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Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

An overlord shrouded in darkness proclaims the following in a booming voice:

"Welcome, one and all prospective Dungeon Arch-guards, to your new home, the Hydra Dungeon! As your benevolent but still presiding overlord, I've decided to do away with the traditional job application process in lieu of a.. bit of a fight for supremacy. Anybody who survives this process is obviously fit to serve for life, come any and all threats internal or external! The rumors that some of you are not using the fairest means to put themselves above the competition are overblown and I have employed several officials... oh, I see a few of their limbs over in the corner. Hmph. Nevertheless, IF those rumors were true and there were actually some who were specifically trying to have the job all to themselves rather than sharing it, it should be easy for qualified candidates to prove their intelligence and eliminate such dastardly cretins before being taken out themselves. BUT I suspect instead you'll tear each other apart and it'll be all the better for my pocketbook in the end. You'll get no sympathy from me either, you either survive and get the job or die!"

The outline of the overlord vanishes and the doors to the dungeon clang as they seal you inside...

Welcome to Hydra Dungeon Mafia! This will be a roles-light game as the major focus will be on HYDRA pairs of Mafia players. A Mafia hydra is a pair of players who are considered to be the same person for the purposes of voting, execution, night kills, any role related actions at night, and alignment. This will result in having a confirmed masonry right off the bat, but also may result in townreading one player while scumreading their partner and having your head explode. You will not have to guess hydra composition, all hydra pairs will be publicly mod-confirmed from the start (alignment and role, on the other hand, are up to you to figure out). Voting will be handled by having only one of every two player pair still alive in the game present in Votefinder; the active players per each pair for a given day will be made public on day open, while the inactive players per each pair will be listed as a spectator temporarily as for day voting/execution purposes they will be considered a stump. Night actions will be handled communally between you and your hydra partner. As for the setup, it will be one of the 9 NewD3 options shown in the link chosen at random, with the 2 scum and 7 town roles doled out betwixt the 9 pairs of players also at random. On top of that, any resolution questions you may have can also be answered by reading the information at the link (I am following resolution order from there rather than doing whatever makes sense to me this time). And as for how you sign up if you are on board with the whole shebang, you'll need to make TWO very important choices as seen below!

1. CHOOSE YOUR PARTNER. This doesn't have to be done right away of course, but if you don't pick anybody you'll receive your partner randomly. This is also arguably the most important choice you can make before the game starts, as you'll be stuck with them until the game is over or you die, so choose wisely! I will keep track of people who don't have partners in the signup section so that with luck everybody gets to pick a buddy.

2. CHOOSE YOUR FLAVOR. This may be a challenge in combo with the above, but as half the team who came up with these (Shellception comprising the other half marvelously) I assure you you can't really go wrong with any of them.



Neither Hertz nor Feldspar really know how the hell they ended up with Burk. Maybe it was some crazy curse by some witch or wizard mad at them for some reason. Maybe it was some magical potion they accidentally consumed. What they do know is that Burk is pretty self-explanatory (burk. burk burk), disconcerting (burk? BURK! buUuUrk!) and oddly, sometimes quite comforting (buuuuuuuurk). Maybe if they land this gig they can figure out how to separate from Burk or at least make him a better conversationalist.

THE OGRE HYDRA? not to be confused with the other ogre hydra

This unusually sized hydra is usually found on mountaintops or resting in giant tracts of grassland, or other large outdoor areas. It's not even a little happy to be in a cramped dungeon instead, but it could easily squish anyone trying to beat it in a fair fight. Shame those aren't on the table!


With a great deal of luck and a fellow captive's sacrifice, Marle and Skrab have managed to not only successfully escape another overlord's underground fighting ring into this dungeon, but also got themselves a proper offer for this gig that ensures they can't just be forcibly returned into the other guy's possession. They're not really sure if this is better under the circumstances, but at least it'll pay better if they live!


Kusskis and Brachlan were on their way to some other dungeon for a seriously huge magical Halloween party hoping to score big in the costume contest, but got kinda lost and ended up here by mistake. They're not going down without a fight if they can help it, but even with their enchantments it may not be up to them..


