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Jun 17, 2020

Thank U for reading

If you hated it...
FUCK U and never come back

Tiny Myers posted:

Sorry if this has already been discussed but what's everyone's thoughts on Erosion?

I kept seeing it when I already had an established deck with lots of additional cards and thinking "that seems neat, wish I could do something with it" so once it came my way at the start of the game with holographic on it, I took the plunge.

Ended up a fuckin' ball and chain around my ankle for most of that deck, would've ditched it had it not been eternal. It just feels like it gives you way too little for how much it takes to get set up, the game doesn't give you a ton of tools to prune your deck that heavily unless you luck upon Trading Card (which I did get, briefly, but I had to give it up for a legendary joker) or have a rube goldberg machine of purple seals.

It's a cool concept and I love playing with Trading Card, but it needs a little buff :(

There's also a few jokers that can get you a lot of tarot cards pretty easily, such as Hallucination, Cartomancer and especially Vagabond.

And if you get lucky enough to get Perkeo, you can easily guarantee one Hanged Man per round.


Mar 29, 2012

this glorious monument

brugroffil posted:

Getting a strong economy so you can spend on booster packs and a few rerolls every shop is key. Gotta get those Hanged Man cards and fools to copy them to slim down your deck.

I actually did a really good job of that in my last run. Got Trading Card and the one that gives you +4 Mult for every card fewer than 52 in the deck and the joker that copies the leftmost joker. Basically halved the size of the deck (with Hanged Man and breaking glass cards). Had the joker that rewards you for playing planet cards at 3.0x and I still couldn't get past Ante 11.

El Jeffe
Dec 24, 2009

Jen Joker's driver's license expires today, it would be funny if LT updated the game to "renew" it.

Jul 29, 2012

El Jeffe posted:

Jen Joker's driver's license expires today, it would be funny if LT updated the game to "renew" it.

Feb 20, 2006

end of the 3.5' christmas tree age

i thought the joke was it expired on the 24th month, some sort of wacky clown calendar

e: although i guess having the day before the month is absurd enough

Jan 1, 2005

Stroke of luck!

oddium posted:

i thought the joke was it expired on the 24th month, some sort of wacky clown calendar

e: although i guess having the day before the month is absurd enough

It’s some absurd Euro thing

Nov 30, 2015

I think literally everywhere but the US does dd/mm

Feb 20, 2006

end of the 3.5' christmas tree age

no wonder they've never gone to the moon

May 13, 2012

Hootin and shootin

brugroffil posted:

I think literally everywhere but the US does dd/mm

Then they should decolonize their calendar

Feb 16, 2002

"rararararara" contains the meaning of everything, kept in simple rectangular structures
Continued to work my way up the yellow deck stakes, and had a spookily similar run to the last one I posted about. Another "alas poor Yorick" in fact!

Yorick had to go to make way for Brainstorm, but this time it was even harder because he was Polychrome and about to hit x10, but that still didn't clear doubling Triboulet. Still couldn't clear Ante 14, but I feel like getting there again on a higher stake was progress. Seed is 729F6DI7 if you like pitting two legendaries against each other.

Jul 22, 2007

In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one sat.

He chose the path of perpetual contentment.


Feb 5, 2013

He's so fast!

(and probably broken)
Black deck gold stake is killing me.

Tiny Myers
Jul 29, 2021

say hello to my little friend

Had some real bad luck in my play today, couldn't really get anywhere and choked once on the last boss thanks to Violet Vessel or whatever it's called with the very large blind. Did my best but could never pull up something with good Xmult to make it past that. :(

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018


HootTheOwl posted:

Then they should decolonize their calendar

Jan 1, 2005

Stroke of luck!

Yeah big welp

because you can't build the Castle with Burglar taking all your discards!!!!!

Tiny Myers
Jul 29, 2021

say hello to my little friend

Castle is one of my faves, it feels like it has just the right amount of "takes a little bit to build but rewards you appropriately for doing so" and it's fun :kimchi:

Sandwich Anarchist
Sep 12, 2008

El Jeffe
Dec 24, 2009

Jan 23, 2015

Guess who is really good at accidentally pressing Discard instead of Play Hand on the controller and ruining a 21 Ace run like that anyway how's your day

Oct 17, 2009

*Stupid Babby*

I was pretty hosed here when I got the "all card debuffed until 1 joker sold" boss, and I was lucky as hell to get the anti-matter voucher so I could get some junk to sell.

Just Merry Andy left, which I felt like I haven't seen in a while but I probably saw it yesterday. Absolutely crazy how good of a run I've been on the past week or so. I'm flying through runs,

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

does anyone have a heuristic for how they treat the small blind ante 1 in terms of hands? Im wondering if my approach is actually correct where it kind of goes

check for an 8+straight, 4oak, full house with 35 worth of chips or a flush with 40 chips of cards. if I get none of those I'll check to see if I have 3-4 cards for a flush or the middle 4 cards of a high straight , usually I prioritize flushes over straights, but I feel like I'm taking two hands to win a lot lately and I'm wondering if it's ever worth digging for a flush if the opening hand is 2 of each suit. I feel like I've assumed flushes are the easiest to draw but is that still true if you draw the 2 hearts, 2 spades, 2 diamonds and 2 clubs ?

