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Have a good night!
Hell o BYOB apologies for my long absence. I have been a little busy in my life recently and have not had much time to sit and make a post. But i have a free moment here and i would like to make a post for everyone.

Today i have brought a picture called "Portrait of John Bonham" and it is a picture of John bonham of Led Zeppelin. I am a drummer and john bonham has always been one of my favorites, so i made a paint picture of his portrait. I actually made this a while ago but i figure it would be nice to share in my microsoft paint picture thread.

I have a second picture for today.

This one is called "Corridors" and its called that because i thought of the word while i was coming up with what it would be called. Yeah thats about it.
So anyway this picture is a little more minimal color-wise as opposed to the other images i've posted. I wanted to limit the palette of this one to give it its own identity. it worked because this one has its own identity, and its identity is "green"
Last night i went to this bar to see my dad. He told me about this girl he used to see and how he used to shoot ice cubes into her with his mouth. I guess now we know where i get my creativity. Thats all the time i have for today BYOB and until next time remember never to read doctor's office magazines; you never know who was touching that.


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
nice going riptide. u brightened my day again :fyadride:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Have a good night!
Sound the alarm, It's time for another paint picture
Life has been throwing me quite a few curveballs and a couple fastballs and maybe even the baseball bat too. Sometimes Life has a way of saying "I'm gonna kick your rear end"
All we can do is endure. Endure as much rear end kicking as you can.

Today's picture is called "Endure"

Hopefully everyone has a good day. Last night i was supposed to go to another pro wrestling show but I became sick on the way and threw up, which made me want to go home instead. The weather was bad for driving anyway. I feel bad because i was taking my brother with me and i may have ruined his night by deciding on going home after not feeling well.
Today i'm going to be hanging out with an old friend that i became reacquainted with through my job. we haven't hung out with each other since 2016 so it'll be interesting to catch up and fill in the blanks on what happened in our lives since then. Wow almost 10 years.
Me and this friend had a falling out a little bit after i graduated high school which is why we stopped hanging out. But you can't hang on to negative feelings for so long. You have to realize that everyone grows and changes, especially after almost a decade. The person you were mad at 8 years ago may not even exist anymore, and that person may feel sorry for how they acted back then. It's good to welcome friends back into your life. It may even help you endure.

Until next time


Have a good night!
BYOB i hate my job. I want to kick my managers rear end. I will gnaw the corporate bark off America until the day i die, and i refuse to die until that America lay stripped. Now i have a paint picture for today April tenth.

This picture is called "Pinpoint" and it uses my favorite shade of blue, which is also my favorite color in general. i'm also a fan of lemon-lime (neon yellow-green) magenta and teal and royal purple. Love lots of colors.
sometimes I wish i wasn't such a cynical person. As i get older i become increasingly jaded, which is obviously very common. It makes me wonder who this world is made for.

Poll question: Which is worse for you, red bull or soda
Leave your answers for me and i will take them into consideration (if you say soda) (if you say red bull i will ignore it)

Sherbert Hoover

Thank you, working hard!
i really like that one, especially since it flickers in a cool way on my monitor when i scroll

this sig is protected by Simsmagic!

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
soda is worse OP. I have a theory that America's obesity epidemic is rooted in folks drinking sugar and high fructose corn syrup. stop drinking sugar and start drinking water ppl :eng99:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Have a good night!

Areola Grande posted:

soda is worse OP. I have a theory that America's obesity epidemic is rooted in folks drinking sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Nice. Yeah i know Red Bull really isnt much better but man i need to cut back on soda. I'm very thin (6'0" 120lbs) but i just worry about having too much sugary poo poo and getting diabetes or something. Luckily i do also drink a lot of water. I just love drinks. me and watermelon red bull have a very good relationship.


is that International Klein Blue?


Have a good night!
Today feels like a good day for a microsoft paint picture.
First things first, here's today's picture.

Don't know what to call it. Maybe one of you can name it for me because i just woke up.
yesterday was cool I was invited to my friend's band's practice space. We recorded an improvised track with another person from his band, inspired by the work of Nervous Cop. It was great to be playing drums and recording again, even if it was something small. my body is definitely feeling it today. I tear my hands up whenever i play drums but i love how it feels. Today i started the day by listening to Jerry Cantrell's "Degradation Trip" album and putting some laundry in.

Here's another picture its a 1 minute sketch of my house

They'll never censor me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good day mother fuckers


riptidejim posted:

Today feels like a good day for a microsoft paint picture.
First things first, here's today's picture.

Don't know what to call it. Maybe one of you can name it for me because i just woke up.

Lovely... I propse: Krystal Kingdom

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
nice one riptide :waycool:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Have a good night!

alnilam posted:

Lovely... I propse: Krystal Kingdom

I like it. Krystal Kingdom it is.


Have a good night!
I fell asleep at 8:30pm on accident. now my day starts at 4am. That's what i get. Anyway here's a picture

I will call this one "Corridors"
It's something a little different than what i normally do, i wanted to flip the whole system on its head. They'll never censor me

I think im gonna have a red bull now because i dont think im gonna be falling asleep again. Does anyone know of the taco bell promotion for the 1998 Godzilla movie? I got the cup holder off of ebay and my bong fits in it perfectly. Now it's a 1998 Taco bell Godzilla bong holder.
I want to make a short mention that even though my posts are becoming less frequent, i will never forget to post a Microsoft Paint picture. I don't plan on abandoning this I must bring the people of BYOB the Paint Pictures.

more recently i've been working with Paint In Real Life again. Maybe some time i will post a Real Life Paint Picture. wouldn't that REALY flip the whole system on its head... Yeah... yeah gently caress yeah...,

Signing off


These are really nice

Twenty Four

riptidejim posted:

This one is called "Corridors" and its called that because i thought of the word while i was coming up with what it would be called.

riptidejim posted:

I will call this one "Corridors"
It's something a little different than what i normally do, i wanted to flip the whole system on its head.

