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Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Votecount for Day 6

wologar (3): Nep-Nep, t a s t e, Mr. Humalong
Punkreas (1): wologar

Not Voting (4): Hal Insandenza, Maerlyn, Punkreas, Your Personal Muse

With 8 alive, it's 5 votes to execute. The current deadline is May 10th, 2023 at 9 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 2 hours, 2 minutes.


Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Mr. Humalong posted:

For future reference you can literally just copy and paste the word into your post.

Also weird reason to not vote Wol in the face of the case made against him by Nep. Do you think Nep is scum trying to push a mis-lunch here?

I should have, Ive been doing a half assed phone/laptop hybrid posting for the past few days and I googled the word to make sure I had the right definition, I had left the window open and finished the post without realizing the misspelling. Whatever.

Yes I think Nep may be scum (short answer, longer answer will take some time)

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Maerlyn has been saying for some time in the masonry that she has suspicion of Nep

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

A nice soft bus just 4 u

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

I don’t want the player that I think is scum and posts like scum using a boon he’s been saving up

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Fortunately we appear to have all the time in the world.

Or at least an hour and 50 minutes.

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Maerlyn posted:

So I'm not a hypocrite (and mentioned earlier anyway) I'm Vice Principal Douglas Panch, and I'm VT.

Hal Insandenza posted:

Maerlyn has been saying for some time in the masonry that she has suspicion of Nep

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

It's been a nagging feeling for awhile but for the whole "town investigation" thing, which is why I wanted her to claim because I have a pet theory.

I know, flavor arguments but she brought it up herself so I'll just wildly speculate in the meantime. I need to read YPM's posts again first.

This isn't to say that wol couldn't be scum and maybe it's a bus but that doesn't really feel right to me. I'm thinking Nep and taste are scum...taste you said Hum should have been informed if your action on him was successful?

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

I’m not voting a player with a no kill result in what is almost certainly mylo

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

Maerlyn posted:

It's been a nagging feeling for awhile but for the whole "town investigation" thing, which is why I wanted her to claim because I have a pet theory.

I know, flavor arguments but she brought it up herself so I'll just wildly speculate in the meantime. I need to read YPM's posts again first.

This isn't to say that wol couldn't be scum and maybe it's a bus but that doesn't really feel right to me. I'm thinking Nep and taste are scum...taste you said Hum should have been informed if your action on him was successful?


Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Yeah it would take something pretty extraordinary to get me to swing to Nep today.

May 13, 2013

*chews on head*
Lipstick Apathy
##vote wol

I'm way more suspicious of Hum than wol and would be more than willing to turn this bus around if there's a change of heart on wol

Them or taste, which I've also been wary of all game

And then, if we're playing royal succession, I'd go wol > Hal > Maer > Nep > YPM

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

I don't really have it in me to argue for voting out Nep full bore when I could have been making that argument days ago instead of trying to determine which words actually fit in one specific sentence.

What if we voted for Punkreas instead? I was thinking he was another town compulsive visitor but scum compulsive visitor may not be out of the question.

Here are flips so far:

hambeet - TOWN Comfort Counselor
keats - TOWN Apprentice Comfort Counselor

RWC - TOWN JOAT (investigative w/ voyeur and gunsmith)
shwinn - TOWN JOAT (protective w/ bodyguard and CPR doctor)

Moat - TOWN Compulsive Visitor
Moritz - TOWN Compulsive Visitor
AN - TOWN Compulsive Visitor
Illu - TOWN Compulsive Visitor

(I don't have Psycho)

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

##vote Punkreas

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Why are people suspicious of Hum?

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I don’t know, do you find Punks posting scummy? I’m not really seeing that

Let’s see if we can get some traction to ##vote taste

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Guys I think Maer might actually be scum with Wologar.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Mr. Humalong posted:

Guys I think Maer might actually be scum with Wologar.

sure vote me out then please

this game is frustrating

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Maerlyn posted:

sure vote me out then please

this game is frustrating

Uh no I think I’ll stick on the other person I think is scum that has a chance of being voted out today.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

like I haven't given it my fullest effort by a long shot but I'm trying

I'm in an unconfirmed masonry with Hal, we're both the co-judges (I'm Vice Principal Panch and he's Rona Lisa or whatever her name is) but for all I know he's actually scum too.

