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Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

Balatro is out! Go buy it now!


The first game of solo indie developer localthunk, Balatro, named after an old Latin word for a jester, is by its own words...

Steam Description posted:

Balatro is a deck-building roguelite where you must play poker hands and earn chips to defeat enemy blinds. Enhance your deck of playing cards, buy Jokers to modify each hand you play, and discover new and wild synergies to win!

Basic Mechanics

Unlike most of the other poker-based roguelikes, where the mechanics of poker are used in service of what is functionally a monster slaying game, Balatro is about as purely about poker as you can get while still being a roguelike. Pick a deck, choose a blind to beat, and play several hands of poker until you get enough points to win or fail the run. You get the ability to discard up to 5 cards at a time per Discard to try and make perfect hands.

How do you get points? Each poker hand gives a set number of Chips, or base value, to which the value of each individual card used to complete the hand is added: For instance, if you have a Two Pair made of two nines and two fours, you get the base Chip value of a Two Pair, followed by adding 9+9+4+4 = 26 Chips. Face Cards are worth 10 Chips by default. Aces are worth 11 chips, but are not Face cards and can be high or low as necessary but only as the starting/ending card of a Straight-based hand. To be noted: you can play as many cards as you want between one and five, but only cards that actually contribute to the hand are counted for chip value. All of the Chips are then multiplied by that poker hand's Mult value to get your final point total for the hand.

A run consists of 8 levels of increasing difficulty or Ante, which jack up the number of points you need to win. Each Ante consists of a Small Blind, which gives a moderate amount of cash if you win, a Big Blind, with a higher point requirement and a slight increase in cash, and the Ante's Boss Blind, which gives a further increase in cash and is necessary to progress to the next Ante, but comes with a special condition that limits your ability to play the game.

As of more recent versions of the game, including release, you can skip either the Small Blind or the Big Blind in exchange for a Tag - a power that either activates immediately or once you reach the next shop. These can be pretty busted in certain combinations, but keep in mind that skipping a blind also means you miss out on the money from that blind as well as its shop. And of course, you can't skip the Boss Blind!


So far, so simple, right?

Once you complete a Blind, you get Cash. Apart from the Blind's Cash value, there are a few other factors that add into this, the primary basic ones being how many hands you have left over and Interest from having multiples of $5 left over from previous Blinds. Cash is used to buy several things.

First and foremost among them are Jokers, which are your primary source of bonuses. Each one has its own unique abilities which alters the field of play, like giving you a random number of Mults to multiplying all previous Mults that you've collected if you play Four of a Kind. Joker abilities can combo with each other, but are order of operations-specific. The more rightward you go in your Joker Hand, the later the Joker acts, so typically you want to have additive ones early on near the left and multiplicative ones later on near the right. I think abilities that affect Chips also usually trigger before ones that affect Mults, following the regular order of play. By default you may only have 5 Jokers in your Joker Hand at Maximum.

As seen on the more expensive Joker in the shop here, Jokers can also randomly generate with alternate Editions which add an extra bonus to the card, though these notably do not synchronize with other abilities and just do whatever they say first based on the Card's position in the lineup. These are as follows:

Foil: Add 50 Chips
Holographic: Add 10 Mult
Polychrome: x1.5 Mult
Negative: +1 Joker Hand Size

Vouchers are permanent abilities that affect the rest of the run. They tend to not be quite as direct as Joker abilities, although their effects are pretty plainly seen. All of them are pretty good, though some are more powerful than others.

Finally, there are Booster Packs, though for ease of discussion those will be given their own section.

Booster Packs

Booster Packs can be subdivided into providing cards from one of four categories: Tarot Cards, Planet Cards, Spectral Cards, and Additional Playing Cards. Usually the cards are sold in packs that you can choose individual cards from, but circumstances may mean that you just end up seeing a singular card available for purchase in the shop. These will be in the Joker section rather than the Booster Pack section.

Keep in mind that you can stockpile Tarot Cards, Planet Cards, and Spectral Cards depending on how you acquire them. Additional playing cards are just added to your main deck.

Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards are the most basic way to alter your deck that doesn't involve shoving more cards in, or alternatively can give you a bunch of money for free. The effects are typically limited to 1-3 cards or a bunch of money, but with multiple applications of Tarot Cards you can do some wacky stuff like: "all of these cards are now the Jack of Spades, which are worth several times a normal Jack of Spades."

Tarot Cards are as follows:

The Fool: Recreates the last Tarot or Planet card played this run, and adds it to your Consumable stockpile.
The Magician: Enhances a card into a Lucky Card, which has a 1/5 chance to give +20 Mult, and a 1/15 chance to give $20.
The High Priestess: Creates up to 2 random Planet Cards if you have room in your Consumable stockpile.
The Empress: Enhances up to 2 cards into Mult Cards, which give +4 Mult when you play them.
The Emperor: Creates up to 2 random Tarot Cards if you have room in your Consumable stockpile.
The Hierophant: Enhances up to 2 cards into Bonus Cards, which give +30 Chips when you play them.
The Lovers: Enhances a card into a Wild Card, which counts as all suits.
The Chariot: Enhances a card into a Steel Card, which grants a x1.5 Mult as long as it stays in your hand.
Justice: Enhances a card into a Glass Card, which grants x2 Mult once it is played but has a 1/4 chance to be destroyed after playing.
The Hermit: Doubles your Cash or gives you $20, whichever is less.
The Wheel of Fortune: 1/4 chance to give a random Joker any of the Editions except Negative.
Strength: Increases up to 2 cards by 1 rank.
The Hanged Man: Destroys 2 selected cards.
Death: Pick two cards, the one of higher value (or if equal value, the leftmost) becomes a copy of the card of lower value/rightmost.
Temperance: Get the sale value of your current jokers up in Cash, or $50, whichever is less.
The Devil: Enhances a card into a Gold Card, which gives $3 if it's in your hand at the end of the round.
The Tower: Enhances a card into a Stone Card, which has no suit or value, but provides 50 Chips.
The Star: Converts 3 cards into Diamonds.
The Moon: Converts 3 cards into Clubs.
The Sun: Converts 3 cards into Hearts.
Judgment: Creates a random Joker, if you have room for it in your Joker Hand.
The World: Converts 3 cards into Spades.

Planet Cards

Planet Cards let you upgrade your poker hands so that their default values for Chips and Mults are higher. If you find yourself playing a ton of Two Pairs for instance (or have deliberately built your deck around doing so), you'll want a lot of the planet that does so. There are 12 Planets, and they are as follows:

Mercury: For every level, add an additional +1 Mult and +15 Chips to the results for getting a Pair.
Venus: For every level, add an additional +2 Mult and +20 Chips to the results for getting Three of a Kind.
Earth: For every level, add an additional +2 Mult and +25 Chips to the results for getting a Full House.
Mars: For every level, add an additional +3 Mult and +30 Chips to the results for getting Four of a Kind.
Jupiter: For every level, add an additional +2 Mult and +15 Chips to the results for getting a Flush.
Saturn: For every level, add an additional +2 Mult and +30 Chips to the results for getting a Straight.
Uranus: For every level, add an additional +1 Mult and +20 Chips to the results for getting a Two Pair.
Neptune: For every level, add an additional +3 Mult and +40 Chips to the results for getting a Straight Flush.
Pluto: For every level, add an additional +1 Mult and +10 Chips to the results for getting a High Card.
Planet X: For every level, add an additional +3 Mult and +35 Chips to the results for getting Five of a Kind.
Ceres: For every level, add an additional +3 Mult and +40 Chips to the results for getting a Flush House (a Full House, but all in the same suit)
Eris: For every level, add an additional +1 Mult and +40 Chips to the results for getting a Flush Five (Five of a Kind, but all in the same suit)

There's been some changes since earlier editions: As far as I can tell, Royal Flushes are still just counted as a variant of Straight Flush and boosted by Neptune. However the unique hands allowed for by card manipulation now have actual planets associated with them. You can't unlock their associated planet cards unless you've managed to trigger the play in a particular run though. Black Hole, despite being a Spectral Card, can rarely show up in a Planet Card pack because of its effect. It will boost even hands you haven't unlocked yet, but this does not itself unlock them.

Spectral Cards

The biggest addition since earlier versions of the game, Spectral Cards are kind of like more powerful/rarer Tarot cards that have a greater one-off ability to mess with your deck. They're a bit harder to control though.

