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Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Sand has a history of being last scum standing so I wouldn't be surprised if he's bussing


Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

It’s me I’m the power role

Aug 20, 2018

ah, well then

could you be more specific

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
Hi, Like, i realize this looks bad but i was going under the assumption that there was at least one scum in each masonry.

I was 100% certain afqm was scum but since the flip was town I now know that there was more than one scum in one of them and my role pm says town so unless the mod is lying or using bastard roles.

So either shark is scum or there are two in tech.

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
"one of them" being one of the masonries

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

sharkmafia posted:

ah, well then

could you be more specific

yes I'm posting

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

So at this point we have to get scum so I'm claiming.

I'm a doctor.

N1 - Foo
N2 - Somber
N3 - Somber
N4 - YPM
N5 - Somber

You can see how unlucky I was, should've done YPM this past night and Foo on N4.

But anyway... Maybe I'm just very high right now but look, I protected Somber 3 times.... I would have thought FOR SURE scum would've attempted to nk him by now. But not at all.

How can the be, he's the star player of our masonry. he's the biggest threat.

But what if he's scum.

Then it all makes sense. It makes sense why scum kept our situation intact longer - they knew keeping a full technical is good for Somber since we'd just follow his lead. Which, I gotta say, we did.

Foo said it best if somber is scum he'll lose the game.

well foo lost the game.

## vote Somber I'm sorry everyone it took me until now but I see the truth.

Feb 14, 2009

hi i've been asleep in a sick coma most of today what's going o- :kstare:

Feb 14, 2009


Dans Macabre posted:

So at this point we have to get scum so I'm claiming.

I'm a doctor.

N1 - Foo
N2 - Somber
N3 - Somber
N4 - YPM
N5 - Somber

You can see how unlucky I was, should've done YPM this past night and Foo on N4.

But anyway... Maybe I'm just very high right now but look, I protected Somber 3 times.... I would have thought FOR SURE scum would've attempted to nk him by now. But not at all.

How can the be, he's the star player of our masonry. he's the biggest threat.

But what if he's scum.

Then it all makes sense. It makes sense why scum kept our situation intact longer - they knew keeping a full technical is good for Somber since we'd just follow his lead. Which, I gotta say, we did.

Foo said it best if somber is scum he'll lose the game.

well foo lost the game.

## vote Somber I'm sorry everyone it took me until now but I see the truth.

no sorry I'm the power role lol ##vote dan's I'm not a doctor though, I'm a BP bodyguard. I've been alternating between protecting Foo and you since the start in the interest of keeping our masonry healthy. I'm guessing one of you is actually some kind of rolecop which is why you feel compelled to fakeclaim here, since you know that I cannot be killed. i don't believe for a second we have two similar power roles in our masonry. foo had been trying to tell me this whole time and i refused to listen.

the confusing part is how they got afqm first yesterday without your help. the weird thing is that you were still pushing fancy in the masonry until the 11th hour but ended with your vote on tmor, i guess for town cred?

I am assuming piggy is your partner somehow. the vote on pig should have been obvious from everything we've discussed at this point, so you had to find a way to drive it onto someone else, hence again the fakeclaim. let me know though, if you and tmor are somehow scum buddies and shade was always empty that'd be really funny. i'm guessing not though. although you were pushing pig over sand on day three... I don't know, I'll figure it out tomorrow since I can't be killed anyway.

for the record i'm blood for the blood god :black101:

Aug 20, 2018

i mean if dans and somber are claiming against each other im absolutely killing somber but we should get cpig first

Aug 20, 2018

absolutely killing dans* excuse me

Aug 20, 2018

eyes on the prize, you two can fight tomorrow after we get the super-obvious scum

Aug 20, 2018

bonus: the scum cannot kill the protective role or they're checkmated. so they have to guess

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Yeah we should kill cpig now. Any other thoughts

Aug 20, 2018

thoughts? i see it as pretty simple

-if somberbero is scum he deserves to win

-i currently think it's more likely sandwolf hard-bused his teammate dans than it is that somberbrero is scum

