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Canine Blues Arooo
Jan 7, 2008

when you think about it...i'm the first girl you ever spent the night with

Grimey Drawer
Couple things:

Dentists are almost universally cosmetology shops in the US. If someone is trying to sell you whitening, the operative word there is 'sell'... This is a high margin service and they want people to sign up for it.
Whitening puts stress on the enamel. Googling this will say, 'no, it's fine', but actual studies show that aggressive whitening comes at a cost of actual tooth health.
Whitening is extremely temporary if you are engaging activities that can compromise the white, like drinking coffee or eating anything ever.
I did contract IT work for many dentists. Probably half of them actively track 'up selling' done by their hygienists. This is an enormous red flag and this behavior would be consistent with that.
Offering whitening is effective because it makes people self-conscious. They are preying on an insecurity for money. See also: Hair Stylists trying to sell 'hair recovery' products to balding men.

Most dentists are not going to tell you if they are 'cosmetic dentists' first - this is capitalism after all, but I use things like this as a barometer to determine whether or not I trust this institution with my health as a priority. In your case, if there were other options in town, I'd tell them to pound sand and get a new doctor. How could you trust this crew if/when it comes time to make a big decision about a major surgery? Is the recommendation coming from a genuine place of patient concern, or is this something they can make a buck on?

gently caress that office, and gently caress dentists in general to be honest.

Canine Blues Arooo fucked around with this message at 05:49 on May 29, 2023


Canine Blues Arooo
Jan 7, 2008

when you think about it...i'm the first girl you ever spent the night with

Grimey Drawer

mystes posted:

why do teeth need to be whitened

let's just invent a new thing for people to be insecure about out of nowhere so we can sell new products

They don't, and people with bleached teeth look like aliens.

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