Familiar: Destroy 1 random card in your hand, add 3 random Enhanced face cards to your hand.
Grim: Destroy 1 random card in your hand, add 2 random Enhanced Aces to your hand.
Incantation: Destroy 1 random card in your hand, add 4 random Enhanced number cards to your hand.
Talisman: Add a Gold Seal, which gives $3 every time a card is played, to a selected card in your hand.
Aura: Gives any of the Editions except Negative to a random card in your hand (not a Joker).
Wraith: Gives you a random Rare Joker, resets your Cash to 0.
Sigil: Converts all cards in your hand into a single suit.
Ouija: Converts all cards in your hand into a numerical value. -1 Hand Size.
Ectoplasm: Adds Negative to a random Joker. -1 Hand Size.
Immolate: Destroys 5 random cards in your hand. Gives you $20.
Ankh: Create a copy of a random Joker. Destroy all other Jokers besides these two.
Deja Vu: Add a Red Seal, which repeats play once when a card is played, to a selected card in your hand.
Hex: Add Polychrome to a random Joker, destroy all other Jokers.
Trance: Add a Blue Seal, which creates a Planet Card if the card is in hand at the end of the round, to a selected card in your hand.
Medium: Add a Purple Seal, which creates a Tarot Card if the card is discarded, to a selected card in your hand.
Cryptid: Create 2 copies of a selected card in your hand.
The Soul: Creates a random Legendary Joker.
Black Hole: Upgrades every poker hand by one level.

Additional Playing Cards

There's not that much to add here. You can buy extra playing cards, which helps if your deck is centered around certain plays. The one interesting thing to note is that some of the playing cards from Booster Packs can start with Enhancements/Editions/Seals, so it can be a quick way to frontload some extra pizzazz. This is also a good place to note that while even regular cards can have all of the various modifiers listed, each card can only have one Enhancement/Edition/Seal each.


It's not a Roguelike in 2024 if it doesn't have metaprogression, right?

A whole bunch of shop purchasable stuff/alternative decks are locked to start with. You do get a lot of things that you can buy and just don't know about until you purchase them for the first time, but a bunch of stuff will not unlock until you complete certain achievements. You don't need to play a lot before you make sizeable progress/win though. Decks are half locked by achievements/half locked by winning with the already unlocked decks. The game does allow you to just turn off the collectible part of the metaprogression system on a given profile though, as long as you're okay with not having achievements recorded.

Winning the game (aside from, y'know being the goal) allows you to keep on playing in Endless Mode until you lose. You also unlock the ability to play with an additional penalty modifier for that specific deck, with there being a total of 7 additional levels of modifier beyond the default experience. Apart from that there are 20 Challenge scenarios, some of which are real jerks to beat.

Mod Repository

Apparently the modding community mostly operates via code injection into the game folders/files by a nonintegrated third-party modloader? If you're okay with braving the wonders of files downloaded on GitHub, here you go:

Relyssa posted:

A couple fun mods I've been experimenting with:

Card Sleeves - See pic below. Clear a high enough stake with a deck and get a corresponding sleeve. It's sort of like mix and matching decks. Red sleeve is +1 discard, yellow is +$10 starting cash, abandoned sleeve is no face cards, etc. If you use the same deck and sleeve it will amplify that deck's ability. For instance, if you use abandoned deck and abandoned sleeve you now cannot get face cards in that run at all. Double erratic will randomize hand count, joker slots, and other things. Double anaglyph means you get a double tag after every blind. Sure it makes the game a LOT easier, but that's no bad thing.

Pokermon - this is a doozy. Balatro University was playing this one. All gen 1 pokemon have a joker (that's 152 jokers), plenty of new consumables, a new seal type, evolutions, it adds a lot. There's options to play with just the pokemon jokers which I would probably recommend. It feels like an entirely different game, in a good way. Balance-wise it's definitely a lot more forgiving than the base game.

eta: Not posting a link as it's through discord and that's a pain but someone has made a mod that among other things changes Black deck to start with Hieroglyph instead of just having a -1 hand penalty. Honestly seems like a really good change.

Ariong posted:

Congratulations! I'll get there too, someday. If you're still hungry for more Balatro, here are a few mods I'd recommend, which I can confirm are all compatible:

Betmma Jokers and Vouchers
Mika's Mod Collection
Card Sleeves - This one is good if you want a sense of progression again.

Finally, Cardsauce is one of the highest-quality mods, but it's entirely themed around in-jokes and running gags from the streamer Vinesauce Vinny. I'm not sure how obtrusive that would be if you aren't already a fan. However, it does have its own kickass soundtrack.

NOTE: Modding Balatro requires the usage of the Lovely LUA injector and a mod loader. Both of those have wrinkles. Lovely is a code injector which alters the code of another program (balatro.exe) at runtime. This is something that legitimate programs almost never do and malicious programs do a lot, so basically every anti-virus software is going to flag it. You'll need to follow the install instructions carefully to make an exception for it in your OS's antivirus. The wrinkle with the mod loader is that there are two different ones, Steammodded and Balamod, which are incompatible. Most mods only work with one. All the mods I recommended use Steammodded so that's the loader I recommend.

Tiny Myers posted:

Thanks for sharing my mod! :) I just released 2.0, which does horrible things like put boobs on Cavendish for no reason.

If you want to see all the cards, it's at the bottom of the readme on Github.

I've tried to be as comprehensive as possible for in-run mechanics without spoiling literally every surprise that the game has in store, although with the ability to unlock everything immediately from the start, that is sort of a losing proposition. Balatro's really more about your own journey through the tools you've been given anyway, figuring out how they fit together and create devastatingly overpowered combos. May you all be merry and have much luck in your blinds!


Kuros posted:

Short form: Early on you need very little in the way of mults/chips to hit thresholds so typically you want one or two economy jokers to build up your funds. From there you slowly change from economy jokers to score/utility jokers to make the blinds. The only reason to keep an economy joker in your pool late game is if it's polychrome, negative or it's actively helping your mult due to effects of other jokers.

As for building the deck itself, typically you build around the jokers you get, not build in anticipation of the jokers you might get. If the game is tossing flush jokers at you and you're building the deck for straights you may lose pretty quickly. All hands can win a run with the right build and foresight.

Long form: Here's a good vid from Haelian

Kuros posted:

One thing to put into the guides part, hands and jokers are tallied up from left to right in order in MOST cases. Conditional triggers from jokers will trigger first before triggering other effects in the joker pool from left to right.


Your jokers are in order: Campfire (+.5x mult per sold card starting at 1x mult), Scary Face (face cards get +30 chips) and Joker (+4 mult)

If you play a three of a kind of Kings and Campfire is at 1.5x, you will trigger the Scary Face first per king, then the Campfire and finally the Joker. The Campfire is mostly wasted due to it going first in front of the +4 mult from the Joker. So you end up with a 7.5 mult as you would get 3 from the hand, then 1.5x from Campfire then +4 from the Joker.

If you switch the Joker and Campfire you get: 3 from the hand + 4 from the Joker which is 7 then 1.5x which is 10.5 mult.

Adding the chips which would be 150 (30 for the hand + 30 for each king + 90 from the Scary Face) you would have 1125 chips in the first example, but 1575 in the second example.

Typical rule of thumb is: +Chips or +Mult goes on the left, anything that does xMult goes on the right. These rules apply to cards/jokers that have Foil, Hologram, Polychrome, Mult, Enhanced, Lucky, or Glass.

Arcanuse posted:

Let's start with a basic Glass card.
That's a 2x (2x) Multiplier, simple enough.
Now let's make it a Polychrome Glass card.
Now it's 2x/1.5x (3x). A little better.
And let's give it a Red Seal. Red Seals cause a played card to trigger an additional time, and both the above effects are applied on trigger.
So, this would give it 2x/2x/1.5x/1.5x (9x)!

But we're just getting started.
Say this cards a king and you have, yes, Triboulet.
Now it's 2x/2x/2x/2x/1.5/1.5. (36x) Juicy, powerful, liable to explode don't worry about that.

Now let's put a Blueprint left of it, for another 2x/2x.
2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x1.5/1.5. (144x)

And lets add... Oh, Sock and Buskin. Now, this ones special, giving another trigger to face cards. So that (144x) becomes...
2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x//2x/2x/2x//1.5/1.5/1.5 (1728x)

and what the hell, we're this deep in lets slap a Brainstorm on the right (still keeping Blueprint and Triboulet neighbors), duplicating Sock and Buskin.
2x/2x/2x/2x2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5 (20736x)

now that's a big multiplier! except no, it's just one card. You get up to five.
[1]: (20736x)
[2]: (429,981,696x)
[3]: (8,916,100,448,256x)
[4]: (184,884,258,895,036,416x)
[5]: (3,833,759,992,447,475,122,176x)

and let's not forget steel cards for an extra 1.5 each, or a joker to trigger those again or planets buffing base multiplier and chips-
Look, you get the point.
Even under actual, non-theoretical limits, triggers are important and if anyone would actually reaches nevermind clears Ante 16 without severe trigger abuse I'll be shocked.

the holy poopacy posted:

Broadly, in order to score well you need:

1. A way to add chips
2. A way to add multiplier
3. A way to multiply multiplier

Playing big hands and leveling them up is a decent source of chips, but a poor source of multiplier. The difference in multiplier between playing something like a level 4 flush and playing an unleveled high card is less than a single mediocre joker, the biggest thing you're getting from the flush is chips.

