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Mar 17, 2009
Unfortunately I expect this to get worse from here. We have hamas terrorism being met with an even greater violent response. The situation does not present the options of peace, so all we're going to see is war.


Mar 17, 2009

BUUNNI posted:

By doing this the Israelis also gave permission for their citizens to be legitimate targets since they are technically responsible for selecting their genocidal state.

Uh, I don't see how that conclusion makes any sense based on the entire concept of "hamas is not all Palestinians" just like "not every Israeli is an active IDF military participant". You seem to be implying the opposite?

Mar 17, 2009

Dance Officer posted:

I have the firefox add-on that removes ads on youtube completely

NewPipe still handles this quite well

Mar 17, 2009
^^^ same as below. They've done war criming but if we don't have information yet then we don't. This has global coverage, I'm sure information will flow quickly.

Lovely Joe Stalin posted:

I think Occam's razor says it was absolutely the Israelis given they are bombing the entire city, have a decades long history of targeting medical personnel, and are also now being reported to have hit a UN school (which are designated shelters).

This is a bad start. Let there be some actual information before we assume we know.

I think there's an absolute possibility of (fill in the blanks when we have an answer instead of an aneurysm).

notwithoutmyanus fucked around with this message at 20:29 on Oct 17, 2023

Mar 17, 2009
It's totally unnecessary for a nation's PM's twitter account. Making a good vs evil narrative is poo poo in a situation where the most likely outcome is somewhere between atrocities and war crimes.

Mar 17, 2009

mrmcd posted:

Depending on who you ask either the hospital is a pile of rubble with 500 bodies inside, or some cars in the parking lot got lightly bbq'ed. Seems like this should be something that could be figured out in a territory the size of Manhattan that has literally the whole world watching it right now.

A.o.D. posted:

Anyone who has been posting that one side or the other definitely did this needs to pause for a moment and reevaluate their biases. There are, imo, valid reasons for wanting to back one side or the other, and demonization is nearly obligatory if you have a side in this conflict. This isn't the Hamas thread or the IDF thread, though. Hopefully we can get a little more factual in here.

People in here and the other Israel thread were all to ready to jump to a thousand fuckin conclusions without waiting for data, though. And now we have data and it doesn't support all the hare brained poo poo people came up with in the thread. :colbert:

Like I said, Israel has a bad reputation does not = any sort of answer to what happened. They might be at fault or they might not, but people should probably stop this poo poo. This thread has been the absolute worst for this I've ever seen. I could quote myself but holy poo poo did you guys go back and forth debating on generally minimal information.

Mar 17, 2009

Lovely Joe Stalin posted:

And journalists are stupid enough or corrupt enough to go with it.

This has been almost all journalism for the last decade. It's a combination of both, usually. Everything has been dialed up to 11 since COVID. It's literally stressing global society.

In particular the attempt here is just stupid.

Mar 17, 2009
I think the situation is clear and the optics for Israel suck as they're mostly perpetuating this harm, to harm at this point.

The bigger question is when they wake up and realize how lovely they look because this is just not good. Pretty sure the body count is just rising from here and will accelerate from water shortages.

Mar 17, 2009

Lum_ posted:

I edited my post to address my thought on that but I'll add that Israel's actual response to AJ's reporting is to ban them from the country.

lovely, but in line with Israel's perpetual control over media within Israel. In short, their general stranglehold there makes it difficult for any effective reporting - and at the same time, they're supposed to be our source of truth/accurate information (And clearly aren't).


Mar 17, 2009

What kind of garbage is this? Is this like a worse attempt at satire? At least Onion has some good stuff.

US support of Israel was never a universal thing at any time, much like how not all Israelis want to genocide Palestinians and vice versa. People are capable of diverse views. I would not paint either situation with a broad brush.

A lot of people in both examples are not happy with the battling going on in Gaza, full stop. Whether it means they'll do something about it or even can do something about it is more an issue with government themselves. To which, the US has been pretty ambigous about supporting Israel and having reservations about Israel's current actions, despite people being willing to demonize "the west" at every opportunity.

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