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Dec 28, 2012

Pictured: The Wolf Of Gubbio (probably)

This avatar made possible by a gift from the Religionthread Posters Relief Fund
Oh, hey, I forgot about this thread. I self-pubbed a new book in spring after serializing it last year:


* Jeremy is terrified of the new girl.
* Zoe despises her.
* Gregg can't take his eyes off her.
* Halley looks up to her.
* Martin got hit by one of her spells.
* Nadia accidentally became her best friend.

Tsarina "Rina" Algruent—that's Lady Rina to you—has been sent from the Realm of Faerie to a fifth grade class in our world as part of a new exchange program. But while kids at other schools are enchanted with their new guests, Rina's behavior is so cursed it threatens to cause an interdimensional incident. The teachers are powerless to stop her from terrorizing her classmates with her magic. Can fifth grade find a way to restore order?
I also did the cover and the interior illustrations.

Everywhere else


Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

Hi, I don't know why it didn't occur to me until today to check if there was such a thread, but I'm here now. I just self-published my first novel back in March after working on it for waaaaaay too long (don't even ask how long, please). I submitted it on Mario Day, oddly enough, but it didn't go live until a few days later.

Cover design by my husband.

It's only available on Amazon, so here's a link:

It's a space fantasy adventure story in a similar vein as the Redwall series. I like to call it "Redwall in space."

I'll copy the blurb about it:


On a far-distant planet known as Zada, the animals of Earth have found a safe haven, free to continue their evolution without interference. Until now.

For Renard, a young fox, life has not been easy. Born the runt of his litter, he was the least likely to survive to adulthood, much less become a hero of his people. He was separated from his family by a freak accident: left cold, alone, and near death. He might have died that day, should have died, but a stroke of luck saved him. Renard was found, and adopted, by Yoshi: an aged raccoon-dog who could give the young fox the tools he needed to survive. Yoshi was a trained master in the art of self-defense, and looking for a promising pupil…

Armed with this knowledge, Renard set out on a journey, hoping to discover his purpose, and to test his skills. Along the way, he met many fantastic creatures and forged lifelong friendships.

Renard and his friends would later stumble upon a message, one that would change their lives. They learned that an invading force had set its sights on Zada: a race of conquerors known as the Verans. Zada, with its abundant natural resources, was their next target.

The young Zadans faced a truly Herculean task: unite their people and drive off the invasion. Failure would mean total annihilation: the extinction of their people and the enslavement of their home. They knew they could not fail.

Available in Kindle and paperback at the moment. I'm working on figuring out audiobook.

May 13, 2006

One song / Glory
One song before I go / Glory
One song to leave behind

No other road
No other way
No day but today
I'm nearly 2 years late on my promised release date but Supplicant, the sequel to my debut fantasy novel, Petition, is finally done.

It's Six of Crows meets Mistborn with a Locked Tomb twist and you can check out the Kickstarter project which is now live.

Backers will get early access to Supplicant ahead of its general retail release and I'm also offering some gorgeous special edition hardcovers for both books so far in the series. The special editions will have exclusive interior and dust jacket illustrations by Rosemary Fung, and holographic foiled hardcover case art by K.E. Rosero.

Here's some eye candy of the exclusive art and illustrative mock-ups of the special editions:

Also, Petition is finally coming to audio and it's being narrated by the one and only Emily Woo Zeller, who has done a brilliant job. You can check out a spoiler-free 5-minute preview here. I'm gonna be publishing the audiobook at the end of the month to my website, Google Play, and Kobo (including Kobo Plus).

Leng fucked around with this message at 14:29 on Oct 16, 2024

Lead out in cuffs
Sep 18, 2012

"That's right. We've evolved."

"I can see that. Cool mutations."

Leng posted:

I'm nearly 2 years late on my promised release date but Supplicant, the sequel to my debut fantasy novel, Petition, is finally done.

It's Six of Crows meets Mistborn with a Locked Tomb twist and you can check out the Kickstarter project which is now live.

Backers will get early access to Supplicant ahead of its general retail release and I'm also offering some gorgeous special edition hardcovers for both books so far in the series. The special editions will have exclusive interior and dust jacket illustrations by Rosemary Fung, and holographic foiled hardcover case art by K.E. Rosero.

