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Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

Rhymes With Clue posted:

I don't get it.

I don’t either if that helps


Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

It's a lore/flavor-related argument.

Basically, blue Domovoi is the one that says "Hey hero you should go rescue Tanya"

And nothing about the innkeepers seem to have anything about "Hey you should go find our daughter."

Like...If YPM had your role, then I actually think it's a bit more believable than the parent having your role.

Separately, notes from my reread:
- People (JS? Voodoo?) call out your claim as a "weird role" and you didn't see it as weird. But it is weird. It's like...a really bad alignment-seer. Like, super bad.
- You were reticent for a while to search at night even once Tanya had flipped and we had TPC giving action lists. Like...If I'm town, and I have a way to clear myself during nights, I am jumping up and down yelling about doing it. And you kept downplaying the idea. Which was strange to me. You did it, but didn't seem happy about it.
- There's a "Human" argument. ScumWind could investigate roles as being fully human or not. The character you're claiming is fully human. The other fully human roles in the game:
--- Keats: VT
--- Salad: VT
--- Presumably Voodoo: VT to start
--- Myc: VT
--- TPC: Doc (weird)
--- Your claim: "Bad alignment seer"

Wind's role is most useful for scum if they're able to figure out "Humans are probably not worth killing because they're (mostly) VT." I guess having a lovely alignment-seer role is close enough to VT. It's a lot less disruptive to scum than other roles.

I guess I've talked myself out of that being a good argument for voting you.

Anyway, I've completed my RwC reread. On to the next two.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

YPM who were all your night targets?

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

CubicalSucrose posted:

FoS - Would you know if your BP is used up?

It specifies yes and I haven't used it yet.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

After rereading FoS, I am increasingly convinced it is RwC. One more to go.

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude







Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Your Personal Muse posted:



Webster's Dictionary defines scum as "TPC."

TPC's posting evidences scum who is afraid of making D1 connections that could come back to bite them. This self-conscious behavior is also demonstrated in the constant scumclaims and illmatched reaction to the disagreements regarding Wind's posting.


-The "I'm going to do whatever Voodoo does" is a great way for scum to blend in D1 without creating any links to scumbuds later on. Any votes or "reads" TPC has right now can be played off as "I was just doing what Voodoo did" which basically creates a deadzone for any analysis later on-which benefits scum.

-Posts alot without saying anything (yes yes glass houses)


1. Made joke scum claims:

Reads as self-conscious "joke" scumclaims from actual scum.

2. Tried to start votes on people without getting hands dirty:

This reads as a fairly serious accusation of fishing against Humalog and I without a vote. I find scum tend to plant a seed against people on D1 without getting their hands dirty to avoid getting tied to the eventual vote.

Again, serious scum read (on Wind) without actually getting hands dirty. Continues this trend:

3. Gets weirdly defensive over disagreements regarding Wind's posting habits:

TPC doesn't go nuclear or anything here-but it still is an overreaction to a relatively minor discussion over Wind's posting habits.

Notably, after getting the slightest of pushback on the Wind read, TPC shifted to PMuzz out of the blue, once again without creating too strong of a connection by voting. It doesn't read as natural.

Putting it all together, it reads as TPC being scum who is afraid of overextending herself on D1 connections. So TPC mimics Voodoo as a joke and reacts poorly to a benign discussion over the one connection TPC made up until that point-Wind. I don't think TPC set this plan out purposefully, but this is what scum would do who is careful about making connections.

First time I actually read this post. Skipping it the first time was the correct decision, go me.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

FoS - Why do you have a BP?

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

CubicalSucrose posted:

First time I actually read this post. Skipping it the first time was the correct decision, go me.

It was actually correct, flip was mod error

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

CubicalSucrose posted:

FoS - Why do you have a BP?

It's a role ability. It specifies that the first time a killing action is attempted against me that I "disappear in a puff of snow" and that I am told when this protection is expended. I think it's because I'm a pure roleblocker instead of a jailer, so I have a self-protect instead of the ability to protect others.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Your Personal Muse posted:

I think it’s fairly likely baba is a jugg-there’s a counter for everything so far but rb/doc

This is YPM's worst post, because the counter to RB/Doc is "Empowerer." But that doesn't quite fit a 2-person BY team.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

I'm excited to see where this goes.

##vote RwC

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Should be :redhammer:

Votecount for Day 8

Rhymes With Clue (3): fool of sound, Your Personal Muse, CubicalSucrose
Execute No One! (1): CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, Rhymes With Clue

Not Voting (0):

With 4 alive, it's 3 votes to execute. The current deadline is January 06th, 2024 at 4:18 p.m. EST -- that's in about 18 hours, 9 minutes.

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

Jul 11, 2002

The Mordavians had seemingly uprooted the last vetsiges of the Dark One in their Valley, against all odds. But all was not well. Baba Yaga still haunted their lands, her hunger growing in lock-step with her cunning. Desperately, the townsfolk came to the conclusion that the Hag must walk among them. Suspicion fell on Rhymes with Clue, who was removed from the village...Turns out, Rhymes was...

