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Comfy Fleece Sweater
Apr 2, 2013

You see, but you do not observe.

Imagine my surprise when I found out these were goon-spawned

silvergoose posted:

General Battuta, a.k.a. Seth Dickinson:
The Traitor Baru Cormorant

divabot a.k.a. David Gerard
Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum & Smart Contracts
Libra Shrugged: How Facebook Tried to Take Over the Money

I absolutely recommend these, I read them before I knew about their dark origins, and I remember thinking they were entertaining as heck

Baru Cormorant in particular was a favorite of mine that year, I immediately wanted to read the next in the series (pretty sure I bought them right then), but, well, I have ADD or something hey what's that

The blockchain books are very good, funny reading about cryptobro escapades, but also they will make you a bit concerned about humanity. Solid 5/5 Comfys on both

Anyway, good thread, adding a few of these to my list :cheers:


Apr 24, 2008

The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.
Grimey Drawer
Should we provide links to buy the books? Draft2Digital has invented the Universal Book Link, where you can simply paste a single store link into, and it automatically finds every storefront selling the book and collects them into a single link.

Here is one for Anaximancy:

Mar 18, 2006


SimonChris posted:

Should we provide links to buy the books? Draft2Digital has invented the Universal Book Link, where you can simply paste a single store link into, and it automatically finds every storefront selling the book and collects them into a single link.

Here is one for Anaximancy:

I'm a little torn, oddly. Something I really don't want to do is put a bunch of amazon links in, for sure. The d2d thing is intriguing.

Another reason against is, annoyingly, forum software reasons: if I add an order of magnitude of characters for every book, my OP might run out of space faster. Obviously nowhere near that limit yet, but...

I'll think about it. If folks have strong opinions, feel free to express them!

Oct 19, 2006
I'm really happy to announce that I've just had my first book published.

It's a tongue in cheek, cozy murder mystery

Comfy Fleece Sweater
Apr 2, 2013

You see, but you do not observe.

FightingMongoose posted:

I'm really happy to announce that I've just had my first book published.

It's a tongue in cheek, cozy murder mystery

:cheers: got my kindle copy! It says the physical paperback is out of stock, so… congrats? Sold out?

If I see one, I’ll grab a physical copy, I prefer them these days

And congrats on finishing a book!

Feb 16, 2014

The sanctioned action is to CHUG


Jul 7, 2009

silvergoose posted:

freebooter, a.k.a. Shane Carrow
Vampire on the Orient Express

This is on a free promotion for the next few days, if anyone's interested:

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

SimonChris posted:

Feel free to PM me for a review copy.
gently caress that the description was so awesome I just bought a copy.

It’s $3.

Apr 24, 2008

The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.
Grimey Drawer

Remulak posted:

gently caress that the description was so awesome I just bought a copy.

It’s $3.

Thank you :). I have been struggling with blurb writing, so it is good to know that I got this one right.

Anyway, I have a new story out:

Amazon | Universal Book Link

At 15.000 words, this is my longest finished story yet, and the first one to be professionally edited. Next step is to write a novel! As always, PM me if you would like a free review copy.

SimonChris fucked around with this message at 19:37 on Oct 8, 2023

Feb 25, 2011

I heard something about how if you published a book through KDP in the last few years you now have to go on Amazon and click a box that says you didn't use any AI in its creation, otherwise Amazon will throttle your book's reach and recommendations. For the life of me I can't figure out where that box lives on their site though.

Oct 10, 2012

Ccs posted:

I heard something about how if you published a book through KDP in the last few years you now have to go on Amazon and click a box that says you didn't use any AI in its creation, otherwise Amazon will throttle your book's reach and recommendations. For the life of me I can't figure out where that box lives on their site though.

It’s in the ‘edit ebook content’ link under ‘Kindle ebook actions’ on the right side.

Dec 28, 2012

Pictured: The Wolf Of Gubbio (probably)

This avatar made possible by a gift from the Religionthread Posters Relief Fund
I've self-published two books, and gotten a third published through a small press:

Thresholds of the Grand Dream (middle grade fantasy - cover by me)

Everyone at Sonia's new school has the same dream every night... and it's on the verge of collapse! It's up to Sonia to search the dream world for a way to shut the Grand Dream down and save her friends.

Sweet Silius Island Honey (fantasy - cover by me)

Teenage sailor Owen Branstern wants to find the source of the world's best honey; single mother and witch Wanda Hansett wants to undergo an ancient trial and claim her birthright. Together they set out for the perilous Silius Island, where they find a civilization of humanoid bees.

