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Soylent Pudding
Jun 22, 2007

We've got people!

Radical 90s Wizard posted:

This is the sort of poo poo I honestly don't get. Because yea, any civ deaths are awful, but what do you think is constantly happening in Gaza ?


I find it really hard to comprehend the level of moral outrage going on in posts like above, and in the current media narrative, because it so blatantly ignores one entire side of this poo poo. It seems to me to be very clearly saying that Palestinian civilians don't actually matter, and if people try to say otherwise or point it out, they get attacked too.

Why do you think they are ignoring one side of this? Why do you think they are clearly saying Palestinian lives don't matter? I literally cannot understand how someone could reach those conclusions from the post and the context of what that post is replying to.

I don't know. It feels like anytime someone expressed outrage at one side's war crime it's immediately seen by some others as deliberately ignoring or outright endorsing the other sides war crimes. It's exhausting that this keeps happening and it feels like so many posts on the subject end up having lists of war crimes from both sides to denounce only for someone to say "well you forgot this other war crime so obviously you're supporting it".

I'm not mad at you specifically, I'm just exhausted because it seems like everyone is hurting and on a hair trigger, myself definitely included.


Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Arione posted:

This is going to be total war. I don't see either side stopping until the other is gone.

So I have to ask. Where does that put the US in this?

Jun 4, 2011
What’s hamas’s current reputation amongst the people of Gaza? Are they upset that they triggered an invasion?
(I half assed verifying this)
Says that in July 70% of Gazans polled favored the PA taking administrative control. I wonder what has happened since then.

Apr 28, 2010

Arione posted:

Well that's what happens when they use human shields...

They bomb whether there is a military target or not, my dude.

Aug 19, 2013

by Athanatos

Quackles posted:

So I have to ask. Where does that put the US in this?

Honestly? I don't know. Right now I think we are floating off the coast as a deterrent to any other Muslim nation who'd otherwise get involved. Hamas has already called for "An international day of Jihad" for this Friday. This is 100% a religious war. Hamas seeks the complete destruction of the Israeli people. At this level of warfare morality and notions of war crimes go right out the window for the parties involved. Best scenario is to just let them fight it out. Iran and Saudi are holding talks, which is basically unprecedented. This also sets dangerous precedence if we do nothing for an ally under siege. This could give China the signal to attack Taiwan if they think we will do nothing.

Best case, they fight it out amongst themselves and eventually one nation as a whole surrenders.

Worst case? Mid east, China, and Russia team up for WW3.

If anything the post WW2 conflicts have shown us that the only way to win is to either outlast the offense's resolve and beat them politically as their civilian population gets bored with the conflict or commit so much excessive violence the civilian populous of the defender demands the military stop. When its just the military taking the hits and no impact to civilians there's no reason for either side to stop. You get the same meat grinder never ending in that scenario.

Once you understand the doctrine of Taqyyia you stop even humoring Islamic media for accurate reports.

Arione fucked around with this message at 00:48 on Oct 13, 2023

Soylent Pudding
Jun 22, 2007

We've got people!

bulletsponge13 posted:

They bomb whether there is a military target or not, my dude.

Well yeah, once they show Hamas that human shields don't work Hamas will stop using them. So really the IAF is saving civilians by murdering civilians. (This is sarcasm, gently caress the IAF)

That Works
Jul 22, 2006

Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy

Quackles posted:

So I have to ask. Where does that put the US in this?

Whatever best serves the stock prices of several MIC companies.

Kesper North
Nov 3, 2011


Quackles posted:

So I have to ask. Where does that put the US in this?

Stuck in the middle with U(kraine), trying to figure out how to fund all this without a House speaker

That Works
Jul 22, 2006

Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy

Baby stuff is in debate I guess.

e: no images in that link when I read it, basically just asserts that yes there were dead children of blast wounds etc, yes hamas did some isis-type beheadings, no they can't confirm any of that was done to children.

Apr 28, 2010

Soylent Pudding posted:

Well yeah, once they show Hamas that human shields don't work Hamas will stop using them. So really the IAF is saving civilians by murdering civilians. (This is sarcasm, gently caress the IAF)

We trained them so well.

