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Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

Fivemarks posted:

have you got a legitimate confirmed source that the palestineans are beheading babies? Because that's fake

The claims that a pregnant woman was dissecting alive by Hamas soldiers with Bayonets? Well that happened. IN the 80's. Just it was done to Lbeanese refugees by Christian militiamen with support from the Israelis

How the poo poo is this considered a reputable source, are you serious?

That lovely site posted:

The correspondent in question is Nicole Zedeck. She was attached to a unit of the IOF that had been dispatched to the "Kfar Aza" kibbutz where fierce confrontations took place between Palestinian Resistance fighters and Israeli occupation forces and settlers since Saturday morning.

So they consider every single Israel a settler? They consider the hamas fuckers, who have been widely recorded murdering civilians, "resistance fighters"? IOF??

gently caress off with that poo poo. I really hope that the stories of beheaded babies are false, the factual reality of what they did is bad enough.

e: yeah it's from wikipedia so take it with a huge grain of salt, can you refute this?

Don't Ask fucked around with this message at 15:10 on Oct 11, 2023


Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

Fivemarks posted:

I mean, yeah, Israelis are basically a Settler Colonialist state. Same for White Americans and Canadians and Mexicans and most of the Americas. Same for Australia and New Zealand.

Edit: This is not me saying that genocide or "Push them into the sea is good", mind you.

Sure, let's say that somehow makes any sense, but considering that the common usage of settlers (in the context of Israel) is mainly when referring to the crazies in the West Bank, using that term for people living within the intl. recognized borders of the country is usually a good sign that the writer has a deep bias against Israelis as a whole.

Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

ANYWAY, the entire northern region and basically down the the Haifa line is lit up with alerts about aircraft intrusions and there are already rumors of paragliders or similar. Nothing confirmed yet but it seems like it may be a big deal.

e: basically everyone in this area has been instructed to take shelter immediately:

e2: still nothing concrete, but it's starting to look like a combined rockets / UAVs / paragliders attack.

e3: This is the official emergency alert portal for the homeland defense (is that the right translation??), the alerts are differentiated between aircraft intrusion, rocket attack, manned intrusion, etc. The northern region has separate alerts for all three types that I listed.

Don't Ask fucked around with this message at 16:49 on Oct 11, 2023

Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

Yeah, I try to make sure to separate between known facts (ie - the official alert system has issued such and such alerts) and unknowns (ie mutant terrorists from Mars attacking using paragliders).

A lot of word-of-mouth about hearing gunfire, unusual aircraft activity and so on, but nothing official yet.

That said, there is an official standing notice from the homeland or w/e office to get indoors and dim the lights for everyone in the region marked in my previous post, so something is happening.

Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

...uh so apparently nearly all the alerts regarding the northern region were false alarms caused by an "error".

Official notice put out by the IDF spokesperson: lol sorry click for source

I wonder just how many people in Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and the US fleet nearby were thinking this is it, now poo poo will really start going down

Don't Ask fucked around with this message at 18:34 on Oct 11, 2023

Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

Fivemarks posted:

I Think that we should absolutely calm down and wait till we have confirmation of any war crimes and atrocities before we jump to the most extreme possible positions on stuff. Especially because there's a lot of disinformation out there, especially disinformation with the purpose of justifying turning the Gaza Strip into a mass grave.

If that makes me anti-semitic or acting in bad faith? Oh well.

Hey, gently caress you.

Civilians were intentionally murdered and abducted, elderly and children alike. They were targeted at home, outside, in their cars, at a music festival, in the fields, and everywhere they could be. Those that were able to lock themselves in a safe room were burned out. Dozens if not hundreds were abducted, including elderly grandmothers and infants.

Please don't post more hezbollah funded propaganda to try and refute this.

Also gently caress you again.

Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

Reports of a hospital in Gaza being hit, with possibly hundreds killed. Numbers are very preliminary since it just happened, and I wouldn't trust any numbers released by hamas anyway.

Hamas is blaming it on IDF bombs, while IDF is investigating and possibly attributing it to a misfiring hamas rocket.
I have personally witnessed a fair number of misfires landing in Gaza (and some even somehow going the wrong way), and in a supposed video of the moment of impact a rocket motor is clearly heard, and another video shows a clear failed launch. This also happened during one of the heavy barrages today.

If it was an intentional bombing then honestly I don't see any decent response other than to immediately declare a ceasefire, allow aid to enter and launch a public inquiry into what the gently caress. I know that we're pretty lovely, but I really hope that we're not that far gone.

Don't Ask fucked around with this message at 19:06 on Oct 17, 2023

Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

I started to type up an effort post with various videos from a bunch of angles showing a rocket failing during one of the barrages (deliberately aimed at civilians^^^^), shortly followed by a large explosion in the strip.

But gently caress, this whole period from the initial massacre is just so loving depressing. And this case? The people are dead, there are violent riots everywhere, and we still have a whole bunch of poo poo ahead of us before things eventually calm back down again.

Don't Ask fucked around with this message at 22:28 on Oct 17, 2023

Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

It wasn't, though.

Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

James Woods posted:

I'm curious to get the serviceman's opinion on this video. (Sorry I have no idea how to embed from Reddit, I'm pretty new to that site. If you have a better link I'll change it.) It doesn't seem to conflict with the impact site photos, which I do not think were available at the time of filming, If it was in fact an airburst munition. I guess specifically I want to know about his assertion that the audio evidence proves it was guided and that many soldiers deployed to Afghanistan/Iraq would recognize the difference between this and a rocket.

I can say that the noise before the impact threw me back to the 2nd Lebanon War, where I spent a lot of time dodging various incoming rockets and mortars courtesy of hezbollah. Obviously a crappy mobile phone recording won't really capture the full sound, but it sounded like a rocket motor to me :shrug:

e: also I'm kinda surprised by the way some posters here are trying to pin this on Israel. A) There are a lot of credible debunking breakdowns, including multiple angles of the failed rocket and the impact, and B) There are enough terrible things that we did do, no need to go to great lengths for that unfortunately...

Don't Ask fucked around with this message at 12:39 on Oct 19, 2023


Don't Ask
Nov 28, 2002

mlmp08 posted:

It’s true that Israel has committed war crimes and engaged in illegal collective punishment of civilians, proudly, even without mention of the hospital. So if somehow we could know 100000% that Israel was not responsible for the hospital, you still end up with dozens of other Israeli attacks on medical facilities and healthcare workers, civilians, and cutting off good water and electricity to civilians and humanitarian medical and aid supply systems.

I'll be honest, I haven't been thinking straight since 07/10 so I may be missing a barb in your post, but basically yeah.
A lot of people have a lot of legitimate reasons to be biased against us, and I agree with most of them. I know from personal experience that there are some, unfortunately few, things that are exaggerated or misrepresented - But I'm not defending any of the collective punishments, civilian casualties, or any other part of the bullshit we love to do.

If there's any interest I can share some of my (outdated, I was officially released from reserve duty a few years ago) experiences from the Gaza and Northern divisions and how they manage the battlefield. Personally I don't have a lot of trust in our forces - Not to make a sincere effort to avoid civilian casualties and not to give an accurate image of what happened. The more time I spent in uniform the more disillusioned I became, and I have already decided that I won't send my daughter to enlist when she's eventually called up in the far future. I hope that we won't even live here by then.

This current war is just terrible and heartbreaking on all sides and it's probably going to get a lot worse before it gets "better".

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