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Have a good night!
Microsoft xp's paint is a whole lot of fun and here i am about 23 years later still making pictures.

Today's picture is called Shot in the Dark and I picked this title because... you know what I'm not telling you why i picked the title.
It features a mountain, a sky, the moon, and what looks like a meteor headed pretty close to the mountain. Luckily from what i know about meteors it'll probably be alright.
Anyway enjoy my paint picture for today BYOB and i will return tomorrow with another picture.



thank you

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
thank you riptidejim, looking forward to tomorrow - may i call you jim?

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature


I like the colours


Have a good night!

Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:

thank you riptidejim, looking forward to tomorrow - may i call you jim?

You can call me jim yeah you can call me riptide too (whichever sounds the coolest)

Sherbert Hoover

Working hard, thank you!
hello riptide

this sig is protected by Simsmagic!

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs


Have a good night!
Hello again BYOB i slept for 4 hours and now today I've brought with me another Microsoft paint picture.
Today we have a picture I've called Night Drive in a Fast Car. It features a cityscape seen from the window of a fast moving vehicle.

Now you might think "this title is misleading, the picture does not move at all" I have assured that the picture has many speedy lines and things to make it look like it is moving. If this is not enough then I have to apologize and maybe next time I will do a picture that is not about speed or cars.
Thank you for the warm reception everyone I will make sure to have a very special picture done for tomorrow. If anyone has any fun ideas for a theme they would like to see then I am open to suggestions.

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump

riptidejim posted:

You can call me jim yeah you can call me riptide too (whichever sounds the coolest)

riptide :cool:

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust
i remember...mspaint...

*grabs sand and watches as it slowly falls from my hand*


thank you riptide jim
I bring you an ms paint picture in return


Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

Have a good night!

RavenousScoot posted:

thank you riptide jim
I bring you an ms paint picture in return


That is a lovely picture it makes me very excited for the incoming summer weather

i like the pics itt just sayin imo that i like em keep em coming imho


Have a good night!
Apologies for my break I had promised a picture for yesterday but it had slipped my mind that it was Sunday. So instead i spent the day drinking vodka and listening to Fleetwood Mac's "You make Loving Fun"
But i am rested and i am back now this Monday morning and i've got a Microsoft Paint Picture for you today.

This picture is called Gunfire from the Shoreline and i called it that for what i believe are pretty obvious reasons. You see it.
I am a lover of the primary colors Red Yellow and Blue, and i really love to use them together in pictures.
Thank you to everyone for the kind feedback, I think i've found a nice group to share these Microsoft paint pictures with.


Awesome work. Great colours.

awesome winter sig by Saoshyant


tide's not the only thing gon get ripped :350:

thank you for the pictures riptide

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


Have a good night!
Originally i didn't plan on uploading a picture for today but the Microsoft Paint bug seems to have bitten me, and the infected wound has produced this here picture.

This picture is called "Trophy of Man"
It features a long blue man (species unknown) on a red background. He may not look a lot like a human but i find that sometimes I also feel like an elongated blue freak on a red background. Do you ever feel like an elongated blue freak on a red background?

Thank you for viewing today's Microsoft paint picture and remember to manually eject your USB drives to prevent file loss or corruption.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
looking good riptide

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:

looking good riptide


riptidejim posted:

Originally i didn't plan on uploading a picture for today but the Microsoft Paint bug seems to have bitten me, and the infected wound has produced this here picture.

This picture is called "Trophy of Man"
It features a long blue man (species unknown) on a red background. He may not look a lot like a human but i find that sometimes I also feel like an elongated blue freak on a red background. Do you ever feel like an elongated blue freak on a red background?

Thank you for viewing today's Microsoft paint picture and remember to manually eject your USB drives to prevent file loss or corruption.


also have you ever seen any Alberto Giacometti? blue man kind of reminds me of his figure sculpture


riptidejim posted:

Apologies for my break I had promised a picture for yesterday but it had slipped my mind that it was Sunday. So instead i spent the day drinking vodka and listening to Fleetwood Mac's "You make Loving Fun"
But i am rested and i am back now this Monday morning and i've got a Microsoft Paint Picture for you today.