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Okay, I'll vote. ##vote cpig

Aug 20, 2018

we're waiting on another person to change vote anyway so i'll do some more thinking

Aug 20, 2018

somberbrero posted less than i thought he did

my statement earlier was rather unequivocal in favor of killing dans over somber but the main thing somber has going for him is the sheer frustration evident in his long-running tunnel on me

Aug 20, 2018

somber has made a number of posts that suggest to me that he's trying to solve the game, and his play fluctuates between relatively solid and kind of flippant

so the question is basically: how good do we think somber is at faking BURNING CONVICTION and 'ugh please listen to me about my caaaaaaaase'

i don't have the answer for that, although i'd say i'm still leaning voting dans. i don't envy the person who has to decide this tomorrow, so hopefully it's not me

Aug 20, 2018

mafia edit: dans* has made a number of posts

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Somberbrero posted:

no sorry I'm the power role lol ##vote dan's I'm not a doctor though, I'm a BP bodyguard. I've been alternating between protecting Foo and you since the start in the interest of keeping our masonry healthy. I'm guessing one of you is actually some kind of rolecop which is why you feel compelled to fakeclaim here, since you know that I cannot be killed. i don't believe for a second we have two similar power roles in our masonry. foo had been trying to tell me this whole time and i refused to listen.

the confusing part is how they got afqm first yesterday without your help. the weird thing is that you were still pushing fancy in the masonry until the 11th hour but ended with your vote on tmor, i guess for town cred?

I am assuming piggy is your partner somehow. the vote on pig should have been obvious from everything we've discussed at this point, so you had to find a way to drive it onto someone else, hence again the fakeclaim. let me know though, if you and tmor are somehow scum buddies and shade was always empty that'd be really funny. i'm guessing not though. although you were pushing pig over sand on day three... I don't know, I'll figure it out tomorrow since I can't be killed anyway.

for the record i'm blood for the blood god :black101:

You are nit the power role! Liar!

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Somber admitted he's scum in our chat. Tmor can back this up and bring us in to the win!

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

wait hang on

Dans Macabre
Tired Moritz

if we kill somber, there's still one scum left, that scum kills one us so we're left with 1-1-1 and scum wins.

scum wins no matter what.

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
dans sounds like desperate scum.

##vote dans

Aug 20, 2018

Dans Macabre posted:

wait hang on

Dans Macabre
Tired Moritz

if we kill somber, there's still one scum left, that scum kills one us so we're left with 1-1-1 and scum wins.

scum wins no matter what.

how do you figure that

there's no reason to think that the scum wins if there's one scum and two masons, that's not scum outnumbering nonscum. it does mean nobody wins but the secondary wincon was always a complete crapshoot anyway. i'm happy with killing all the scum

Aug 20, 2018

actually i want to see NOW whether somberbrero was faking all that poo poo so lets do it ##vote dans

obv if dans flips scum get cpig next. if not, lmao gg

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
:redhammer: Good riddance, Dans Macabre!

Votecount for Day 6
With 5 alive, it's 3 votes to execute. The current deadline is March 10th, 2024 at 9 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 1 day, 10 hours.

Jul 4, 2010

One paint claimed doctor, another claimed bodyguard. How can a paint be a doctor, though? The other pots turned against the first claimant, and while it's true that Stormshield was not a PhD or anything, they realized too late their mistake.

Dans Macabre, AKA Stormshield, has been killed Day 6!

Stormshield posted:

You are Stormshield, TOWN-aligned Technical paint. As a matte varnish, you are less of a paint and more of a protective layer that is put over paint, so the paint doesn't rub off when people grab or drop their tiny plastic soldiers.

You are a Doctor. Each night, you may ##protect a player. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will be protected from one kill that night.

You are in an unconfirmed masonry with all Technical paints. You win when all threats to town are dead AND Technical paints have uncontested control of the vote.

The paints were now certain of who the killers were, but the killers were now certain it didn't matter. The few Citadel pots left couldn't stand up to them any longer, and there was no need to hide.

sharkmafia, AKA Retributor Armor, has been endgamed!