I was thinking you must think about corridors way more than I do but I guess that's not true at all because as far as I know you've only thought about them twice, and now I've thought about them at least once recently, and that's not really all that much more.

Anyhow I like your pictures!


liking these corridors, riptide! nice color scheme ;)

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

rear end-penny posted:

liking these corridors, riptide! nice color scheme ;)

:allears: he makes thought provoking art for us almost every day and is constantly saying dope poo poo ITT. here's 2 u riptide :cheers:

pls keep em coming

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Yea, this is a premium thread


Have a good night!
Hi everyone today I've decided to post a microsoft paint picture

I tried something a little bit different visually with this picture. It's not as sharp or pointy or zig zag-y as the other ones but it has its own identity.
It was actually made a couple months ago but i never posted it. i thought i did but i didnt.

I think it's called "Through the Brick wall" Because it looks like a brick wall if you could see through it. Or it looks like what i would assume it looks like to look through a brick wall. If there's any body with X-ray vision in this thread that can confirm that would be great.

Recently i've been a little more busy than i've been used to. I've been hanging out with some friends more frequently, and practicing playing drums again. All in between working a job that makes me want to lunge at the general public. But who can't say that about their job
Last night was pretty regular i watched my brother make a fly head out of sculpting clay and i played Team fortress 2 for the first time in a while. I think the red bulls have been giving me light headed feeling. Either that or its sometimes when i smoke weed because one time i got really high and couldn't stop thinking about chicken fat (makes me grossed out) and it got so bad i passed out in the middle of taking a piss and i hit my head on the bathroom door (small bathroom)

Anyway now that i've talked your ears off i think it's time I go and wash my hair before work. Hopefully you enjoy the new Microsoft Paint picture. Thank you for all the continuous kind words and sentiments, i will be back soon to provide another Picture.


Have a good night!
Guess who is back with a picture. Shut the gently caress up it's me,
I have a Microsoft paint picture today. I've been a little side tracked by a commission i received. a Doctor wants me to paint his dog. So i said hey yeah i'll do it.

First things first, today's picture is this

I want to call it "Bubbles and craters: The Bottom of The Ocean" I have once again taken a slightly different approach with this picture. I'm exploring different methods and things to provide a unique image each time. Dude fuckin the lifetime channel has been playing Frasier recently which is great but I keep seeing the commercials for their Lifetime movies. I want to know why massive amounts of money go toward creating poo poo like this. Do people even watch it. Anyway yeah i thought about shapes i use less often with this picture so that's why there's lots of circles. The circles make me think of bubbles which makes me think of the ocean and then when i think about the ocean it's hard not to think about the endless unexplored depths below. Imagine what kind of hosed up fish live in there.

I broke my bong's bowl piece yesterday morning. I was clearing it out with a pocket knife and it just broke in my hand. had to walk down the street and get a new one from Paulie. I grabbed a couple Red bulls too, i am currently enjoying one of them that i saved for today. Called out of dumb rear end work because I forgot i was going to a show tonight and my shift intersected with it. I thought about telling my manager that my grandfather died (both already dead) but i went with the classic "dont feel well" instead to save myself the guilt. Honestly though i think both my grandfathers would understand and would let me use them as an excuse to get out of work. Should've actually asked them before they died.

Alright if you read this far i've run out of things to type I think i'm gonna play a couple games of Team fortress 2. Keep the change ya filthy animal


Love the drawrings, ty

If you are permitted/inclined to please post the dog when you are done :pray:

ty manifisto

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
another bang up job riptide

let's see that doggy :allears:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


that's a really good one
it's almost got an optical illusion going on of motion

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

Have a good night!
"The longest absence is less perilous to love than the terrible trials of incessant proximity."
I hope you have not forgotten about me and my paint pictures in my long absence. I have admittedly not been as creatively driven these past few months. i got a new job as a housekeeper in a chain hotel, I am still very depressed and my temper has become uncontrollable this past week. For that reason, i figured a paint picture and a visit to my friends at BYOB must be in order.

So today friends i have a new picture. while working on it, I felt a brief sense of meditation. The mindless scribbling easily encouraged my mind to wander, and selfishly, I thought about my own existence. It's days like this that i feel like i spend too much time dwelling on how bad i feel, or how day-to-day life is loving me dry. "Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky."

This picture is called "forever until not"

What a funny place for us to run into each other. Good bye for now.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
hospitality is a selfless and thankless industry. great pic today. it's my favorite so far. hang in there riptide :glomp:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

baka of lathspell

riptidejim you're an inspiration and your work is really good :)

join dork order
sig by RavenousScoot


I was just thinking about you and this great thread yesterday

glad to see another picture you made in Microsoft Paint <3



The right to bear arms
liked coming to this thread it is like chilling in an art museum very cool , riptide

big thanks to Pot Smoke Phoenix for the sig

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