You are Yuri Markarov, TOWN-aligned inn-keeper. At night pick a target to ##search to see if it's your lost daughter Tanya. If you find her, you'll rest easy knowing she's okay (and TOWN-aligned).


At night, Baba Yaga flew into town on her broom, and swooshed down the chimney of Yuri and Bellas' Inn. The Domovoi sat on his perch above the fireplace. Pesky, grotesque, meddlesome Domovoi. Always providing good luck in domestic affairs. Most inconvenient for turning villagers into tasty snacks for the hag's pretty little pets. The Domovoi's face was stoic, knowing what was coming. Pointing her fingers at the Domovoi, Baba Yaga creaked, "Good luck charm, stop your smarm, be now an eggplant parm!"

And like that, the Domovoi was transformed.

Your Personal Muse was removed from play at night. They were...

You are the Domovoi, a TOWN-aligned empowerer! You are a Slavic house spirit who brings good luck. At night pick a target to ##charm to attempt to power their action up in some way.


And now, the Valley was empty, with only two strange creatures at opposite ends of it: Baba Yaga, and the Rusalka. At night, Baba Yaga moved towards the lake. From the bank of the shores, she shrieked "Watery trollop, become a fruit-roll-up!" And it was done.

CubicalSucrose has been endgamed.

He was....

You are the Rusalka, TOWN-aligned vengeful water spirit. You were drowned by your lover as a mortal, and now you spend eternity seeking to avenge your death by drowning others. 1x per game as a public day action, ##drown a player to attempt to kill them.

And with that, the Valley at last belonged to Baba Yaga! Her pets were well fed, and her walking house happy. What a thrill it was to finally subjugate an entire valley. Now, she would wait, and wait, and wait...until more hapless adventurers came back to the valley to investigate the mystery of the hut of brown that would not sit down.

As Baba Yaga settled back into her hut to stir her couldron and prepare her sordid supper, she heard a muffled howl from just outside the hut "Hey! I'm still here! Get me out of here!" She went outside to dig and found that her trusty Skull, Toalpaz, was alive, and extremely grouchy about having been buried alive (or undead, anyway) for a week.

With the band back together, Baba Yaga, her skull, and her pets, settled into a nice phased retirement in the Valley of Mordavia

Fool of Sound was ...

You are Baba Yaga! You are BABA YAGA-aligned. You win if you are the last living player in the game (your skull guard can also be alive, you're on the same team). You have the following powers:

Attempt to ##transform a player at night, killing them by turning them into something right unnatural. IN ADDITION TO YOUR NIGHTKILL:

You may ##freeze a player, roleblocking them

You are immune to killing actions.

The game has ended in a BABA YAGA victory. Thank you all for playing!

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Ho ho ho merry christmas

Jul 11, 2002

Apologies for several modfuckups, the most consequential of which was whiffing on humalong's ninja power and reporting his kill action to TPC on multiple nights, which definitely compromised scum.

Other stuff was more minor. I got sloppy over the holidays

That said, I hope you all had a fun time, I enjoyed modding this. By far the most complex and overwrought game that I've run! I think that it overall worked reasonably well in terms of balance/mechanics.

Fun fact: I was originally gonna have Toal be a sort of adjunct PGO for Baba Yaga, where so long as Toal lived all visitors to Baba Yaga would just die. But the chaos was too high lol

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage

Rhymes With Clue posted:

The case for FOS being the last unfriendly: I don't know if the russian santa claus really fits, but if so would hae a freeze action and FOS froze Tea. I can't really fit FOS being the last one at all. (So it's probably him.)

WHyyyy don't I listen to myself????

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
Who was the Hero?

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Sorry I accidentally revealed the masonry

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer
Goddamn I tried to warn you guys about fos! Trust the Josef reads!

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

I blame Hal for everything as the OP says I should.

Jul 11, 2002

CubicalSucrose posted:

I blame Hal for everything as the OP says I should.

Oh yeah I forgot - Hal actually did all the messups

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude

JosefStalinator posted:

Goddamn I tried to warn you guys about fos! Trust the Josef reads!

So I should’ve voted myself???

Oct 9, 2007

Come Tbilisi if you want to live.

Grimey Drawer

Your Personal Muse posted:

So I should’ve voted myself???


Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
The important part was that I was right zero (0) times this game

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Good for 3Ps yay

Mar 20, 2012

Peace through overwhelming determination
[quote="Toalpaz" post="536688922"]


thanks fool!

Aug 9, 2017

Never attribute to malice that post which is adequately explained by a poor sense of humor.
Oof. Watching you guys say FoS was "cleared" by wins when you had a confirmed redirector in play was torturous. Not that I'm sure I'd figure it out in your position.

Good game, despite the fuckups. And congratulations Fool of Sound on the SK win!

Jul 11, 2002

Rhymes With Clue posted:

Who was the Hero?



Mar 16, 2007

NeverHelm posted:

Oof. Watching you guys say FoS was "cleared" by wins when you had a confirmed redirector in play was torturous. Not that I'm sure I'd figure it out in your position.

Good game, despite the fuckups. And congratulations Fool of Sound on the SK win!

Yeah, it was really, really painful.

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