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Jun 2, 2011

You're a colorful bunch.
We have a winner.


Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

But more importantly, the Demo's back on, starting January 25th!

...that is a pretty sweet combo, though.

Nov 20, 2005


knew before I even clicked that it was gonna be Skoottie, dude's real good at breaking games in half

Jun 2, 2011

You're a colorful bunch.
:siren: Release date and new demo is out :siren:

Feb 28, 2011
edit: too slow

Sep 7, 2010

"It's about drat time." - Lizzo, Balatro Player

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
February! Yes!

Edit: BTW if you already had the previous Balatro demo installed you have to go to the store page and click "Download Balatro Demo" to get it to update.

woke kaczynski
Jan 23, 2015

How do you do, fellow antifa?

Fun Shoe
It's even better than before folks, I can't wait to give them my money

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
This might be my GOTY

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
wow, the release is 5 days after my birthday, its a present just for me <3

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

I think I got spoiled too much by the playtest, so after one round of playing the demo just to have some fun, I will go back to eagerly awaiting the release of the full game, especially when it's so close!

EDIT: Of course this is a lie, and I'm already getting sucked back in.

Jossar fucked around with this message at 03:44 on Jan 26, 2024

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer


Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
the planet cards that upgrade stuff like five of a kinds in the demo are new right? fan of that change if so.

game really just scratches the same itch in my head of tiny rogues or something, broken build simulator, but way more relaxing cause its just cards B)

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:


I really have to learn how to use the blind-skips. I feel like that's part of why I keep making it to the end and then faceplanting right at the less second against the Bonus Blind.

municipal shrimp
Mar 30, 2011

How does this work? Are these specific blind skip rewards that give you more earnings on the boss blind?

The Lord of Hats
Aug 22, 2010

Hello, yes! Is being very good day for posting, no?

Snooze Cruise posted:

the planet cards that upgrade stuff like five of a kinds in the demo are new right? fan of that change if so.

game really just scratches the same itch in my head of tiny rogues or something, broken build simulator, but way more relaxing cause its just cards B)

Nope, they were in the last one, but you had to score a 5 of a Kind (or a Flush House) for them to start showing up in that run.

Oct 26, 2009

I just did my first run and I didn't read the boss text so I got stuck (I have to do two-pairs only but can't):

Is there a way to give up the run or do I just quit?

Nov 3, 2012

You idiot.
In this world it's pet or BE pet.

You can still play other hands, it'll just refuse to give you any points.

The Kins
Oct 2, 2004

municipal shrimp posted:

How does this work? Are these specific blind skip rewards that give you more earnings on the boss blind?
I actually managed to do this myself!

One of the unlockable decks in the demo gives you a "double tag" when you beat the boss blind. When you have one of those, the next tag (the blind skip rewards) will be given to you twice. So this would have been gotten by getting two double tags (they don't effect each other, but they do stack!) then hitting the "get more money for beating the boss blind" skip reward so you got three copies of that skip reward instead of just one.

In my case, I got a Joker in the store that did nothing, but gave me a double tag when sold.

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer

municipal shrimp posted:

How does this work? Are these specific blind skip rewards that give you more earnings on the boss blind?

I was playing the new Anaglyph deck which doubles the next tag you receive after defeating each boss blind. The next 2 blinds were "skip this blind to receive $15 after defeating the boss" with the first one being doubled.

^^^Not quite that for me but that's interesting you could double a double tag which means you could in theory get 4 (maybe even more?)

Popete fucked around with this message at 16:18 on Jan 26, 2024

Nov 3, 2012

You idiot.
In this world it's pet or BE pet.

What do other people think of the decks available in this demo? Obviously none of them are as good as the Abandoned deck was, but Magic and Anaglyph just seem really gimmicky, while the other one is just generically above average. Sometimes you'll get a really good early tarot card like the random joker one to make Magic take off, but Anaglyph seems even more reliant on good rng to be better than default given how bad it is to skip blinds generally.

Jun 2, 2011

You're a colorful bunch.
I'm not particularly impressed. I never skip, so the double skip bonus doesn't move me, and the magic deck, yeah, I dunno. Extra tarot cards are fine, I guess?

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
they both feel good to me though yeah you can easily get screwed by rng, more so the tag one than tarot. tarot seems good for like quickly getting your deck off the ground. but you run out of the initial resource pretty quick, but the crystal ball is a nice bonus on top.

double tags can end up pretty feast or famine but you can really gorge your self when its feast. double packs can be really good, especially if you get a spectral.

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
I skip a lot, earning money is nice but skips can be worth a lot more than the cash payout of a blind.