Feast of the Sisters (Orthodox Christian YA horror) (published by Park End Books - cover by Mary Sarchisian)

Gentle-natured Jo Belcourt must call upon whatever courage and meager faith she has when a vampire abducts her older sister. Can Jo stop the feast before it starts? Or will she and her friends only add themselves to the menu? (Amazon link)

Jul 7, 2009

Ccs posted:

I heard something about how if you published a book through KDP in the last few years you now have to go on Amazon and click a box that says you didn't use any AI in its creation, otherwise Amazon will throttle your book's reach and recommendations. For the life of me I can't figure out where that box lives on their site though.

newts posted:

It’s in the ‘edit ebook content’ link under ‘Kindle ebook actions’ on the right side.

This is the first I've heard of it and I'm going through and doing it as a precaution now, but the actual text on it says:

"Amazon is collecting information about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in creating content."

I have zero problem believing Amazon will quite happily say something is for one thing when they're secretly using it for another thing, but is there any evidence they're throttling the reach of authors who tick "Yes" - let alone fail to tick a box at all?

Feb 25, 2011

This was my source, he sells pretty well so he might have seen a dramatic decrease in his sales when they introduced this box click but before he had clicked saying he wasn't using AI

Jun 8, 2001
I can't count to four.
Yams Fan

Madurai posted:

I have a couple I threw out on the Kindle.

In both space opera:


and alt-history technothriller flavors:

Day Zero

Both of these are terrific, Aetheria is a standout, the structure and voice of that book is really, hmm, pleasant? It’s unusual but works better than I would have expected from a description. I’d like more of her.

Jan 2, 2009

SimonChris posted:

gerg_861 aka Gregory Pettit

Dream Job (The Dreamwalker Chronicles Book 1)
The Nightmare Maker (The Dreamwalker Chronicles Book 2)
Dreamonologist: The Dreamwalker Chronicles: Volume 3
Whispers in the Dark: The Dreamwalker Chronicles: Volume 4
If anyone wants to read these and save some money, I put the first 3 books into an omnibus edition. It also has a couple short stories and a novella that arent otherwise available (though I did have them free on my website for a few years).

Jun 26, 2012

Remulak posted:

Both of these are terrific, Aetheria is a standout, the structure and voice of that book is really, hmm, pleasant? It’s unusual but works better than I would have expected from a description. I’d like more of her.

Well, I may blush. (I'm kidding, this kind of praise is like heroin to me)

The secret decoder ring to Aetheria: it's a sci-fi reimagining of James Morier's The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isphahan (1824). Morier wrote a sequel, which I'd had high hopes of converting into an Aetheria sequel, but it's dogshit and I'm going to have to do it the hard way.

Apr 14, 2005

ectoplasm posted:

Andy McDermott posts on here, I believe. He's been massively successful. I'm not sure what his username is though.

Also, I wrote a few books when I was much younger (about twenty years ago), and they're total trash, but you can put them up here if you'd like, lol. Goodreads Author Profile

He posts under Small Strange Bird, here is the post in the old airport fiction thread where he posted a amazon link.

Robert Deadford
Mar 1, 2008
Ultra Carp
I've just self-published a novel.


Link for Britgoons

It's a crime/superhero fantasy mash-up - Someone is killing the Talented and it's up to Red Line to figure out who, why and stop them.

Comfy Fleece Sweater
Apr 2, 2013

You see, but you do not observe.

Robert Deadford posted:

I've just self-published a novel.

Fukn awesome, congrats! Got my copy :cheers:

Bubble Bobby
Jan 28, 2005
Guess I'll post this here. My horror novel was published by a small press a couple years ago. They didn't do much to promote it, but I thought the cover came out pretty cool.

Amazon Link

A young woman with a gift for killing people with her mind bumps into a creepy doctor in her town with the same ability. From there, lots of people start to die.

Comfy Fleece Sweater
Apr 2, 2013

You see, but you do not observe.

Bubble Bobby posted:

Guess I'll post this here. My horror novel was published by a small press a couple years ago. They didn't do much to promote it, but I thought the cover came out pretty cool.

Amazon Link

A young woman with a gift for killing people with her mind bumps into a creepy doctor in her town with the same ability. From there, lots of people start to die.

No kidding that cover is scary!
I'm not big on horror reads, on account of being a soft one, but heck, why not... got my electronic copy :cheers:

Bubble Bobby
Jan 28, 2005

Comfy Fleece Sweater posted:

No kidding that cover is scary!
I'm not big on horror reads, on account of being a soft one, but heck, why not... got my electronic copy :cheers:

Thanks dude! Appreciate it

Mar 2, 2013

I like your style hombre, but this is no laughing matter. Assault on a police officer. Theft of police property. Illegal possession of a firearm. FIVE counts of attempted murder. That comes to... 29 dollars and 40 cents. Cash, cheque, or credit card?

ectoplasm posted:

Andy McDermott posts on here, I believe. He's been massively successful. I'm not sure what his username is though.

