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Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Do we think there could have been four scum from the start on top of Cpig's third party role? We started with 15 players. It seems a bit much. There's got to be only one left, right?


Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

Do we think there could have been four scum from the start on top of Cpig's third party role? We started with 15 players. It seems a bit much. There's got to be only one left, right?

Keep forgetting cpig was third party

Likely just one then.

Who’s your top scum read at this point?

Sep 13, 2002

Hal Insandenza posted:

I think when I voted spork yesterday and he was sort of defending spork and saying “oh Hal is probably gonna vote spork” to shade me before I could even do it… not great IMO

that wouldn't look great if i had done that, i agree...

so i guess it's a good thing that never actually happened.

Sep 13, 2002

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

Do we think there could have been four scum from the start on top of Cpig's third party role? We started with 15 players. It seems a bit much. There's got to be only one left, right?

yeah 3 scum + 3p is nice for this size game

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
Lazy curry

The curry:

The other stuff:

The result:

Last time I made Japanese curry, it was using a pressure cooker and used all fresh ingredients, but I was hungry and lazy this time so I did it on the stove.

I started with the frozen veggies, thawed and lightly fried in a pan. Added leftover shiitake mushrooms and chicken sausages to make use of them.

For a good curry you need to use at least two different curry cubes or it'll taste too generic. I threw in these two in the photos, then added a dash of soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and some Valentina hot sauce for extra flavor. I didn't have potatoes on hand for the starch so I threw in an egg that I definitely shouldve whisked first and some flour to thicken the curry sauce.

Once the curry was fairly evenly mixed, I threw the fried veggie mix into the pot and stirred until it was thoroughly coated in the curry.

I didn't feel like cooking a whole pot of rice, and also I'm out of clean pots and my rice cooker is still dead, so I microwaved a packet of saffron rice. Threw the curry on top and done! It tastes pretty good.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

hambeet posted:

waiting for hal to come in and say seeing as spork's not getting up let's try zoya

Sorry beet I had it reversed, but I still think this is a bad post

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

Hal Insandenza posted:

Who’s your top scum read at this point?

I need to read back previous days and see Spork and RWC's interactions for myself. I've liked beet's contributions more today than previous days, but I'm not over it yet. TMor seems to be the most hardcore lurker right now, but like I said, I need to read and I'll be busy for a while longer. But before the game day ends, I will.

Sep 13, 2002

Hal Insandenza posted:

Sorry beet I had it reversed, but I still think this is a bad post

how so? you’re pre-emptying zoyas alignment?

I was highlighting the fact that you seemed to want to dance around opop looking for another vote candidate.

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
Clo makes more scummy dishes!

Spork's Beef Stroganov, but with no mushrooms or Worchestershire sauce because that's gross also there are pickled cucumbers now

Meat, more meat, wine, mustard, onions and pickled cucumbers. Happy to report that red onions work just fine.

Fried in a pan, then cooked for a while.

Served with Spätzle, they're eggy noodles usually eaten with meat and gravy dishes like this one, goulash and also very popular with various game meat.

Tastes very rich and it kind of reminds me of Daube de Boeuf, which I need to figure out how to make at some point.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Quoting for later reading

SporkChan posted:

Rough reads as I sped through about 200 posts.

Illu and beet are town.

Cube too, but apparently dead? Also why did Cube target Clo? I thought they mentioned targeting Opop with the seer in the Group Hug?
-Clo I'm less sure of my read on, but if Cube dies that will clear Clo. If Cube doesn't die then I'll look at Clo more closly.

HCT and Opop have both pushed for more mafia and less just cooking. Not sure that's alignment indicative, but I did notice the tone shift from HCT that (beet or Hal, dunno why I mix you two up, but one of them) mentioned.

Hal is always an option, as voodoo says, but I don't have real read there at the moment.

Voodoo/Maer is another town read for me. They're both feeling town. Setup spec argument, but I don't think Grandi puts a hydra in scum-chat if possible, as well.
-Actually, Voodoo or Maer, are you in any masonries? How has that been handled so far? And who could confirm that for you?

Zoya, RWC, and TMor are all lurking. And I know I am as well.
-TMor I've never been able to read, but I always feel is scummy.
-RWC mostly the same, but I often town lean on.
-Zoya I feel like I enjoy their play, and this game has felt townie/distracted. I didn't like that Opop vote she just put down though.

