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Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!
This discussion doesn't seem prudent to the issue at hand and trying to cover the events.


Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!

Mr. Nice! posted:

It really does. Education about the history of horrible colonizer/settler action against Palestine is why these events are happening today. This poo poo has been going on for almost a hundred years now.

My bad, I just worry about things devolving into a internet shouting match and the thread getting gassed like the GBS one.

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!

ThisIsJohnWayne posted:

What if the paraglider dropped grenades? What if he did it by opening a box that was taped to something structural

By that definition, is a drone a light bomber?

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!
It's a thing I feel desensitized to at this point, which is kind of sad. I remember seeing the aftermath of a suicide bombing in Iraq and just thinking "I guess this is just how it is" and it becomes background noise. Then getting angry at people back at home for how selfish I felt they were, but at this point it's just static and I try not to think about it.

Thinking about it more, it's kind of like mass shootings and whatever else, people just die because of a bad roll of the dice and I try not to think about it because I can only handle so much existential dread at once.

Pine Cone Jones fucked around with this message at 22:35 on Oct 12, 2023

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!

CommieGIR posted:

6,000 bombs. How do you even drop that many on such a small area.



Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!
I feel like the past twenty years have nearly fully desensitized me to human suffering, especially with so much of it being on video, televised, or broadcast live. There's a point where it just becomes white noise or static in my brain and it just stops being a thing that gets processed. I really wish that people weren't so lovely overall and could just get along somehow.

Pine Cone Jones fucked around with this message at 03:54 on Oct 14, 2023

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