Hum you have been riding the Punkreas train for days on end, you have no interest in considering it now? Also if I were scum of course I'd be jumping to vote out wol who seemingly has an unused jail.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Votecount for Day 6

wologar (4): Nep-Nep, t a s t e, Mr. Humalong, Punkreas
Punkreas (2): wologar, Maerlyn
t a s t e (1): Hal Insandenza

Not Voting (1): Your Personal Muse

With 8 alive, it's 5 votes to execute. The current deadline is May 10th, 2023 at 9 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 1 hour, 6 minutes.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

ok let's find out then

##vote wologar

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución


Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
:redhammer: Oh god! wologar is hammered!

Votecount for Day 6
With 8 alive, it's 5 votes to execute. The current deadline is May 10th, 2023 at 9 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 1 hour, 1 minute.

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 6

wologar (5): Nep-Nep, t a s t e, Mr. Humalong, Punkreas, Maerlyn
t a s t e (1): Hal Insandenza
Punkreas (1): wologar, Maerlyn, Maerlyn

Not Voting (1): Your Personal Muse

With 8 alive, it's 5 votes to execute. The current deadline is May 10th, 2023 at 9 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 1 hour.

Jan 25, 2019

wologar, Olive Ostrovsky, TOWN-aligned Guider, was eliminated Day 6!


You're really not sure why you've returned to the Bee this year. Your dad is here, for once, which is nice, but your love for spelling has dimmed a bit over the past year. Certainly not your love for your favorite dictionary! You just have other English-related interests now. Maybe it's because you wanted to see Will again. That's probably it. Or because you came in second at last year's Bee - the spelling bee equivalent of a coitus interruptus. (Your dictionary teaches you new, more fun words every day!)

You are Olive Ostrovsky, TOWN-aligned Guider. At night, choose a player; that player's action will succeed regardless of any attempts to block or otherwise manipulate it.

It is now Night Six. 24 hours for actions, please.

Jan 25, 2019

The takeover of the Bee was imminent.

First, they released the one thing Vice Principal Douglas Panch hated into the event hall: the Bees.

Maerlyn, Vice Principal Douglas Panch, TOWN-aligned Vanilla, was chased out of the Bee by the Bees N6!


You thought Rona Lisa Peretti was your one true love, but the spark felt at last year's Bee quickly dissipated when you went on three dates with her and discovered you have almost nothing in common, besides your investment in the Bee and its participants. You're still on amicable terms, but your anger management issues have gotten even worse. Funny how that works.

You are Vice Principal Douglas Panch, TOWN-aligned Vanilla. You are in an unconfirmed masonry with your co-judge, Hal Insandenza.

Naturally, Panch's co-judge followed behind him, as she was concerned for his well-Beeing. The rest of the audience soon ran out as well.

Hal Insandenza, Rona Lisa Peretti, TOWN-aligned Vanilla, was endgamed!


This year has been pretty good for the realty business, and you've found yourself with a sizable nest egg. Using some of those funds, you've been able to help move the Bee to a local event hall and splurge on some gourmet snacks and beverages for the refreshments. Thinking about retirement? No way! You're planning to stay with the Bee for as long as is physically possible.

You are Rona Lisa Peretti, TOWN-aligned Vanilla. You are in an unconfirmed masonry with your co-judge, ObamaAkbar.

The world's least important terrorists then burned the Rulebook, of course.

Mr. Humalong, The Rulebook, SELF-aligned Dictator, was endgamed!


Copyright 1980, Putnam County Press. Seventh Edition copyright 2004. Special thanks to Rona Lisa Peretti for type-setting.

You are The Rulebook, SELF-aligned Dictator. At night, choose a player; you and that player will be charged with fulfilling a posting restriction for the following day. If you and your target BOTH fulfill it, your target will receive a boon - one of three powerful abilities you have to deal out. These abilities are as follows:

1x Watch - At night, choose a player; you will learn who visited that player, if anyone.

1x Dayvig - During the day, type ##shoot [playername] in-thread to kill a player of your choice.

1x Jail - At night, choose a player; that player's action, as well as any action targeting that player, will fail.
You win the game and abscond when all three of your abilities are given out.