This picture is called Gunfire from the Shoreline and i called it that for what i believe are pretty obvious reasons. You see it.
I am a lover of the primary colors Red Yellow and Blue, and i really love to use them together in pictures.
Thank you to everyone for the kind feedback, I think i've found a nice group to share these Microsoft paint pictures with.

this one's a straight up masterpiece I keep coming back to look at it

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Sherbert Hoover

Working hard, thank you!

RavenousScoot posted:

this one's a straight up masterpiece I keep coming back to look at it

yeah it reminds me of italian futurism and i can't wrap my head around how this was done in ms-paint tbh

this sig is protected by Simsmagic!


Have a good night!

rear end-penny posted:

also have you ever seen any Alberto Giacometti? blue man kind of reminds me of his figure sculpture

I had not until your recommendation. What beautiful art, i love his sketches also. i'm a very big enjoyer of art that could be described as "controlled chaos"


Sherbert Hoover posted:

yeah it reminds me of italian futurism and i can't wrap my head around how this was done in ms-paint tbh

Paint has a square and a lasso select, both of which can toggle treating white as transparent. If you press shift while moving something selected, it "stamps" the image, and if you hold it, it smears stamps rapid-fire. Doing that with any sort of use or precision like shown here where the shapes seem to follow along each others' paths is harder than it looks. I'd presume jim made several assets off to the side and used the above tricks before cropping down to the final image, but he could answer better and maybe did something else entirely.

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

Have a good night!
Good morning everyone today i've got a topical picture. RavenousScoot put it exactly, but i'll explain some of my process. Today i made a picture that will tie in to this explanation, because this is Microsoft paint's coolest hidden feature and i would love to talk a little about it.

First i will show today's picture. I did have a title prepared but upon reflection i would like to leave it untitled. I stuck to my favorite primary colors for balance. As you can see it has a lot of lines and shapes similar to the picture "Gunfire from the Shoreline" because i used almost the same process.

The picture is made with the "stamp" feature as explained by RavenousScoot. Using either the Select or Free-Form Select tools will allow use of this. The important part is making sure you've got this option selected when using either of these tools.

you're semi limited in how it will come out when using only one paint window. Black lines on a white background will make that cool, repeated effect, because the white will be read as transparent due to the transparent selection option. But, say you make a filled-in red circle for example. Using the stamp on this will not produce much of an effect, it will basically just be a very large red brush that will fill the whole space in with red. So, sometimes i will open a paint window and start my picture. then in another window, i will make a triangle out of thin black lines on a white, or transparent, background. Then i will copy and paste this triangle, or whatever shape i make, into my original picture. Then i will stamp it to my liking. This is not always the case though, as i sort of plan out what i want the picture to look like beforehand. So sometimes i will erase, fill in, or modify certain lines in the overall picture after stamping. After all, sometimes it becomes too messy and needs to be sorted.

I must thank you guys again for the kind words, i've loved using Microsoft paint as a medium for many, many years and will continue to do so. I remember a couple years after Windows XP came out my family upgraded and i made my mom a picture called "Mother's day.jpeg." It wasn't the first time i made something in Microsoft paint, but it was the first time i ever felt like i had made an art piece, like an artist. If that makes sense.

Sherbert Hoover

Working hard, thank you!
Thanks for the explanation. I should check it out and see what I can do.

riptidejim posted:

I remember a couple years after Windows XP came out my family upgraded and i made my mom a picture called "Mother's day.jpeg." It wasn't the first time i made something in Microsoft paint, but it was the first time i ever felt like i had made an art piece, like an artist. If that makes sense.

:3: That does make sense.

this sig is protected by Simsmagic!


snuck a few minutes at work to throw this together

I also like squashing and stretching things to look chunky, like the tree bark

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

Have a good night!

RavenousScoot posted:

snuck a few minutes at work to throw this together

I also like squashing and stretching things to look chunky, like the tree bark

Fantastic work, i love that you make use of the many different tools. provides great texture and depth.

Hope everyone is having a good day. I've spent the day making some music, some more paint pictures, now i am having a Watermelon Red bull and waiting for my 4pm shift.