Is Punk still in the game? I see them on the player list but feel like they have less posts than me.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Voodoofly posted:

I lied. I never ended up reading anything today.

I see opop is at -4 and I have slight town vibes there and I think maer does as well so

##vote beet

SporkChan posted:

Opop is at -2 now and there's 30 minutes to deadline.

I only have a slight leaning on Opop being scum, but I really don't think there's another option for tonight.

I can't tell if this is a light defense of Beet with a cover of "almost out of time" but it looks pretty bad to me - would Spork make the same comment for anyone else?

Sep 13, 2002


Maerlyn I didnt even make 50% of the required vote yesterday, so why would a defence of me even be needed? As opposed to spork just wanting to make sure we don’t miss the elim on a town player.

this seems a bit ham (heh) fisted from you.

Sep 13, 2002

Tired Moritz posted:

does anyone else think burgers are like overrated

this seems pretty scummy imo

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Yeah I have no good read so I'm going to rely on evil brain for this one.

My gut says beet or TM. My brain says always vote hal but that is just the PTSD talking I think.

Sep 13, 2002

Ok tm has some game observations/comments, but no scum hunting. Cooks one meal.

Sep 13, 2002

Lol zoya is probated

Sep 13, 2002

okay zoya cooks one meal also.

doesn't really scum hunt but seems a little more engaged with the game than TM offering some other commentary like the lurker count:

Zoya posted:

biggest lurkers by post count are, from more posts to least posts,
  • me, 24 (25 now!) posts
  • HCT, 22 posts
  • Opop, 19 posts
  • Maerlyn? Combined with Voodoo though, so, doesnt count? 18 posts
  • Spork, 15 posts

would probably be worthwhile to also look through and see how many of those posts are just about food and nothing else, though

worth noting both mentioned being in multiple games (Zoya said 3 i think, tm said another game + modding). just for context on their lurkiness.

Sep 13, 2002

tm says something about spork once, but otherwise never engages with either rwc or spork for the whole game.

rwc mentions rwc twice but doesn't interact with either of them, er, either.

im not sure how zoyas night/spice actions interacting with RWC/Clo masonry or whatever that was panned out. hct might be able to illuminate us.

so far out of the two of them, tm has the far lighter 'game' touch compared to zoya, but it's still not conclusively scum nor are they conclusively cleared imo.

need to go back and check what rwc/spork say about either of them, and then all four players interactions with (or otherwise) hct. maybe also voodoo/maerlyn after that terrible post by maerlyn.

Sep 13, 2002

d1 both zoya and tm voted no execute day 1 and i can't see why?

d2 tm votes keats for not cooking i guess?

d3 tm just votes opop with no commentary.

d2 zoya votes cube for not liking the utility of the group masonry.

d3 zoya gets on opop for the illu case.

i'm probably leaning tm over zoya.

Sep 13, 2002


##vote tm

Sep 13, 2002

oh lol that's -3 already.

Sep 13, 2002

im going to go to work now and i'll look at this all later in the day.

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
I always keep thai yellow curry paste in my freezer.

I use this recipe -

So a thawed a bit out today to have for lunch.

I cooked a bit of chicken and red chili with it and put it over jasmine rice.

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

lmao right when i wanted to come post i caught a sixer on another board gg

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

i don't have any real casework because as has been repeatedly mentioned i haven't been nearly engaged enough in this game but my gut reads say last scum is one of HCT or hambeet, and of the two, i'm leaning HCT

on the other hand, with two dead scum caught in some kind of inexplicable fiery blast overnight (that, unless i missed something again, no one has taken credit for) and with me playing a poo poo town game and looking like the suspicious lurker that i am, you could also simply choose to mislunch me and be rewarded by the addition of delicious baked treats to the menu without too much danger of losing the game because of it, probably!

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

hambeet posted:

how so? you’re pre-emptying zoyas alignment?

I was highlighting the fact that you seemed to want to dance around opop looking for another vote candidate.

I didn’t want to vote Opop because as I was saying I didn’t think he was scummy so of course I wanted to look for another candidate

It’s a bad post because it’s shading me for trying to play mafia and push things away from a person who ended up flipping town and tries to keep all the focus on Opop

I’m sort of feeling you to be more townie today but you are still frustrating me!