Retributor Armor posted:

You are Retributor Armor, TOWN-aligned Base paint. You are one of the most well-regarded gold paints generally, which is a real achievement given how many bad gold paints there are. But you're used a lot on Custodes, and nobody likes those goody-two-shoes.

You are Vanilla. Your only power is your vote and your voice!

You are in an unconfirmed masonry with all Base paints. You win when all threats to town are dead AND Base paints have uncontested control of the vote.

Tired Moritz, AKA Nurgles Rot, has been endgamed!

Nurgles Rot posted:

You are Nurgles Rot, TOWN-aligned Technical paint. Look, ignore your missing apostrophe and focus on the cool glossy slime effect you create on miniatures! Also ignore how few miniatures you actually get used on.

You are Vanilla. Your only power is your vote and your voice!

You are in an unconfirmed masonry with all Technical paints. You win when all threats to town are dead AND Technical paints have uncontested control of the vote.

The killer paints smiled at their work, using the remains of their fellows to paint a picture of their motive, their manifesto, behind the murder spree. If only someone were still alive to see it...

CapitalistPig, AKA Nuln Oil, has exited the game a winner!

Nuln Oil posted:

You are Nuln Oil, SCUM-aligned Shade paint. As a black wash, everyone knows you, and everyone loves you. Or at least, they used to love you, until you changed formulations. Now you're less like a wash and more like a speedpaint, and not everybody loves that. You'll show them!

You are a Godfather. You investigate as Town. Each night, assuming no other member of your team is performing this action, you may ##kill a player. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will die.

You are in an unconfirmed masonry with all Shade paints. You win when Scum have uncontested control of the vote, or no other win conditions are possible.

Somberbrero, AKA Blood for the Blood God, has exited the game a winner!

Blood for the Blood God posted:

You are Blood for the Blood God, SCUM-aligned Technical paint. You're arguably the best blood effect paint there is, and you never let anyone forget it. Let's face it, you're the only technical paint that isn't easily replaced by other options.

You are a 1-shot Juggernaut. Each night, assuming no other member of your team is performing this action, you may ##kill a player. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will die. Once during the game, while performing this action, you may instead #splatter a player. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will die. This cannot be blocked or protected from.

You are in an unconfirmed masonry with all Technical paints. You win when Scum have uncontested control of the vote, or no other win conditions are possible.

Thanks everyone for playing!

CirclMastr fucked around with this message at 15:42 on Mar 9, 2024

Aug 20, 2018

ha ha ha

good job then somberbrero

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
heck yeah! I cannot believe we won!

I have NO IDEA how i was allowed to live so long.

GG, thanks for the game circl!

Feb 19, 2017

Long time no see.

Jul 4, 2010

I also want to apologize to everyone who thought this would be a standard game, I definitely could have made it clearer that this was still an experimental setup, just a mostly vanilla one.

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

If somber is scum then i will just lose

w e l p

GG and thanks for running the game

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

CirclMastr posted:

I also want to apologize to everyone who thought this would be a standard game, I definitely could have made it clearer that this was still an experimental setup, just a mostly vanilla one.

I enjoyed it

Aug 20, 2018

CapitalistPig posted:

heck yeah! I cannot believe we won!

I have NO IDEA how i was allowed to live so long.

GG, thanks for the game circl!

tbf everyone knew you were scum at the end

that said i absolutely did overthink you vs afqm

'surely this guy is too checked out to actually be a scum'

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

By the time I put it all together it was too late!!

Great game, thank you

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
I sort of forgot this game existed the last few days because I was coaching my mock trial team so I apologize.

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Dans Macabre posted:

By the time I put it all together it was too late!!

Great game, thank you

hell of a game, pal

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

CapitalistPig posted:

heck yeah! I cannot believe we won!

I have NO IDEA how i was allowed to live so long.

GG, thanks for the game circl!

Where there was one set of footsteps,,,, that’s where Somber picked us up in his big strong arms and carried us over the finish line.


Jul 11, 2002

this was a good setup. tbh i think it could be replayed as an open setup and still p much work?

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