Jokers are a great source of multiplier. Lots of jokers add multiplier and a lot of them are not even particularly specialized (which is good, because if you're relying on base hand scoring then you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket unless it's a really really good basket and a lot of the basic "+chips/+multiplier for a specific hand" jokers are not really worth it unless they have something like permanent scaling or multiplicative multipliers.) There are also ways to add chips from your jokers, but these are not as common as you need to keep an eye out for them. If you have a lot of chips from jokers and a lot of multiplier from jokers then the actual hand you play doesn't matter much, but if you only have multiplier from jokers then you need to be scoring good 5-card hands to get any reasonable score at all. At this point a joker that helps you get those good hands more reliably starts to look pretty useful, but again, just hitting the big hand every hand probably isn't enough if you don't have some added multiplier.

Suppose for example that you have 5 jokers adding an average of +10 multiplier each (a fairly mediocre build.) If you play a single ace, you score 16 chips x 51 multiplier for a little over 800. If you score a level 4 flush with decent card values you might score something like 120 chips x 60 multiplier = 7200. So you better hope that you can use enough tarots/spectral cards that you can reliably score that flush.

On the other hand, if you have 3 jokers adding +10 multiplier each and 2 jokers adding +100 chips, then your single ace now scores almost 3600 and your flush scores 8800. The flush is still obviously better but the gap is much smaller and it's not as immediately fatal if you miss your flush.

(If you only have chips from jokers and no real multipliers, you're probably gonna die barring Shenanigans, because even leveled up hands have very low multiplier compared to what you get from jokers. If you had +250 chips from jokers with no source of multiplier, the same flush is now only scoring 3700, about as bad as a level 1 high card from the more balanced loadout. Also, since chips are less common on jokers you're probably not even going to get to +250.)

These aren't very high scores, but these are pretty low bonuses for jokers, equivalent to the modifiers on holo/foil cards. Which means that if you get all shiny cards you can have a set of jokers that gives one of the sets of chips/multiplier above in addition to the actual bonuses on the joker! So go for those shiny cards, the skip bonus that guarantees one in the next shop is very good unless you have a rock solid joker build and/or no money. (Which is another important point: try not to be broke. Holding onto cash between rounds earns you interest, unless you're playing with the Green Deck. Don't go below $10 unless there is something amazing for sale, like a shiny joker with a big value ability.) Similarly, the voucher that makes shiny jokers more common is extremely valuable.

Even then, that only goes far. A reasonably strong joker base chips/multiplier joker build with 2 foils and 2 holos might see something like, I dunno, +270 chips and +90 multiplier. At this point you're clearing 25k on a high card and 39k with a level 4 flush. That probably gets you over the finish line, but you still might get sunk by a particularly nasty boss blind. After a certain point you need to stop looking at things that add multiplier and start looking at things that multiply multiplier. The worst joker in that build might only be adding +20 multiplier, which is only about 25% of your score. If you swap it out for a joker with x1.5 multiplier, you're going to get a much bigger boost.

And that's equivalent to a polychrome joker that does absolutely nothing else for you, there are much better multipliers available. There are also never any diminishing returns on multiplicative bonuses: if you play a level 4 flush and have a single joker that gives +20 multiplier it just tripled your score, but a second +20 multiplier joker only increases it a further 40%. But no matter how many x2 jokers you have they will always double your score, which racks up very quickly. The only caveat is that you still need a reasonable base score for the x2 jokers to fire off, if you get too greedy fishing for polychromes and big multipliers then you will hit the wall pretty quickly--you still can't neglect the need for base chips/multiplier.


1. Pick up some jokers that add chips
2. Pick up some jokers that add multiplier
3. Pick up some jokers that multiply multiplier

roomtwofifteen posted:

Extraordinary stuff.

Also a tip for new players, you can turn up the speed of cards in the settings, it's a nice feature once you're bored of seeing everything tick slowly.

Infinitum posted:

I did find out that :siren: holding R will restart your run :siren: which is a much quicker way of restarting a run rather than going through a menu

Alkanos posted:

I watched this the other day so I might be remembering it wrong, but the changes aren't to the scoring. His move only takes effect between scoring and calculating the additional money collected. So when it start scoring it "locks" the joker order for that purpose, but reads the new order when calculating funds. Unless I read that completely wrong while I was watching.
Casino Roguelikes

There was enough interest in games which are either Balatro-likes or at least vaguely themed around gambling later on in the thread, such that I am adding a category for them to the OP. If nothing else, you can find something mildly amusing to play while you're taking a break from the game because you're tilted at Gold Stakes/Black Deck/Jokerless/Golden Needle.

Aotenjo - Balatro, but Mahjong. Probably the better of the two available offerings.

ULTIMAHJONG - Mahjong-based casino roguelike. Less slick than Aotenjo, less immediately from the same school of design. But does notably have arabic numeral accessibility options whereas that game does not.

Bingle Bingle - Balatro, but Roulette. Bingle Bingle is apparently highly variable even at the best of times, and quality seems to widely vary between updates/patches.

Luck be a Landlord - Slots-based casino roguelike. Predates Balatro but has a lot of the same gamefeel, unlike a bunch of games mentioned later which also involve casino game mechanics but don't feel anything at all like Balatro. localthunk cites it as one of Balatro's biggest inspirations.

Cat God Ranch - Slots-based casino roguelike. Heavily inspired by Luck be a Landlord, to the point where I would say it's almost like the dev just isolated the parts that they particularly enjoyed in LbaL (mostly chicken management) and turned them into their own game. The dev knew what to grab though, so it's fun.

Dice Player One - Dice/Yahtzee-based casino roguelike. A bit hesitant to say it's "Balatro but Yahtzee", although the demo gave me that experience. Seems pretty good, unless I've missed something utterly egregious.

Ballionaire is a pachinko-based casino roguelike. localthunk likes it, but for some reason I seem to dislike every game that Balatro's developer recommends, so your mileage may vary.

Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers - Blackjack-based casino roguelike. The start of the roguelikes that just happen to involve casino theming and maybe a couple of bits of card manipulation. Notable for technically predating Balatro but releasing later, and has a shoutout from localthunk.

Poker Quest: Swords and Spades - Poker-based casino roguelike that isn't Balatro. Part of an older generation of games that happened to involve poker as a core mechanic. Arguably falls outside of the genre, but if I'm including Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers, might as well include these ones too.

Aces & Adventures - Poker-based casino roguelike that isn't Balatro, part 2. Same deal as Poker Quest, a little bit closer to Balatro, but still mostly in the older style of poker-based roguelikes.

Spin Hero - Not out yet. Slots-based casino roguelike deckbuilder that isn't Luck be a Landlord. Take the commentary for the last couple of games but apply it to slots instead.

Jossar fucked around with this message at 22:31 on Jan 6, 2025


Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

Keepers of the Third Vow

Amitābha, Buddha of the Pure Land posted:

Provided I become a Buddha, if in that country of mine the beings who are born there should not all be of the colour of genuine gold, then may I not attain the enlightenment.

Power of Pecota posted:

85 completed gold stake runs and I've got Completionist++! Chicot was the last one to cross off.

For most commonly used jokers:

20+: Supernova, Stuntman (da goat), Blackboard
15-19: Square Joker, Hologram, Vampire, Green Joker
10-14: Blue Joker, Card Sharp, Ride the Bus, Abstract Joker, Baseball Card

Glad to answer any questions~

Tonetta posted:

finally, I'm free to do white stake zoomies runs. goodbye maybe forever gold stake, I'll miss the rent tag but that's about it

the holy poopacy posted:

And there goes Completionist++ :toot: Last 3 to go were Pareidolia, Satellite, and finally Seltzer. I'm surprised that there was only one "dead" win in between those last 3.

maybe someday I'll do completionist and completionist+

Kuros posted:


195.4 hours, C++ and with that 100% achievements has been completed.

I started on June 23rd and have been mostly playing Balatro since to grind for the gold stickers.

Thoughts and strats on getting C++:

1. Pick a deck that's highly consistent in the early game or provides advantages that will make getting stickers easier. Blue, Yellow, Checkered, Ghost or Anaglyph are good choices. I got 60-70% of my gold stickers on Anaglyph.

2. Very very important, your only major goal is to complete Ante 8, you DO NOT CARE about endless when going for gold stickers.

3. With #2 in mind, you will need to play around Perishable and Rental stickers on purpose and take strategic skips when necessary. Example: If you're in Ante 7 you can clear 400k and a key joker expires in 3 rounds consider skipping rounds so it lasts until the Ante 8 boss.

4. Holding onto consumables in order to guarantee high scoring hands to clear higher antes is important. Having a Justice and Death card in pocket can help in a pinch.

5. Creating certain builds really helps with getting gold stickers, one very good one is Photochad (Photograph + Hanging Chad). Sure it loses to plant, but it's an 8x mult on your hand. Build up High Card/Pair and with another xMult joker it can carry you and leave you room to take a dud joker so you get the sticker on it. Also, being able to use a pocket Justice turns that 8x into 64x.

