Suicide Watch posted:NYPD used their riot control weapons to headshot protestors leaving some with permanent damage, and Boston PD used a pepper ball gun to kill a bystander back in '04. Plenty harmful despite not being .22s. General rule should be that authorities will always defy doctrine to inflict maximum harm if given the resources. TASERs were originally pitched to the public as “cops will only use this when they otherwise would have had to use lethal force.” Now it’s used as a compliance tool, and hardly an eye is batted.
# ¿ Oct 26, 2023 23:23 |
# ¿ Sep 17, 2024 12:22 |
If I were a journalist, I also would not respond to that guy.
# ¿ Oct 29, 2023 21:08 |
Hiring a couple of folks on Fiverr is the worst way to get to the bottom of a statement’s meaning, next to hiring one person on Fiverr or using machine translation.
# ¿ Oct 29, 2023 23:23 |
Proud Christian Mom posted:There's a country that flagrantly interferes in US elections routinely and it isn't Russia or China. It’s Australia.
# ¿ Oct 30, 2023 02:59 |
My guess is that they didn’t do out of their way to advertise to children, but they didn’t go out of their way to avoid it, either.
# ¿ Oct 31, 2023 00:29 |
Letting the enemy get close to your tank with anti‐armor weapons is bad, and you should not let it happen.https://irp.fas.org/doddir/army/atp3-20-15.pdf posted:Tank platoons almost never fight alone. Open terrain such as desert, plains, and flat countryside is conducive to the employment of massed armor formations. In such terrain, mechanized Infantry supports the forward movement of the armor units by providing local security, retaining key terrain, clearing dug-in enemy positions, and enhancing direct fires with organic small arms and antitank fires. On the other hand, restricted terrain (such as built-up areas, forests, and jungles) increases the vulnerability of armor units. In close terrain, it is more advantageous for tanks to take a supporting role in the forward movement of the Infantry. Armor provides close-in direct fire support against hard and soft targets that could slow the Infantry’s advance. Platystemon fucked around with this message at 11:36 on Nov 2, 2023 |
# ¿ Nov 2, 2023 08:18 |
Potato Salad posted:if you're smart you'll swing with the feds every time As Uncle Billy said, quote:You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about.
# ¿ Nov 5, 2023 07:29 |
Godholio posted:The guy knew his poo poo. He wrote that after the very first state's (SC) secession was announced. Correct. South Carolina passed its resolution to secede on Thursday, 20 December 1860. Sherman made his remarks the following Monday. Colonel Sherman was then the first superintendent of what would become Louisiana State University. He resigned that position on 18 January 1861, shortly after Mississippi, Florida, Alabama had joined in secession and eight days before Louisiana itself seceded.
# ¿ Nov 6, 2023 05:50 |
Discussion Quorum posted:"At least the Nazis had an ethos" but for real, twice, on the same day Someone get Sean Spicer for comment.
# ¿ Nov 10, 2023 20:12 |
ZombieApostate posted:https://www.btselem.org/gaza_strip/20140209_gaza_water_crisis from 2014: Isn’t intermittent flow like this a nightmare for water treatment? Like, separately from the sanitation issues of having limited amounts of water stored for days in jury rigged tanks in each home, if there isn’t consistently enough water flowing through the mains, the chlorine cannot do its job. This is stuff that the managers in Flint could have pointed out.
# ¿ Nov 11, 2023 20:17 |
I don’t think that a “Hamas base” can fit inside of a child’s bedroom. Not even in DJT’s Manhattan penthouse. It violates Euclidean geometry.
# ¿ Nov 14, 2023 03:14 |
Discussion Quorum posted:It's not just one person but official policy, I guess? Wouldn’t it make more sense to offer sperm banking to those entering IDF? It’s ethically and logistically simpler.
# ¿ Nov 15, 2023 03:27 |
Internet VFW > 2023 Hamas/Israeli War Thread: IDF cum IVF
# ¿ Nov 15, 2023 23:06 |
Quackles posted:Is that Groverhaus? Yeah. The walls/outbuildings are Osama’s Abbottabad compound.
# ¿ Nov 16, 2023 01:02 |
I’m not an expert on local practices, but why would one think that they’re not circumcised already? I mean besides the guy being a monster and an idiot. quote:Male circumcision is widespread in the Muslim world,[3] and accepted as an established practice by all Islamic schools of jurisprudence.[2][4][5] It is considered a sign of belonging to the wider Muslim community (Ummah).[6]
# ¿ Nov 21, 2023 21:44 |
Dang there are a lot of people with the avatar of Biden gripping the table to avoid being sucked into the portal to Hell.
# ¿ Nov 23, 2023 05:12 |
It’s less fake than the backronym for “RPG”, or everything surrounding the use of the term “drone”. Also “recoilless rifle”
# ¿ Nov 23, 2023 09:55 |
You’ll get Tootsie Rolls, and you’ll be grateful for them.
# ¿ Nov 23, 2023 10:10 |
“Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot” Handheld ☑️ Antitank ☑️ Grenade ☑️ Launcher ❌ Use a sling or an atlatl if you want it to be an RPG.
# ¿ Nov 23, 2023 15:37 |
algebra testes posted:https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1726937954080170289?t=wW3CkVSeKiCfs_H2Lh1IGg&s=19 Dang I did not expect EkuNNN to get a new job like that. This is a joke that’s a bit hard to explain if you didn’t read SAD last month.
# ¿ Nov 24, 2023 10:38 |
I’ve seen the aftermath of a number of car fires in person. They certainly can get hot enough to melt aluminum and to destroy steel under its own weight. I’ve never been around after an attack by a helicopter gunship though. The thing that sticks out to me is that the silver car with the bottles on its bonnet looks to have intact wheels and tires. Perhaps it was destroyed by concussive force, but not in place or all the windows on the background cars would be broken. Platystemon fucked around with this message at 12:39 on Nov 27, 2023 |
# ¿ Nov 27, 2023 08:28 |
Are we even sure that that’s where the cars were parked the night of the festival or is it possible that they were moved with heavy equipment?
# ¿ Nov 27, 2023 12:39 |
# ¿ Nov 28, 2023 03:24 |
# ¿ Sep 17, 2024 12:22 |
The color coding really makes the image.
# ¿ Nov 28, 2023 03:34 |