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Jan 25, 2019


Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the 26th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. All the spellers here have won their divisional Bees, and they'll be competing for a chance to spell at the national Bee in Washington D.C. in June. I see we have some unfamiliar faces in the audience; we're glad you're here and don't worry, you'll figure out everything you need to know about the Bee soon enough. Before we get going with the rules and all that, I have just a few announcements. First of all, the Bee is proudly sponsored by Putnam County Bank and Trust, Minniver's Ice Cream Parlor and Doughnut Shack, The Barnstormer Home Goods, and Arby's. Remember: they have the meats! Moving on... There will be coffee, tea, fruit juices, and various snacks, candies, and pastries available in the lobby for $2 each. All proceeds will go to benefit the Bee, so why not take advantage of your cheat day and get some peanut M&Ms to go? Oh, and finally, to the owner of the blue pickup truck with the license plate "420-BEER," your truck nuts are highly inappropriate for this event, and they have been confiscated. You may pick them up from the front desk at the conclusion of the Bee. Thank you!

The 26th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is a closed setup, almost-but-not-quite role madness mafia game for 17 players. Special thanks to Cloacamazing! for help with setup design. This game will feature a mixture of standard mafia roles and mechanics and some slightly more out-there stuff - but nothing too out there, we hope. This game's flavor is based on the musical "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee," with book by Rachel Sheinkin and songs by William Finn. Check it out!

MAFIA RULES (Paraphrased from other, smarter goons)
1. Don't be an rear end in a top hat.
2. Don’t edit your posts without mod approval.
3. No direct quoting, screenshot posting, whatever of private mod communication.
4. Don’t talk after hammer.
5. Don’t talk out-of-thread about the game.
6. Standard lurker rules: If you fail to post at least 10 times in a standard, 48-72 hour game day, you will receive a warning. If you fail to do so again, you will be modkilled. This rule may be relaxed in case of early hammers. Please tell me if something is keeping you from posting! Real life exists, and as long as you’re communicative with me I’ll be lenient.
7. Have fun!
8. Elastic Clause: If I forgot a standard rule, assume it applies.

This game will start no earlier than Monday, April 17. Deadline will be around 9 PM EST. Day 1 will be 72 hours; all subsequent days will be 48 hours. Nights will be as close to 24 hours as possible. This game requires Discord, jump in to play:

Mod communications for night actions will come in the form of “your action was successful” or “your action failed,” unless mandated by the nature of the action (investigative actions, etc).

The SA Mafia community takes a lot of pride in being a safe, respectful, inclusive and inviting space. If you ever encounter anything or anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable, threatened, abused, angry, or even unsure of how you feel, there are many people here, both within and outside of the SA Mafia community, who are happily willing to listen, provide support, and enact change to make the community better for everyone.
Here is a short list of only some of the people that other players have suggested as a resource that you should never hesitate to contact: Leperflesh and Antivehicular (current Traditional Games Mods), VoodooFly, Hal Insandenza, Bifauxnen, Monathin, Wologar, Maerlyn, EccoRaven, CCKeane, Opopanax, Sandwolf, Shellception, or whoever else you feel safer talking to!

  1. AnonymousNarcotics (they/them)
  2. Hal Insandenza (he/him/hal)
  3. hambeet (he/him)
  4. Illusionis
  5. Johnny Keats
  6. Maerlyn (she/her)
  7. Moatillata (moat/vote)
  8. Mr. Humalong (w/e)
  9. Nep-Nep (She/Her)
  10. PsychoSoldier
  11. Punkreas
  12. Rhymes With Clue
  13. shwinnebego (he/him)
  14. t a s t e
  15. Tired Moritz
  16. wologar (he/him/whatever)
  17. Your Personal Muse

saladscooper fucked around with this message at 22:44 on Apr 25, 2023


Sep 13, 2002


May 15, 2004

Just one more thing!
My last played game was pretty satisfying, but I find myself thinking let's do this one too.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

I'd like to spectate, if you please.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
I won't come in second

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

When we brought the (25th) Spelling Bee Broadway tour to the performing arts center I used to work at I got them to get me on stage for the audience participation part and it was one of the most fun shows I thought we had even if it isn’t the height of artistic foofooery.

