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Nov 13, 2002

How many Championships?
I've been a big wrestling fan since I was a small child. Huge WWE mark from the late 80s to the very early 00s. Then things got rough and I pretty much checked out. Gave AEW a chance when it launched and haven't looked back. Feels great to be Elite.


On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Got back into wrasslin in 2014 and watched Wrestlemania 30. Pretty much only watched WWE but would occasionally watch Wrestle Kingdom. Life was p good for a few years, but when AJ and Nak started hitting each other's balls I stopped. What trash.

Luckily AEW was right around the corner and has been loving good nonstop. I don't think AEW is without flaws, but I don't believe it's actively insulting my intelligence. It's such a great fuckin show that I'm not gonna nitpick it. I'm just here to watch TK cook.

Aug 11, 2004


Samoa Joe was the first big name wrestler I saw in person and it was at some awful venue in Marion IN.

It’s so cool he’s on the big stage now.

Feb 3, 2005

hootin AND hollerin?? in this economy???

Nov 13, 2004

Seams posted:

hootin AND hollerin?? in this economy???

you gotta spend money to make money

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!
hottin and hoolering

super macho dude
Aug 9, 2014

I'm hootin' & hollerin' about how AEW goes so goddamn hard on matches sometimes, it's crazy how it's just "free" on TV. I've legitimately marked out in the comfort of my own living room a bunch of times since it's inception, and I've been watching wrestling since probably 1984, and haven't felt that with WWE since '98, and never felt it with TNA.

Plus, the women's division got my 8 yr old daughter hooked on the product and now she's a goddamn mark.

Jul 26, 2007

He's a
PERVERT a wrestling sense

Hell AEW got my partner of 17 years into wrestling. She hated the stuff. Now she watches every week

Nov 27, 2004

Mar 29, 2012

this glorious monument

MJF is the greatest professional wrestling prodigy the western world has ever seen. Only Kurt Angle is close and MJF is even better than that.
Even when he does things people don't like he's doing a good job of doing that thing.

Jul 25, 2009


The kangaroo kick is solid, it'll be cool if weaves it into his move set without the setup, like Okada's dropkick.

A snap kangaroo kick.

Long-Time Lurker
May 20, 2021

Still thinking about the MJF vs. Omega match. AEW is so good rn, heck, it’s been great for so many PPVs now. Hope more people will join in the hootin and hollerin.

Apr 10, 2006


While it can be frustrating sometimes, I like the chaotic feel of AEW programming. It's a natural consequence of weekly live programming that isn't as insanely micromanaged as WWE was at its worst, and sometimes things are overlooked and rushed and burdened by production errors, but the peaks and valleys of live wrestling TV add to the excitement for me. That, along with the match variety and clashes of styles, is what made WCW fun before Russo totally ruined it; there was a spark of madness to it that was missing from wrestling when WCW folded. AEW brought that back for me and it seriously feels like I get to eat ice cream for dinner three times a week now.

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

CombineThresher posted:

While it can be frustrating sometimes, I like the chaotic feel of AEW programming. It's a natural consequence of weekly live programming that isn't as insanely micromanaged as WWE was at its worst, and sometimes things are overlooked and rushed and burdened by production errors, but the peaks and valleys of live wrestling TV add to the excitement for me. That, along with the match variety and clashes of styles, is what made WCW fun before Russo totally ruined it; there was a spark of madness to it that was missing from wrestling when WCW folded. AEW brought that back for me and it seriously feels like I get to eat ice cream for dinner three times a week now.

I’ve really been enjoying when the next matchb intros actually start while the tail of the last angle is still in the ring or on the stage. Not too often, but it creates a hype moment sometimes

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!
even if there's something on a show that I don't really like there's always something else that's whips rear end. I just grab a snack or a drink and then commence the hootery + hollerino when the segments over. love that all elite babyyy

Sandman from ECW
Sep 6, 2011

I like when Hangman Page does the Buckshot Lariat big yee haw

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!

