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Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

What is this?

Mozart: The Last Secret/The Conspirators of Prague is a point and click adventure game that was released in 2009. We play as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart who, for some reason, doesn't sound Austrian and is also a freemason in this game. The year is (I believe) 1788 and apparently there is a conspiracy going on in Prague, of all places.

This game was developed by a French company called GameCO Studios and it was originally published as Mozart: The Last Secret. It was localised to German, Dutch and Russian shortly afterwards and they renamed the game to Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague. An English release was planned and the localization was completed but it was never released. A version of the game was found last year with the English localization included, patches were quickly released to convert the French and Dutch versions to the English language. I am using a patched version of the game for this LP.

A revamp of this game was released last year and the game was renamed a second time to Mozart: Requiem, which is available to buy on Steam. There are some controversies surrounding this release though. Nowhere on their store page have they mentioned that this release is a revamp of a game from 2009, they're treating it as a new release and asking for a premium price tag. They did include the English localization and have added Italian, German Spanish and Korean subtitles, but for some reason, the German, Dutch and Russian voice acting has been completely removed from the game as well as the Dutch subtitles. In fact, they've replaced the original German subtitles with new ones that are apparently very sloppy.

LP Details

This will be a VLP and I will be recording commentary live and unscripted. I don't have a schedule, it all depends on when I have free time around work and child care but I will aim to have at least one video up a week.

Let's Play: Mozart: The Last Secret/The Conspirators of Prague

Bonus Video - Additional Footage

Rocket Baby Dolls fucked around with this message at 22:39 on Jul 15, 2023


Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

anilEhilated posted:

Well, I'm always happy to see Czech names and words mangled in videogames but the names are pretty good so far - except the Slovakian coachman whose pronounciation of Czech* is a loving miracle - I think that "NERRRRRRROZUMÍM" (|I don't underrrrrrrrrstand") is going to keep me awake at night for quite a bit.

Also whoever subtitled "Czech" as "Tchek" is in dire need of defenestration.

Anyway... What a weird game? I don't think I ever heard of it.

*Czechs and Slovaks generally understand each other but they definitely use different languages.

Professor Duck posted:

I feel like this is going to make me angry, being a music teacher and all, but I'm really intrigued as to what stupid conspiracies they're going to bring up with all of this.

I feel like this game is going to annoy many people in lots of different ways. I was irked by the American accents for a game set in Europe that was made in France.

I'll be interested to know just how much that they've mangled the language.

SelenicMartian posted:

It had a Russian release back in the day, too.

The best. You can't even imagine.

Also, keep track of how many times Mozart literally wagers his own life.

Ah yes, how could I forget to include Russia? I've amended the details. It seems like the Russian language has been completely removed from the re-release too.

Professor Duck posted:

I'll be sure to do that.

Just other random bits here:
Music used:
K. 527 "Don Giovanni", Overture
K. 525 Serenade No. 13 (Eine Kleine Nachtmusik), Mvnt II: Romanza
K. 525 Serenade No. 13 (Eine Kleine Nachtmusik), Mvnt IV: Rondo

Mozart actually uses a catalog number during the composing puzzle-- "KV563"--which is Divertimento for String Trio in Eb Major, composed in 1788. The only problem is that the KV catalog numbers weren't published until 1862.

I didn't even think about the amount of copyrights that would be slapped on these videos. I'm not going to be surprised by any of the historical inaccuracies in this game.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video covers the third and fourth chapters. There are a total of eighteen chapters, but two of those are the intro and outro videos. In this episode, Mozart visits the Nostitz Theatre (was it ever called this?) for rehearsals and then returns back to the hotel to keep his appointment with Dubcek.

I made a slight mistake by forgetting to use an inventory item at an optimal time. It's not a big issue but it did waste a bit of time, if I wasn't already twenty minutes into recording I would have restarted it.

Rocket Baby Dolls fucked around with this message at 09:54 on Jun 8, 2023

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

anilEhilated posted:

Haven't watched the video yet but that is definitely a real location named after the noble who funded building it, Franz Anton von Nostitz-Rieneck. It is, in fact, still a theater now, although under a different name.

It's definitely a real location. It's probably just me being pedantic as I haven't seen this place specifically named Nostitz Theatre but the translators have probably just anglicized the name, the closest name that I've seen is the Nostitzsches Nationaltheater.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

anilEhilated posted:

That is most likely the same building. One possible reason for this is that it didn't stay the Nostitz theatre for long - it was built in 1783 and renamed in 1799. The name it went by afterwards (and now, with a brief intermission during the Communist times) translates to Estates Theatre.

Thank you for the clarification.

sb hermit posted:

Here’s the Mozart that crowds revere. Congratulations!

Maybe not this particular Mozart, I'm intrigued to see where this adventure is going to take him. I still feel like this game is set in Colonial America and Mozart is about to declare his desire to secede from England.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!
You're all going to love the next update! I feel like the word bonkers doesn't get as much use as it should these days.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video contains the fifth chapter where Mozart visits Prague castle to speak to Mazzini, who is currently treating the unwell Emporer Joseph II. We also begin chapter six, which takes place in the Masonic chapter of the city where we get to meet some of Mozart's brethren.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!
This is turning out to be one of the more enjoyable LPs that I've done and that's not because of the game itself. I'm enjoying the learning experience mainly.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!
Here's a sneak peek of what to expect in the next update:

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video contains the final part of the sixth chapter as well as the seventh and eighth chapters in their entirety. Now that Mozart is all dressed up the ceremony can now begin. Even though none of the other members of the order are wearing their ceremonial garbs...

