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bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
It's March and everything is stupider than ever, with no end in sight.


bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

pseudosavior posted:

To save us all some time and money, the presidential election should simply just be a toss-up between these two ancient idiots again and again until the country dissolves.

"What if they're dead?" Doesn't matter. The last 8 years proved that a baked potato could do the job.

You have my attention. What is the baked potato's Israel/Palestine platform? Is there a place I can volunteer to knock on doors for the baked potato?

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

Tiny Timbs posted:

tbh the Trump administration was so eventful I find myself getting reminded about crazy poo poo I had forgotten all the time

Like the whole hurricane sharpie incident

gently caress me sideways that one was a mind blower. There is simply no way outside of fascist motivated reasoning someone can watch SmallHands McGee sharpie-ing a loving hurricane map to soothe his wounded narcissist ego and not conclude he is exactly what he is.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

This is what people are pissed off enough at congress to get off their asses and do something about in large numbers but ask for universal health care and suddenly half the nation vomits poo poo out of their brains about socialism and actively works against progress. A social media corporation puts a notice in front of your nose though and suddenly it's a big deal and argh gently caress people I hate how easily manipulated we are.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

Even assuming trump isn't able to defer the lawsuits for 4 years like he was able to do with the NY civil cases (which would probably make the bond unprofitable right off the bat) and the title on whatever collateral gets transferred to the bond issuer, how do they take ownership of what is presumably a building or golf course somewhere. Are you confident trump won't send the FBI, or have one of his large adult sons move in with with his secret service retinue to prevent the local cops from changing the locks?

And even if they take the building, you can be sure someone as vindictive as trump is going to tell whatever lackeys he appointed at the SEC, FDIC, CFPB, DOJ, etc to go harass the bond company, parent company, and any people involved. They're also going to be threatened and harassed by his cultist idiots when he inevitably rants on social media about the evil bond company taking his big, beautiful building.

There's a solid chance trump doesn't win re-election, but there's also a decent chance that he does. Getting involved with him when he has the potential to direct the whole executive branch at you for what, $1-2 million? Strikes me as shortsighted.

It was an investment in his hedge fund, he might be able to steal the money but then he might end up in several duffel bags.

I'm seeing it as the bond company investing in the upcoming kakistocracy if Donnie wins. Front the cash now and if Donnie takes back the big chair back they can be on his good side and get their investment back when the copper is ripped out of the societal walls in an orgy of looting and plundering. Relying on Donnie to show loyalty and pay back those who got him where he is, is a stretch at best given loving everything about him and his past actions but there's an infinite line of idiots fully willing to believe they are the special ones that will be able to corral a narcissistic dementia patient.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Oh, word? A report carefully curated and selectively released by right wing media turns out to be a smear job full of lies? Boy howdy is that shocking. This is my shocked face. I am shocked. Look at me right now being shocked.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
I think that one would break his cult of personality. He wouldn't be the rear end in a top hat bully they all get to be vicariously through him anymore and that would end the parasocial relationship.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
If you're not poo poo-scared enough of a Trump victory might I suggest a thorough reading of the Project 2025 stuff that was put out a while back? There's poo poo in that plan that ranks right up there with Hitler's take over of politics. They are not at all hiding what they want to do and that is the stuff they're willing to spell out in black and white on a policy paper. Black Lives Matters protesters getting black-bagged or suiciding themselves in the back of the head then setting their cars on fire is positively, 1,000% on the menu of stuff they're not yet willing to say out loud.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Oh boy nobody could have ever predicted this one in a million years.


US firm that paid indicted FBI informant tied to Trump associates, records reveal. Alexander Smirnov was paid $600,000 in 2020 – the same year he allegedly began lying to FBI about Bidens’ role in Ukraine business.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

Kith posted:

it's not wild, this is bog-standard bullying: mockery for thee, but not for me

It's hard not to see the schoolyard bully in many fascist movements, but I keep coming around to it. Lies are just a tool in the toolbox they use to further their goal of hatred and attacking their enemies. "Hat? What hat? I don't see any hat on my head. Do you guys see a hat? There you have it, nobody here says they see your hat must be your problem."

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

Soylent Pudding posted:

Haven't been a lawyer in a decade, was never a New York lawyer, definitely not your lawyer.

When property is sold off everyone with a claim against it is lined up based on the priority or seniority of their claim. After the money is collected from the judicial sale, the first priority claim gets paid off. If there is any money left over the next highest priority gets paid. This continues until either the money runs our or everyone gets paid and the remainder returned to the original owner.

A cursory reading of the New York rules suggest that a mortgage for the purchase of a property has higher priority than a judicial lien. So I think with low confidence that means if a bank lent the money to buy the property, then they gat paid ahead of New York, but New York gets paid ahead of any equity cash out loans.

In a way it's funnier if there are a lot of mortgages ahead of New York because that means they will have to sell off even more properties to get their money.

That right there sounds like a falling domino crashing into a house of cards and I'm really OK with that.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

A.o.D. posted:

Probably, but I believe the real reason is to force a government shutdown by bringing all business to a halt.

That's so stupid it could only work in the stupidest, most mismanaged forms of government helmed by poo poo-flinging chimpanzees more intent on scoring sick social media burns than actual governance.

So government shutdown it is I guess.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

Mr. Nice! posted:

The NYAG wouldn't be able to get anything from those encumbered assets, so they won't. The prior judgment would attach first, so they'd get nothing.

Basically, when it comes to court judgments, the payouts go in order that they're attached to an asset. Those judgments can be superior to some creditors, but won't be to a mortgage on a piece of property.

They're also not seizing anything yet, as Trump has 10 days to post a $175m bond.

Justice delayed is something something, ah well, nevertheless yet another jam wriggled out of.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Weird how that due process / irreparable harm balance seems to swing the other way when someone is locked up for a bag of weed, or loosies, or driving while Black, or anything not in the "rich people only" bucket of crimes. Guess losing your job or home or kids or whatever isn't irreparable like a rich guy having some points knocked off his Money High Score and getting the sads from it.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

facialimpediment posted:

Andrew Tate says it was a cyberattack through and Alex Jones agrees and thinks it's because WW3 has already started. I know this from X, the everything app.

loving Jones, that guy just needs to stroke on out beet juice dick pills already. He's just being an attention economy remora latching himself on to any story he can find like usual, dude's getting super desperate lately. Listening to him come apart at the seams on Knowledge Fight has been a balm to my soul. 50/50 at any point on air whether he's totally sloshed or riding the uppers train, and if he's not the episode is usually a spiral into rage or depression if he bothers to make it on air at all.

Couldn't happen to a nicer rear end in a top hat.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

facialimpediment posted:

There was also a factor, which explains why I saw all that traffic suddenly stopping in the video:

Well drat, someone got to go home knowing they saved a lot of lives.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

Mr. Nice! posted:

Gorsuch is mad af about district court judges issuing nationwide injunctions.

:lol: That's loving rich. Maybe he should look around at his fellow travelers and figure out why they keep doing these stunts if that's the line he wants to put out publicly. I'd have more respect for him if he'd just say he's mad they're not being quiet enough about working on the same goals he has. That would be refreshing honesty in his evil at least.


bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Anybody putting money in to that and not expecting Trump to dump his shares and run with the money the instant he possibly can is dumber with money than I am.

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