Here's some eye candy of the exclusive art and illustrative mock-ups of the special editions:

Also, Petition is finally coming to audio and it's being narrated by the one and only Emily Woo Zeller, who has done a brilliant job. You can check out a spoiler-free 5-minute preview here. I'm gonna be publishing the audiobook at the end of the month to my website, Google Play, and Kobo (including Kobo Plus).

That art is gorgeous. Good on you for hiring actual artists too.

Anyway, I'm just in for the ebooks, but you have my $15. And it looks like you have folks buying the fancy boxes and things, so :toot:

May 13, 2006

One song / Glory
One song before I go / Glory
One song to leave behind

No other road
No other way
No day but today

Lead out in cuffs posted:

That art is gorgeous. Good on you for hiring actual artists too.
Commissioning the art is the best investment I've made. They've done such an amazing job and their work is carrying the whole project.

Lead out in cuffs posted:

Anyway, I'm just in for the ebooks, but you have my $15. And it looks like you have folks buying the fancy boxes and things, so :toot:
Thank you so much!

May 31, 2006

Is there any way to do the kickstarter without having your name listed in the acknowledgments of Supplicant?

May 13, 2006

One song / Glory
One song before I go / Glory
One song to leave behind

No other road
No other way
No day but today

mystes posted:

Is there any way to do the kickstarter without having your name listed in the acknowledgments of Supplicant?

Yes! The name in acknowledgements will be something I’ll ask for in the backer survey and will be opt-in only, so if you don’t want to be named, just put N/A or leave the question blank in the backer survey.

Leng fucked around with this message at 00:31 on Oct 23, 2024

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 11, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

I read Petition, and it's a nail-biter with awesome worldbuilding and great characters. Highly recommended.

May 7, 2014
Somehow it never occured to me that there might be a thread for goon authors and their publications. I'm very happy to have published my second novel (in cooperation with my mate, Tom F.):

Unfortunately, it's German language only:

"Köln 2017: Der 16jährige Schüler Karl sieht sein Vaterland in Gefahr. Das korrupte Merkel-Regime öffnet mit seiner Flüchtlingspolitik dem großen Austausch Tür und Tor, während echte Deutsche wie er selbst und seine alkoholkranke Mutter mit Sozialleistungen abgespeist werden. Angestachelt durch seine Kameraden beschließt er, sich endlich zu wehren.
Köln 1933: Die 16jährige Jüdin Esther macht sich große Sorgen. Die Nationalsozialisten haben die Wahlen gewonnen. Seit Tagen marschieren sie in den Straßen auf und ab, singen ihre hasserfüllten Lieder und greifen Jüdinnen und Juden auf offener Straße an. Gestern erst wurden die Scheiben von Vaters Geschäft mit weißer Farbe beschmiert. Und heute brachten ihre Brüder einen bewusstlos geschlagenen und übel zugerichteten jungen Mann nach Hause. Wo sollte das alles noch enden?"

Ten percent of our returns from book-sales are donated to "Exit Deutschland", an NGO that works with young Neo-Nazis and enables them to leave the violent extremist scene.

It's available on Amazon:

If anyone wants a signed copy: I still have a handfull of physical copies cluttering up my place, so just hit me up on hirnparasit [at] gmx [dot] net and we'll figure something out.

My first novel is currently not available as printed book. However, you can get the audio book (read by myself and accompanied by its own soundtrack) on Amazon:

"Ein versoffener Kapitän, eine sadistische Navigatorin, ein kiffender, kommunistischer Schimpanse und das unbeschreibliche Wesen im Maschinenraum bemannen das Piratenschiff Lilli Marleen, das auf der Jagd nach Beute und Profit zwischen den Sternen kreuzt wie ein Hai im Kinderplanschbecken.

Als die munter-nihilistische Crew der Lilli Marleen jedoch eines Tages einen wehrlosen Frachter kapert und ausraubt, erregt sie damit die Aufmerksamkeit des äußerst humorlosen galaktischen Imperiums. Es beginnt eine furiose Jagd nicht nur durch das Vakuum des Alls, sondern auch durch anarchistische Piratenraumstationen, hedonistische Partyräume und vollgepisste Herrenklos..."