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

##vote beet

If evil brain has a better idea I’ll probably vote that way

Sep 13, 2002

Hal Insandenza posted:

I didn’t want to vote Opop because as I was saying I didn’t think he was scummy so of course I wanted to look for another candidate

It’s a bad post because it’s shading me for trying to play mafia and push things away from a person who ended up flipping town and tries to keep all the focus on Opop

I’m sort of feeling you to be more townie today but you are still frustrating me!

hmmm gonna have to disagree. Any perceptions of feeling shaded sit with you imo. that’s just some good old fashioned beet!

but I’m not intentionally trying to frustrate, so that’s just an added bonus. i kid!

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Sorry I was busy all of yesterday and now my legs hurt, but I promise I'll actually get around to reading everything like I said well before deadline.

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
Improvised ramen!

I forgot to take pics during the cooking process, but:

Basil, green onion, arugula, tempeh, bamboo shoots, chili powder, and chili sesame oil mixed into a ramen base, with the ramen egg on top.

Sep 13, 2002

narrator *but beet didn't come back later in the day. he had to go to his parents whose 'internet stopped working'. it had.*

Sep 13, 2002

i actually wonder about my gut on hct more now than tm.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
It was just a hectic day yesterday, I had an esteemed visitor and spend half the day walking around the city showing the sights. Right now I'm at work. I'm going to both cook and read once I get back home and prepare some nice spices for the following game night.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
My chicken is adoboing in the fridge, so I'm reading some of the thread.

Spork frustratingly has barely interacted with anyone at all. Most of it is this one big lumpenlist post near the end of D2.

SporkChan posted:

Illu and beet are town.

Very quickly just puts this down without justification. Illu was town. Beet? I'm still not sure.

SporkChan posted:

Voodoo/Maer is another town read for me. They're both feeling town. Setup spec argument, but I don't think Grandi puts a hydra in scum-chat if possible, as well.
-Actually, Voodoo or Maer, are you in any masonries? How has that been handled so far? And who could confirm that for you?

This townread is much more justified. I wonder what the difference between these is. We know Illu was town. Would Spork put their fellow scumbo in the quick drive-by unmotivated townread, or the well-developed townread?

SporkChan posted:

Is Punk still in the game? I see them on the player list but feel like they have less posts than me.

SporkChan posted:

Just noticed Punk was replaced by beet. Reading comprehension values are low for me today.

Now, maybe I'm biased, but this feels like Spork trying to very loudly say "Oh I totally didn't notice Punkreas being replaced with beet in scumchat, honest, I'm so confused!"

But overall there's freaking nothing here.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

What was this? I kind of skimmed right over it the first time it happened, but this isn't just text, it's a day action. What was this?

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Voodoolyn was part of the eggzackly pileup so I think you really have to tell the thread now what that was.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Man though other than that Rhymes barely engaged with the thread either. All this lurking scum crap is bad for reads.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

Man though other than that Rhymes barely engaged with the thread either. All this lurking scum crap is bad for reads.

Yeah I read both of them earlier looking for anything and they barely mention another player ever

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

Illusionis posted:

Now second place to look at, d2 vote on Keats got going fast out of the gate that the early votes there do raise a question of how many of these are scum riding the easy train from back of d1. Especially of note to me feels Zoya who was fast on there, but moved away later. Hal also appears here again.

Cube has claimed to be doomed from his spice use, this isn't confirmed yet, but if he does flip as he claims looking at d2 has me also wondering if scum attempted to make another town v town train there with Cube and Keats. Notable here is Spork with a doublevote, Zoya ends up here too.

Third observation, RWC is again the hammer like on d1, lurking in the woodwork until it's time to hammer close to deadline to avoid suspicions possibly, not the biggest ping but it's there.

This post by Illusionis is turning out to be prophetic, pointing out both Spork and RWC. He also points out Zoya - truth be told, Zoya has been rather... quiet this game, compared to her usual self.


Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
I'm also way more confused today about what killed RWC and Spork, since everyone has posted and nobody is claiming responsibility for it. I don't see why town wouldn't say so, and Illusionis didn't visit anyone, so I guess it was Clo with some kind of super-spice? Either that or scum did it to themselves somehow.

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