Strak and Turkin love magic and casting spells, but have more than a little trouble with their attention span which is why their career as a town oracle was never destined to last. "They kept bothering us when the office was closed! We were NOT. OPEN. FOR BUSINESS. And somehow we're the bad guys for killing them!" unsurprisingly wasn't found to be a convincing legal argument in the normal court system, but their current job prospects here look a lot brighter to them. Their ultimate goal post-game is to learn to cast the really good spells, no matter how long it takes to stand reading the right books.


Bob and Carol are ordinary humans who had challenged themselves to make the most of their AWESOME costume by going around to all the houses they could on the way to a grand Halloween party with $250 up for grabs to the people with the best costume and somehow became extremely lost on the way. You'd think they'd have noticed a problem sooner, but they claim they'd seen pictures of how the place and the trail up to it got disguised in the past and figured that must just be why it looked so weird. They'd kinda like to get home alive and uneaten even though the job offer is tempting, but they're gonna have to get through this crazy contest first..


we once were small of mind, beasts in the same body. necromancer gave us undeath, but we remained beasts.
the changes gave us great cunning, gave us humanoid form.
we have become lords in our own right to our own satisfaction.
we still must dominate, but have learned we have limits.
plus, though alpha does not mention it, people snipe at us over our third head never saying anything.
but still, it'd be nice to just be in charge where nobody cares.


Wilbur and Otto Zangle (Otto not pictured above, as this was merely a prototype) are mechanical geniuses who, after purchasing some strange devices and artifacts from an interdimensional ne'er do well, developed a strange affinity for contraptions mimicking big animals. They claim they're out to prove the supremacy of gnomish constructions, and also.. uh.. the greatness of "glorious Nippon"? Am I reading this right?

THE GNOME HYDRA? not to be confused with the gnomish hydra

This foot tall little guy is rather rare, but has excellent means of self defense via SCREECHING EXTREMELY LOUDLY anytime it feels even a little threatened and biting the ankles of anyone too scared or too deaf to run away. Unfortunately, nobody can exactly run away while the dungeon's shut up and everyone here's just a smidge more lethal than the average peasant foraging in the woods.

Now for your regularly scheduled general rules:

Rule 0, the important one that overrules all other rules: First and foremost, we are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Please make sure that at all times you put your own sanity and mental well-being first. If at any point you feel like you're having a bad time, like someone's taking things too far or you just need someone to talk to, please contact your mods or one of our many community volunteers. The following users have been suggested as points of contact if you do not feel you can reach out to me: The Traditional Games forum moderators, Leperflesh and Antivehicular; and Mafia regulars VoodooFly, Hal Insandenza, Bifauxnen, Monathin, Wologar, Maerlyn, Cloacamazing!, EccoRaven, CCKeane, Opopanax, Sandwolf and Shellception.

1. General mafia rules apply. If you are playing, do NOT discuss the game outside the thread or authorized OOT channels!

2. Please don't lurk. The lurker threshold will be 10 posts per game day, with the requisite being halved for hammers that happen at 12h to deadline or earlier, and eliminated if 24h to deadline or earlier. Communication is key - if something important is keeping you from posting and I can accommodate it, tell us! First time is a warning, second one is a modkill.

3. Do not edit your posts. If there is a big reason you need to do so, tell us first.

4. Do not directly quote private communications. Copying and pasting any kind of OOT comms into thread is not allowed. Neither is copying and pasting any kind of mod communication, including your PM, either in thread or in any possible OOT communication channels. This rule will be enforced, and infringing it will result in a modkill.

5. Do not fake day actions. If you have been affected by a day action, please wait for it to resolve before posting.

6. Don't be an rear end to people. You don't have to be all nice and friendly all the time, but if things get too heated, please disconnect, calm down and come back later. Again, mod team is here to ensure everyone has fun, but I'd particularly not like needing to tell posters to chill. Be mindful of the person at the other side of the screen!

7. There are no bastard mod mechanics here, not even ones I've joked about, not even ones I might in the dead of night wake up to in hysterics over. No cults, no alignment changes, no jesters, etc.

8. Days will be 36-48 hours long, depending on the usual of week/weekend landings and my schedule. Hammers are by majority as usual.

