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Jun 4, 2011
We got a name for this conflict yet? Yom Kippur 2 is a pretty good thematic fit.


Jun 4, 2011
V glad we got that cleared up. Seems pretty cut and dry now.

Jun 4, 2011
What’s hamas’s current reputation amongst the people of Gaza? Are they upset that they triggered an invasion?
(I half assed verifying this)
Says that in July 70% of Gazans polled favored the PA taking administrative control. I wonder what has happened since then.

Jun 4, 2011
What are the war goals of Israel?
Are they attempting to grab Gaza city and hold it? I don’t think this would be that sustainable unless they expel or kill everyone there.

Or are they just punching the drywall because of all the mass murder?

Jun 4, 2011
West Bank is still there and an ENTIRE Lebanon.

Jun 4, 2011
The amount of propaganda flooding every single media outlet is unreal. I've never seen it this bad before except maybe post 9-11. I don't feel like I can trust anything right now.

Jun 4, 2011
This may be the hottest take of the thread but I love YouTube premium. It’s the only streaming service I have.

Jun 4, 2011
drat. The us is insisting again that they earned Israel days before the attack. Someone hates Bibi over there

Jun 4, 2011

This is worth about as much as any other piece of info right now. (only a 85% chance it's disinfo)

Jun 4, 2011
That 500 dead number might be a bit inflated.

Jun 4, 2011
Yeah, propaganda houses have discovered it as a communications channel with the air of credibility.

Jun 4, 2011

A (former) director at the state department posted:

Let me be clear. Hamas’ attack on Israel was not just a monstrosity; it was a monstrosity of monstrosities. I also believe that potential escalations by Iran-linked groups such as Hezbollah, or by Iran itself, would be a further cynical exploitation of the existing tragedy. But I believe to the core of my soul that the response Israel is taking, and with it the American support both for that response, and for the status quo of the occupation, will only lead to more and deeper suffering for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people – and is not in the long term American interest.”

They hated (and fired) him because he spoke the truth.

Jun 4, 2011

Radical 90s Wizard posted:

Not that it's on the same level as all the civilians they've been murdering, but Israel also destroyed a 1400 year old mosque in Gaza yesterday.

Im just impressed they built the thing before Muhammad was even dead.

Jun 4, 2011

Count Roland posted:

I guess one way to get around citing sources is to just omit the image and tell people to use their imaginations.

They showed a bunch of reporters unedited body cam footage from the terrorists chock full of horrors and gore to shock them into being okie-dokie with the upcoming horrors and gore of the ground campaign.

Isn’t Abrahamic religion just the loving coolest?


Jun 4, 2011

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

There's also that whole thing of cutting water, power, food and fuel. Focusing on the hospital is missing the forest for the trees.

Right on. Isn’t food water and medicine interference prohibited by the Geneva convention?

Why can’t we apply international law to hamas as well? Apart from the terrorist attack, they’re still yeeting rockets toward civilians which has to violate targeting rules. Aren’t these guys just chilling in Qatar?

I’d just like to see everyone in jail, please.

Jun 4, 2011
Thank you. In that case, how should Israel be proceeding in this war?
Just to be abundantly clear, I’m not trying to play devils advocate; their actions are monstrous. I’m just curious what the “right way” would look like. Just better targeting for the sources of the rocket attacks?

Jun 4, 2011


All it takes is a willingness to neither purge Palestinians from their homeland nor legally treat them as second class citizens. It's functionally free.

I agree with you on first steps but I think you’re underestimating how deep the hatred of Jews goes in the Levant. This same story has played itself out thousands of times already but with swords and sticks instead of precision guided munitions and ultralights.
The solution to this has to come from both sides just like the blame lies on both sides. There’s just too much generational violence to have it any other way.

Jun 4, 2011

PurpleXVI posted:

I'm going to vehemently disagree here. Even if you ignore the actual history of the conflict, when there's this huge a power disparity and the Palestinians have absolutely tried every peaceful way to resolve things, the responsibility for ceasing the violence is entirely with the Israelis. Now, if Israel gave all the stolen land back, put some IDF personnel, politicians and settlers in war crimes courts for what they've done, paid some reparations to get the Palestinians back on their feet, and the Palestinians still lobbed rockets at them? Yes, I'd agree, equal blame on both sides. But that's not where things stand.

That’s a pretty assured position you have on a improbable hypothetical. I just don’t see how it would reverse 4000 years of religious violence.

I don’t have any better ideas, though. So it’s probably the right way to proceed.

Jun 4, 2011
Thanks, I just want the problem fixed and have no clue on how to achieve it.

Jun 4, 2011
Maybe we could convince everyone to convert to Baha’i?

Jun 4, 2011

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

gently caress this.

Jun 4, 2011
Apparently a ceasefire is contingent on the return of hostages. That’s coming from Bibi so take it with a grain of salt.

I’m no Hamas expert but that’s not going to happen, is it?

