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Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

I've got a lot of work nonsense today, then probably taking a nap. Will do a bunch of rereading later tonight.


Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
so I can't do a write up since I'm a little slammed today, but a reread hasn't changed my ghost vote on RWC. FoS seems more like he was in the thick of things, while RWC read like she was on the periphery all game-which is exactly what I would expect from a 3p.

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
The case for Cube being the last unfriendly: he's always scum, he came into the game vigging a town player with the very first game post (okay, style points for that which was probably the idea)

Case against: He was seen not going anywhere N2. There was a double murder of masons, could have been one kill, could have been both factions targeting the same player, or targeting both masons. I tend to think the latter because Zoya was a lot more active. In any case, Cube going nowhere was inconcllulsive. Also his action jibes with his stated character more than it would with a Baba Yaga, if that means anything.

The case for YPM being the last unfriendly: Has claimed "charm" and that it's empower. Could he have been empowering folks to death? Charm is a ;very witchy-sounding action, I've said it before.

The case against: from my not-spreadheet "Phuzz tracked Neverhelm to YPM
Neverhelm copped YPM and got town" --inconclusive, we still had a redirector, who said he targeted TMor but he could have been lying

The case for FOS being the last unfriendly: I don't know if the russian santa claus really fits, but if so would hae a freeze action and FOS froze Tea. I can't really fit FOS being the last one at all. (So it's probably him.)

So my suspicions in order: Muse, Cube, Fool. Pros and cons for all of them, some stronger than others.

Hey let's no-lunch and then FOS can freeze somebody and we see what happens tomorrow? If FOS hits the right person and nobody dies, then we know. If he doesn't the field has been narrowed.

##vote execute nobody

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
Is it perverse that I excuse Fool's vote on me, which is a real vote, and find Muse's ghost vote on me really suspicious?

This is because I AM TOWN and I think Muse knows it and Fool does not.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

Rhymes With Clue posted:

Is it perverse that I excuse Fool's vote on me, which is a real vote, and find Muse's ghost vote on me really suspicious?

This is because I AM TOWN and I think Muse knows it and Fool does not.

Or I’m terrified of us all being wrong and cube rushing the last vote

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

##vote rwc

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Eating now, but will get to this in a bit.

Votecount for Day 8

Rhymes With Clue (2): fool of sound, Your Personal Muse
Execute No One! (1): CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, Rhymes With Clue

Not Voting (1): CubicalSucrose

With 4 alive, it's 3 votes to execute. The current deadline is January 06th, 2024 at 4:18 p.m. EST -- that's in about 21 hours, 30 minutes.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Well it’s a good sign cube didn’t rush

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

It's Day 8 and four players are left, wild. I don't think I've ever used this many columns in a maf spreadsheet before.

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
I really hope FOS will think about my proposal. Cube, too.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Why wouldn’t baba just withhold

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Unless you know baba can’t withhold…

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

Your Personal Muse posted:

Why wouldn’t baba just withhold

Depending on who FOS froze, that would still be information.

And it sounds like you know FOS is not Baba, along with also knowing it's not me.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Q for the thread, how do you interpret this part of Toal's flip?

"Each night you can choose to ##protect Baba Yaga from either alignment scans or tracking. Alternatively, you may ##watch a player to see who visited them at night."

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
(The implication being you are baba who can’t withhold but forgot that if you were town, you wouldn’t know that)

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

Rhymes With Clue posted:

Depending on who FOS froze, that would still be information.

And it sounds like you know FOS is not Baba, along with also knowing it's not me.


I’m saying baba would withhold to frame the person who fos freezes

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
How would that give us information

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

CubicalSucrose posted:

Q for the thread, how do you interpret this part of Toal's flip?

"Each night you can choose to ##protect Baba Yaga from either alignment scans or tracking. Alternatively, you may ##watch a player to see who visited them at night."

Do you think it means that Toal could have chosen between two different options:
1) Protect Baba from Align scans and Protect Baba from Tracks
2) Watch <target>.

Or do you think it means that Toal could have chosen among three different options:
A) Protect Baba from Align scans
B) Protect Baba from Tracks
C) Watch <target>.

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

CubicalSucrose posted:

Q for the thread, how do you interpret this part of Toal's flip?