6. Anaglyph does make it easy to get a few stickers at a time, it's high risk and reward. Plus if you have a negative dud that you already have a gold sticker on, it's an easy choice for Verdant Leaf.

7. Focus on getting Rare & Uncommon stickers first if you can, having an open spot for a dud joker to sticker is much more valuable if you can put something like Campfire, Stone Joker, Glass Joker, Obelisk, etc. into that slot instead of a common. You can get commons easily to sticker from Negative tags.

8. Speaking on tags, skipping early on for Investment is typically worth it. Skipping for Coupon can be good as well. When using Anaglyph, sometimes you may need to forgo trying for the Negative tag and skip for something like Buffoon, Ethereal, Economy, Standard (If you're rocking Hologram), etc. If you're going into Ante 7/8 and there hasn't been any Negative tags to take, just take something good if you can by Small Ante 8.

9. Lastly, I highly suggest tracking your progress, here's a google doc sheet I found, make a copy and tag the jokers as you win with them:

If there are any other questions I can answer them.

Notable runs where I got multiple stickers or hard stickers.

Matador was the last sticker to get.


@Jossar (Tagging if you want to add anything into the OP)

Jossar posted:

And then it was literally the next run, what perfect serendipity.

Completionist++ complete.

GoutPatrol posted:

301 hours.

I forgot to get a screenshot of the real final hand. I needed to complete another run before the trophy popped. Shame because was a really interesting deck, relying on 4ok wild card kings, a negative eternal flowerpot, and a negative eternal rental blueprint.

I did almost every gold sticker from 50-150 on anaglyph deck. I think that was the right move, and not just because of getting several negatives. Looking for an ante 1 25$ was the way to go, and hopefully getting a good economy tag in ante 2/3 was usually enough to save any run. Anaglyph deck turns any lovely economy tag into a passable one. It turns the "upgrade a hand by three levels" into an auto-win if you're getting it in ante 4/5. Like erratic deck, you get to do broken things when the extra tags create so much value. Draw over half your deck for the final boss using the hand size voucher? Free Chaos the Clown for the next six shops? And then I truly learned to appreciate the re-roll vouchers, not just to find the missing jokers, but in how much money they saved after 1-2 shops.

Final jokers totals:

An extra 100 hours and there wasn't a big change, except egg finally going down. I think Odd Todd would be next on the line. Card Sharp being the only uncommon, something which I started always picking up like Hanging Chad. I enjoy building up on one kind of hand (usually pair/two pair) during a run and don't like to pivot out, and Card Sharp played well with that. Easiest way to win with a normal run was finding a mult joker that scored on hands which got pumped up through Chad, then finding another xMult (probably a Throwback or Hologram) and then the final x3 from Card Sharp would beat most antes in 2 hands.

Chamale posted:

I have beaten Balatro. I got Yorick from a Charm tag in Ante 1, so he was up to 8x Mult by the end of Ante 8. I wound up doing a spade flush build, with Bull and a couple of interest vouchers giving me all the chips I needed.

mfcrocker posted:

And after 233 hours, you can add me to the sacred halls of Completionist++. Just got a ridiculous run with constantly retriggering polychrome queens that also allowed me to carry (and find!) my final 2 jokers.

E: just for fun I've carried the run on and I've just hit a new high score. On my very final run for C++. Perfect.

Scholtz posted:


Matador was my last one. I had several runs make it to the end, but it never showed up in late-game shops for those runs.

Old Doggy Bastard posted:

I finally beat Completionist++ and set out to try and get naninf. Does anyone have advice on what to do here? I've gotten to Ante 14 a few times, and Ante 16 once... but this time I think it's possible to go further if I make the right move from here.

High Roller Runs

Wooper posted:

Had a ridiculous build playing flush five of a kind Kings.

Arcanuse posted:

absolutely bonkers luck. run still going. dont think i owe any infernal powers for this, not entirely sure though

e: instant hubris karma as the very next small blind got me. still, gives a good idea of what its gonna take to crack the highest Ante's
e2: yknow what thats probably enough balatro for one night, got some good unlocks that'll really help future runs
Arcanuse gave the seed for this one if anyone wants to try it out: WWTC6MU6

Onmi posted:

I have broken the ??? barrier? I don't know what number that is!


The run finally died on Ante 14, the seed is H1VSVW7D with the Erratic Deck. If you want to toy with optimizing it yourself. I certainly didn't do things the smartest things in the run.

studio mujahideen posted:

well its not getting better than this for me. blueprinted a triboulet. has the face cards trigger twice joker. and the one that makes everything retrigger on the final hand. got a negative baron too, but it barely mattered

TastyLemonDrops posted:

Not sure if I'm ever gonna get this lucky again:
[insert e run here]

Sparticle posted:

I was starting to get annoyed that I hadn't seen a legendary jokers yet until I was blessed with 2 legendaries from the same shop.

I ended up with 12 jokers thanks to the anaglyph deck. My deck was pretty much just steel and glass kings and got my highest score ever.

I swapped out one of my jokers for the one that retriggers everything on the last hand played. I also recently bought the voucher that drops the ante at the expense of -1hand. My dumbass immediately miscounted how many hands I had left and I played high card instead of 5 of a kind completely punting my run at ante 12.


I hope someone who has more than a timeshare of a single braincell can take this seed to it's true potential.

Dr. Mantis Toboggan posted:

I think I hit a new record for the thread.

Seed is in the screenshot if you want to try it out with the Ghost Deck, White Stakes.

Final Jokers were:

Sock and Buskin
Negative Driver's License
Polychrome Brainstorm

Gameplay spoilers:

I ended up getting a Cryptid and an Eris (flush five planet) in my inventory, and with Blueprint+Brainstorm+Perkeo I was able to make 3 copies between the two every time I left the shop. Eventually I got a Polychrome King which I copied a bunch, then I made one of them glass and copied that one a bunch, then I got to add a Red Seal to one of them and copied that a few times, but the Ante 14 boss was The Plant and ruined all my Kings before I was able to ever play a 5x Glass Red Seal Polychrome King Hand.

For Joker ordering I think the optimal was the following:

Triboulet, Sock and Buskin, Blueprint, Brainstorm, Driver's License, Yorick

Flush Five was somewhere around level 15-20, so I around 550x50 or something like that. I'll say 500x50 for ease of math. Had I been able to play a full Flush Five of Polychrome, Glass, Red Sealed Kings, it would have been the following:

Base: 500x50
For each King:
+10 chips, x2 (Triboulet), x2 (Blueprint), x2 (Brainstorm), x1.5x (Polychrome), x2 (Glass)
(Total +10 chips, x24 mult)
repeat all of the above from Red Seal
(Total +20 chips, x576 mult)
repeat all of the above from Sock and Buskin
(Total +40 chips, x 331776 mult)

Do that all 5 times
(Total +200 chips, x4019988717840603673710821376 mult)

x3 mult from Driver's License, x1.5 mult from Polychrome Brainstorm, x5 mult from Yorick

(Total +200 chips, x90449746151413582658493480960 mult)
+500 chips and x50 mult from the base hand
700 chips x 4522487307570679132924674048000 mult
Score: 3.16574e+33 chips

I'm so sad I didn't get to play the best possible hand, but this was amazing fun either way.

MagicBoots posted:

Well that's going to be hard to beat, could have kept it going to but I played 4 queens on the loosing hand instead of 5 :(

The jokers:

The Postman posted:

i love using the anaglyph deck to load up on negative jokers

Chadzok posted:

Don't think I'll ever see these heights again.
The two copy Jokers and DNA to generate (3 new kings per match) a deck mostly of Red Seal, Holographic (not Polychrome :( ), Glass Kings. This is why most played is High Card - my winning hands were all Flush Five or Four of a Kinds.
During the matches the copyjokers switch to copying one each of Sock and Buskin and the X2 Mult for scored Kings and Queens Legendary, for complicated mathematical reasons that I kind of get but the excellent Balatro simulator helped me confirm (add Five of a Kind please, could only run the numbers with 4). A smattering of other jokers, one the X2 Mult to first played face card, that was an extra little boost but at those heights I was looking very specifically for retriggering or ways to get the last few non UltraKing cards out of my deck. Everything else was pretty irrelevant.

Ghost Deck, spectrals make breaking the game way easier.

Alkanos posted:

Yeah, but when it works well it works REALLY REALLY well

Though who knows, maybe a regular deck would have been just as good. Triboulet is pretty awesome.

Lemon posted:

Finally got my first E score!

This was when I realised I might have a good run on my hands.

I'd gotten to about Ante 6 or 7 with Campfire, but dropped it for either Hologram or Vampire, I forget which came first.

Previous to this point, I'd also had Cartomancer which created a Tarot card each blind, which fed Fortune Teller directly, and Vampire indirectly through the enhanced cards.

Marble Joker added a Stone card each blind, which directly fed Hologram, and again indirectly fed Vampire with the stone cards.

