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Feb 8, 2006

Welcome to Cookfia 8: Spice and Dice

A mafia game where you get to eat the dead, and people watching. This game is CYOF, choose your own flavor. You pick a recipe, this will inform your role and your flavor.

The big mechanic in the game is the Spice Rack. The Spice Rack is store you can spend recipe points in to purchase spices. Each spice is a one shot role. If you have played or watched previous Cookfias this will be in the vein of Cookfia 4, 6 and 7, the spices and herbs are much cheaper, and have much less potent effects, but can be combined into spice blends. What a spice blend will do will mostly make sense based on what it's components do.

:siren:The new big mechanic in this game is the Dice. For Secret Santa this year, Maer got me a set of foodie dice. Each day's flash deal will be a roll of said dice, or subset of the dice (there are 9 of them).
If you make something using 4 dice, you gain 20 points. Each additional 2 die used give you 5 more points. If you use all 9 you gain 40 points, 50 if it feels like nothing was added just because a die told you too but is actually a comprehensive dish.

Also, in honor of this, the Random spice is back.

Any player, living or dead or spectators, can cook the dish and get points based on the recipe. Additional points may be awarded for creativity or flair, or if something goes horribly wrong or right. Photographic evidence to show you made the dish is required, step by step pictures are appreciated.

Living players, dead players and spectators can purchase spices, but dead players and spectators can not use their spices directly, they must gift completed spices to living players. Spice gifting is an anonymous out of thread action.

To spend points, send me a message in my discord channel with the spice you wish to purchase. Any spice purchased is activated in the following phase, so get those spice orders in before deadline or hammer, whichever comes first. A spice purchased during the night phase will activate the following day phase.
Other Stuff:
  • Town wins when all threats to the town are eliminated
  • Scum win when they control the execution.
  • Third Party (If they exist) win according to their victory conditions
  • Dead posts and spectator posts are allowed, but only to post things they cooked.
  • The Thread will never close. Nights will remain open. Please do not post about game things during the night, cooking posts only please.
  • Days will be 48 hours long, except for the first which will be 72 hours.
  • Weekends count as 1 day for deadlines.
  • Discord is required.

Otherwise normal mafia rules apply, and if in doubt, you can always ask, but as a general rule, don’t be a dick.

Links to prior escapades:
Cookfia 2
Cookfia 3
Cookfia 4
Cookfia 5
Cookfia 6
Cookfia 7

Join the Discord to play or spectate

Player List
  1. Cloacamazing! (she/her)
  2. CubicalSucrose
  3. Hal Insandenza (he/him/hal)
  4. hambeet (he/him)
  5. Hyper Crab Tank
  6. Illusionis (He/him)
  7. Opopanax (He/him/opop)
  8. Rhymes With Clue
  9. SporkChan
  10. Tired Moritz
  11. Voodoofly (He/Him/Whatever)
  12. Zoya
  13. WindwardAway
  14. Johnny Keats
  15. Capitalist Pig

:siren:Available Recipes:siren:
  1. Grandicap's Summer Salad for 30 points.
  2. :siren:Flash Dice 1: Broil, Rosemary, Bacon, Pork or Eggs, Arugula, Green Beans, Polenta, Asparagus, Fennel is available to cook unto Day 2 begins.:siren:
  3. WindwardAway's The BEST Homemade Baked Mac and Cheese is worth 30 points.
  4. :siren:Flash Dice 2: Mushrooms, Broccoli, Pasta, Bell Peppers, Basil, Artichokes, Turkey or Seitan, Braise, and Kale is available to cook unto Day 3 begins.:siren:
  5. CapitalistPig's Chicken Charmoula for 30 points.
  6. Johnny Keats' Mulled Wine for 25 points.
  7. Flash Dice 3: Squash, Oregano, Saute, Endives, Chicken or Tofu, Quinoa, Peas, Zucchini, Garlic is available to cook until Day 4 begins.:siren:
  8. Iggy Meen's Homemade Bomb Pops are available to cook as a guest recipe for 25 points.
  9. Opopanax Ramen Egg for 30 points.
  10. Cubical Sucrose Red Wine-Braised Short Ribs for 30 points.
  11. SporkChan's Inauthentic Beef Stroganoff for 30 points.
  12. Rhymes With Clue's Adobo Lime Chicken for 30 points.
  13. Cloacamazing!'s Yellow Curry for 30 points.
  14. Illusionis's Smoked salmon soup for 30 points.
  15. Flash Dice 4: Basil, Braise, Arugula, Onions, Parsnips, Corn, Millet, Beef or Tempeh, Radishes is available to cook until Day 5 begins.:siren:

Grandicap fucked around with this message at 01:32 on Aug 9, 2023


Feb 8, 2006

The Spice Rack: (Link to Spreadsheet with the same info for readability)
Spice		Public Knowledge		Modifier 1	Modifier 2	Price	
Cardamom	Weak Gadget			One-Shot			25
Rosemary	Strong Protective		One-Shot	Gossiping	50
Celery Salt	Strong Chaotic			One-Shot	Tiring		50
Parsley		Weak Gadget			One-Shot	Gossiping	25
Mace		Strong Chaotic			One-Shot	Shy		25
Anise Seeds	Strong Chaotic			One-Shot	Sapping		55
Ginger		Modifier			One-Shot			25
Saffron		Strong Investigative		One-Shot	Doomed		60
Brown Sugar	Weak Protective			One-Shot	Heavy		40
Curing Salt	Modifier			One-Shot			35
Paprika		Weak Gadget			One-Shot			10
Thyme		Weak Protective			One-Shot			30
Salt		Strong Chaotic			One-Shot	Tiring		100
Sage		Weak Investigative		One-Shot	Inquisitive	20
Caraway		Strong Investigative		One-Shot	Gossiping	35
Fenugreek	Strong Protective		One-Shot	Weak		45
Cinnamon	Strong Investigative		One-Shot	Shy		35
Garlic		Strong Chaotic			One-Shot	Doomed		100
Tumeric		Modifier			One-Shot			15
Cumin		Weak Chaotic			One-Shot	Heavy		45
Cayenne Pepper	Weak Protective			One-Shot	Passive		10
Oregano		Moderate Protective		One-Shot	Gossiping	30
Allspice	Strong Chaotic			One-Shot	Gossiping	35
Unlabled Spice	CHAOS				One-Shot	????		20
Modifiers Explained:
Gossiping	If the player is visited, their action fails and is not expended
Doomed		If action is meaningfully successful, the player dies at the end of the following day
One-Shot	Can Be Used Once
Shy		If the target is visited by anyone else, the action fails and is not expended
Inquisitive	Bonus effect if the information gained has not been gained by anyone else this game
Passive		Does not require an action, it just happens if conditions are met
Weak		If power is used on a scum, the player dies
Tiring		If this power is used, no abilities can be used the following night
Ruthless	If this ability targets players of the opposite alignment, it kills them
Sapping		When you use this power, you lose the ability to vote the following day	
Heavy		If this spice is used, you may not use other spices for the rest of the current phase, and the following phase	
Public Knowledge Description:
Instead of knowing what each spice does out of the tin (grinder? little shakey thing?), you just know in broad strokes what it does, and how well it does the thing it says it does.
Investigative - Finds out things about things
Protective - Stops things from happening (usually kills, but other things too)
Chaotic - Not positive or negative, but can really throw a wrench in things
Gadget - A cool thing that is more fun than useful, can be useful as well, but you probably have to work for it
Weak - Not a very powerful version for the type of role
Modifier - A spice that is not useful on its own, it only has value in blends.
Moderate - A standard power level for the type of role
Strong - A powerful version for the type of role
When a spice is obtained, the player that obtained it will get the full description of the power.

When you get a new spice, you can chose to either combine it with any other spice or spice blend you have. This will combine those two actions into a single action that may just do both things, or the spice blend could be something entirely new (but still related to the combined spice components).

Grandicap fucked around with this message at 23:49 on Jul 25, 2023

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
I'm in!

...though my ability to cook is currently lower than normal, but eh whatever. Ill figure it out.

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
I'm here for my second attempt at creating a curry ball of doom.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
Knives out!

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
I haven't eaten all day so it sounds like the perfect time to join this game

Dec 12, 2011
Let's cook

Aug 8, 2007


Mar 1, 2010

TRULY scientastic.

I'm not playing but I just want to chime in to say anyone who isn't all chaos all the time is boring and lame and sucks


Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Summer eh? Get your umbrellas out.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

I'm ready to spice and dice. And I'm all out of dice.

May 13, 2013

*chews on head*
Lipstick Apathy
This is exactly the game I need to spice up my life, sign me up!

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I suppose….

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
Sign me up, chief chef!

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I'll read the OP later but sign me up

Aug 11, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

I'm a bit too busy to maf rn but I'd love to cook an observer dish or two

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

tentatively sign me up as obs, but i'm debating joining for real ... i am an atrocious cook, to the point where my partner usually forbids me from helping her in the kitchen, so i'm conflicted cuz this is such a cool concept

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

obs & I can be in your Cookfia Comod Council if you want

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Just obs this time - life is too nuts right now to participate but I can't miss the debut of spice dice! I might cook a dish here or there if I can.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Zoya posted:

tentatively sign me up as obs, but i'm debating joining for real ... i am an atrocious cook, to the point where my partner usually forbids me from helping her in the kitchen, so i'm conflicted cuz this is such a cool concept

as someone who was terrified of participating and now really enjoys it, you should give it a shot! Even if you don't cook anything you can still be regular ol vanilla with no powers, but Grandi is generous with people who are creative (last game we were tasked with "making a chicken cake" and the good cooks baked a cake and tried to make it look like a chicken, my lazy rear end bought mini muffins, Starbursts and yellow frosting and made an inedible small chicken). You might surprise yourself and your partner :)

Mar 1, 2010

TRULY scientastic.