I always remember it as Payndz, but at some point this has been changed to Small Strange Bird.

I ought to get back to his books. Read everything he'd published as of ... 2015? 16? and then didn't keep up with new releases.

Feb 5, 2001

Hope you don't mind me adding my own book to the thread!

I recently published my first book "intermission: Book 1" and so far it's been getting a quiet but positive reception. Would love it if some more goons took a look! I used to do a bunch of stuff on the front page back in ye olde days of anybody remembers or cares lol

Mar 18, 2006


Colorfinger posted:

Hope you don't mind me adding my own book to the thread!

I recently published my first book "intermission: Book 1" and so far it's been getting a quiet but positive reception. Would love it if some more goons took a look! I used to do a bunch of stuff on the front page back in ye olde days of anybody remembers or cares lol

Of course! Self promotion happily encouraged, authorship is loving hard and being able to tell goons "hey other goons wrote stuff! go here!" is the point of the thread.

Comfy Fleece Sweater
Apr 2, 2013

You see, but you do not observe.

Colorfinger posted:

Hope you don't mind me adding my own book to the thread!

I recently published my first book "intermission: Book 1" and so far it's been getting a quiet but positive reception. Would love it if some more goons took a look! I used to do a bunch of stuff on the front page back in ye olde days of anybody remembers or cares lol

Congrats on finishing a book, which I’ve heard is 10x more painful than giving birth to a gargoyle :pray:

Just curious, is this one available on hardcover, or e-book only? Premise sounds fun. Amazon gives me a hardcover option but out of stock :thunk:

Apr 13, 2007

my body is a temple to an idiot god
This is an interesting premise, just bought it on kindle. The idea of dying and then still having to work… eep

Apr 24, 2008

The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.
Grimey Drawer

Robert Deadford posted:

I've just self-published a novel.


Link for Britgoons

It's a crime/superhero fantasy mash-up - Someone is killing the Talented and it's up to Red Line to figure out who, why and stop them.

I just wanted to second everyone in the KU thread saying that this is actually really great, with some seriously good prose and character work. Red Line in particular turns out to be a way more interesting character than they first appear. Also, am I guessing correct that Christine used to be Britannia?

Robert Deadford
Mar 1, 2008
Ultra Carp

SimonChris posted:

I just wanted to second everyone in the KU thread saying that this is actually really great, with some seriously good prose and character work. Red Line in particular turns out to be a way more interesting character than they first appear. Also, am I guessing correct that Christine used to be Britannia?

Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm happy you enjoyed it!

That would fit with Max and Henry, wouldn't it? I have tentative plans to write that story...

ETA: I will always be appreciative of any goon who enjoyed the book to drop a review on Amazon. Just a single sentence will do! It helps the algorithm, I think.

Robert Deadford fucked around with this message at 18:58 on Jan 4, 2024

Jun 26, 2012

Robert Deadford posted:

ETA: I will always be appreciative of any goon who enjoyed the book to drop a review on Amazon. Just a single sentence will do! It helps the algorithm, I think.

To an amazing extent, yes. The next-best thing you can do after buying a copy is leaving a good review.

Nov 16, 2006

A quintessential being known throughout the Realm as the 'Dungeon Master'. :rolldice:
Hey, been a long time since I've posted anything, but I also wrote and self-published a book. Heck, I even self narrated and published it on audible.


After surviving the last great war, Moon Elf Ezekiel Graystone wanders the war-torn remains of Terrial in search of his lost brother. Along the way, he crosses paths with Davis - a young boy threatened by the malevolent church that serves the demon god king.

As he tries to protect Davis, Ezekiel must confront the harsh reality of a world dominated by evil, where the wicked reign supreme and the innocent suffer.

With the help of old companions and new allies, they must fight back against the church to thwart its twisted designs. Yet even as they battle, the looming presence of Tal'Dar and his forces threatens to destroy all.

The Summoner: Echoes of the Fallen is a thrilling dark fantasy exploring the consequences of what happens when evil triumphs.

Elevator Pitch: A Fantasy version of Star Wars but with Obi-Wan as the main character.

Comfy Fleece Sweater
Apr 2, 2013

You see, but you do not observe.

Korlac posted:

Hey, been a long time since I've posted anything, but I also wrote and self-published a book. Heck, I even self narrated and published it on audible.


After surviving the last great war, Moon Elf Ezekiel Graystone wanders the war-torn remains of Terrial in search of his lost brother. Along the way, he crosses paths with Davis - a young boy threatened by the malevolent church that serves the demon god king.