I also had vouchers that gave me more interest, cheaper cards in the store, and the ability to buy playing cards from the store, so I could just pour cards into Hologram.

The next couple of shops went nuts. Cavendish just did it's thing and I'd been playing pretty much just pairs up until that point, so I had a huge window with Obelisk. I had enough econ that I didn't need Marble joker to create enhanced cards for me, I could just buy packs to increase the flat mult on Fortune Teller then 5 mult multipliers after that should go crazy.

By the end I had around 75 mult x 3.5 x 3 x 15 x 17 x 17 and finished up in Ante 14.

As always, an element of luck with getting the jokers in the first place, but it definitely felt like a run that I was able to build from the knowledge of the game I'd built up, knowing when to pivot and such.

Irony Be My Shield posted:

The wild thing is that a Vampire + Blueprint setup is still only quadratic scaling (or quartic scaling on the Plasma Deck, I guess) and will rapidly fall behind the greater-than-exponential-growth of the blinds. One of the "in-hand" multiplication builds seems like the only real way to stack multiplications repeatedly and get a long way into Endless - I had one just now which got me to Ante 14 and probably could've got me further if I managed my deck better/I didn't get really unlucky on one of the blinds and fail to get a hand full of Kings for the first time in ages.

uPen posted:

Beat Ante 14 for the first time ever with Blueprint/Brainstorm/Hologram/Burned/DNA. Got high card leveled up to the 90s with a deck that contained 80+ Red tag/holo/Steel aces.

Deck was already producing e numbers at the end of ante 8, feels like I could have gone a lot further if I transitioned from upgrading high card to upgrading flush 5 with Burned around then. I have a lot of trouble swapping hands, feels wrong to give up dozens of levels on a hand in the hope your new hand will outscale it 6 rounds from now assuming you survive till then with your 'primary' hand no longer scaling up.

e: Thinking about it would flush 5 even be better than just holding 4 extra red tag/steel cards in hand? Game rules.

quiggy posted:

Tried to get the 100,000,000 point hand to unlock that joker, ended up going quite a bit beyond

pumpinglemma posted:

New best run on white stake/yellow deck: a deck consisting entirely of queens of hearts, half steel and half glass. Two triboulets doubling multiplier for every queen I play for x32 each, campfire with a stupid economy for x6-10, a polychrome family for x6, and a steel joker for x4.5. And it still died to the first blind of ante 14, getting 9.3e11 with an optimal hand out of 2.9e13 needed and ending at a mere 2e12. I think to take it further I would have needed mime and/or seltzer bottle and/or red seals... Still, at least I got the ROI and flushed achievements at the same time.

RBA Starblade posted:

Purple stake's not loving around huh

e: Guess which Joker's the one I duped to make a second polychrome Baron lol

Those babies, Mime and Brainstorm finally got me 1.7 billion in one hand for stuntman lol, then 4.6e14 lmao. I finally won Balatro

PoundSand posted:

Got my first E hand, haven't really been shooting for them but I was just climbing on blue deck for my next gold and stumbled across a midgame polychrome 2 and hack so I shot for it. Couple jokers could have taken it to the next level (ended up with 6 slots due to voucher). And I legit never saw a glass tarot for the rest of the game but can't complain.

Relyssa posted:

Finally hit scientific notation! Two poly triboulet + poly supernova + hanging chad + sock and buskin. Got to ante 12, died to the plant because I was never offered any sort of boss reroll by the time I realized this would go the distance. It got very silly very quickly.

Sockser posted:

In a situation like this, where most of your points are coming from cards left in your hand, yeah, you should just be playing high card. That would be two more queens in your hand, each of them multiplying your mult by 1.5 twice, vs whatever base mult you're getting from 3 of a Kind.
Also, you've got Perkeo, but nothing in your inventory. That's a massive mistake, Perkeo is incredibly powerful and you should always have at least one card sitting around even if it's just to sell them

I'm upset that I hosed this run up:

At the start of Ante 18, a spectral pack offered me an ectoplasm
"Oh, brilliant!" says I, not thinking about the consequences of -2 hand size


Eschatos posted:

Ayy I did it. Spent too much time adding cards to my deck before I got the Baron, but not bad for my first time past ante 12 small blind. Went through like 20 hands digging for Mimic in the shop with no luck. Probably should have dropped the Burnt Joker earlier but I couldn't resist temptation to keep double leveling high card every hand.

godogg posted:

Finally unlocked Stuntman and got my first e-value hand, thanks to Shoot the Moon, Mime, Hologram, Obelisk, and Blueprint. Also Burnt Joker for the first 7 antes and Square Joker for the first 3. I made it to ante 13!

Gangringo posted:

Made it to scientific notation for the first time. 5e24, crashed out on the boss blind of ante 16. If I had managed to slip a red tag into my king duping engine it would have been something amazing.

GoutPatrol posted:

loving finally

Necronomicon posted:

I finally got into scientific notation scoring on a pretty wild run. I played Anaglyph with the intent of getting a ton of negative jokers via double tags, and got a Perkeo in like the first shop, and over time managed to get an entire deck full of polychrome steel kings, with Mime to double the steel and Blueprint + Brainstorm + Baron to stack a bajillion 1.5x bonuses off of everything in hand. Unfortunately I never found any red seals and I imagine they would have helped me get up into Ante 17 and beyond, but my best hand was 3.311e19 and by god I’m probably gonna take a little break from this game now that I’ve done that. I ended up with 24 jokers total but ironically not a single one of the negatives ended up being all that important to the strategy.

On a side note I really appreciate how the game can be rewarding both for trying to put together absolutely obscene high scoring runs but also for getting through white knuckle tense runs in high stakes.

LifeLynx posted:

The hunt is over, I got into high Es. Blueprint and Brainstorm on Baron, which had to be on the left for Brainstorm to work, which aside from a handful of non-red-seal kings was the only thing keeping me from going to whatever the end of Balatro is.

Panic! At The Tesco posted:

finally got my first e numbers. fun as hell watching all those red seal steel kings trigger multiple times as it speeds up.

WhiteHowler posted:

Just had my best run, somehow lucking into a red seal steel king deck without really hunting for it initially. I got a ridiculous economy via Gold Mask and the "all cards are face cards" joker, and from there was able to reroll my way into some higher antes.

I could have gone further but never saw a Brainstorm, and I had to sell my Showman to get past the boss blind.

Really fun run. I'm probably never beating my last four challenges.

Tonetta posted:

I finally broke blind 14 but ngl I can't even see a chance on me climbing any higher. the joker setup was the dice, then 3 cats + 2 copy jokers @ ~38x multi. I think I'll wait for next patch to try cause goddamn this run was almost perfect and it still isn't even close to breaking ante 16

DaveWoo posted:

Man, that was an insane run. I've included the seed if anyone else is interested in trying it out.

AlphaKeny1 posted:

Finally made it to e notation! Got a pretty early Perkeo with Brainstorm, and then 2 antes later picked up a Baron and immediately switched to steel kings by making 2 death tarots per round. Was able to get a red seal on a regular king and then kept opening tarot packs until I could turn it into steel. In ante 9 I got a mime and that was pretty much it. Felt so good.

Perry Mason Jar posted:

Just got my first e!!! 7.380e11 baby

Too bad the Ante 13 boss was No Repeat Handtypes, killing my run. High Card was like lvl 115 or something

Set up: Plasma Deck, Blue Stake (incidental, I was not specifically trying to e). Early (round 1?) Burnt Joker. Spectral shop in (I believe) next shop was Ankh. Dupe Burnt. High Card. Telescope. Buff High Card. Eventually (don't remember when) pull DNA. Pull Brainstorm. Pull Mime.

Move jokers around so Brainstorm: triple levels High Card per discard. Two copies of Steel Club King (never did find a red seal) per DNA. Then doubled Mime for the actual scoring. In Ante 12 (pretty sure) found Blueprint. Put left of Brainstorm. Had to sell a Burnt so still triple level High Card per discard, but three Steel Kings per DNA, three Mime triggers.

Made a few misplays from distraction/moving too quick so High Card could've gotten maybe 6-10 levels higher? And I could've printed two additional Kings but played more than one card. Still, very difficult to clear one hand type boss at that high an Ante. Maybe you can? Or maybe one day I'll try it again, but for today I can stop playing Balatro happy.

My highest scoring hand before this was 10.5mil so, lmao. Unlocked Showman and the 12 Ante voucher - let's go!

Seed: EG97BMW2

Furious Lobster posted:

Thank you for all the suggestions. I got my first e score with a seltzer and picked up a hanging chad. Is it correct to take the Dusk here over the hanging chad?

Devo posted:

And this is the very next run. Black deck is so much harder it's just unreal.

Jossar posted:

Well, there's my sci-not run! Was starting to think that I'd never get one of these things. I forgot to reroll The Plant, so I might have been able to go one Ante higher, but I probably wasn't getting any further than that unless I'd been able to convert my deck to Polychrome Red Seal Glass/Steel Kings within a ludicrously short time span.