Sign me up for the sequel for sure!

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I saw the original Broadway run of this show when I was VERY young.

(We were in the front row, and the actor high-fived me during the erection song haha)

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
I was Marcy in 2015

My Second Re-Reg
Aug 31, 2021

Come on down.
Let's make a deal.
I am here to haunt your obs chat.

Sep 13, 2002

My Second Re-Reg posted:

I am here to haunt your obs chat.


My Second Re-Reg
Aug 31, 2021

Come on down.
Let's make a deal.
Can't, I gotta do some traveling over the next few weeks. :(

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

My Second Re-Reg posted:

Can't, I gotta do some traveling over the next few weeks. :(

Speaking from experience, travelling is the only real way to play mafia

My Second Re-Reg
Aug 31, 2021

Come on down.
Let's make a deal.
I can't be as cool as you, though! :(

Jul 11, 2002

i'm here to scum it up with famed something awful mafia player Nep-Nep

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo


Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

I would like to play.

Feb 16, 2011

I eat your face
I'm very good at spelling, I will be happy to represent you

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
More like LAMEfia

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Okay I'll play this game with very oddly specific flavor

Apr 7, 2009

DesiredPopulationMin = 3
DesiredPopulationMax = 19
AverageDeathsPerDay = 6
WeaponsUsed = 13


Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I just want to know who's returning from last year for the 26th competition, and how Salad's flavor will expand upon the lore of the original play.

Sep 13, 2002

It’ll be 27th annual by the time it starts

Aug 22, 2022

Sign me up baby

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

Your Personal Muse posted:

More like LAMEfia

No u

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

I wonder if 26th annual is a fun little goof on the English alphabet

Probably not

Feb 11, 2014

iwil paly

May 13, 2013

*chews on head*
Lipstick Apathy
Sure I'm in

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Mr. Humalong posted:

I wonder if 26th annual is a fun little goof on the English alphabet

Probably not

You just blew my mind.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

wow mafia is still v toxic, this hurt me to my core

Dec 13, 2006

The only words I can spell


Dec 13, 2006


Your Personal Muse posted:

wow mafia is still v toxic, this hurt me to my core

The toxicity is a feature not a bug

Jan 25, 2019

And we are full!

Please get in the Discord if you have not already:

Game will start sometime this weekend.

May 13, 2013

*chews on head*
Lipstick Apathy

Moatillata posted:

The only words I can spell


Seems sus

Dec 13, 2006


Punkreas posted:

Seems sus

You’ve caught me, I’m actually Glenn howerton

Sep 13, 2002

Moatillata posted:

You’ve caught me, I’m actually Glenn howerton

##vote moat

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
Life is pandemonium!

Jan 25, 2019

Roles will go out and game will start as soon as I have flavor all sorted. In the meantime, taste and shwinn, please report to the Discord.

Also, Illusionis replaces Sandwolf.

Dec 12, 2011
I'll spell the bestest


Jan 25, 2019

It was supposed to be a day of celebration - celebration of spelling, of children, and of children who spell. It was supposed to be a joyous day, a day full of laughter and tension and surprises. And it started off that way, too, through the opening speech, the announcements, the entrance of the contestants, and the official reading of the rules. Then the first speller's name was called, and she strode to the microphone, confident as can be. The vice principal called the word: gimmick. A softball to start the competition. She asked for a definition.

"Gimmick, noun. an ingenious scheme or device."

She asked for the language of origin.

"American English."

She asked for the use of the word in a sentence.

"Hand me that Yumetaro plush, Sally - I'm about to play Gimmick!"

And then, right as she was about to spell the word, a bucket of oranges tumbled from the rafters of the event hall and landed on her head. She began to cry and ran out of the hall. Her parents were dispatched to clean up the mess, and a janitor was engaged to pick up the oranges and bucket. The Bee was put on hold for a horrifying 20 minutes. No doubt about it - trickery was afoot.

Day One has begun. Deadline is Tuesday, 9 PM EST.

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