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Apr 13, 2008
Can't post for 2 hours!
I am getting more and more ads that also cover up exactly where I want to click. for referance I mostly use OperaGX because there is a little side bar that tells me when my favorite streamers are online, mainly just people who don't shout crap into the microphone. I also use firefox, but I have no ad blockers on it, i just use it for watching tv-shows because the site does not recognize Opera as a chromium browser. (Oh also Windows 10 if that matters)

Sorry if this is the wrong subforum but it made the most sense to me to ask here.


Apr 13, 2008
Can't post for 2 hours!

Malloc Voidstar posted:

are they ads on search engines? because opera doesn't allow you to use adblockers there

since it's based on chromium, I have used the google chrome version of ublock origin for quite some time.

E: I normally use duckduckgo rather than google, the ads are rather unobtrusive so I don't really notice. I mostly just search for mundane stuff like Wonder Woman and comic stuff. Basically everywhere else I want to go, I know the website address lol.

nunsexmonkrock fucked around with this message at 04:52 on Apr 20, 2023

Apr 13, 2008
Can't post for 2 hours!
Yeah I moved from Adblock plus a long time ago and went to ublock origin. I honestly can not remember the real last time I was not running an ad blocker of some sort lol. My computers always tend to be stupidly old and the ads slow it down. But hey I can play Diablo II Resurrected and Warcraft III reforged, and old school arcade games on M.A.M.E. (well I only got 1 working, the old X-men arcade game). So I am mostly happy and was glad I bought the warranty because when the hard drive died in it I could not work, and well I paid for the warranty so I mailed it in to have it replaced rather than doing it myself, Then I bashed in the old hard drive with the end of a hammer for fun (I was kind of drinking at the time since I was not working) lol.

Apr 13, 2008
Can't post for 2 hours!
I uninstalled the exrension a couple times and reinstalled it. Seems to be working again and not getting annoying youtube ads like every 5 minutes or whatever it is.

I do have firefox because I need it because my bank and will not recognize operagx as a regular browser. So I mostly use Opera and switch to firefox when need be.

I guess I could get Chrom but I don't want 2 chromium browsers and as far as I know for windows firefox is the only non-chromium one. Like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera are all chormium. Where as FireFox is the only non-chrome one.

E: Is there a solved button, I have been reading Quora which is like the newer yahoo answers.

nunsexmonkrock fucked around with this message at 02:17 on Apr 23, 2023

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