As far as the decks. Magic doesn't feel too special, I used it to more quickly build my typical straight deck so I turned an early Saturn planetary card into 2 more. Anaglyph seems more fun in that it lends itself to weird things happening like my above triple boss blind payout but that also comes down more to chance.

woke kaczynski
Jan 23, 2015

How do you do, fellow antifa?

Fun Shoe
I liked anaglyph more than the magic deck, felt very high risk/high reward and it felt like I got some runs that would've really snowballed without the demo limits.

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:


But yeah, I've just been sticking with the Blue Deck for the moment. Wanted to get a win with that before moving on to the others.

May 4, 2011
I was not conceptually sold on the idea of a poker roguelike. I tried the demo cause why not.

I will now take fifteen sequels to this poker roguelike, thank you.

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
Yeah I was the same way. Not that into poker but figured I'd give it a shot anyways and got hooked.

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

Tried out the other two decks, and they both seem pretty feast or famine to me. To be fair, at least part of that was RNG and could have been beautiful if I'd been able to rig my deck a little more, which is always the case for Balatro. Especially for Anaglyph: getting a level 16 Straight from Double Tag spam doesn't matter if the deck refuses to cooperate in one really bad round/you don't have Four Fingers that run.

EDIT: Finally managed to win with both decks, so all three available to the demo and I stand by this.

Jossar fucked around with this message at 17:35 on Jan 27, 2024

Jun 26, 2012

Saw the post about the demo in the GOTY thread and was really sad there was no demo, and now I see the demo's back hooray hooray

Apr 15, 2008

Yosuke will now die for you.
Well, I won the demo thanks to popcorn showing up before boss 5.

Seems like the winning strategy is to build your deck towards a specific archetype. Multiple times I've gone too strong into spare trousers to the point where full house became worse than two pair.

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

DalaranJ posted:

Well, I won the demo thanks to popcorn showing up before boss 5.

Seems like the winning strategy is to build your deck towards a specific archetype. Multiple times I've gone too strong into spare trousers to the point where full house became worse than two pair.

Yeah, you can be a bit flexible early on, but long term you definitely want to build so you can hammer out a specific hand as much as possible. Especially if you go really heavy into Planet cards, it's ridiculous how big the difference can be. In that failed Level 16 Straight run (which even with bad luck was still just on the verge of sustainability if I'd had the Four Finger Joker), when it worked, I could get tens of thousands of chips just from the hand alone even before counting the cards, let alone Jokers.

You do run into the potential problem of getting screwed over by a boss blind specifically geared to break your deck. But unfortunately, by the time that becomes relevant you'd be damned anyway from otherwise-impossible chip requirements.

Although Spare Trousers should still upgrade even on a Full House. It contains a Two Pair, after all, and even independent of that the already accumulated Mult always triggers. Unless you mean having gone all-in on Uranus cards to pair with it.

Jossar fucked around with this message at 18:26 on Jan 27, 2024

Jun 2, 2011

You're a colorful bunch.
This is why I really hate the Cerulean Bell boss. Feels like the game is designed to encourage you to excel at playing one hand and then that boss just fucks that with no counterplay.

Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

The "counterplay" is that if the selected card is really awful you just discard it along with as many bad cards as possible, to try and refresh the select. It's not great, but it is an option.

Which is to be expected from a final-boss blind. You made it this far, surely you must have something in your arsenal to deal with a last second curveball, right?

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
This demo in particular feels very well tune in a way I don't enjoy? I mean I don't expect the game to show off all decks and cards for the demo of course but as someone who played the previous ones all the stuff in it feels like its pointing you in the direction of a few different strategies. Which is probably good for people whose first experience with Balatro is this demo but, I dunno.

Well whatever whenever the complete game comes out its going to be the game of the century and we are going to start talking about video games in post and pre Balatro terms.

No Wave
Sep 18, 2005

I only played a few games but it feels like you're supposed to play for two pair every time. Is uranus too inconsistent to make that reliable?

Jun 26, 2012

drat you :negative:

Apr 15, 2008

Yosuke will now die for you.

No Wave posted:

I only played a few games but it feels like you're supposed to play for two pair every time. Is uranus too inconsistent to make that reliable?

Two pair feels the most sustainable because it's the only easy hand where you only need four cards instead of five.
The two times I've won was with two pair only, and two pair fishing for full house, but I got close with straight once and slightly less close with flush.

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer
Four Fingers and that one joker that lets you play straights 1 card out of order makes a straight deck build hilariously OP. Cerulean Blue posed zero problem because I could always make a straight out of whatever card I was forced to play or discard it and play the next one.


Apr 2, 2018

Current status: Angry about subs :argh:

I was able to win with a Flush, Straight and Full House/Two Pair build once each, but Four Finger was pretty much necessary for those first two. It's just so crucial to the Straight/Flush build. I really hope there's a deck that just lets you start with it in the full game, or people might end up doing a lot of early rerolling.

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