Have a good night!
Hi everyone I know i usually post in the morning but today i had Morning Obligations so I'm here now to make a picture post.
Today i have a fun picture for you guys.

This picture is called "Digital Worm." If you've scrolled on the page at all yet then you probably understand why. Go ahead and give it a scroll. Yeah give it another one.
Look at that, the picture is moving. It's an optical illusion picture, and they look like little worms. Little loving worms crawling around all over the screen.
Anyway i hope that picture keeps you entertained for maybe three or four minutes (my usual quota)

I've got a bonus picture for today because the other one was more like just a funny thing

A nice sunset for an evening post. :)

Also one more detail because i understand my username is misleading but i'm actually a girl and my real name is not Jim
Riptide Jim was a pseudonym i used in high school for making prank calls or ordering pizzas/packages, anything i needed a name for. I first used it in school for a game, it just came to me. I liked how it sounded so it stuck. it was almost the name i chose to make music under, but i ended up picking "Magic Bus" which was the name of one of my dad's garage bands in the early 1970s. i usually like to have some sort of relevance behind the usernames i pick so that i can remember.

i've been cranking paint pictures out like crazy recently so i should be back tomorrow to post one.


Have a good night!
Had a busy day yesterday so I didnt get around to posting, ended up at a professional wrestling show from 6:30-11. it was fun, very entertaining!

Today's picture is called Rainbow Bridge and it is dedicated to my deceased dog friend Maggie.

Maybe this picture will allow you to remember a nice memory with an animal friend no longer with us. they may not talk like humans or wear pants or go to the bank but they are fantastic friends who can help us through things that sometimes other humans can't. It's good to keep in mind that these friends don't get as much time here as we do, so remember to spend all the time with them as you can. This way, at the end of their life, you can look back and be happy that you were able to make so many great memories with them. Never take your animal friends for granted!

I'll be back with another picture soon, but for now i must go have a smoke and a drink. Anyone got a light?


Have a good night!
Here's a paint picture that i dont even know what to call. We'll call it spiky ball.

spiky ball is simple. I stayed a little grounded with it. I can't always be gettign out of hand with colors and lines. Man not to fuckin divert the topic but what the gently caress TV Land plays the same episodes of Seinfeld every fuckin day I've seen the episode where Jerry dates miss rhode island and he accidentally kills her birds about four or five times in the past two weeks. Thats like 2 or 3 times a week. What the gently caress man

Almost forgot to put the picture in the post.

This is spiky ball and i hope you enjoy it. You know what i was gonna post this right now but I want to show another picture. Check it out

This one i did in a few different color palettes and couldnt decide but ultimately im gonnapost the red and yellow one. it's untitled i don't know what to call it.
Good night byob


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

love this thread pretend that i quote tweeted everything in it
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

watho posted:

love this thread pretend that i quote tweeted everything in it

it's nice to see them arts daily. makes me believe in byob even more :unsmith:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Have a good night!
It's 9:00 Eastern standard time and you know what that means that means it's time for another Microsoft PAINT PICTURE

Today the picture is called "0wgh1kw" I have nof ucking idea why. Basically this picture is a triangle or actually a lot of triangles and there's also a limited palette of colors i'm trying tnot to get bland here. My acid reflux is pretty bad right now usually when i have a lemonade this late my acid reflux really acts up.
Does anyone know the state of the Burger king toys are they still cool? I was thikning about that earlier today because i havent seen a burger king toy in ages.

I made today's picture purely for a cool visual which is pretty much what i do most of the time. I just like to be cool. I am going to be displaying some art in a local dive bar from June to july and i've decided to include some of these very pictures in that display. I also have some other paintings on canvas i will be displaying.

Alright im done with my post now BYOB have a great night and rest those tired eyes 'fore tomorrow turns today.

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
thanks for the mspaint, riptide. to me it looks like the cover for an 80s synth album

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature

Sherbert Hoover

Working hard, thank you!

bisexual lining

this sig is protected by Simsmagic!

baka of lathspell

need more pix

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)



I enjoyed 0 watt-gram-hours / 1 kilowatt!

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