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

Thought this was a useful comparison in terms of putting into context the IDF's response so far.

Radical 90s Wizard
Aug 5, 2008

~SS-18 burning bright,
Bathe me in your cleansing light~

Soylent Pudding posted:

Why do you think they are ignoring one side of this? Why do you think they are clearly saying Palestinian lives don't matter? I literally cannot understand how someone could reach those conclusions from the post and the context of what that post is replying to.

I don't know. It feels like anytime someone expressed outrage at one side's war crime it's immediately seen by some others as deliberately ignoring or outright endorsing the other sides war crimes. It's exhausting that this keeps happening and it feels like so many posts on the subject end up having lists of war crimes from both sides to denounce only for someone to say "well you forgot this other war crime so obviously you're supporting it".

I'm not mad at you specifically, I'm just exhausted because it seems like everyone is hurting and on a hair trigger, myself definitely included.

Honestly it's a culmination of all the media and official statements being so one sided, but here specifically this dude posted basically "we shouldn't take it for granted that these loving insane allegations are facts" and the guy I quoted immediately abusing him for it. I dunno anything about either of those posters, maybe one of them has a history of being full of poo poo, but his posts didn't seem particularly egregious to me.


Soylent Pudding
Jun 22, 2007

We've got people!

Radical 90s Wizard posted:

Honestly it's a culmination of all the media and official statements being so one sided, but here specifically this dude posted basically "we shouldn't take it for granted that these loving insane allegations are facts" and the guy I quoted immediately abusing him for it. I dunno anything about either of those posters, maybe one of them has a history of being full of poo poo, but his posts didn't seem particularly egregious to me.

The poster he was so outraged at was so full of poo poo they were told to leave this thread.


Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Terrifying Effigies posted:

Thought this was a useful comparison in terms of putting into context the IDF's response so far.

That is a mind boggling amount of ordinance.

Soylent Pudding
Jun 22, 2007

We've got people!

My brain wants to insist those are renders from the next Call of Duty game and not a city where millions live.

Aug 19, 2013

by Athanatos
drat, these lego kits get more realistic every year.


Only registered members can see post attachments!

Radical 90s Wizard
Aug 5, 2008

~SS-18 burning bright,
Bathe me in your cleansing light~

Soylent Pudding posted:

The poster he was so outraged at was so full of poo poo they were told to leave this thread.

Honestly, I didn't really understand that either :shrug:

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006
Can't post for 3 days!

Soylent Pudding posted:

My brain wants to insist those are renders from the next Call of Duty game and not a city where millions live.

well, used to live

Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020

ASAPI posted:

That is a mind boggling amount of ordinance.

Hopefully the Republicans in the house will keep their heads up their asses long enough to miss the window to resupply Israel with ordinance. This poo poo is sickening

Lemniscate Blue
Apr 21, 2006

Here we go again.

Arione posted:

Once you understand the doctrine of Taqyyia you stop even humoring Islamic media for accurate reports.

Hey yo duder this is some pretty racist "can't trust those wily Muslims cause their religion orders them to lie and deceive infidels" poo poo. Lots of media in the Arabic world is lovely, but so is lots of media coming out of Israel and Europe and Russia and India and the US and every-goddamn-where else on the planet.

Taqiya just means that if someone wants to kill you for being Muslim, it's okay to pretend you're not Muslim to avoid getting killed until you can get somewhere safe. IE martyrdom is not compulsory.

Lemniscate Blue fucked around with this message at 04:00 on Oct 13, 2023

Oct 28, 2008

Arione posted:

drat, these lego kits get more realistic every year.

You suck if you think this is funny.

Jun 16, 2003

CommieGIR posted:

6,000 bombs. How do you even drop that many on such a small area.

Like are you looking for a how to? Pre-planned fires, overlapping sheafs, target reference points and a couple other ways to do it.

Steezo fucked around with this message at 04:06 on Oct 13, 2023

Lemniscate Blue
Apr 21, 2006

Here we go again.

pantslesswithwolves posted:

You suck if you think this is funny.

They suck for a lot of reasons, showcased in this thread.