9. Everything game-wise will be managed or accessed through Discord; please join here so that you can get settled in and set up.

Result language notes (shamelessly repeated from prior games):

1. A result that successfully targets will yield the result. "You successfully x your target"
2. A result that does not successfully target will yield the result. "Your action fails."
3. If a player name is ever mentioned as part of a result other than those that require it, this is a mod error.
4. A "successful" target is defined as an ability resolving on someone. This does not have to be the intended target, so a redirected result will yield the same language as a result that has not been redirected.
5. You will be informed if there are any special conditions that may cause your action to fail that you could not reasonably guess in advance in your role PM. As such, please read your role PM thoroughly and ask questions liberally in your confessional; I refuse to be held responsible for any misplays you make because you didn't make sure you understood how your role works! If you are not sure what might be considered reasonably guessable in advance, I highly recommend reading this link and asking any other questions you may have as needed.

  1. AnonymousNarcotics (they/them)
  2. Bifauxnen (surprise me)
  3. Cloacamazing! (she/her)
  4. CubicalSucrose
  5. EGalz18 (She/Her)
  6. Hal Incandenza (he/him/hal)
  7. Johnny Keats
  8. JosefStalinator
  9. Maerlyn (she/her)
  10. My Second Re-Reg
  11. Opopanax (He/him/opop)
  12. Sandwolf (He/Him)
  13. shwinnebego (he/him)
  14. Sub Rosa
  15. Tea Party Crasher
  16. Toadsmash
  17. Toalpaz (She/Her & They/Them)
  18. wologar (he/him/whatever)
  19. Zoya

Hydra Pairs (bolded names are the current day's [D2] representatives):

  • AnonymousNarcotics & shwinnebego (THE GNOMISH HYDRA)
  • Bifauxnen & Tea Party Crasher (THE FIGHTER HYDRA)
  • Cloacamazing! & wologar (TWO-HEADED OGRE HYDRA COSPLAYER)
  • CubicalSucrose & Toadsmash (THE GNOME HYDRA not to be confused with the gnomish hydra)
  • EGalz18 & Maerlyn (THE OGRE HYDRA)
  • Hal Incandenza & Sub Rosa (THE WIZARD HYDRA)
  • JosefStalinator & Zoya & My Second Re-Reg (THE CUNNING TRIO)
  • Johnny Keats & toalpaz (HYDRA TRICK OR TREATERS)
  • Sandwolf & Opoponax (THE CYBORG HYDRA)


  • Tired Moritz

Timeline/Important Posts:
D1 opens!
Fake votes clarification
D1 ended in the execution of CubicalSucrose and Toadsmash, Town-aligned Vanilla Ogre Hydra!
Nobody died N1! D2 is open!
D2 ended in the execution of Bifauxnen and Tea Party Crasher, Town-aligned Vanilla Fighter Hydra!
N2 ended in the death of Johnny Keats and Toalpaz, Town-aligned Jailer Trick or Treater Hydra! D3 is open!

Discord link HERE if you missed it earlier.

SPECIAL ADDENDUM: While representative partners for a given day phase will be what shows up in Votefinder and count exclusively for 99% of the day, personal hand counting grace will be extended to the otherwise non-represented partners should the voting deadline come within one hour of expiring without anybody settling on a vote. This way, if it's scramble time and the voters for the day aren't here, you're not gonna be screwed into no-ex. This may potentially cause easily predictable delays in resolution though so fair warning. Also of note, Votefinder will have a little comment about who's with whom for easier player & mod tracking.

Game is full! Day 1 will get started next Monday in light of the impending US turkey day and weekend right after. Everything as far as Discord setup goes will be rolled out as our time allows, but probably at a fairly decent clip (and you will be @'d once your stuff is set up and ready to go). As far as the game setup goes, you may find the 9 possibilities here along with all details of how it will be run should that be a concern. I will match confirmed partners to their hydras of choice first to give the undecided time to either declare they should be randed or pick something/someone. Post in the thread, @ me in the Discord, or hold your peace and after everyone takes a break to spend time with family or friends or even just doing something nice for themselves we'll get this rolling!