Zoya posted:

tentatively sign me up as obs, but i'm debating joining for real ... i am an atrocious cook, to the point where my partner usually forbids me from helping her in the kitchen, so i'm conflicted cuz this is such a cool concept

:ssh: No-one needs to know who is doing the actual cooking, you just need to get pictures :ssh:

Feb 8, 2006

Zoya posted:

tentatively sign me up as obs, but i'm debating joining for real ... i am an atrocious cook, to the point where my partner usually forbids me from helping her in the kitchen, so i'm conflicted cuz this is such a cool concept

Being "good" at cooking is definitely not a requirement. "Succeeding" at the recipes is also not needed to snag the points. An attempt is required. Substitutions are more than welcome, and if an attempt is made at describing why the thing you submitted should count as the recipe, I'll probably give you the points.

I can count on my hands the number of dishes I said weren't worth points across modding 7 of them + Drinkfia.

The only rule I actually enforce is you can't use the same dish to count for multiple recipes.

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil

Grandicap posted:

Being "good" at cooking is definitely not a requirement. "Succeeding" at the recipes is also not needed to snag the points. An attempt is required. Substitutions are more than welcome, and if an attempt is made at describing why the thing you submitted should count as the recipe, I'll probably give you the points.

I can count on my hands the number of dishes I said weren't worth points across modding 7 of them + Drinkfia.

The only rule I actually enforce is you can't use the same dish to count for multiple recipes.

Yeah, Grandi accepted my silly "pancake cut into some shape ressembling a chicken" as a valid Chicken Cake submission. Just use it as an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone regarding cooking - I used last game as an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone regarding eating, since I'm pretty picky. Cooked and ate everything and two of the recipes posted even became mainstays in my cookbook.

Mar 1, 2010

TRULY scientastic.

Anyone participating or observing who is a keen cook should take part in Iron Chef SomethingAwful: Battle Courgette

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

alright y'all convinced me i'll ##play game but there's a small chance of cowardice resulting in vanilla mafia

Feb 8, 2006

Paging Rhymes with Clue and Tired Moritz to the Discord.

Feb 8, 2006

Welcome to Cookfia. Our D1 Mod Recipe is a Summer Salad. I made a Caprese salad because the first tomato of the summer for my garden looked delicious.

Now summer salads are any salad that uses ingredients of the season, or just invokes the feeling of summer so go wild with your interpretation.

First, fresh things.

Then the rest of the stuff too.

Slice the fresh mozz into discs and the tomato into roughly the same thickness discs.
Season both sides of the tomato and mozzarella with salt and pepper, chiffonade some basil and throw it on top. Drizzle with some olive oil and eat.

I'm not much of a raw tomato eater, but something about the oil plus the salt and pepper transform a fresh tomato into something transcendent. Also cheese is always good.

Summer Salad is worth 30 points.

Feb 8, 2006

Our Day 1 Randomized Roll is:

Broil, Rosemary, Bacon, Pork or Eggs, Arugula, Green Beans, Polenta, Asparagus, Fennel

If you make something using 4 of these, you gain 20 points. Each additional 2 give you 5 more points. If you use all 9 you gain 40 points, 50 if it feels like nothing was added just because a die told you too but is actually a comprehensive dish.

We'll see if scoring on these evolves as the game progresses, but that is baseline.

This recipe is available to be cooked until Day 2 begins.

Grandicap fucked around with this message at 02:01 on Jul 27, 2023

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 1

Not Voting (15): CapitalistPig, Cloacamazing!, CubicalSucrose, Hal Insandenza, Hyper Crab Tank, Illusionis, Johnny Keats, Opopanax, Punkreas, Rhymes With Clue, SporkChan, Tired Moritz, Voodoofly, WindwardAway, Zoya

With 15 alive, it's 8 votes to execute. There is currently no deadline set.

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
An unholy amalgamation?? In MY kitchen?!?!

I think not!

##vote Voodoo

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

WindwardAway posted:

An unholy amalgamation?? In MY kitchen?!?!

I think not!

##vote Voodoo

##vote Voodoo

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
Yeah tbh i'm a bit uneasy about having an unholy amalgamation. However, it will be exciting to see how they nuke everyone in the whole game and achieve their 3p win condition.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Caprese without any balsamic or other beautiful vinegar?


Feb 8, 2006

There is balsamic, I forgot to mention it because I made it a week ago.

I am full of shame.

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.

Voodoofly posted:

Caprese without any balsamic or other beautiful vinegar?


Ngl that's worse than you being fused with Maer

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.

Grandicap posted:

There is balsamic, I forgot to mention it because I made it a week ago.

I am full of shame.

Well then
The *holy* amalgamation is worse

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

I only agreed to this so I can make a fool of myself and wildly accuse people and gleefully watch Voodoo take the fall - I want this to happen:

"Goddamn Maerlyn looks scummy! ##vote Voodoo"

CapitalistPig posted:

Yeah tbh i'm a bit uneasy about having an unholy amalgamation. However, it will be exciting to see how they nuke everyone in the whole game and achieve their 3p win condition.

I saw what you did to that poor homunculus last time


Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

WindwardAway posted:

Ngl that's worse than you being fused with Maer

##vote wind for sanctimony

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