Aug 19, 2013

by Athanatos

Lemniscate Blue posted:

Hey yo duder this is some pretty racist "can't trust those wily Muslims cause their religion orders them to lie and deceive infidels" poo poo. Lots of media in the Arabic world is lovely, but so is lots of media coming out of Israel and Europe and Russia and India and the US and every-goddamn-where else on the planet.

Taqiya just means that if someone wants to kill you for being Muslim, it's okay to pretend you're not Muslim to avoid getting killed until you can get somewhere safe. IE martyrdom is not compulsory.

You do understand the difference between race and religion right? Not all Arabs are muslims and not all muslims are arabs.

How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War Defeating Jihadist Terrorism



Sep 27, 2005

that's Doctor Brain to you

That Works posted:

Baby stuff is in debate I guess.

e: no images in that link when I read it, basically just asserts that yes there were dead children of blast wounds etc, yes hamas did some isis-type beheadings, no they can't confirm any of that was done to children.

So everyone agrees that they beheaded civilians, and everyone agrees that they killed children, but we're being precious about whether they specifically beheaded children?

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Y’all. You can do better than this.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.

Arione posted:

You do understand the difference between race and religion right? Not all Arabs are muslims and not all muslims are arabs.

Hey don’t even start with this.

Kesper North
Nov 3, 2011

Israel has ordered 1.1 million people to evacuate northern Gaza within 24 hours, a totally realistic and not at all insane proposal

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Kesper North posted:

Israel has ordered 1.1 million people to evacuate northern Gaza within 24 hours, a totally realistic and not at all insane proposal


Kesper North
Nov 3, 2011

Yeah it's hard not to take that as meaning that they explictly plan to bomb the whole thing flat, and gently caress the million or so people who will no doubt still be there

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Kesper North posted:

Israel has ordered 1.1 million people to evacuate northern Gaza within 24 hours, a totally realistic and not at all insane proposal

well i hope against hope that this isn't as horrifying as it sounds

Cugel the Clever
Apr 5, 2009
There's a weird absence of discussion in the limited Israeli media I have visibility into about what "victory" looks like beyond the overly ambiguous "elimination of Hamas".

I worry that the ground troops will roll in and all it'll take just a handful of soldiers to break the taboo to unleash a flood of retributive violence against the population of Gaza, worse even than the bombing of entire city blocks. And even then, once the blood debt has been repaid by an order of magnitude or three, will creating a wave of martyrs and traumatized orphans "eliminate Hamas"?

I don't know that their stated war goal is achievable without genocide and I'm not entirely confident that's not exactly what will be attempted.

There's also little reflection about why Hamas has the support it does and why Palestinians in the West Bank have been turning increasingly towards violence. Little admission among liberals that the relative peace and prosperity they've won over the last two decades, even with periodic lawn mowing operations, has perhaps blinded them to the urgency of the suffering and anguish inflicted by the apartheid regime. The peace process for many has perhaps been an election issue, something that could sit until they retook the Knesset, not a time bomb that had been waiting to explode. All the while, the youth radicalize ever further toward the right.

I've feared Israel has been on the path to no return for awhile now. I suspect we might see in the months to come that it is in the rear view mirror.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Cugel the Clever posted:

There's a weird absence of discussion in the limited Israeli media I have visibility into about what "victory" looks like beyond the overly ambiguous "elimination of Hamas".

I worry that the ground troops will roll in and all it'll take just a handful of soldiers to break the taboo to unleash a flood of retributive violence against the population of Gaza, worse even than the bombing of entire city blocks. And even then, once the blood debt has been repaid by an order of magnitude or three, will creating a wave of martyrs and traumatized orphans "eliminate Hamas"?

I don't know that their stated war goal is achievable without genocide and I'm not entirely confident that's not exactly what will be attempted.

There's also little reflection about why Hamas has the support it does and why Palestinians in the West Bank have been turning increasingly towards violence. Little admission among liberals that the relative peace and prosperity they've won over the last two decades, even with periodic lawn mowing operations, has perhaps blinded them to the urgency of the suffering and anguish inflicted by the apartheid regime. The peace process for many has perhaps been an election issue, something that could sit until they retook the Knesset, not a time bomb that had been waiting to explode. All the while, the youth radicalize ever further toward the right.