Ignatius M. Meen fucked around with this message at 17:12 on Dec 2, 2023


Jun 10, 2009

Dave Tate's downsy face approves.
In and looking for a partner, I guess. Odds are most of the people who pop up in here will still be people I don't know!

I'll go for THE GNOME HYDRA, partner depending.

Toadsmash fucked around with this message at 16:23 on Nov 19, 2023

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
Hello I'll need a partner who looks very towny to combat Seal Paranoia please

Jul 11, 2002

Cloacamazing! posted:

Hello I'll need a partner who looks very towny to combat Seal Paranoia please

I'm in, Clo would you like to be gnome hydra buddies?

Jul 11, 2002

This kinda feels like asking someone out to a middle school dance, it's cool, I can totally handle rejection, I'm fine, really!

Jul 11, 2002

Toadsmash posted:

In and looking for a partner, I guess. Odds are most of the people who pop up in here will still be people I don't know!

I'll go for THE GNOME HYDRA, partner depending.

JK if you'll have me I'll be your buddy as I like that flavor

Jul 11, 2002

Also now that I got a peek into your meta last game it'll be interesting to be .... on your team for sure!

Jul 11, 2002

Also this is a very clever setup idea, love it

Jun 10, 2009

Dave Tate's downsy face approves.

shwinnebego posted:

JK if you'll have me I'll be your buddy as I like that flavor

Works for me. DEATH TO GNOMES!

...oh right.

I'll try to do a better job of pretending I know what I'm doing, no promises

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil

shwinnebego posted:

JK if you'll have me I'll be your buddy as I like that flavor

Does that mean I have been rejected already?

Jun 10, 2009

Dave Tate's downsy face approves.
Are you implying that Shwinne looks towny?!?! :ohdear:

Aug 5, 2023

Ya got me. Still need to read up on roles and happy to partner with anyone. Be advised potential partner, my posting leans scummy, but I'm always Town :)

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Ignatius M. Meen posted:

An overlord shrouded in darkness proclaims the following in a booming voice:

"Welcome, one and all prospective Dungeon Arch-guards, to your new home, the Hydra Dungeon! As your benevolent but still presiding overlord, I've decided to do away with the traditional job application process in lieu of a.. bit of a fight for supremacy. Anybody who survives this process is obviously fit to serve for life, come any and all threats internal or external! The rumors that some of you are not using the fairest means to put themselves above the competition are overblown and I have employed several officials... oh, I see a few of their limbs over in the corner. Hmph. Nevertheless, IF those rumors were true and there were actually some who were specifically trying to have the job all to themselves rather than sharing it, it should be easy for qualified candidates to prove their intelligence and eliminate such dastardly cretins before being taken out themselves. BUT I suspect instead you'll tear each other apart and it'll be all the better for my pocketbook in the end. You'll get no sympathy from me either, you either survive and get the job or die!"

The outline of the overlord vanishes and the doors to the dungeon clang as they seal you inside...

Welcome to Hydra Dungeon Mafia! This will be a roles-light game as the major focus will be on HYDRA pairs of Mafia players. A Mafia hydra is a pair of players who are considered to be the same person for the purposes of voting, execution, night kills, any role related actions at night, and alignment. This will result in having a confirmed masonry right off the bat, but also may result in townreading one player while scumreading their partner and having your head explode. You will not have to guess hydra composition, all hydra pairs will be publicly mod-confirmed from the start (alignment and role, on the other hand, are up to you to figure out). Voting will be handled by having only one of every two player pair still alive in the game present in Votefinder; the active players per each pair for a given day will be made public on day open, while the inactive players per each pair will be listed as a spectator temporarily as for day voting/execution purposes they will be considered a stump. Night actions will be handled communally between you and your hydra partner. As for the setup, it will be one of the 9 NewD3 options shown in the link chosen at random, with the 2 scum and 7 town roles doled out betwixt the 9 pairs of players also at random. On top of that, any resolution questions you may have can also be answered by reading the information at the link (I am following resolution order from there rather than doing whatever makes sense to me this time). And as for how you sign up if you are on board with the whole shebang, you'll need to make TWO very important choices as seen below!

