Gotta dip for a bit.

Feb 11, 2014

Quantum hasn't won any numberwangs, so I assume he has nothing extra. He'd need to have been a ninja or joat from the start.

He isn't hammering, though, which makes me think that he's indeed town.

I'm aware I won't be able to appear townier than Pander, though, so I won't bother trying.

Feb 11, 2014

Speaking of, ##numberwang ggwp

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.


Assuming QM is town, then we have a miller in a town with no cop.

I think the scum got a ninja with a town that has no trackers/watchers (except per numberwang prize on d5).

Also, curious, theoretically the past numberwang prizes mirrored roles in the game (BP, numberwang hints, rolecop).

There isn't a claimed tracker. Interesting that deadmeat got that instead of a one shot watcher.

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

##numberwang 22/7

Oct 9, 2007

Fear is the glue that holds society together. It's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear is power.

And at the end of fear, oblivion.

Pander posted:

I protected them because I found inf towny and because deadmeat softclaimed cop.

And n4 makes no sense if I'm RB.

Gonna point this out again, n4 makes no sense to withhold kill. If I'm an RB I can visit confirmed vanilla inf or deadmeat and let the NINJA kill the other, whatever they want, since a town wologar would either confirm I visit someone harmlessly or fail to catch the ninja.

Jan 20, 2012

Pander posted:

Gonna point this out again, n4 makes no sense to withhold kill. If I'm an RB I can visit confirmed vanilla inf or deadmeat and let the NINJA kill the other, whatever they want, since a town wologar would either confirm I visit someone harmlessly or fail to catch the ninja.

yeah I've wrangled this around in my head for a while and I can't figure out why this would be a smart play, unless you anticipated this exact scenario

but even then I think the smarter play is to kill someone and move closer to a win, not play an involved pageant with your fellow scum and skip the night kill so if there's a situation where you're the only scum left, it'll relieve suspicion on you

so I'm gonna ##vote wologar and see if deadmeat wants to switch, I suppose

Jan 20, 2012

but also if I'm wrong and the scum team actually did skip the kill on night 4 for exactly this eventuality, let me say: lol, lmao

gonna come back and laugh at this post after the game if that's the case

Feb 11, 2014

Unless I get a vig from numberwang, this will be my last post:

Quantum, I promise that if you hammer Pander, you will win. I'm town and Deadmeat is confirmed town. If you are also town, then Pander is the only scum left. Hammer, bam, town wins. If you're scum (how? poisoner?), then Pander really is a doctor, so nothing will impede your night kill. Hammer, bam, scum wins.

Nov 21, 2005


MockingQuantum posted:

yeah I've wrangled this around in my head for a while and I can't figure out why this would be a smart play, unless you anticipated this exact scenario

but even then I think the smarter play is to kill someone and move closer to a win, not play an involved pageant with your fellow scum and skip the night kill so if there's a situation where you're the only scum left, it'll relieve suspicion on you

so I'm gonna ##vote wologar and see if deadmeat wants to switch, I suppose

I don't believe Wologar is scum. If they are they've played a hell of a scumgame.

Jan 20, 2012

Deadmeat5150 posted:

I don't believe Wologar is scum. If they are they've played a hell of a scumgame.

what makes you feel wologar isn't scum?

Nov 21, 2005


MockingQuantum posted:

what makes you feel wologar isn't scum?


Jan 20, 2012

well dang, cuz I haven't had good vibes about wolo all game

ultimately I can't wrap my head around how pander could be scum given that night with no kill, unless someone had a bulletproof vest they never claimed or one of you is a doctor or has some other ability to prevent a kill, and you haven't claimed it

I think the verifiable info in this game makes it more likely that wolo is scum than pander, but it's not guaranteed either

there is a part of me that thinks there's a chance there's some play or combination of roles that I'm not thinking of or not aware of due to inexperience, the question is whether I'm willing to vote for the player I think is a long shot on that chance

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