As he tries to protect Davis, Ezekiel must confront the harsh reality of a world dominated by evil, where the wicked reign supreme and the innocent suffer.

With the help of old companions and new allies, they must fight back against the church to thwart its twisted designs. Yet even as they battle, the looming presence of Tal'Dar and his forces threatens to destroy all.

The Summoner: Echoes of the Fallen is a thrilling dark fantasy exploring the consequences of what happens when evil triumphs.

Elevator Pitch: A Fantasy version of Star Wars but with Obi-Wan as the main character.

Oh wow, you sound great in the audiobook! Very professional. I just got my e- and audiobook copy, I like the premise :cheers:

Nov 16, 2006

A quintessential being known throughout the Realm as the 'Dungeon Master'. :rolldice:

Comfy Fleece Sweater posted:

Oh wow, you sound great in the audiobook! Very professional. I just got my e- and audiobook copy, I like the premise :cheers:

Thank you very much! I did a ton of research and test recordings to get a set up that sounded as nice as possible. I know I'm not as good as professional narrators like Heath Miller or Travis Baldree, but I think I turned in a "good enough" performance to make the cut. Funny thing is, I had a friend tell me that if the book gains any popularity, I have to keep doing the narration because for listeners it might sound weird hearing the story in anyone else's voice.

Jul 7, 2009

Madurai posted:

To an amazing extent, yes. The next-best thing you can do after buying a copy is leaving a good review.

In every email I ever send to my mailing list (not that I send many) I stress this. In fact in some of my older books I think I even have a page at the back with a hyperlink and a paragraph that amounts to little more than grovelling.

I also stress that a review can literally just be one sentence saying something like "I really liked this book" - I think a lot of readers hear the word "review" and immediately have a flashback to doing a report as an assignment in high school, and assume they need to be writing a whole bunch of paragraphs and assessing themes or whatever. It's really useful to dislodge that notion from their heads.

Less Fat Luke
May 23, 2003

Exciting Lemon

Colorfinger posted:

Hope you don't mind me adding my own book to the thread!

I recently published my first book "intermission: Book 1" and so far it's been getting a quiet but positive reception. Would love it if some more goons took a look! I used to do a bunch of stuff on the front page back in ye olde days of anybody remembers or cares lol
Just finished this last week and reviewed it well on Amazon+GR, great first book - I'm looking forward to the second!

Feb 5, 2001

Comfy Fleece Sweater posted:

Congrats on finishing a book, which I’ve heard is 10x more painful than giving birth to a gargoyle :pray:

Just curious, is this one available on hardcover, or e-book only? Premise sounds fun. Amazon gives me a hardcover option but out of stock :thunk:

Hi so sorry I didn't see this. It should be available paperback, hardcover, e-book, and (now) as an audiobook. I'm not sure why it would show out of stock! It's printed on demand.

Less Fat Luke posted:

Just finished this last week and reviewed it well on Amazon+GR, great first book - I'm looking forward to the second!

Thank you so much :)

Comfy Fleece Sweater
Apr 2, 2013

You see, but you do not observe.

Colorfinger posted:

Hi so sorry I didn't see this. It should be available paperback, hardcover, e-book, and (now) as an audiobook. I'm not sure why it would show out of stock! It's printed on demand.

Ah I think it might be because I'm outside the US, switched to my Amazon country and it does give me a 2-3 week delivery option

Got a paperback copy, I quite like the cover :cheers:

Mar 18, 2006


I'm just gonna bump this because The Sunforge is out!!! Everyone get it.


Mar 19, 2006
droppin Hamiltons!
Believe it or not, I have a second book on the way! Magical Girl Blues is a semi-prequel to my first book. Pre-orders just went live just about everywhere.

It is also available on NetGalley for the next month (and change.)



Some things are worse than death… or high school.

Fourteen-year-old Xenia Findlay survived the crash that claimed her parents and her best friend Bethany. Moving to Porter Valley to live with her great-aunt should have been the perfect opportunity to heal. Instead of the peace and quiet she so desperately needs, she’s plagued by terrible headaches… and hallucinatory visits from her dead friend.

Worse, the students of Porter Valley High are disappearing. As, one by one, the missing students join Bethany in Xenia’s visions she begins to suspect that what she sees is real. If that’s true, then everything she thought she knew—about the world, about death, and about herself—is wrong. Magic is real. Ghosts exist. And a monster lurks in the shadows of her idyllic new home.

The bodies are piling up and it won’t be long before the ghastly force preying on Porter Valley turns its eyes upon her. If Xenia can unlock the power she’s discovered, she might just save herself, her town… and her very soul.

Edit: Added more ARC sites.

CaptainCrunch fucked around with this message at 23:15 on Sep 29, 2024

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