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how long does trump go to jail for?
no jail time
elected president from a jail cell
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Virgil Vox
Dec 8, 2009

I think I'm gonna stop sg1 after s1 it's alright and I'm sure gets better and has great episodes; it's just the plots don't hold up. I think I will try b5 nxt


Fuckt Tupp
Apr 19, 2007


CODChimera posted:

lol that we cant watch explosions

take it to the explosion thread

Red Baron
Mar 9, 2007
b5 still owns

Jan 29, 2009

Virgil Vox posted:

I think I'm gonna stop sg1 after s1 it's alright and I'm sure gets better and has great episodes; it's just the plots don't hold up. I think I will try b5 nxt

noooo watch all ten seasons

and then watch 5 seasons of atlantis

and 2? seasons of stargate universe

Mar 29, 2004

Worst Case Scenario

Schmoe Cwead posted:

in the uk but the series didnt take off in the us until 3 came out

There was a GTA 1 cabinet at the 7-11 down the block from me. poo poo was my life from 6-8.

Mar 5, 2006

the thing about the jews is,

Virgil Vox posted:

I think I'm gonna stop sg1 after s1 it's alright and I'm sure gets better and has great episodes; it's just the plots don't hold up. I think I will try b5 nxt

i tried stargate a while ago but it was just so campy. might try again but like, i dont know what's there that im looking for to enjoy?

b5 was cool, dense, kinda hard to get into but enjoyable and interesting. glad i watched it but probly wont ever rewatch. im still upset i wasted my time watching BSG when i could have been rewatching DS9 for the 10th time.

Feb 12, 2011

~Canned V. 🔥~t r u m p !FEVER! esta caliente BAILANDO!

never fails lol

Impkins Patootie
Apr 20, 2017

Jan 29, 2009

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

The rest has UFOs in it

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Virgil Vox posted:

I think I'm gonna stop sg1 after s1 it's alright and I'm sure gets better and has great episodes; it's just the plots don't hold up. I think I will try b5 nxt

The high point of the series may or may not be the nudity in the pilot

e obligatory DS9, BSG, and Raised by Wolves recommendation before you start smoking the pipe resin that is B5

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Ridiculous hair. Did you see it? He's in space, he's got hair like that, it's blowing all over


Red Baron
Mar 9, 2007

Inspector Hound posted:

…the pipe resin that is B5

I see today you woke up and chose violence

Oct 7, 2002

democrats are transitioning from the “we see you, we hear you” folks to the electorate shouldn’t be seen or heard.

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Red Baron posted:

I see today you woke up and chose violence

I just couldn't do it. Maybe it was on at the wrong time of day, who knows.

Mar 5, 2012

A.I.(Artificial Intelligence)

Oct 29, 2012

My good friend has lost it

Jun 9, 2000

it's sad that christie can't take constructive honest criticism from his closest friends

Actual Satan
Mar 14, 2017

Keep on partying!

You'll NEVER regret it!

Trust ME!

trump specifically said NOT to call him a fat pig, sir

Oct 29, 2012


Disgraced Republican representative George Santos has criticised same-sex marriage on the anniversary of his own wedding, saying it “should have been a civil union.”

The first non-incumbent, openly gay Republican elected to the U.S Congress, Santos was expelled from the House of Representatives on 1 December following a string of charges against him – including wire fraud, money laundering and one count of conspiracy to commit offences against the United States.

Now, Santos has hit out at the concept of same-sex marriage, claiming that he was against it – despite having a husband of his own.

“I was an opposer of gay marriage”, he told reporters when pressed on his relationships with more-conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives, Business Insider reported.

He got married “because that was the option” but he did not believe that it should be called “marriage”, the former congressman for New York said.

“I thought it should have been a civil union. It would have given us the same benefits, the same rights under the law.

“Making it marriage was never the business of the government. I’m not saying I oppose just gay marriage, I oppose marriage by the government in general.”

Sure, why not. Here comes the pivot

Nov 6, 2008
Can't post for 307 days!
mr trump i thought you and i were friends

Mar 5, 2012

Do not call tenderjerk a fat pig.

Jul 25, 2007

Virgil Vox posted:

I think I'm gonna stop sg1 after s1 it's alright and I'm sure gets better and has great episodes; it's just the plots don't hold up. I think I will try b5 nxt

Farscape Farscape Farscape

Dudes chanting behind me: Farscape Farscape Farscape

Red Baron
Mar 9, 2007

Bethamphetamine posted:

Sure, why not. Here comes the pivot

Santos is going AnCap

piss guzzler 420
Dec 25, 2022

Arlington house explosion was an inside job (mods knew)

May 2, 2019

Dancing is forbidden
How is our favorite 6'3 215lb President doing today

piss guzzler 420
Dec 25, 2022

holtemon posted:

How is our favorite 6'3 215lb President doing today

I’m great thanks

Bananasaurus Rex
Mar 19, 2009


Wrex Ruckus
Aug 24, 2015

piss guzzler 420 posted:

Arlington house explosion was an inside job (mods knew)


Red Baron
Mar 9, 2007
that house in VA? it was actually the basement from Comet Pizza, in witsec, but the Clintons found it.

May 23, 2004

jesus christ

Red Baron posted:

that house in VA? it was actually the basement from Comet Pizza, in witsec, but the Clintons found it.


Apr 24, 2008

Virgil Vox posted:

I think I'm gonna stop sg1 after s1 it's alright and I'm sure gets better and has great episodes; it's just the plots don't hold up. I think I will try b5 nxt


Dec 23, 2004

Bethamphetamine posted:

Sure, why not. Here comes the pivot

"marriage was never the business of the government"

every married couples' government issued marriage license would beg to differ

Uncle Wemus
Mar 4, 2004

Jan 29, 2009

oh yeah farscape might just be a strictly better Stargate

also Foundation is pretty good

Feb 27, 2016

whew, glad he doesn't have a chance

Sep 22, 2005

Thanks easter bunny!
bok bok!
this trump guy?
He's finished!

Jan 26, 2007

libs genuinely believe Republicans will not nominate him if he's convicted

May 30, 2008

I am a congenital optimist.

kaleedity posted:

whew, glad he doesn't have a chance

good to hear I can sit this one out democracy is saved


Apr 24, 2008

CODChimera posted:

oh yeah farscape might just be a strictly better Stargate

also Foundation is pretty good

farscape is one of the first space bullshit shows of its generation and the two before it, that wasnt on some lvl responding directly to star trek, or trying to make conversation in a star trek dominated domain

which is funny insofar as its closest ancestor, blakes 7, is so informed by star trek that the fascist govt is called the federation and their emblem is the starfleet delta turned to pt to the far right

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