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Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

What the gently caress


Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

MLK Ultra posted:

I'm a visual learner.
Could you please provide a video on the proper technique

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

People are so loving stupid

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

the milk machine posted:

i've always been a fan of the smoko guy's haircut

Plus DHL rules

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

I barely know ice walls

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Nancy Pelosi has announced she's going to be running straight fuckin at you bro

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Trying to stay up and play starfield as long as possible every night

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

ram dass in hell posted:

what teh gently caress

They can call it whatever they want give me more caffeine MORE

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Is Viagra seriously only $2.50 in Mexico

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Plinkey posted:

powerpoint might be the biggest time waster of anything other than taking a poo poo in my almost 20 years of being a computer toucher

(i have to make one next week about sonarcube)

Use animations to make it a fun little movie, like the screeching tire noise when each individual bullet point comes up

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

He'll gently caress start your burp hole people. He really will

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Trump Burgers are next, the natural devolution from Trump Steaks

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

If someone paid $44 billion to unban another user here I feel like they'd both just be immediately banned

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

lumpentroll posted:

yeah jeffrey hates money

Oh I definitely mean after he takes the money

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Eat poo poo, Satan

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

I want a thousand stickers now

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

External Organs posted:

New ppe just dropped

For when you need to check your attitude

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

We need 801 pages in four hours people

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Get tooping

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

SirPablo posted:

Who died and made you boss

I'm just a loud mouth

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Lmao he's the actual face of America, the perfect mascot, it's all coming back to me now

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

I also observe 11/9 in honor of those who died in Britain

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

It's a great account. Does anyone have the link to the old bush memes collection, I lost it

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

That would be such a disappointing DMT trip, just a little too on the nose

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

mogwai posted:

“He said, ‘I saw the towers come down through that telescope.’ I lifted my head up. ‘Oh my god,’ I gasped. ‘Solid gold,’ he said.”

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

It was a Tuesday morning, arrest her parents for truancy

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

This is actually awesome and will lead to viewer customizable games, where you can pick pirates and jedis or whatever to play the game, and blood splatters all over the field when they tackle each other

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

An enormous whomper slams shut on the whole field when a player makes a touchdown

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

See, mass entertainment isn't dead, it's just exactly the kind of brain smoothing junk food they thought it would turn into in the 80s

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Schmoe Cwead posted:

great ai takes over every other job but athletes are still getting tbi's while everyone just sees birds and stars spinning over a dizzy baby yoda

On the other hand, why can't we eventually have AI rollerball too, snuffing out all other sports overnight

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Extremely Trump imo

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

alnilam posted:


thank u for remembering sailor

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003


Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Only the most insane gta players use scooters so I'm not messing with him

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003


Inspector Hound
Jul 14, 2003

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

I'm honestly shocked that this thread is late to video of a sitting congresswoman giving an over the clothes handy during a night at the theater.

Free her

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