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

Samovar posted:

Of the setting? That's one of the reasons I loved Pentiment.

I'm enjoying the history and music education from that people are sharing.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video contains chapters nine and ten in its entirety. Mozart re-enters the Freemason's headquarters and no one is surprised to see him. After some amateur sleuthing, he moves on to a new location in search of an old friend and then manages to insult an entire ethnic group.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!
I was hoping to have an update tonight but I encountered a bug which put any form of progress to a complete standstill about 2/3rds of the way through. It's too late to start again tonight as this chapter involves a game of chance and it took me ten minutes to get through it this time due to some bad luck. I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to record tomorrow but I'll try again this weekend.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This is chapter eleven in its entirety. It took me an hour and a half to record this twenty-one-minute video. I had to abandon a second recording attempt tonight due to hitting a wall again with the same bug but I managed to avoid it on this attempt.I have no idea how much time I spent trying to get through the game of chance.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video is chapters twelve and thirteen in their entirety. Mozart returns to the theatre to claim the money owed to him and then he returns to the hotel to collect his watch from the hotel owner.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!
I didn't realise that this video has been partially blocked due to the music played during the baton sequence. I've submitted an edit to the video which may take a while to take place but it does mean that the audio between 08:05 and 09:31 will be muted.

I recorded this a couple of hours before work and it only finished processing a few minutes before the time that I needed to leave. I just clicked straight through to publishing and posting without reviewing anything. I apologise for any inconvenience.

The video is still processing but hopefully it will be done by the time that I finish work, I'll repost the link once it's done. The video is still up and available to watch, but until the edit has been processed it may be blocked for you.

According to YouTube, this is the offending piece of music that has caused all of this hullabaloo:

Die Zauberflöte, K. 620, Act II: Arie. Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen by Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Sir Charles Mackerras, June Anderson.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

Rocket Baby Dolls posted:

This video is chapters twelve and thirteen in their entirety. Mozart returns to the theatre to claim the money owed to him and then he returns to the hotel to collect his watch from the hotel owner.

I believe that this video is now watchable universally. Please let me know if there are any further issues.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

Samovar posted:

Well, besides from the extreme lighting problems, and the complete silence at the stage... it's watchable.

I wasn't wrong there, I didn't say it was any good or actually worth watching though...

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video is chapter fourteen in its entirety and it's a lengthy one. Now that we're heading towards the final few chapters the plot device is firmly in play, so this video contains a lot of dialogue and a variety of puzzles. This was my second attempt at recording this update as my brain fizzled out the first time around with trying to progress, I don't think it was quite there this time around but at least I managed to get through it one piece even if it did feel a bit messy.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This video is chapter fifteen in its entirety. It's only a short video but it is sandwiched between two lengthy chapters. I apologise for waffling on with some bollocks here and there, I was a little tired while recording this and my commentary feels a little messy. I won't be free to do any recording this weekend so I recorded this last night when I had a chance to.

sb hermit posted:

Not only has this update made the plot mote coherent, it’s also made it quite fascinating.

I can see how they could have built a long series of games off of a premise of a renowned musician breaking secret conspiracies with just his presence, using an 18th century setting. I’m still not a fan of the repeat “puzzles”, though.

This chapter reminded me somewhat of the Sherlock Holmes games.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

In this video, Mozart explores the reversed pyramid and uncovers more than he bargained for. This is the penultimate video for this LP, I didn't realise just how close we were to the end. I feel like playing through Normality again so I will be recording my experiences of returning to it again. It's also going to be nice to return to something familiar before pushing off into more unknown territory.

Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!
I was presumptuous in my previous statement. I believed that the next chapter was short as there was only a small amount of text contained in the guide that im using. It turns out that the text says that they've decided not to provide any form of guide or hints for the final chapter. This isn't exactly a taxing game so the gameplay is a breeze, the puzzles are what consume the most amount of time.

sb hermit posted:

I can’t believe they just left Mozart alone with his inventory, instead of locking him up.

It’s like they want their plans to be foiled.

Either that, or they didn't want to spend the time and money on elaborate puzzles.


Rocket Baby Dolls
Mar 3, 2006

Underneath he has a velvet, yummy tummy you wish you could just stroke and squish all day! Ahh! But on top... On top it's a whole different story... On top he is a scary stiff stabber!

This is the finale of 'Mozart - The Last Secret/The Conspirators of Prague' and it contains the completion of chapters seventeen and eighteen. This is a fairly lengthy video, chapter seventeen is so short it didn't seem to warrant a separate video to itself. The credits start around the 36:35 mark. I spoke in the video about a potential fail state in the game but all it was was flavour text, you have to complete the puzzle correctly in order to proceed. There are two situations where you can fail which does result in a game failure but the developers worked around it, this game gives the illusion of threats to your life but always fails to follow through with it. I recorded both scenes after completing the game and decided to upload the footage here:

Bonus Video - Additional Footage

Thank you, everyone, for being a part of this LP. This was an interesting game and it did have potential with the story, but it was bogged down by repetitive puzzles and a glitchy engine. It was a fun experience though. I mentioned in a previous post that I'm planning an LP of Normality next which I'm looking forward to getting started. I do plan on breaching another obscure game afterwards and it's one that I'm slightly reticent about, I felt that way about Kingdom O' Magic and Rent-A-Hero but this one could be the one that breaks me.

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