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Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

graph posted:

well i aint never seen that and ex made the wrong call then too. it still loving owned bones

I think i heard excalibur actually call it correctly, but schiavone or jr or someone called it a burning hammer loudly first

Someone called it right but they got drowned out, i was specifically marking out because like ten seconds before he went for it, I said “huh, lots of jay driller teasing in this, didn’t mark used to do a sick burning hammer type move” to myself and then it happened


Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

Swerve who

I only know MEAT now

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

ChrisBTY posted:

Hot Take: MJF was a good champion whose reign lasted too long and burned people out badly. His tendencies towards entertainment didn't help.
Let's not pretend that a bunch of us weren't desperately hoping that BTYBB would last beyond All-in. Or that we weren't hype for the Iron Man match. Or that he didn't carry the 4 pillars storyline.

Also: Takeshita/Darby slapped. Takeshita for International Champion.

I was there when MJF and Cole went against FTR and lost the tag title match last July

I was part of the chant begging them to hug it out

This title reign will be looked on more fondly a few years down the road, especially after MJF gets the belt again. I think the bad execution of the devil angle was just too much.

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

Jonny Nox posted:

Ranking of AEW Title Runs:

1) Omega
2) Mox 1
3) MJF
4) Jericho
5) Hangman
6) Mox 2
7) Mox 3
8) Punk (1+2)

Omega and Mox 1 were magic, MJF and Hangman both had good matches, MJF and Jericho had fun stories, Mox 3 felt like a placeholder the whole time, and the rest were cursed.

Gonna be funny when we are looking back after a decade of AEW and everyone sees the glaring splotches of CM Punk on the big plat title history and winces

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe
The hate for the whole reign is just weighed down by recency bias

When we have time to not be annoyed at the kingdom in shittily made devil hoodies, but go back and enjoy the match quality, I think anyone who is currently down on mjf’s run will probably come around.

Like I said, especially after the second or third MJF title reign. Could be worse, could be better. Dude’s only 27, wrestlers usually come into their prime in their 30s

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

duckdealer posted:

I don't think recency bias is the issue. The worst part of the reign was months ago. Most people already agree there were good matches. I think the reign had several great matches. It also included some of the worst stuff AEW has done.

The terrible silkscreened devil hoodies were on my tv this last Wednesday, actually

And that is emblematic of my personal issue with anything MJF related that I did not like. The hoodies aren’t something I would typically enormously care about, but the devil stuff all fell so flat for me, bad production value on the costuming was enough to break the camel’s back for me

The storyline stuff will become less fresh in our/my memory as time goes on, but the matches will still have been bangers, and going back to rewatch them will be sweet.

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

StarkRavingMad posted:

I don't think I'm ever going to get over Suzuki just getting booked on random Dynamites, it's the coolest thing

Tribalism bad, yes yes

But wwe has such a skill for taking someone unfathomably cool and turning them into “just another guy”. They’ve done it to folks like ricochet, they’ve done it to folks like styles, nakamura, Apollo crews, etc

It is so rad how there are a number of dudes who keep coming back to AEW for special matches and they keep feeling like big goddamn deals, like Suzuki and Okada

I even still feel like there is something special about watching takeshita matches. Hopefully tk can keep ospreay feeling that way

I would say Jeff Cobb feels that way, if I had more than like one appearance to go off of

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

ChrisBTY posted:

Saturday is when I learned the Edge-a-cution was renamed the Grindhouse.
And I was like 'I don't know why but that fits Copeland so well'
Then I realized 'oh yeah, Rated R Superstar'
And also his debut video had the whole grindhouse aesthetic going on.

Wasn’t the move they called the grindhouse the crippler crossface? I thought the edge-a-cution was his elevated figure four thing

When he finished the match with a crossface, at first I wasn’t into it, but he teamed with and against Benoit a whole bunch, I can dig cope trying to rehab the move some

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe
I realize that it’s just a wrestler saying something hyperbolic

But edge had a long fuckin’ career where he feuded with a lot of big names and had matches with a lot of notable dudes. At the end of the match, he said he had never been hit that hard in his life, and he sounded overjoyed at the match. That’s proof to me that Suzuki hits harder than Taker, JBL, Angle…

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe
That Kingston v Okada match was incredible and I very badly need to go back and rewatch it

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

Writer Cath posted:

Know the thing I love most about AEW?

No other wrestling company has footage of Satoshi Kojima elbowing CM Punk in the nards.

No other wrestling company has footage of Kojima elbow dropping punk’s nards so far

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

Yooooooo I never even knew how to try to search that song up

That is gonna be some internet ephemera someday, that’s for drat sure

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe
I an extremely amused that they now have just as many title belts as they need to strap up swerve, Okada, copeland, ospreay and Moxley (and jay white and Jericho!) while not having anyone holding something like the Owen cup that would feel forced at all

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

Shard posted:

that's the problem there are so many drat good matches it's hard to remember them all. Hell a lot of them will happen in a random rampage sometimes!


In six months we will be discussing banger matches and someone will go “remember swerve/claudio and that rad stomp” and we will all go “OHHHHHHH THAT RULED”

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

baka of lathspell posted:

i haven't seen AEW in forever how's jay white doing

he has gotten to be an extremely smug lovely little prick and is a candidate for my favorite thing in the company that isn’t the main focus

he has two lackeys who are extremely hateable and punchable and yet they are awesome, with sweet finishers and absolutely incredible music

Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

coconono posted:

thanks being the sole chikara enjoyer that will admit it and not named Gavok, I’ve had the inadvertent pleasure of watching OC develop into a legit superstar talent.

I went to a CHIKARA show when they had that big dude who was doing the choke breaker and saw a pre-dalton castle Ashley Remington perform

the devastation corporation were very nice to me, and the bathroom were very mean to me


Sep 5, 2008

Fun Shoe

Elephant Ambush posted:

Remember when Konosuke Takeshita put ELP through a table on the outside by doing a Blue Thunder Bomb off the apron?

That was awesome

If there isn’t gold around konosuke’s waist by the end of this calendar year, something is seriously wrong

Dude is fantastic

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