Nucular Carmul posted:

Finally hit the E score club with Sock and Buskin, the legendary that gives x2 multi when a king or queen scores, and blueprint to copy that. Ended up going with a full house build with kings and queens. I may have thrown the opportunity to get past ante 14 because I wasn't sure if I should pivot to a five of a kind or even flush five, but by the time it seemed likely to do I already had 20 levels in full house. The thing is though I kept getting kings and queens in various forms pretty evenly, the biggest gap in the numbers at one point was like 15 kings and 13 queens. Couldn't find enough deck cutting and waffled too much so I just stuck with full house.

Popete posted:

I finally joined the exponential club and beat ante 13 thanks to a blueprint and Perkeo combined with the voucher that gives x1.5 mult for each planetary card held in hand that matches.

WhatEvil posted:

Had a pretty decent round. Broke my score record.

Learned something new:

Photograph's "first scored face card grants 2x mult" also triggers if your first face card gets retriggered. So it was getting triggered 3 additional times from Chad and Seltzer, so that was 16x mult from Photograph, from another 16x from Triboulet, and another 16x from Blueprint = 4096x mult just from the first played face card.

I also had DNA for a while in the run so I was duping glass kings and queens. I also got tons of planets so I levelled up 2-Pair, 3oaK, FH, 4oaK, 5oaK (and also Straight) a bunch. I think 3oaK was at like level 13 or something by the time I finished. Helped to get that initial mult up for the multipliers.

I think my record hand was with like 3-4 glass cards and it was either a FH of 5oaK. I also tried to make as many of my non-King/Queen cards Steel, including at least one with a Red Seal.

This was on Purple stake, so didn't have to arse around with rentals/perishable.

E: Oh and the Seed was LCQC252G in case anybody wants to try it - though I can't remember which pack I got Triboulet on. I think it was just an Arcana pack fairly early on.

Zoracle Zed posted:

I finally beat gold stake plasma deck, and managed to get into scientific notation for the first time as well. Got a permanent hitchhiker in the first or second blind, and then a triboulet in ante 2 or 3 allowed a king/queen full house to carry me most of the way to ante 8. Around there I got a red seal on one of the kings and pivoted to flush five, with blueprint and brainstorm doubling up the triboulet. Got up to e32 before loving up my joker order but I don’t think it going going to make much more than low e33.

oddium posted:

my best hand is 3.977e14 but that was before i was good at the game

Tsietisin posted:

New high score achieved.

Lovely combination of just 5 jokers got me a considerably high score

Which ended with this being the final score

Detheros posted:

Finally got an e score :toot:

Shout out to diced bloodstoned (and occasionally glassed with some help from chad and the opposite of the blueprint joker) flush fives for the help.

Chamale posted:

I died to The Arm on Ante 12 in the game I just posted about. I got unlucky with lots of my glass jokers self-destructing, and then my cards weren't enough to score 2.4 billion. My best hand in that playthrough was 4,005,000,000 - still nowhere close to my best ever, which was 2.018*10^22 with Triboulet*, Hanging Chad**, and Photograph***.

*: Kings and Queens give 2X mult when scored
**: First played card gets re-scored two additional times
***: First scored face card gives 2X mult

Aggro posted:

I just had the most blessed run that I've gotten in ages. Playing Plasma Deck, Red Stakes. Didn't really have much going until Ante 4, and then the deck just went bonkers. Despite having a deck of entirely clubs, playing a Flush Five still took down The Club in one hand. And the boss was Verdant Leaf which again didn't matter.

I ended up with Triboulet, Yorick, and Caneo. All of them became Holographic or Polychrome because Wheel of Fortune hit four times. I also had DNA which I kept the whole time to keep making more Glass Queens. I used a Trading Card to get rid of all of my other face cards, and then either Hanged Man or Death took care of the rest. By the high Antes, my deck was nothing but Glass Queens and Steel 10s. I had Flush Five up to level 9. Yorick ended up at a 14x modifier. Caneo was at 38x.

Best hand was 8.519e18 which was 4 Glass Queens + 1 Glass Polychrome Queen, and 4 Steel 10s in hand. Finally lost on Round 42 when playing 4 Flush Fives in a row wasn't good enough.

I imagine the only way to get higher than that would've been to get a Red Seal on the Glass Polychrome Queen and dupe that, or luck into a Negative Baron and get Steel Kings in my hand. I didn't see a Negative Joker tag until Ante 13.

Seed: QA2Z32Y7

FPyat posted:

Really knocked it out of the park with Lucky Cat, Hack, Bloodstone, and the Idol, running Flush Houses. Could have done even more if Invisible Joker had given me something good.

GaiaShell posted:

It finally happened, my first e :toot:

The crazy part is I had Cavendish before this round but the drat thing expired on me for the very first time. I blame Oops! All 6s for that 2 in 1000 chance lol, thankfully Perkeo carried my rear end

Kuros posted:

New personal best, early Triboulet with some a ton of negative skips equals massive scores. Landed a Showman and held onto it to get Brainstorms, but wish one of them was a Blueprint instead.

cirus posted:

Finally got to e hands. White Stake Anaglyph with early negative Burned, DNA, Bloodstone, Showman. Ended up with 4 copies of Chad, 2 Photograph, and Perkio. I was duping red seal glass King of Hearts. Unfortunately I wasn't able to build up a high powered hand early and it stalled but it was so satisfying

Combo posted:

I got my first scientific notation win tonight on a dream setup of jokers that all came early on.

A round or two after that Sock and Buskin popped up and I replaced Hiker with that and got to Ante 11 until the plant ate me.

Heavy_D posted:

Dear Jongleurs Magazine, I never thought it would happen to me...

I've not played the game for a short while, but I've been keeping up with the thread and watching a few streams. So I was keen to apply the knowledge I'd absorbed when I booted it back up. I went to the trouble of deliberately unlocking Brainstorm in a throwaway game, and it wasn't long before that paid off in a real run.

At the crucial Ante 7 shop, I had this already stacked line-up plus a melting Ice Cream.

Opened the Tarot pack and there was the second soul of the run!

Then I re-rolled the shop and this happened:

I couldn't believe it...was the right play to sell a legendary? A holomorphic legendary that I'd already scaled to x4? I took a deep breath and committed to it. Then one more re-roll later I saw a Wheel and spun it

This was a sign, the gods had approved the decision and restored my holomorphic joker count. My next hand...

...melted the boss and unlocked Stuntman

Victory was assured, and I went on well into endless. Perhaps I should have ditched Photograph but I left the line-up as seen, focused on shaping the deck and levelling up Flush House. Got to Ante 14 before I wiped - recognising the danger and pivoting hard into glass might have kept the run going a bit further. But still, a number of PBs, and a seed if anyone fancies a look:

brugroffil posted:

Just finished a run with the checkered deck with


Hit a few e11 scores with some red seal glass kings. Unfortunately, despite having a ton of money, I couldn't come across enough death cards to really get those kings copied.
Good as Gold
(Unfortunately the post is running out of room and Gold Stakes runs are the best return on investment to cut out word-wise. Click on the post quotes to go and explore each goon's individual Gold Stakes story!)

Just For Fun

Infinitum posted:

This game is going to consume me

TwoStepBoog posted:

The wheel of fortune is not happy with me--that's okay, I'll still keep buying that garbage.

Veryslightlymad posted:

This card's effects broke me.

It has Holographic, so I definitely want to play it, yet it has a purple seal, so I definitely want to discard it, but it has steel, so I definitely want to hold onto it and not play it or discard it but it has holographic so------

Pwnstar posted:

The get murdered by casino security deck

WarEternal posted:

Well that was a close one.

e: jesus, blueprint+burglar is absolutely busted.

Darke GBF posted:

Like it or not, this is what peak performance looks like, ladies.

First shop had the card that gives you three dollars and deletes the card if your first discard is only one card, and well, numbered cards can basically get hosed. By the end of that run, Erosion had +124 mult, and I had a 100% chance of playing the card my Idol joker pointed to that round. But that's only an X2 multiplier so deck topped out at ante 10 on red stake. Fun though.

Jossar posted:

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Veryslightlymad posted:

Listen to me.
Never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot be.
Never let anyone tell you who you can and cannot be friends with.
It's all an illusion.

Onmi posted:

I continue to have extremely dumb Balatro runs.

Waffle! posted:

This plays all the time in my head, might as well get funky with it:

Necrosaro posted:

InstrumentManiac just released a great cover of the Balatro theme.

Elman posted:

I finally came up with a really strong deck for endless!

I got another duplicate right after this pic so that's 6 cards with steel and red stamp which also get retriggered by the negative Mime. At the same time all of my J's (many of them glass) get retriggered too which means a lot of base mult before the steel kicks in (and very high chip value from the +chips joker). If I can get more glass/steel and hand size and a good multiplier joker to replace my +chips joker, then we'll really be in business!