Jezza of OZPOS fucked around with this message at 11:05 on Jan 25, 2025

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

Jezza of OZPOS posted:

does anyone have a heuristic for how they treat the small blind ante 1 in terms of hands? Im wondering if my approach is actually correct where it kind of goes

check for an 8+straight, 4oak, full house with 35 worth of chips or a flush with 40 chips of cards. if I get none of those I'll check to see if I have 3-4 cards for a flush or the middle 4 cards of a high straight , usually I prioritize flushes over straights, but I feel like I'm taking two hands to win a lot lately and I'm wondering if it's ever worth digging for a flush if the opening hand is 2 of each suit. I feel like I've assumed flushes are the easiest to draw but is that still true if you draw the 2 hearts, 2 spades, 2 diamonds and 2 clubs ?
About the same as my metric, but I usually prefer to look for the straight instead of the flush, as long as it's even moderately possible.

Tiny Myers
Jul 29, 2021

say hello to my little friend

This is hosed up I can't believe this

Jan 31, 2004

Hot Rope Guy

Jezza of OZPOS posted:

does anyone have a heuristic for how they treat the small blind ante 1 in terms of hands? Im wondering if my approach is actually correct where it kind of goes

check for an 8+straight, 4oak, full house with 35 worth of chips or a flush with 40 chips of cards. if I get none of those I'll check to see if I have 3-4 cards for a flush or the middle 4 cards of a high straight , usually I prioritize flushes over straights, but I feel like I'm taking two hands to win a lot lately and I'm wondering if it's ever worth digging for a flush if the opening hand is 2 of each suit. I feel like I've assumed flushes are the easiest to draw but is that still true if you draw the 2 hearts, 2 spades, 2 diamonds and 2 clubs ?

You've generally got the gist of it, but you can roughly use poker odds to help you. Straights have 4 outs to a gutshot, 8 to an open-ender. Flushes have 9 outs if you've got a 4-flush, but some of those cards might not be real outs if your first 4 cards aren't close to 40 chips.

It's almost certainly not worth digging to a flush if your hand is that rainbow, I'd be more tempted to chase a 3-straight or discard to try and hit 3oak with a view to making a full house with my second discard.

Jul 22, 2007

In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one sat.

He chose the path of perpetual contentment.

mp5 posted:

Yeah big welp

because you can't build the Castle with Burglar taking all your discards!!!!!

I got the castle first, burglar came later and let me build the spare trousers into a monster. I managed to get another gold stake win though. On to the next deck!

Aug 13, 2009

Oct 21, 2010

😸Everything's 🗞️ purrfect!💯🤟

TwoStepBoog posted:

The wheel of fortune is not happy with me--that's okay, I'll still keep buying that garbage.

Feb 5, 2013

He's so fast!

(and probably broken)
Finally beat black deck.

gently caress that poo poo never touching it again. I would like to thank Yorick appearing in ante 2 for finally delivering my rear end from this hell.

Power of Pecota
Aug 3, 2007

Goodness no, now that wouldn't do at all!

Tiny Myers posted:

Sorry if this has already been discussed but what's everyone's thoughts on Erosion?

To me, Erosion is on that Red Card/Flash Card level of situational mult where I rarely take it but if other things are aligned (typically Trading Card or an early Immolate) then it turns into a core build-around piece. I practically never take it if I've already gotten my deck above the starting size

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

yeah erosion can easily give enough flat mult for a chips/+mult/xmult build and usually outperforms red card or whatever the tarot card flat mult joker is called and cutting down a deck is good in a vacuum but if you aren't already at least down to 48 cards ante 2/3 taking it feels like a waste of time

Jul 29, 2012

Power of Pecota posted:

To me, Erosion is on that Red Card/Flash Card level of situational mult where I rarely take it but if other things are aligned (typically Trading Card or an early Immolate) then it turns into a core build-around piece. I practically never take it if I've already gotten my deck above the starting size

flash card is one of the best jokers imo, i used to never take it but it's recently become a staple joker for me

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

I know most of y'all have progressed past it but green deck is gonna loving kill me.

Jul 29, 2012

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

I know most of y'all have progressed past it but green deck is gonna loving kill me.

green deck is fine, you don't even have to worry about interest

black deck is the one that's gonna kill you

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Relyssa posted:

green deck is fine, you don't even have to worry about interest

black deck is the one that's gonna kill you

I said Green deck, and that's on me; I meant green stake.

Jun 25, 2012

Get bashed, platonist!

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

I said Green deck, and that's on me; I meant green stake.

Oooh that makes more sense. Well if you really hit a wall and are unsure how to improve, you could try recording one or two runs and posting them here for feedback. It's pretty easy, just enable in-game recording via Steam, ctrl+f11 before the run, ctrl+f11 when it's done, export the footage to your computer, and upload the file to youtube. If you're getting stuck on green stake, that tells me that you're lacking fundamentals.

Feb 16, 2002

"rararararara" contains the meaning of everything, kept in simple rectangular structures
Just unlocked Erratic Desk and it does let you run some weird builds. I had a deck that was awash with diamonds and 9s, so my rounds because a series of diamond flushes to feed Rough Gem, a four-of-a-kinds 9 backed by The Family to finish, then a massive payout from Cloud 9. The massive influx of money went on feeding Flash Card. Didn't keep up with endless, but it was a nice one to pilot while it lasted.

Jan 18, 2010

Leading us to the promised land (i.e., one tournament win in five years)
I suck so much at this game and can’t stop playing.

Oct 27, 2000

gvibes posted:

I suck so much at this game and can’t stop playing.

Jul 29, 2012

gvibes posted:

I suck so much at this game and can’t stop playing.


Jan 1, 2005

Stroke of luck!

I finished Completionist+ last night and finally don't suck at this game and can briefly stop playing

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