"Each night you can choose to ##protect Baba Yaga from either alignment scans or tracking. Alternatively, you may ##watch a player to see who visited them at night."

I interpret that as exactly what it says. There was a protect N1. Oh poo poo. wins cleared FOS N1. Dammit.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

CubicalSucrose posted:

Do you think it means that Toal could have chosen between two different options:
1) Protect Baba from Align scans and Protect Baba from Tracks
2) Watch <target>.

Or do you think it means that Toal could have chosen among three different options:
A) Protect Baba from Align scans
B) Protect Baba from Tracks
C) Watch <target>.

The first

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

CubicalSucrose posted:

Do you think it means that Toal could have chosen between two different options:
1) Protect Baba from Align scans and Protect Baba from Tracks
2) Watch <target>.

Or do you think it means that Toal could have chosen among three different options:
A) Protect Baba from Align scans
B) Protect Baba from Tracks
C) Watch <target>.

I think "protect" might work for both align and tracks but I really can't tell, from this. Optiion 1 that you have is what I'd probably go with.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Rhymes With Clue posted:

I think "protect" might work for both align and tracks but I really can't tell, from this. Optiion 1 that you have is what I'd probably go with.

Okay, follow-up, do you think that TPC's ability would be considered a "track?"


If so:
TPC N1 saw Charm (YPM cleared)
TPC N1 saw Search (RwC cleared)
[It's not me]

So then it would have to be FoS.

But it's kinda ambiguous...

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Because TPC also saw "Protect" so we know that's what Toal used.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Rhymes With Clue posted:

I interpret that as exactly what it says. There was a protect N1. Oh poo poo. wins cleared FOS N1. Dammit.

No they didn't? They cleared me N3.

wins32767 posted:

FoS can't kill.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
I would not say that’s a track

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

We also saw Transform N1 though, so if Transform was the BY ability, then that actually doesn't work out the way I'm thinking it might. Hmm.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

CubicalSucrose posted:

Okay, follow-up, do you think that TPC's ability would be considered a "track?"


If so:
TPC N1 saw Charm (YPM cleared)
TPC N1 saw Search (RwC cleared)
[It's not me]

So then it would have to be FoS.

But it's kinda ambiguous...

I don't understand how that's relevant? Both transform and kill happened at the same time as freeze later. Night 2 doesn't have a freeze despite toal already being dead.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Yeah an transform and kill both showed up night 1

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Spreadsheets won’t save us, only our fists

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Tired Moritz posted:

Hi I'm a miller

Fuckin' TMor.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Your Personal Muse posted:

I'm Domovoi get off my back

JosefStalinator posted:

what color is your character, I ask, racistly

Did you ever answer this one? I don't think I'm seeing it.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

CubicalSucrose posted:

Did you ever answer this one? I don't think I'm seeing it.

I rudely gave a nonanswer because I wasn’t given a color

I’m blue in the picture tho

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

fool of sound posted:

No they didn't? They cleared me N3.

Sorry, read that too fast. It was not N1.

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

CubicalSucrose posted:

Okay, follow-up, do you think that TPC's ability would be considered a "track?"


If so:
TPC N1 saw Charm (YPM cleared)
TPC N1 saw Search (RwC cleared)
[It's not me]

So then it would have to be FoS.

But it's kinda ambiguous...

How does "charm" clear YPM?

And no, I really wouldn't consider Tea's ability a track.

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

Your Personal Muse posted:

I rudely gave a nonanswer because I wasn’t given a color

I’m blue in the picture tho

blue is a color

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

FoS - Would you know if your BP is used up?

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Your Personal Muse posted:

I rudely gave a nonanswer because I wasn’t given a color

I’m blue in the picture tho

Yeah I'm leaning toward RwC at least partly because of this. Did you look up your flavor at all?

"The final appearance of the Domovoi would be around Day 20, when he will finally ask the hero to rescue Tanya from the vampires. "

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
looking up flavor is for nerds

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

CubicalSucrose posted:

Yeah I'm leaning toward RwC at least partly because of this. Did you look up your flavor at all?

"The final appearance of the Domovoi would be around Day 20, when he will finally ask the hero to rescue Tanya from the vampires. "

I don't get it.


Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
But I am absolutely not voting Cube, who could have hammered and won.

And FOS is clearedl lby gunsmith.

Was I supposed to say what color I was? Flesh-toned.

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