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On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

So is this like a sodium-free thread? I'm down with that. I like so much of what's going on in AEW right now. Ricky and Big Bill, Shida champ, Skye Blue and Willow, RUSH. I dig MJF and all the dudes that wanna beat him up. Been lovin it since day 1 and continue to be a fan. Coming to Pittsburgh for Collision Thanksgiving weekend which should be fun as well for me.


On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Got back into wrasslin in 2014 and watched Wrestlemania 30. Pretty much only watched WWE but would occasionally watch Wrestle Kingdom. Life was p good for a few years, but when AJ and Nak started hitting each other's balls I stopped. What trash.

Luckily AEW was right around the corner and has been loving good nonstop. I don't think AEW is without flaws, but I don't believe it's actively insulting my intelligence. It's such a great fuckin show that I'm not gonna nitpick it. I'm just here to watch TK cook.

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I hooted, I hollered. Great episode tonight

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Shard posted:

To some anything less than amazing is a bad episode

Always funny whenever i log off my discord call with wrestlin nerds hootin and hollerin bc Dynamite was good and then going online and seeing that it was a bad episode. I'm easy to please I guess!

Evidently Danny Garcia called out MJF during Rampage. I really want to see that match

On The Internet fucked around with this message at 13:08 on Nov 2, 2023

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Julia and Red Velvet had a fantastic match. Love to see it

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Oh hell yeah! I'm traveling this week so doubly looking forward to getting home.

I'm so torn between Hanger and Swerve. I want them both to win

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Big Coffin Hunter posted:

I don't think the guy who broke into a baby's bedroom is going to win his match

But what if the baby was cool with him winning?

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Seeking refuge is the hootin and hollerin thread with fellow hooters and hollerers.

That TX Death match was surreal. Adam Page DRANK Swerve's blood like it was a water fountain. Wtf (and hell yeah)

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I want Swerve to break into my house and leave me a tee-shirt

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I like watching AEW every week and going to the shows when they're in town. I don't think they're perfect but I don't get riled up at their flaws. It's pro wrestling, nbd!

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Someone here said the Orton promo was good so I decided to watch that before the Punk promo. 10 minute video, but first 5 was him walking to the ring and doing his turnbuckle stuff. Then I got 30s into the promo and died of boredom. If that's better than Punk's then I don't even wanna see it. AEW rules and WWE drools.

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

What do I do in that situation? Call the mods or something? I just think it's unhealthy for people to lie like that.

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

He was so... wet during that post-match vid. What a slippery dude

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Kip rules. Shirtless sleeves > vests. :colbert:

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Ziggy Tzardust posted:

It’s Jack Perry and he’s going to explain his absence by saying he’s been away defending his title all over the world. And then he pulls out the spray-painted X title

This would be so funny and definitely worth all the devilry

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Dustin is great, always has been, too!

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Probably an odd-man out here but I really did like Le Champion Jericho. Maybe not so much for the matches but I liked the character and The Inner Circle

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I spit my pot roast at my phone :haw:

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I remember watching the AJ / Nakamura match on Wrestle Kingdom and wishing WWE had that much talent. Then I watched what WWE did with that talent. So happy AEW can have the best in the world

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

We were worked

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Shard posted:

so you have to buy the ppvs again. But fite or triller as it is known now, will keep it on your account. I can go watch every pape I ever bought there. Also if you get aew+ you can watch every dynamite/rampage/collision I believe.

And Dark!
(which is also on YouTube)

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I loving love TK. Thank you Shard Khan for giving him to us.

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Shard posted:

aew puts on some amazing wrestling matches on free television. and I am so thankful for that.

Shard I pay like 6 bucks a month for aew television, it ain't free!

But it does rule and is good

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Ulio posted:

What are the must watch AEW matches? So far I have only seen Dynasty, dynamite of last 2 weeks and Kenny Omega vs Will Osprey in Forbiden Door.

Kenny Omega and Hangman Page vs The Young Bucks Revolution 2020

Edit: there's gotta be an effort post on this somewhere, right?

Edit again: Gavok comes through in the AEW Primer thread:

On The Internet fucked around with this message at 15:11 on May 2, 2024

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

I really need to go to more Enjoy shows...

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Jericho and Jarrett are both good. In fact, they should probably team up

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Bump in anticipation for hoots and hollars this weekend

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

RIP coco

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

Making ribs! Watching Sgdq! It's a great pape day

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

ZSJ / OC ruled!
I'm very happy on who turned out the winner, too!!

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

January things
Holy fuggin poo poo!

On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

rotinaj posted:

If there isn’t gold around konosuke’s waist by the end of this calendar year, something is seriously wrong

Dude is fantastic

Bump everytime you remember Konosuke Takeshita Blue Thunder Bombed El Phantasmo through a table


On The Internet
Jun 27, 2023

The table EXPLODED. it ruled

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