1. CHOOSE YOUR PARTNER. This doesn't have to be done right away of course, but if you don't pick anybody you'll receive your partner randomly. This is also arguably the most important choice you can make before the game starts, as you'll be stuck with them until the game is over or you die, so choose wisely! I will keep track of people who don't have partners in the signup section so that with luck everybody gets to pick a buddy.

2. CHOOSE YOUR FLAVOR. This may be a challenge in combo with the above, but as half the team who came up with these (Shellception comprising the other half marvelously) I assure you you can't really go wrong with any of them.



Neither Hertz nor Feldspar really know how the hell they ended up with Burk. Maybe it was some crazy curse by some witch or wizard mad at them for some reason. Maybe it was some magical potion they accidentally consumed. What they do know is that Burk is pretty self-explanatory (burk. burk burk), disconcerting (burk? BURK! buUuUrk!) and oddly, sometimes quite comforting (buuuuuuuurk). Maybe if they land this gig they can figure out how to separate from Burk or at least make him a better conversationalist.

THE OGRE HYDRA? not to be confused with the other ogre hydra

This unusually sized hydra is usually found on mountaintops or resting in giant tracts of grassland, or other large outdoor areas. It's not even a little happy to be in a cramped dungeon instead, but it could easily squish anyone trying to beat it in a fair fight. Shame those aren't on the table!


With a great deal of luck and a fellow captive's sacrifice, Marle and Skrab have managed to not only successfully escape another overlord's underground fighting ring into this dungeon, but also got themselves a proper offer for this gig that ensures they can't just be forcibly returned into the other guy's possession. They're not really sure if this is better under the circumstances, but at least it'll pay better if they live!


Kusskis and Brachlan were on their way to some other dungeon for a seriously huge magical Halloween party hoping to score big in the costume contest, but got kinda lost and ended up here by mistake. They're not going down without a fight if they can help it, but even with their enchantments it may not be up to them..









THE GNOME HYDRA? not to be confused with the gnomish hydra


Now for your regularly scheduled general rules:

Rule 0, the important one that overrules all other rules: First and foremost, we are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Please make sure that at all times you put your own sanity and mental well-being first. If at any point you feel like you're having a bad time, like someone's taking things too far or you just need someone to talk to, please contact your mods or one of our many community volunteers. The following users have been suggested as points of contact if you do not feel you can reach out to me: The Traditional Games forum moderators, Leperflesh and Antivehicular; and Mafia regulars VoodooFly, Hal Insandenza, Bifauxnen, Monathin, Wologar, Maerlyn, Cloacamazing!, EccoRaven, CCKeane, Opopanax, Sandwolf and Shellception.

1. General mafia rules apply. If you are playing, do NOT discuss the game outside the thread or authorized OOT channels!

2. Please don't lurk. The lurker threshold will be 10 posts per game day, with the requisite being halved for hammers that happen at 12h to deadline or earlier, and eliminated if 24h to deadline or earlier. Communication is key - if something important is keeping you from posting and I can accommodate it, tell us! First time is a warning, second one is a modkill.

3. Do not edit your posts. If there is a big reason you need to do so, tell us first.

4. Do not directly quote private communications. Copying and pasting any kind of OOT comms into thread is not allowed. Neither is copying and pasting any kind of mod communication, including your PM, either in thread or in any possible OOT communication channels. This rule will be enforced, and infringing it will result in a modkill.

5. Do not fake day actions. If you have been affected by a day action, please wait for it to resolve before posting.

6. Don't be an rear end to people. You don't have to be all nice and friendly all the time, but if things get too heated, please disconnect, calm down and come back later. Again, mod team is here to ensure everyone has fun, but I'd particularly not like needing to tell posters to chill. Be mindful of the person at the other side of the screen!

7. There are no bastard mod mechanics here, not even ones I've joked about, not even ones I might in the dead of night wake up to in hysterics over. No cults, no alignment changes, no jesters, etc.

8. Days will be 36-48 hours long, depending on the usual of week/weekend landings and my schedule. Hammers are by majority as usual.

9. Everything game-wise will be managed or accessed through Discord; please join here so that you can get settled in and set up.

