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Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
I am growing increasingly suspicious of Tired Moritz, but he is almost completely unreadable to me to begin with.


Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

Voodoolyn was part of the eggzackly pileup so I think you really have to tell the thread now what that was.

We made a mason spice with a secret handshake and used it night 1, targeting RWC and Cpig. Cpig died so it was just RWC. It granted us a gravedigger power but only if all the people said the secret handshake in thread. Eggzactly was the handshake.

We then used the grave Rob to target cpig night 2.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

I am growing increasingly suspicious of Tired Moritz, but he is almost completely unreadable to me to begin with.

I’d vote tm.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Zoya and TM also barely talk about other players and I think only have voted flipped town. Lots of question marks in this game

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

Voodoofly posted:

We then used the grave Rob to target cpig night 2.

And night 3?

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

I’ll check I don’t really know if we did anything

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Robbed opop night 3

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Voodoofly posted:

Robbed opop night 3

Did he still have the really cool spice blend he alluded to?

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Hal Insandenza posted:

Did he still have the really cool spice blend he alluded to?

We got a pretty cool spice. Not sure if it’s the one he alluded it looks cool. I don’t know if we can use it though as mason is down to one person

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Never mind we can still use spices we have just can’t grave Rob.

It’s pretty cool. We didn’t use it though. If that was a good thing then it’s because maer was smart and showed restraint. If that was a bad thing it’s because I’m dumb and lost in this game.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
And now, food. As instructed, our chicken will marinate in olive oil, lime juice, garlic and chipotles en adobo.

Just gotta get that can open first...

gently caress. No worries, I pried it open with a knife.

Quite a while later, we sauté some bell pepper. I forgot to take a picture of the chicken cooking, but rest assured it was also cooked.

To go with this, we'll make a dice-based medley of parsnip, radish and red onion.

Cut it up, dress with a bit of oil, salt, pepper and thyme, and into the basket of my air fryer. It's pretty much just a countertop convection oven.

Once everything is ready, the adobo lime chicken is dressed with cilantro and some more lime juice, and the dice medley is topped off with our fourth ingredient: arugula. There's some sneaky feta cheese in there too.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Okay, I don't really know what to do here. Both Rhymes and Spork were quiet all game. I feel like we're still voting blindly. I would be very surprised if the game ended today, though, so that's something. I for one have spices queued up and ready to go which might help tomorrow.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Do we just claim spice use? Would that help? I've pretty much done all of mine already, but for the record: Night one, nothing, just saving up for future days. Night two, graverobbed Cpig and redirected actions targeting me to him. Night three, watched Clo and redirected actions to her, plus handsfree tracked Illusionis.

I know there are people with points who haven't claimed anything they've done (e.g. TMor) so I'd be real interested to hear what you've been doing at night.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

Do we just claim spice use? Would that help? I've pretty much done all of mine already, but for the record: Night one, nothing, just saving up for future days. Night two, graverobbed Cpig and redirected actions targeting me to him. Night three, watched Clo and redirected actions to her, plus handsfree tracked Illusionis.

I know there are people with points who haven't claimed anything they've done (e.g. TMor) so I'd be real interested to hear what you've been doing at night.

Maybe clo had a PGO power active? Did you have some sort of protection what would let you survive that? Maybe that doesn't work with what's been claimed I dunno just throwing things out there

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I have yet to do anything at night, but I now have a cool spice blend I am debating using very soon

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

Hal Insandenza posted:

Maybe clo had a PGO power active? Did you have some sort of protection what would let you survive that? Maybe that doesn't work with what's been claimed I dunno just throwing things out there

I had no active protection that would've protected me from that. But maybe I just got lucky and it was a 50-50 dice roll and that explains why RWC died?

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I do not want to go into any sort of end game scenario with both zoya and TM unless something really changes

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Both of those have been rather lurky and not made any strong claims anywhere, so I wouldn't be opposed to voting either one.

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
But part of me wonders if indeed there is only one scum left that they decided they needed to up their activity and are posting up a storm right now.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I am excited to go to the store tonight and be able to make ramen eggs, bomb pops, smoked salmon soup and probably everything else I missed this weekend

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
I mean you have... 6 hours to do so. Good luck.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

But part of me wonders if indeed there is only one scum left that they decided they needed to up their activity and are posting up a storm right now.

Yah I know how you feel.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

I mean you have... 6 hours to do so. Good luck.

Well I don't plan on dying... do you know something I don't???

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
I just figured you wanted to use the spices tonight. Assuming we yeet someone and there's an NK tonight, that's four alive tomorrow and I don't know if there's time for another night.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

I just figured you wanted to use the spices tonight. Assuming we yeet someone and there's an NK tonight, that's four alive tomorrow and I don't know if there's time for another night.

Oh yeah, I also just want to eat the food though. Points are just a bonus.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Hal Insandenza posted:

I do not want to go into any sort of end game scenario with both zoya and TM unless something really changes

Fair I’d rather be in exlo with beet than tm

##vote Tired

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

But part of me wonders if indeed there is only one scum left that they decided they needed to up their activity and are posting up a storm right now.

this is one of the strongest sources of fuel i have against you at the moment so it feels weird reading it posted by you

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

either way i'm largely unconcerned since with whatever tf happened to scumteam last night i think we're pretty safe on the numbers game at the moment and so i'm comfortable voting ##vote TMor for the warcrime of putting spam in the microwave

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Zoya, what kind of night actions have you been taking?

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation
Ah, hell. I can't be around for deadline (obviously, it's at like 4 am) and I don't want to risk no yeet so ##vote Moritz

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
:redhammer: Oh no! I think Tired Moritz is hammered!

Votecount for Day 4

Tired Moritz (4): hambeet, Voodoofly, Zoya, Hyper Crab Tank
hambeet (0): Voodoofly, Voodoofly

Not Voting (2): Hal Insandenza, Tired Moritz

With 6 alive, it's 4 votes to execute. The current deadline is August 10th, 2023 at 10 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 4 hours, 23 minutes.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Dang I was just going to ask for some time and not to hammer. You snooze you lose I guess

Sep 13, 2002

Hyper Crab Tank posted:

But part of me wonders if indeed there is only one scum left that they decided they needed to up their activity and are posting up a storm right now.

lol I wonder who this could mean

Feb 8, 2006

Tired Moritz SCUM-aligned Maple Shortbread Bars has been executed Day 4

Town wins!

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

drat i should have self voted so everyone would get to enjoy my sweet potato bread

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I wanted to see what my spice did and was going to challenge him when I got home from the grocery store.

As well, fun as always! Still going to make these recipes I just got ingredients for, can’t wait for the salmon soup

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

should we (living players) just go ahead and post our recipes for fun now that the game has resolved?

Feb 8, 2006

Zoya posted:

should we (living players) just go ahead and post our recipes for fun now that the game has resolved?

That would make my life easier :)

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

will do when i get home to format it!


Sep 13, 2002


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