Anyway I just started endless let's see what's ne--

lunar detritus posted:

I made a balatro simulator, for those times when I have no idea how to order my cards and it's my only hand left.

It's still a work in progress so please let me know if it's too broken. I have mostly tested it with early saves so I'm really curious if it holds up for high level hands.

Paul.Power posted:

Sure, here you go. Not sure if it's downloadable from Dropbox, I might need to host it somewhere else or fiddle with the link a bit if you can't do that.
Paul.Power's excellent Deck tracking spreadsheet

Scholtz posted:

This screenshot has a lot of funny aspects.

Sockser posted:

Blueprint? Brainstorm?
Who needs 'em?
Not me.

And then one ante later,

Jezza of OZPOS posted:

its so funny to me that ff7 rebirth came out, I threw 130 hours into it, wouldn't shut up about it, cried a couple of times, felt incredible catharsis and joy from playing it, and I'm still probably going to give my GOTY to the poker game that looks like it was designed to run on a VGA monitor with absolutely no story whatsoever

Kuros posted:

Veryslightlymad posted:

Did you know
Luchador has to be sold at the boss. Either that, or there are bosses it won't work on.

Tsietisin posted:

I decided to make my own challenge to see if I could beat the game in 8 hands.

I did

See the follow up, where Tsietisin repeats this on Gold Stakes:

DaveWoo posted:

Good news, I found a way to make Space Joker work:

Edit: Seed LT78VPFC if anyone's interested. It's actually possible to get a fifth Blueprint in this run, if you can squeeze it in.

Tonetta posted:

speaking of double legendary, this seed offers negative trib and perkeo in ante 2:1 by buying both the packs. it's currently the most broken (found) seed in the entire game and you can do crazy stuff in it like make 2k money a round and go to ante 40 with the right joker choices.


RBA Starblade posted:

oddium posted:

fun fact. you can't tell which one is hanging chad when jokers are flipped even though you can do this

For the love of God Montresor!

Scholtz posted:

Also, one extremely good thing came out of Balatro's GOTY nomination at TGA: the orchestral theme

Power of Pecota posted:

It's pending verification, but I just broke the skipless gold stake random seed world record (previously 11m25s) with a sub-10 minute one.

Behold, autopilot high card exodia

repiv posted:

FalconImpala posted:

Something about the jokers makes me deeply uncomfortable
does this help

mfcrocker posted:

Someone edited this to be even better

Jossar posted:

Balatro is Something Awful's Game of the Year!

MMAgCh posted:

Thanks! As suggested earlier I slightly sped up/smoothed out the animation, and I guess it does look a bit better like this? And finally, here's an alternative version featuring subtle yet cheeky eye movements.

Jossar fucked around with this message at 22:36 on Feb 12, 2025

Feb 25, 2013

Bear Witness
Aces can be low, I did a A2345 entirely out of curiosity. They still give ten chips, too.

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:


Aces can be low, I did a A2345 entirely out of curiosity. They still give ten chips, too.

Duly noted! Edited into the OP, along with several other things I found from playing for a little bit longer.

Everybody loves stupid runs! Here's my latest. The Jokers are out of order due to the Boss Blind that negates your rightmost joker (the optimal order is Blueprint, Onyx Agate - with the Die on either side of those two, then all the multipliers, ending with the Polychrome Acrobat) but this got really crazy in the postgame once I replaced the Tarot Joker with the one that multiplies 3 of a Kind. I probably could have made it extraordinarily far into postgame Antes if I hadn't tried to push my luck against a Boss Blind for which the deck was poorly suited and rerolled it. Should have just gone with that, even if the Boss Blind was postgame only, there's more chances to find it for collectible 100%ing than a run to Ante 20.

Jossar fucked around with this message at 03:31 on Jun 19, 2023

Sep 12, 2010

Fun Shoe


Aces can be low, I did a A2345 entirely out of curiosity. They still give ten chips, too.

Note that they don't loop around, though; QKA23 doesn't work.

Jan 23, 2015

who's your favourite joker and why is it yorick (i still haven't unlocked every one but this guy is a beast)

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

Artelier posted:

who's your favourite joker and why is it yorick (i still haven't unlocked every one but this guy is a beast)

My favorite is the Blueprint because of its versatility. It never makes a winning build on its own, but it makes a lot of builds that would otherwise only almost work into insane powerhouses.

Among the Legendaries, my favorite is Chicot. He helped me win a run, but mostly it's just vibes.

and the claw won!
Jul 10, 2008
Played as far as the demo let me, cool game. I'd buy it but it's not for sale yet. Love that you get to tamper with the standard 52-card deck itself. Vibes kinda similar to slot machine roguelite Luck be a Landlord.

The Huge Manatee
Mar 27, 2014
May I present the Guybrush Threepwood deck:

Jan 23, 2015

That deck is beautiful.

My main weakness is forgetting to reroll the boss blind. Why yes, I would love to play against "No hands with Pairs allowed" when half my deck is a 5 of Hearts :)

Apr 20, 2005

Help a hero out!
could someone explain Stone cards to me, as if I was a particularly slow child? i've read the description like a dozen times and still don't fully get what they do and don't do.

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

Countblanc posted:

could someone explain Stone cards to me, as if I was a particularly slow child? i've read the description like a dozen times and still don't fully get what they do and don't do.

Stone Cards do not count as anything except for being a card in the most generic possible sense, except for when the text of another card specifically refers to Stone Cards. They're just always playable and count towards the hand (unless you would otherwise be prevented from playing any card at all, like the 5th card in the Arm ruining the hand), 50 Chips straight. They don't count towards poker hand status because they have no suit or number, so if you were trying to set up a flush and only had 4 clubs and a Stone Card, then you're screwed.

I'm a bit less certain on how the weird edge cases that are supposed to apply to literally all cards work on them. My guess is that Stone rules override literally everything else except being a generic card, so if you have the Joker that says all cards are now Face cards... well, a Stone Card still isn't. Because it CAN'T have any kind of classification other than being a Stone Card. But if it just refers to a card existing at all (I don't think this is a real example, but: if you play a valid hand, get extra chips for every card played in the hand), then a Stone Card would still be considered a card. But again: this is a guess and not complete certainty.

I feel like unless you have a really good Stone Card Joker setup, it's useful to have a few Stone Cards early on, but in the long term they become a trap precisely because they don't synchronize well with anything else.

Jossar fucked around with this message at 04:14 on Jun 26, 2023

Feb 25, 2013

Bear Witness

Jossar posted:

They don't count towards poker hand status because they have no suit or number, so if you were trying to set up a flush and only had 4 clubs and a Stone Card, then you're screwed.
as a corollary, if you have Four Fingers or whatever that joker's called that lets you make straights/flushes with 4 cards rather than 5, Stone Cards get a shitload better

(I completely avoid them if that is not already the case, I don't want to hunt for a specific joker just to make this godawful curse playable)

Sep 12, 2010

Fun Shoe
Northernlion streamed the game today.

Apr 9, 2006
<img alt="" border="0" src="" /><br />Happy Train Speedmobile! (<b><i>Stallman Approved</i></b>)

Jossar posted:

stone cards

Actually, all-cards-are-face-cards and face-cards-are-played-twice work pretty well.
Especially if you have Stone Joker too.

You can't rely on it forever, though.

Sep 12, 2010

Fun Shoe
Demo going on pause at the end of the week:

Discord announcement posted:

Demo Pause & Playtest channel
Hello @everyone , I want to announce 2 big updates:

The demo will be paused at the end of the week (Friday or Saturday). It will be available again before Steam Next Fest in October - with a ton of new updates. I am pausing the demo because the release for Balatro is still many months away and focusing on playtesting and content is more important at this stage than getting it out there for everyone to play.

I understand this is frustrating because the release doesn't line up with when many of you want to start playing, but know that I have my game's best interest in mind and I am in it for the long haul.

With the upcoming release of 0.8.8 - a fairly major update - I am making a playtester-only channel for future announcements that pertain to the playtest.
If you are a playtester, please click on the button below to join the channel
If you are a demo player, you can join but you will be just be getting notifications about content updates for the playtest.

