Hamas, much like Wager, is about the strength of an oversized infantry division, right?
# ¿ Oct 10, 2023 17:32 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 00:22 |
CommieGIR posted:Musk has openly embraced Right Wing echochambers because he thinks it will get him closer to people in power. He's not wrong.
# ¿ Oct 10, 2023 19:29 |
Kesper North posted:yall got more probes than nasa wtf Both NASA and the mod team is critically underfunded.
# ¿ Oct 23, 2023 03:26 |
Borscht posted:Thank you. In that case, how should Israel be proceeding in this war? By not? There is no right way. This historical way is to keep swinging your sword until you die or everyone asking you politely to stop swinging is dead. International relations is a mess because we forgot that.
# ¿ Oct 27, 2023 14:16 |
PurpleXVI posted:I'm going to vehemently disagree here. Even if you ignore the actual history of the conflict, when there's this huge a power disparity and the Palestinians have absolutely tried every peaceful way to resolve things, the responsibility for ceasing the violence is entirely with the Israelis. Now, if Israel gave all the stolen land back, put some IDF personnel, politicians and settlers in war crimes courts for what they've done, paid some reparations to get the Palestinians back on their feet, and the Palestinians still lobbed rockets at them? Yes, I'd agree, equal blame on both sides. But that's not where things stand. Granting autonomy to the oppressed in the only moral choice they could make and they have decidedly oppressed harder instead at every intersection, leading the the current events.
# ¿ Oct 27, 2023 14:21 |
Handsome Ralph posted:In fairness, from what friends with family in Israel have said, this isn't too far fetched. The way it was explained to me is people have a "When the immediate crisis is over, he's gotta go" Among Netanyahu's nationalist party the "immediate crisis" seems to be the existence of the Palestinian people. There is no immediate crisis to the existing state, so they're just beating the drums to keep the domestic heat off of them.
# ¿ Nov 2, 2023 15:51 |
SerthVarnee posted:Err...That seems a bit...much? Modern composite armors can be equivalent to like 5x of 1940's Battleship Rolled Homogeneous Steel Armor. That wouldn't be enough if for example you set it on the Front Glacis.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2023 17:47 |
Quackles posted:So how do you think this ends? Well the IDF is trying to go do some genocide and the US isn't stopping them... sooooo....
# ¿ Nov 4, 2023 20:40 |
Bored As gently caress posted:Holy gently caress that's terrifying. Not really, you can see how absolutely shoddy that construction is. Its designed to be cinematic. Those aren't as bad as most of the improv drone weapons we're seeing.
# ¿ Nov 6, 2023 20:11 |
Voyager I posted:As an American secular Jew with no connection to Isreal, this pretty , but considering it took 20 years for America to start getting over 9/11 I guess I can't judge them too harshly for still being weird about demographics. issuing correction on a previous post of Voyager I, regarding the terror group
# ¿ Nov 15, 2023 04:24 |
They were blown out of proportion, that much has become clear in the following weeks. That's not why Fivemarks got told to gently caress off
# ¿ Nov 17, 2023 18:24 |
psydude posted:Very informative post, thanks for this. It reminds me a bit of how US commercial real estate works in terms of the complete division of ownership vs. management vs. tenants. The US Navy actually already handles the majority of the worlds anti-piracy operations, because its in US capital's interest to promote trade, as a lot of the global trade money eventually ends up in the hand of US companies. Everyone is well aware that flags of convivence mean nothing and that some senator's donor is probably making $100k/day on that Bahama's flag.
# ¿ Nov 20, 2023 16:48 |
You can find uncut video if you search, I recommend against it though. As almost everyone here can attest, uncut war footage leads to lasting mental trauma. I don't like the Tiktok stupidity either, but at least it cuts out actual people meeting their end. But as always they'd have been fine if the IDF wasn't' doing some genocide in the first place.
# ¿ Nov 22, 2023 20:27 |
Someone WT forums leak the standard loadouts for IDF apaches so we can resolve this. Hydra? 30mm HE? Angry Mob? Kung Fu Hamas? Who knows.
# ¿ Nov 27, 2023 23:43 |
Fundraising and institutional inertia mostly.
# ¿ Nov 28, 2023 00:12 |
Israel is also one of the major sources of off-the-shelf individual spyware software. Those are the sort of mass zero-day root exploit packages you generally see employed for espionage against another company or of surveillance on a unionizing workers. For an easy $10k you can just have all of someones DMs copy pasted to you in real time.
# ¿ Nov 28, 2023 14:59 |
Ghost Leviathan posted:The piracy being 'completely indiscriminate no matter what they claim' is pretty laughably easily disproven by China and Russia not lifting a finger about it. Neither Russia nor China have the ability to project sea power to "lift a finger" for this even if they wanted to. And from their UN votes they clearly do not care at all because its not in their interests.
# ¿ Jan 31, 2024 02:10 |
Hotbod Handsomeface posted:Feel free to punish me or shut me down if this is the wrong place for this. If topics like those interests you I can recommend War on the Rocks and Arms Control Wonk (Both website articles and podcasts) for non-lovely views on the topics they cover. Both have a similar model of public facing academic reporting and subscription discussion boards. As for the learning part, their respective discussion boards each have an active OSINT and peer review community and its fairly straightforward to find answers through primary sources. Its not something I'd really recommend seeing for yourself because its awful and not good to traumatize yourself like that, but in summary - The IDF is being deliberately terrible. There are people who've put together clearer pictures on specific events that have enough supporting data and none of it ever paints a flattering picture about the IDF's target discrimination and lack of restraint.
# ¿ Feb 20, 2024 14:31 |
The US Navy has a very common “Mission” assigned to ships when they’re just loving around. It’s called Assured Access and the first part of it is driving wherever the gently caress you want to show everyone else you are committed to open sea access, ostensibly for everyone but really for US interests in particular. The second part of it is doing soundings and seafloor sonar scans and getting acoustic measurements and baselines and aggregating data of local sea traffic and maybe doing some mine laying or mine clearance training while you’re there. The mapping aspect is a bit more important in places like the Philippines where you’ve got thousands of small waterways but even in the eastern med or Red Sea it’s important data to keep current.
# ¿ Mar 10, 2024 17:03 |
Dopilsya posted:Although it's widely believed, this isn't true. The territory of embassies and consulates are still sovereign territory of the host country. They do enjoy a lot of special protections under the Vienna Conventions, but that isn't one of them. Thats a lot of hairs to split to claim its ok. Its not ok though.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2024 14:10 |
Stringent posted:What's the legality of Israel dropping bombs in the middle of Damascus? Well, law is something a sovereign state enforces upon its subjects. When it comes to country vs country legality is only relevant in so far as its a mutual allowance. This is a case of Sword Law, ergo, not affected by legality.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2024 20:18 |
Dopilsya posted:there's still limits on use of force that exists. Not a dig against you personally, but this statement is Liberal Worldview Misconception 101 Instead; There are still potential consequences on the use of force which may be exercised.
# ¿ Apr 2, 2024 20:26 |
# ¿ Sep 20, 2024 00:22 |
Comrade Blyatlov posted:what the living gently caress is your avatar That’s a D&D wizard.
# ¿ May 23, 2024 22:27 |