With a sweep of her robe, the nun from the Catholic School brought a terrified Marcy Park onstage and declared her the winner of the Bee, to an audience of two. Marcy, upon seeing what the interlopers had done on her behalf, broke down in tears and could not be consoled.

Your Personal Muse, Marcy Park, TOWN-aligned Doctor, was endgamed!


You were once a perfectionist, but at last year's Bee, you discovered that perfectionism is not a good way to live life. After a wonderful year of not living up to expectations, you decided that you actually like spelling bees a little bit, so you signed up for the 26th annual. You know that your lord and savior is watching over you as you step into the Bee for the second time.

You are Marcy Park, TOWN-aligned Doctor. At night, choose a player; any attempt to kill that player will fail.

In addition, you feel as if you are being watched over at the Bee - by humanity or by the Divine, who can say? You do not know who exactly is watching over you, but you are fairly confident there is one man and one woman doing so. At night, as a free action, you must select two players; you will learn if one or more of your guardians is among them. If you find the man before the woman, you will gain a permanent stack of Hated. If you find the woman before the man, you will gain a permanent stack of Loved. If you find both at the same time, you will confront them, ending any relationship they may have to you.

The interlopers celebrated their triumph for about ten seconds before realizing how silly it was that they ruined a perfectly good spelling bee and going to Applebee's for half apps and dollar drinks.

Punkreas, Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre, SCUM-aligned Redirector,


Last year at the Bee didn't go well for you. As much as your dad's inspiring speech about the joys of being in the 'Final Three' helped assuage your impostor syndrome, you still felt a pit in your stomach for losing. Fortunately, nobody found out about your other dad's attempt to sabotage that doofy-looking French kid's "magic foot" thing - honestly, you have no idea what that's all about - so in between all your walkouts and protest marches and canvassing and experimental Maoist performance pieces, you've managed to arrive at the Bee again this year. You'll take the top prize for sure this year and make your dads proud, and you don't care what you have to do to get there.

You are Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre, SCUM-aligned Redirector. At night, choose two players; the action of the first player, should one exist, will target the second.
You are in a masonry with your two dads, Illusionis and Tired Moritz, neither of whom are in your scumteam.

t a s t e, Chip Tolentino, SCUM-aligned JOAT,


Alright, so what if the embarrassing nature of puberty ruined your chances at winning the Bee last year? It's not like you have a grudge or anything. And it's not like Marigold Coneybear will show up this year or anything. Wait, what? She's here? Well, that's okay. You don't feel like playing by the rules anyway. Time for this good little Boy Scout to get bad!

You are Chip Tolentino, SCUM-aligned JOAT. You have one shot each of the following abilities:

1x Roleblock - At night, choose a player; that player's action, should one exist, will fail.

1x Rolestop - At night, choose a player; the actions targeting that player, should they exist, will fail.

1x Roleblock OR Rolestop - See above.

and Nep-Nep, Sister Isidora van Foote, Assistant Secretary to the Headmistress at Our Lady of Intermittent Sorrows, SCUM-aligned Godfather,


Ever since Marcy Park returned from last year's Bee, she has been one of the most devout Christians your school has seen in its 150-year history. She's not exactly a model student anymore, but her love of Christ brings a tear to the administration's collective eye. So now that she's returned to the Bee this year, you have a moral obligation to make her win by any means necessary - and spread the Gospel at Nationals.

You are Sister Isidora van Foote, Assistant Secretary to the Headmistress at Our Lady of Intermittent Sorrows, SCUM-aligned Godfather. Every action you take will be invisible in certain investigations, and you will return an innocent result in certain investigations.

In addition, you have been sent to the Bee to make sure Marcy Park, a student at the school you represent, wins. You do not know the identity of Marcy Park, but once per night, as a free action, you may spy on up to three players to determine if Marcy is among them. If at any point in the game Marcy leaves the Bee, you will also leave, becoming a Stump; you will lose your vote and will not count toward your team's win condition, but you will be able to talk in-thread and in your team's chatroom.

have secured a SCUM VICTORY!

Good game, everyone! This was a lot of fun to run.