I appreciate all the support and the kind words, thank you all for your understanding and patience. Know that I am working around the clock to get this game ready for release ❤️🃏

And also, mysterious GIFs:

Pigbuster fucked around with this message at 04:59 on Jul 20, 2023

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
how dare you make a thread for a game i can't play anymore of because i am not in the playtest yet and already played the demo a lot >:I

Sep 12, 2010

Fun Shoe


Update 0.8.8

-Added new Arcana Pack to replace tarot reading, with 3 different versions
Arcana Pack (default) gives 1 of 2 random tarot cards to be used immediately
Jumbo Arcana Pack gives 1 of 3 random tarot cards to be used immediately
Mega Arcana Pack gives 1 of 4 random tarot cards to be used immediately
The charm tag now gives a Mega Arcana Pack
Crystal ball now upgrades Arcana pack to Jumbo Arcana Pack
Omen Globe now upgrades Jumbo Arcana Pack to Mega Arcana Pack
-Added new Celestial Pack to replace planetarium, with 3 different versions
Celestial Pack (default) gives 1 of 2 random planet cards to be used immediately
Jumbo Celestial Pack gives 1 of 3 random planet cards to be used immediately
Mega Celestial Pack gives 1 of 4 random planet cards to be used immediately
The meteor tag now gives a Mega Celestial Pack
Telescope now upgrades Celestial pack to Jumbo Celestial Pack
Observatory now upgrades Jumbo Celestial Pack to Mega Celestial Pack
-All normal packs have 4 unique pack arts (4 for celestial and 4 for arcana)
-All Jumbo and mega packs each have 2 unique pack arts (2 for celestial and arcana jumbo, another 2 each for mega)
-Updated tutorial
-Added new separate area for consumeable cards only (tarots and planets), up to 2 cards
-reduced base Joker slots to 5 for base game
-Changed Steel cards - now they give +5 mult when held in hand. No longer gives any xmult (same as old Glass cards)
-Changed Glass Cards - now they give +10 mult with a 1 in 5 chance to be destroyed when played
-Changed Steel Joker - now gives extra +10 mult for steel cards held in hand
-Changed Glass Joker - now gains X0.5 for every glass card that is destroyed (starts at X1)
-Changed Joker Stencil - now gives X1 mult per empty joker slot (Stencil counts as empty)
-Changed Marble Joker - now gives 1 Stone card per round
-Changed Certificate - now swaps running tally of Chips and Mult when gold seal card is playe and scores
-Changed Throwback - now it gives X1 Mult + X0.25 Mult for every skipped blind
-Wee joker now gains 10 chips per 2 instead of 20 chips
-Hit the Road now gives 0.5X mult per discarded jack instead of 1X
-Satellite now give $3 per planet used instead of $4
-Updated all Joker rarities to be more representative of their quality
84% chance for common
12% chance for Uncommon
4% chance per rare
-Buffed level up bonus for most planet cards
-Nerfed many Tarot cards
Emperor spawns 2 instead of 3 cards
Hermit doubles money up to $20 from $25
Wheel of fortune now 1 in 6 instead of 1 in 4
Strength now improves 2 instead of 3 card ranks
Hanged man now destroys up to 2 instead of 3 cards
Death now only converts 1 card into a rightmost card instead of 2
The star, moon, sun and world cards all convert 2 instead of 3 cards to their respective suggestions
-Changed ability of the fool card - it now gives you a copy of the most recent planet or tarot card used in the current run, The Fool excluded
-Buffed various Tags
Increased odds of negative, foil, holo, polychrom by 1
Increased handy tag from 2 to 3 hands
Increased garbage tag from 2 to 3 discards
Gold seal tag and enhanced tag both now create $1 cards in shop
-Increased game difficulty (Ante scales chips more)
-Modified Glass Joker to be unlocked when you have 8 or more glass cards in your deck
-Modified Steel Joker to be unlocked by default
-Modified smeared joker to be unlocked when your deck has 3 wild cards instead of 8
-Added description text to show the playing card enhancement for debuffed cards
-Adjusted cost of tarot cards from 5 to 4
-Adjusted cost of planet cards from 3 to 4
-Cloud saving should work
-Fixed a bug where defeating a final boss was not discovering it in your collection
-Fixed a bug where vouchers were showing up in the shop multiple times with the Voucher Tag
-Fixed a bug where debuffed jacks being discarded were still giving Hit the Road bonus Xmult
-Fixed a bug where duplicated wee joker and duplicated half jokers were very long
-Fixed a bug where resetting profile was still causing many unlocks to occur
-Fixed a bug where resetting profile was not also resetting the deck selection memory
-Potentially fixed a bug where some shop cards were showing up twice even without ring master
-Fixed a bug where wee joker was sliding all the way to the right of the joker area with 28+ jokers
-Fixed a bug where boss can still be selected before reroll tag applies
-Fixed a bug where card was randomly floating in the middle of screen - debuffed gold seal

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

Demo's back up for those interested in taking another poke at it. Not limited to 50 rounds this time, although supposedly capped in other ways.

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
Well this game is really fun. I want the full release to be out.

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
These booster packs feel way better. I assume this means the decks with the free planet and tarots are out tho.

grate deceiver
Jul 10, 2009

Just a funny av. Not a redtext or an own ok.
This game owns, let me buy it already

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
I downloaded the demo last night and played ~3.5 hours which for me is a lot of time to play a game in a day.

grate deceiver
Jul 10, 2009

Just a funny av. Not a redtext or an own ok.
I've clocked 9 hours already and I hate it. I hate that it keeps teasing me with cool new jokers that I don't get to play. Just let me give you money already goddamnit

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
18.5 hours and I finally beat the demo.

This game is fantastic, I am really looking forward to the full release.

Jan 23, 2015

Following this thread as a fan is like following the Hunter X Hunter thread. Every time this gets bumped, I get so excited thinking there's a new release

(Game excellent I love it)

Jun 2, 2011

You're a colorful bunch.
This game rocks. I've seen people say it could be a new Slay the Spire in terms of longevity and based on how often I find myself going "goddamn I wish I was playing Balatro right now", I'm kinda coming around to it.

One small gripe I have is that I feel like Royal Flush is really underpowered relative to how much effort you have to put in to get it. I feel like it almost takes less effort to produce a deck that can consistently play Flush Houses and that hands VOMITS out points relatively.

grate deceiver posted:

I've clocked 9 hours already and I hate it. I hate that it keeps teasing me with cool new jokers that I don't get to play. Just let me give you money already goddamnit

Showing me cool looking pictures of Jokers and not even telling me what they do so I can't even fantasize about possible builds is cancel culture, in my opinion.

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
Yeah this game is right up there with Slay the Spire. I've beaten the demo and it actually made me re-install StS again. I can't wait for it's full release it's so easy to get sucked into one more round.

Sep 12, 2010

Fun Shoe

MJeff posted:

This game rocks. I've seen people say it could be a new Slay the Spire in terms of longevity and based on how often I find myself going "goddamn I wish I was playing Balatro right now", I'm kinda coming around to it.

One small gripe I have is that I feel like Royal Flush is really underpowered relative to how much effort you have to put in to get it. I feel like it almost takes less effort to produce a deck that can consistently play Flush Houses and that hands VOMITS out points relatively.

Showing me cool looking pictures of Jokers and not even telling me what they do so I can't even fantasize about possible builds is cancel culture, in my opinion.

Royal flush is literally no different from any other straight flush mechanically, the dev basically had to be bullied into even acknowledging it with the label instead of just saying “straight flush”. But straight flushes in general are underpowered, I’d agree with that.

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

Well, it's some kind of new content, right?

Presented for your amusement is Balatro: Jimbo's Invitational, starting January 19th at 10:00 AM PST, in which 6 Twitch streamers are locked in a room for 24 hours (okay, probably not literally) to play for the best hand score possible.

Mostly noting it because the winner gets 200 Steam keys of the game (and the runner-up, 100 keys) to hand out as they see fit.

Jun 2, 2011

You're a colorful bunch.
Malf is a bozo, FrostPrime will dominate.

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
who is the least popular streamer there so i can get a steam key, ho ho ho

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
This is one of my most anticipated releases of 2024 (please come out this year)

I'm not entirely sure why, I'm not like a big poker fan or anything but this game is super addicting.

Teriyaki Koinku
Nov 25, 2008

Bread! Bread! Bread!


Pigbuster posted:

Note that they don't loop around, though; QKA23 doesn't work.

That's a standard poker rule, but it's good to know for people not familiar with poker.

e: This game owns and I'm eagerly awaiting the day I can throw money at the dev for the full release.

Jan 9, 2008

tell them to put the demo back up until there is a release date. this is important

Feb 25, 2013

Bear Witness

Cavauro posted:

tell them to put the demo back up until there is a release date. this is important
strongly agree I want to Play More Balatro

hell put the demo back up but only if you prepurchase the game at full price idgaf

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
oh that twitch thing is going on.

wonder how the key giveaway thing would work, could i time it to just jump in the twitch of whoever is in the lead in the last second and get lucky and grab a key? i dunno how twitch works.

Jun 2, 2011

You're a colorful bunch.
Top score is currently 145 mil. I think this one might be over. :laffo:

Snooze Cruise posted:

oh that twitch thing is going on.

wonder how the key giveaway thing would work, could i time it to just jump in the twitch of whoever is in the lead in the last second and get lucky and grab a key? i dunno how twitch works.

I assume it's up to each streamer how they distribute the keys.

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
I don't want a free key because I want to give the geniuses who are making this game whatever amount of money they ask for.

Give me Balatro


Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

MJeff posted:

Top score is currently 145 mil. I think this one might be over. :laffo:

Beautiful. :allears:

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