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Ramrod Hotshot
May 30, 2003

I was at the dentist recently, who told me my teeth were fairly yellow and a whitening session could make a big difference. It's $500. I'm doing a lot of things to look and feel my best these days, so I might do it. Has anyone else gotten an in-office whitening? It appeals to me more than at home, for a few reasons. I got a whitening kit a long time, like 12 years ago, and quit doing it when I would I occasionally get a SHARP sting of pain in my teeth. So maybe the in office whitening would just get that over with all in one go? How does that compare?

I also wonder about if I'd need to change my habits to make the whitening stick. I swim at the pool (the chlorine of which stains teeth), drink coffee every morning and often have a pint of Guinness at night. If I do all these things, will the yellowing just come right back?

Alternative suggestions welcome. Just curious about others' experiences with whitening.


Ramrod Hotshot
May 30, 2003

Well, fair enough. It was the hygenist who mentioned this, not the dentist herself. I won't do it, but I've been pleased with their service besides this so I suppose I'll keep going there. It's hard to imagine almost any business in America that doesn't engage in some kind of upselling, at this point.

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