Borscht posted:This may be the hottest take of the thread but I love YouTube premium. It’s the only streaming service I have. It really is a huge qol upgrade if you watch a lot of youtube. Well worth the cost.
# ¿ Oct 14, 2023 15:27 |
# ¿ Sep 19, 2024 19:19 |
JDAM's can be set to airburst FYI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYApLv6kJnA The crater size is hardly the smoking gun that it was a Hamas or IJ rocket misfire.
# ¿ Oct 18, 2023 23:29 |
A.o.D. posted:The fact that the cars and surrounding buildings weren't completely shredded, however, is a mark against the cause being a JDAM. Ok, SDB or MLGB then. Its not like the IAF doesn't have a whole range of different sized ordinance. Its not GBU-31's all the way down
# ¿ Oct 19, 2023 00:20 |
BUUNNI posted:That doesn’t nullify what he said before. He’s clearly using media language to hedge his statement as to not make it so obviously bloodthirsty, our support will continue even while the Zionists genocide people, but we will have a “dialogue” while this happens. Yeah, my take on his statement is "We will talk to them about toning down the genocide, but if they keep doing it and don't take our advice we are going to continue to give them everything they need to kill all the people of Gaza."
# ¿ Oct 28, 2023 14:43 |
BUUNNI posted:This framework, of course, has been the standard for decades. There is nothing that will make us stop arming and funding Israel, evidently. Historically at least, there have been times where the IDF stopped doing what they wanted to after the US stepped in and told them to stop.
# ¿ Oct 28, 2023 14:58 |
BUUNNI posted:Can you provide me a link that goes over the history of the times the US stepped in? Genuinely curious. Its usually through their roll in the UN, but the US played a big part in the ending of hostilities in the following conflicts. 1957 Suez crisis 1967 Six day war 1973 Yom Kippur war 1982 Lebanon war and siege of Beirut Not so much lately https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israe...t%20a%20minimum
# ¿ Oct 28, 2023 15:28 |
Electric Wrigglies posted:and if they wanted to be especially cheeky, they could say that because they attack the ammo magazine (with its ammo explosion blow off panels), that they are minimising human casualties - the crew should survive. Based on the last clip of the Merkava brewing up I’m not sure that’s the case here. Smoke pouring out the barrel while a huge jet of flame shoots out of your tank is usually a bad sign.
# ¿ Nov 4, 2023 04:13 |
Lum_ posted:if only there was some possible end state to ths conflict that didn't involve the total annihilation of the other side. oh well, nothing for it, guess you got to pick a flag and kill everyone waving the other one. Who on earth considers Glenn Greenwald and Roger waters "the left" in the year 2023.
# ¿ Nov 8, 2023 19:45 |
Jarmak posted:Piggy backing on this, some of y'all need to think back to just how much 9/11 broke brains and caused US politics to go insane for the better part of a decade. This attack was arguably much worse than 9/11 when it comes to psychological effect. The body count is not as high but the entire country has a population comparable to New York City. Also, the killings weren't from a single event but drawn out via direct personal violence, some of which carried shocking cruelty/brutality. While this does seem to be happening there is a pretty big difference between the two events. Unlike the seemingly out of the blue major terrorist attack that 9/11 was for most Americans, this should not have been a huge surprise to most Israelis. It should not have the same "lose their mind" effect. Its an escalation of a long running conflict The US was sowing the seeds of a terror attack prior to 9/11, but in a much more oblique way than the very direct way that Israel has prior to the 10/7 attack. To me it seems much more of, "we already hate these people and wish they didn't exist and now they just attacked us. It's time to lay waste to them until the world makes us stop". The US was absolutely out for revenge after 9/11, but we didn't exactly send B52's to carpet bomb Kabul on 9/12.
# ¿ Nov 9, 2023 17:21 |
Jarmak posted:I had a long response to this typed out and accidently lost it, but I'll say this: The people in power in Israel who are making the decisions to flatten Gaza and push into the west bank right now are using the situation to further their ends. They aren't doing this systematic destruction purely out of rage. I get what you are saying about the feelings of the people on the ground who have been directly effected by the October 7th attack. They have every right to be upset and to hate Hamas. They even can be justified, right or wrong at letting the hate for Hamas spill over to a general hate of Palestinians right now. But they aren't the ones in charge. It also doesn't absolve the other world leaders who haven't strongly condemned the ongoing violence and in the US's case even continued military support for it, despite the constant stream of dead and dismembered kids that flows daily from Gaza. Its not as though this is happening in the dark. Its being broadcast in 4k on social media. There is no "oh we didn't know how bad it was" excuse.
# ¿ Nov 9, 2023 20:57 |
shame on an IGA posted:it's the same in that Iron Dome had led them to believe they were invincible The wall and iron dome might have made them feel invincible, but it would be like the people of Seoul being flabbergasted to see the NK army blow through the DMZ. Shocked? sure, but surprised? probably not. The US had its 2 great oceans to distance it from any aggressor. Sure they may blow up a Navy ship at a foreign port, or bomb an embassy somewhere. But that's as bad as it gets. An Israeli at most could say, yeah they regularly shoot rockets at us, but we have a defense system that shoots them down almost all the time. They are still aware that someone not too far away is trying to kill them on a regular basis.
# ¿ Nov 9, 2023 23:40 |
Radical 90s Wizard posted:https://twitter.com/jrc1921/status/1723634283888161042 Its very strong Sims 3 energy.
# ¿ Nov 14, 2023 01:43 |
2023 Hamas/Israeli War Thread: Cum QRF Please?
# ¿ Nov 15, 2023 05:24 |
Potato Salad posted:The only test with respect to ethnic cleansing here is whether births are being forcibly prevented on the basis of ethnicity. But the word in question is sterilization which is specifically a permanent procedure. They were given contraceptives to prevent births which is ethnic cleansing. They were not sterilized to prevent births which is also a form of ethnic cleansing. Words matter and using the wrong words gives people who want to deny ethnic cleansing room to maneuver.
# ¿ Dec 2, 2023 23:17 |
# ¿ Sep 19, 2024 19:19 |
psydude posted:Speaking of Russia, I've been seeing photos of Israeli tanks with cope cages welded on. They did practically nothing to help the Russians other than restrict visibility and I don't see why that'd be any different for Israel. They aren't useful against things like Javelin or other top attack missiles but they have been somewhat effective in stopping drone dropped grenades down the loaders hatch. Since Hamas doesn't have high end top attack ATGMS, but does have drones it does make some sense. They also don't have to worry about keeping a low profile since Hamas also has no tanks of their own.
# ¿ May 15, 2024 14:36 |