I've feared Israel has been on the path to no return for awhile now. I suspect we might see in the months to come that it is in the rear view mirror.

I fear that this is the unstated aim and always has been.

I just don't want anyone else to die :(

golden bubble
Jun 3, 2011


Kesper North posted:

Israel has ordered 1.1 million people to evacuate northern Gaza within 24 hours, a totally realistic and not at all insane proposal

After announcing that crazy 24 hour deadline to the UN, they've backtracked in just a few hours. I'm pretty sure there isn't an actual plan for the Israeli response besides try not to get lynched by grieving Jewish family members for telling everyone that your billion dollar invincible border wall cannot be pierced by Hamas.

Gotta remember that unlike 9/11, where W. Bush's approval rating shot up from 50% to 90% in a single day, Benjamin Netanyahu's approval rating among Israeli voters has gone down compared to just a week ago.

Dick Ripple
May 19, 2021
Because Bibi's entire spiel was he was the only one that could keep Israel safe, and he either knowingly ignored the warnings or was to inept to do anything about it. I would not be suprised if he is removed from his post before the year is out, especially if things start going real bad for the IDF once they push into Gaza.

Jan 20, 2005

Buy some freaking medicine.

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

I just don't want anyone else to die :(

I have bad news, dude. They're gonna liquefy everything and everyone in there, and the west will cheer that poo poo on.

That Works
Jul 22, 2006

Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy

Muir posted:

So everyone agrees that they beheaded civilians, and everyone agrees that they killed children, but we're being precious about whether they specifically beheaded children?



bulletsponge13 posted:

It doesn't change their deaths, but allowing a false narrative on atrocities breeds more atrocities.

Liquid Communism
Mar 9, 2004

коммунизм хранится в яичках

Cugel the Clever posted:

There's a weird absence of discussion in the limited Israeli media I have visibility into about what "victory" looks like beyond the overly ambiguous "elimination of Hamas".

I worry that the ground troops will roll in and all it'll take just a handful of soldiers to break the taboo to unleash a flood of retributive violence against the population of Gaza, worse even than the bombing of entire city blocks. And even then, once the blood debt has been repaid by an order of magnitude or three, will creating a wave of martyrs and traumatized orphans "eliminate Hamas"?

I don't know that their stated war goal is achievable without genocide and I'm not entirely confident that's not exactly what will be attempted.

There's also little reflection about why Hamas has the support it does and why Palestinians in the West Bank have been turning increasingly towards violence. Little admission among liberals that the relative peace and prosperity they've won over the last two decades, even with periodic lawn mowing operations, has perhaps blinded them to the urgency of the suffering and anguish inflicted by the apartheid regime. The peace process for many has perhaps been an election issue, something that could sit until they retook the Knesset, not a time bomb that had been waiting to explode. All the while, the youth radicalize ever further toward the right.

I've feared Israel has been on the path to no return for awhile now. I suspect we might see in the months to come that it is in the rear view mirror.

They don't need to say it out loud. Everyone listening knows exactly what the goal is when you spend a decade confining people into a small geographical area, blockading their imports, and shooting anyone who complains too loud then declare you're going to 'eliminate' partisans in their midst en masse. The best case scenario is a Trail of Tears or Phnom Penh style migration assuming one of the surrounding countries can and will accept a couple million refugees.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

golden bubble posted:

After announcing that crazy 24 hour deadline to the UN, they've backtracked in just a few hours. I'm pretty sure there isn't an actual plan for the Israeli response besides try not to get lynched by grieving Jewish family members for telling everyone that your billion dollar invincible border wall cannot be pierced by Hamas.

Gotta remember that unlike 9/11, where W. Bush's approval rating shot up from 50% to 90% in a single day, Benjamin Netanyahu's approval rating among Israeli voters has gone down compared to just a week ago.

Where do they expect these people to go? Isn't any potential "safe zone" already over crowded with people who are already attempting to evac?

This really sounds like they are just knee jerking their way through this and hoping their lack of planning/leadership/goals can be forgiven if they drop enough ordinance.


Apr 1, 2008

It's insane that Israel didn't have an OPLAN for how to deal with the removal of Hamas by force.

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