Sandman McMahon posted:

I like when Hangman Page does the Buckshot Lariat big yee haw

he needs to bring back the chaps for reasons that should be obvious

Jul 30, 2005

Prokhor Zakharov posted:

he needs to bring back the chaps for reasons that should be obvious

oh...oh my. AEW is a bi paradise.

super macho dude
Aug 9, 2014

AEW being extremely gay is very cool

Suplex Liberace
Jan 18, 2012

im preparing for a good time tomorrow!

Sandman from ECW
Sep 6, 2011

Prokhor Zakharov posted:

he needs to bring back the chaps for reasons that should be obvious

Is it because his legs are cold

Feb 3, 2003

Weber scored 49 points?

:allears: :allears: :allears:
Hot thighs, cold legs, common cowboy problem

Aug 4, 2002

Douche Baggins

CombineThresher posted:

I miss Abadon's more gross aesthetic but the Bull Nakano direction they're going in is awesome. It might make them easier to book more regularly too, even though I didn't think keeping them on TV as a zombie would be all that hard.
Abadon has always been pretty vocal online about being more of a Visual Kei artist than exclusively one archetype. I'm really glad they get to show more variety.

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!
Happy Halloween

Eat This Glob
Jan 14, 2008

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. Who will wipe this blood off us? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we need to invent?

dark order over the elite and colt cabana was in dark order at one point? jeeze, ive missed a lot lol

Nov 24, 2007

I got to see Bryan Danielson vs Okada and Bryan Danielson vs ZSJ live thanks to AEW

Feb 15, 2004

Waluigi want his fucking Amiibo
I really enjoy camerawork that doesn't jump-cut a dozen times or starts shaking like an etch-a-sketch during every spot. Renee is fantastic as an interviewer and it's great to see another period of Mean Gene style interactions between talent and host.

Also, it's very heartwarming to see Tony Schiavone redeemed in a way that apologists claim about Michael Cole, but in this case is actually true.

FullMetalJackoff fucked around with this message at 07:29 on Nov 1, 2023

Mar 29, 2012

this glorious monument

It's amazing how many wrestlers and personalities got an amazing second+ act because of AEW. Schiavone, Sting, Billy Gunn, Dustin Rhodes, Jeff Jarrett, Brian Danielson and of course Christian to name a few.
Even CM Punk before he decided to see how flammable his own life is.

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I hooted, I hollered. Great episode tonight

Jul 30, 2005

For so many years I did not watch wrestling weekly. Too have it back and have it be something I like is a joy I will not easily give up

Jul 30, 2005

Quote is not the edit button


Big Coffin Hunter
Aug 13, 2005

Orange Cassidy is the best champ in years and I'm glad he has the belt back havinf kick rear end title defenses and I hope he beats Mox in the rematch! Their first match is my favorite match this year

Sydney Bottocks
Oct 15, 2004

Shard posted:

Aew features alot of wrestlers that I find lovely both in the ring and appearance wise

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

Shard posted:

Aew features alot of wrestlers that I find lovely both in the ring and appearance wise

ppl will be full on horny posting in this thread by page 7

Long-Time Lurker
May 20, 2021

Even bad episodes of AEW won't get me down on the product cause I know they will deliver again in a week's time. A bad to mid episode of AEW would have at least a couple of good matches anyway.

Mar 29, 2012

this glorious monument

It's like 'if this is a down episode of a wrestling show then we are spoiled with blessings'

Oct 20, 2006

post hole digger posted:

ppl will be full on horny posting in this thread by page 7

I will bash their skull in with a steel chair :)

Suplex Liberace
Jan 18, 2012

fun dynamite last night. Claudio is too strong!

Nov 27, 2004

Long-Time Lurker posted:

Even bad episodes of AEW won't get me down on the product cause I know they will deliver again in a week's time. A bad to mid episode of AEW would have at least a couple of good matches anyway.

bad episodes?


Jul 30, 2005

To some anything less than amazing is a bad episode

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