Jun 4, 2011
Hamas taking a page out of the trump handbook: “nuh-uh”

Hamas leader refuses to acknowledge killing of civilians in Israel

Unrelated, but if Israel offered a ceasefire, would they even take it? A strategic victory is basically impossible and they seem totally ok with producing as many martyrs as possible. Why even cease fire at all?

At least Hamas and the IDF can agree on one thing: gently caress civilians.

Jun 4, 2011

Beefeater1980 posted:

I have never seen anything to suggest that either Hamas or Israel care so much about international opinion that they would sacrifice tangible, real world things in Gaza or the West Bank to affect it. I just don’t believe the PR tail is wagging the dog. Instead I think they do what they do for reasons that make sense to them - not us - that are rooted in their daily lives and local conditions and them try and spin whatever happens in whatever way is most advantageous.

This is why we see Hamas spokesmen denying they killed any civilians on Oct 7 when this all kicked off with highly visible evidence and videos, and the Israeli ambassador showing up with a yellow star on his arm and pissing off everyone at the UN. They’re not doing poo poo because of how we or our governments or fellow citizens might feel about it, how our sympathy might be engaged. We’re not that important. E: for clarity, I give these as examples because in both cases they’re not really effective ways of swaying international sympathies. They’re both really crude.

Iran cares a lot. And if Iran cares, Hamas cares. It’s their whole strategy.
E:I’m gonna walk that back some. I think that Iran is an important force in Hamas decision making and I suspect they are providing the bulk of their propaganda channels.

Borscht fucked around with this message at 14:38 on Nov 11, 2023

Jun 4, 2011

Platystemon posted:

Isn’t intermittent flow like this a nightmare for water treatment? Like, separately from the sanitation issues of having limited amounts of water stored for days in jury rigged tanks in each home, if there isn’t consistently enough water flowing through the mains, the chlorine cannot do its job.

This is stuff that the managers in Flint could have pointed out.

This is the norm for huge portions of the world. It’s not great but cities have operated for decades in see these exact conditions without constant cholera outbreaks. The expectation of anything but constant running water being unacceptably dangerous is a very western idea to me and I’ve personally lived in two different countries where it’s not only the norm but somewhat of a luxury to get anything more than 2 hours of “pipe” a day.

Jun 4, 2011

mlmp08 posted:

There is a difference between lack of clean water due to decades long infrastructure problems in undeveloped areas and Israel’s deliberate cutting of supplies like food and water to Gaza as a policy.

The UN, Human Rights Watch, AI, etc, refer to the situation as apartheid. It’s not the same as Gaza just happening not to have clean water, because it’s an undeveloped country.

Not sure what you’re responding to in my post but yeah I agree with you.

Jun 4, 2011

McNally posted:

This argument only works if that was the norm in Palestine before Israel cut them off.

Not at all the point I was trying to make. I’m just trying to say that from a public health and technical perspective, intermittent plumbing isn’t catastrophic, it’s just not ideal. In no way was I attempting to justify the targeting of civilian infrastructure like water systems. The 1 million displaced civilians were presumably unable to bring their water tanks or buckets or whatever with them so they’re in some real trouble regardless of if the system is working even intermittently.

Jun 4, 2011
So is the ceasefire and hostage swap Biden's work? That's pretty impressive if he managed to pull it off.

Jun 4, 2011
What’s the bottom line on bibi’s popularity right now at home? Is he turbo hosed now or have they gone all post 9/11 on us?

Jun 4, 2011
“Double deuce”

Jun 4, 2011
Why the gently caress is America financing this poo poo?

Jun 4, 2011

Dance Officer posted:

You must be new here

It’s just that usually America expects some quid pro its quo. Israel just seems like a hole for >$3.8 billion a year and all Americans seem to get in return is terrorism, refugees, and bad press.

Jun 4, 2011
As oppressed as the Houthi’s are, they put their desire to commit genocide right on their flag.

Jun 4, 2011
“I dunno guys, I mean the antisemitism of ‘a curse on the Jews’ is a little ambiguous. It could mean like: dang or shoot.”

Jun 4, 2011
A guy just committed perfidy in a wheelchair and all you people want to talk about is boats.

Jun 4, 2011
Even if they’re right about the territory being occupied, then the International Human Rights Law would apply there and the assassination itself would be illegal.

Jun 4, 2011
I bet it’s Phillip Morris. Sales of Marlboros have tanked since canal traffic had dried up.

Jun 4, 2011
That’s a slow boat that takes three weeks to get to the Gaza Strip from Cyprus and the pier has been up for like, two weeks now. This article says the first load was 200 tons.

Isreal is helping by rapidly decreasing the civilian population so that what aide gets through can go further.

Jun 4, 2011
Gotcha. I’m surprised that they were allowed to do that. I wonder why that one charity has permission and not others. According to that ship tracker website, the vessel is sitting at port in Cyprus since it returned so it’s definitely not going to be making the trip with any regularity.


Jun 4, 2011
drat Israel, just because you Quds, doesn’t mean you should(s).

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