Mar 19, 2006
droppin Hamiltons!
It took longer than I initially hoped, but my second book, Magical Girl Blues, is out today. You can also get it direct from me, and from almost every other online book marketplace.


Some things are worse than death… or high school.

Fourteen-year-old Xenia Findlay survived the crash that claimed her parents and her best friend Bethany. Moving to Porter Valley to live with her great-aunt should have been the perfect opportunity to heal. Instead of the peace and quiet she so desperately needs, she’s plagued by terrible headaches… and hallucinatory visits from her dead friend.

Worse, the students of Porter Valley High are disappearing. As, one by one, the missing students join Bethany in Xenia’s visions she begins to suspect that what she sees is real. If that’s true, then everything she thought she knew—about the world, about death, and about herself—is wrong. Magic is real. Ghosts exist. And a monster lurks in the shadows of her idyllic new home.

The bodies are piling up and it won’t be long before the ghastly force preying on Porter Valley turns its eyes upon her. If Xenia can unlock the power she’s discovered, she might just save herself, her town… and her very soul.

Fuego Fish
Dec 5, 2004

By tooth and claw!

Oh my loving god lmfao: that ain't my book!!!! I merely whipped up that cover design for them and they liked it enough to use it.

I have written books (novellas, really) but they're Izzy Hartley and the Luminal Magnifier and A Gift from the Sky. I haven't managed to properly finish a new book in years now because depression and brain problems and poor sales, hooray :smith:

Mar 18, 2006


Fuego Fish posted:

Oh my loving god lmfao: that ain't my book!!!! I merely whipped up that cover design for them and they liked it enough to use it.

I have written books (novellas, really) but they're Izzy Hartley and the Luminal Magnifier and A Gift from the Sky. I haven't managed to properly finish a new book in years now because depression and brain problems and poor sales, hooray :smith:

oh hm; CommissarMega wrote it? I'll toss yours in under you though!

gently caress depression, though, sorry to hear that

Fuego Fish
Dec 5, 2004

By tooth and claw!
Yeah, it sucks, but it's not been all bad. I finally got a diagnosis for my ADHD (undetected for 30+ years, somehow) which has started a slow healing process and I might even get back on my feet before I hit 40. I hope to get my next book finished and published before 2025 is over, and we'll see how we go from there. :unsmith:

Dec 8, 2021
So uh... I wrote this.

It's set in an imaginary universe I've been building and percolating since the early 90s.


Ellaráda Inaiya is twenty-three years old, a carefree young musician in her home city of Virrikál. There's only one complication: her father is the supreme leader of the Galactic Alliance, and he intends to groom her to succeed him.

Ellaráda will soon find out that there is far more to being a Khent-Hesut's daughter than she ever dreamed of. Facing treachery and danger from all sides, she must learn to put away her childish dreams. Her life depends on it.

Comfy Fleece Sweater
Apr 2, 2013

You see, but you do not observe.

imperiusdamian posted:

So uh... I wrote this.

It's set in an imaginary universe I've been building and percolating since the early 90s.

I bought a physical copy because why not :cheers:

Congratulations on finishing a book!

Dec 8, 2021

Comfy Fleece Sweater posted:

I bought a physical copy because why not :cheers:

Congratulations on finishing a book!

Thank you! Hope you enjoy it!

Tars Tarkas
Apr 13, 2003

Rock the Mok

A nasty woman, I think you should try is, Jess.

Fuego Fish posted:

Oh my loving god lmfao: that ain't my book!!!! I merely whipped up that cover design for them and they liked it enough to use it.

I have written books (novellas, really) but they're Izzy Hartley and the Luminal Magnifier and A Gift from the Sky. I haven't managed to properly finish a new book in years now because depression and brain problems and poor sales, hooray :smith:

Oh, whoops, sorry! I was looking at old bookmarks and must have gotten the credits swapped


Fuego Fish
Dec 5, 2004

By tooth and claw!

Tars Tarkas posted:

Oh, whoops, sorry! I was looking at old bookmarks and must have gotten the credits swapped

poo poo happens, and hey, maybe I'll get a few sales from this :v:

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