Aug 22, 2022

Great work, team. I'm sorry I almost compromised you guys, didn't expect the check. But you all did your job great. Nep was great at directing things, too

Good job to town, too. RWC for catching me, and quite a few who were sharp and sniffing in the right directions. Game could have swung if Punk or taste gets chopped earlier, or if Maer was able to Nep through.

Good game, salad. The Marcy role wasn't exactly best for us, but it didn't really matter in the end so who cares lol. Fun setup.

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

I am loving livid.

May 15, 2004

Just one more thing!

PsychoSoldier posted:

Great work, team. I'm sorry I almost compromised you guys, didn't expect the check. But you all did your job great. Nep was great at directing things, too

Good job to town, too. RWC for catching me, and quite a few who were sharp and sniffing in the right directions. Game could have swung if Punk or taste gets chopped earlier, or if Maer was able to Nep through.

Good game, salad. The Marcy role wasn't exactly best for us, but it didn't really matter in the end so who cares lol. Fun setup.

We thought Marcy was a traitor basically the whole time until this game day, until the reveals just now I still thought "maybe 3p" in my own mind.

So many people saw right through me, particularly Maerlyn. It felt the whole time like we were one misstep from just getting chain lunched.

Good game everyone, and thanks to my teammates for working well with me.

Jan 25, 2019

The 26th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

1x Redirector
1x JOAT (Roleblock, Rolestop, then one of either)
1x Godfather (returns inno in Gunsmith, returns unseen in Voyeur and Comfort Counselor abilities)
1x Cyberstalker (Masonizer/Follower)

2x Masonized Vanilla
2x Compulsive Visitor (one of them fails to visit if their target performs an action)
2x Random Compulsive Visitor (one of them fails to visit if their target performs an action)
1x Comfort Counselor (whole-game watch on a dead player)
1x Apprentice Comfort Counselor (whole-game track on a dead player)
1x Chaotic Protective JOAT (Bodyguard, CPR Doc, one of either)
1x Weak Investigative JOAT (Voyeur, Gunsmith, one of either)
1x Guider
1x Doctor

1x Dictator (read Hum's flip for more info)

This setup was designed to make it hard to solve the game based solely on night actions. The Comfort Counselor was balanced by the Godfather and the Compulsive Visitor brigade - that role was a central feature of the setup, so of course it was the first to die. The Marcy Park situation was a little cruel to scum, but I felt that the Godfather wasn't sufficiently balanced, so I threw it in. I think if I had to run this again I'd get rid of the JOATs and probably sub in a Scum Jailor, Town Bodyguard, and Town Voyeur, but who's to say what effect that would really have.

Scum played brilliantly and deserved the win, full stop. Congratulations! Sorry to Hum who avoided a win at the 11th hour; if Maer had spelled that word correctly I wouldn't have even needed to collect night actions from the scumteam for Night Six, haha

A-thank you so much-a for playing my game!

May 15, 2004

Just one more thing!
Oh yeah and Maerlyn that's why I said that stuff when I hammered Moat I was still trying to get the non-existent traitor to come home. Oops.

Aug 22, 2022

Mr. Humalong posted:

I am loving livid.

You were robbed

Aug 22, 2022

Nep-Nep posted:

We thought Marcy was a traitor basically the whole time until this game day, until the reveals just now I still thought "maybe 3p" in my own mind.

So many people saw right through me, particularly Maerlyn. It felt the whole time like we were one misstep from just getting chain lunched.

Good game everyone, and thanks to my teammates for working well with me.

When I got spoiled I wanted to shout to you all so bad lol. But at least you didn't have me alive getting ready to spill the beans to town!YPM

May 13, 2013

*chews on head*
Lipstick Apathy
My team carried me through this, absolutely, thank you guys

Also, I legitimately messed up the D1 vote, that was not intentional at all!!

May 13, 2013

*chews on head*
Lipstick Apathy
(And thank you salad for putting it together!)

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

I'm counting this as a win for me as 3P.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Ooof good job scum, and thanks for the great game Salad. Sorry I was not more participatory, scum played quite well. Maerlyn was pretty on-point in the end, I should have trusted her more.

Jan 25, 2019

Oh yeah also go join Keats and Illu's games, they need 3 and 8 more respectively


t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

Thanks for the game! Great work by my scummates

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