Result language notes (shamelessly repeated from prior games):

1. A result that successfully targets will yield the result. "You successfully x your target"
2. A result that does not successfully target will yield the result. "Your action fails."
3. If a player name is ever mentioned as part of a result other than those that require it, this is a mod error.
4. A "successful" target is defined as an ability resolving on someone. This does not have to be the intended target, so a redirected result will yield the same language as a result that has not been redirected.
5. You will be informed if there are any special conditions that may cause your action to fail that you could not reasonably guess in advance in your role PM. As such, please read your role PM thoroughly and ask questions liberally in your confessional; I refuse to be held responsible for any misplays you make because you didn't make sure you understood how your role works! If you are not sure what might be considered reasonably guessable in advance, I highly recommend reading this link and asking any other questions you may have as needed.


Seeking a Partner:




Discord link HERE if you missed it earlier.

You son of a b**** I'm in

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
I'm good with whatever hydra, my only warning is I'm crazy and I can't be stopped. I'm down to pair with whoever.

Feb 11, 2014

This is a terrible idea.

I'm in.

Cloacamazing! posted:

Hello I'll need a partner who looks very towny to combat Seal Paranoia please

Hi, yes. Me cosplay very towny hydra.

Just don't start the game this week, please. Thanks in advance.

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil

wologar posted:

This is a terrible idea.

I'm in.

Hi, yes. Me cosplay very towny hydra.

Just don't start the game this week, please. Thanks in advance.

I hope we roll scum so we can tunnel each other

Feb 11, 2014

Cloacamazing! posted:

I hope we roll scum so we can tunnel each other

We can do that regardless :hai:

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Toalpaz posted:

I'm good with whatever hydra, my only warning is I'm crazy and I can't be stopped. I'm down to pair with whoever.


Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Me and Toal is trick or treat

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
I will play

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
Will take any partner or hydra, don't care

Jul 11, 2002

(i'm actually down for whatever, mods, if you just wanna pair me with whoever helps complete the game)

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

somebody get sandwolf in this game and also in the same hydra as me!!

preferably the one that comes with darling beloved BURK

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

i'll also join heads with my scumbud josef if sandwolf doesn't want to take me out to prom but i'll spend a lot of time in our masonry speaking wistfully of the one that got away

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination

Johnny Keats posted:

Me and Toal is trick or treat


I'm the trick, Keats the treat.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Didn't @everyone in the Discord, didn't post in the new game announcement thread. This is the slowest I've signed up for a game in a while.

Mild preference for a partner who doesn't dislike playing scum, no preference on flavor.

Aug 8, 2007


If Sandwolf joins you should make us confirmed masons who somehow still believe each other is scum. Otherwise I'll go with whoever and i can't decide on Flavour yet

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
wol and I already called dibs on that gimmick!

Aug 11, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

gaaaaaaah I don't want to sign up for more stuff but this is too cool....

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
I'll sub in if needed (an indirect thread to not replace out and live your buddy hangin')

Aug 6, 2012

we will go far into the sea
you will take me
onto your back
never look back
never look back
Ok I like masonries!

Open to any partner or flavor

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

AnonymousNarcotics posted:

Ok I like masonries!

Open to any partner or flavor

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

Zoya posted:

i'll also join heads with my scumbud josef if sandwolf doesn't want to take me out to prom but i'll spend a lot of time in our masonry speaking wistfully of the one that got away

I'll be your partner Zoya ❤️

Sub Rosa
Jun 9, 2010

I will be The Wizard Hydra with Hal

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

Zoya posted:

i'll also join heads with my scumbud josef if sandwolf doesn't want to take me out to prom but i'll spend a lot of time in our masonry speaking wistfully of the one that got away

I'm fine being your silver medal

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

JosefStalinator posted:

I'm fine being your silver medal

you pick me up for the big dance and compliment the beautifully ornate locket i'm wearing

"yeah don't uh... don't try to open... you can't look inside the locket okay there's nothing in there"

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Feb 11, 2014


Aug 5, 2023


This is beautiful <3


Oct 12, 2016


We'll need a different partner for JS, I'm afraid Zoya just absconded with a win right there.

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