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fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Oh god I think I saw that one once, when I was a kid. It was about like, aliens abducting kids from a high school or something? And there was a comedy bigfoot fighting with a redneck? Oh, and really bad 90s CG when the cheerleader turned into an alien! Man, what a great movie. I wish I could remember what it was called.

Standard Mafia Rules:
-First and foremost, if you are uncomfortable for any reason, contact someone you trust.
-Don't be a jerk. Remember that this is a game.
-Don't edit your posts except for quick ninja spelling edits.
-Don't copy and paste or screenshot any private communications, including role pm, referee communications, or masonry posts.
-Don't post about the game outside of the thread or any masonries you might have access to.
-Don't post while dead.
-Don't post after hammer. If I don't close the thread immediately it's because I'm not available.
-Don't fake day actions. Don’t post after a day action until it has been resolved.
-Please don't lurk. You're expected to make at least 10 posts per game day, though this is relaxed in case of very early hammers.

Game Specific Rules:
This is an open setup mafia game for 14 players.

Game days will be 48 hours with majority early hammer or plurality hammer at deadline, with longest standing plurality taking precedent in case of a tie. Executions can only be skipped via vote for No Execute. Nights will be up to 24 hours, ending early if all action are in and I'm available to resolve things.

Only one night action may be taken per night.

Discord is required. Join here.

---1: Tired Moritz
---2: b-minus1
---3: wologar
---4: yuming
---5: Johnny Keats
---6: Rhymes With Clue
---7: Scrap Dragon
---8: shwinnebego
---9: hambeet
---10: Tea Party Crasher
---11: sharkmafia
---12: Zoya
---13: AFancyQuestionMark
---14: Cloacamazing!

Third-Party Roles


---Bigfoot (Paranoid Feet Owner)
If you are visited by any player during the night, that player’s night action fails and you eliminate them. This effect is involuntary and can occur any number of times per night.

You are a Third-Party Survivor: You win an orthogonal victory if you are alive when Scum are eliminated OR seize control of the vote.

---Bigfoot Hunter (Cowardly Vigilante)
Twice per game, as a night action, you may ##hide. On nights where you hide, all other night actions targeting you fail.

Once per game, as a day action, you may ##capture [target]. Your target is eliminated.

You are a Third-Party Executioner: You win an orthogonal victory and depart the game if Bigfoot is eliminated and you are not.

Scum Roles


---Alien Mindbender (Swapper)
Each night you may ##swap [target] [target]. Any night actions targeting either of your targets are redirected to the other.

You are Scum: You win when your team seizes control of the vote. Each night one member of the scum team may ##abduct [target], eliminating them. You may communicate at any time in a private channel.

---Alien Shapeshifter (Master of All Trades)
Each night you may ##jail [target], ##track [target], or ##investigate [target]. Jailed targets’ night actions fail, as do any night actions targeting them. If a tracked target visits another player with a night action, you learn the target but not the purpose of the visit. You learn if an investigated target has the ability to visit other players or not. You may not use the same night action on two subsequent nights.

You are Scum: You win when your team seizes control of the vote. Each night one member of the scum team may ##abduct [target], eliminating them. You may communicate at any time in a private channel.

---Alien Vanisher (Janitor)
Once per night you may ##vanish [target]. When a vanished player is eliminated, their flip is concealed, instead reading only “[player] vanished”. Their flip is instead posted in scumchat. This power may target a scum player (including yourself) once per game, and non-scum players twice per game.

You are Scum: You win when your team seizes control of the vote. Each night one member of the scum team may ##abduct [target], eliminating them. You may communicate at any time in a private channel.

Town Roles


---Nature Boy (Bigfoot’s Friend)
At the start of Day 1, you learn which player is Bigfoot.

You are Town: You win when Scum is eliminated. You win an enhanced victory if Bigfoot is also alive at the end of the game.

---Friendly Jock (Jailer)
Each night you may ##jail [target]. Jailed targets’ night actions fail, as do any night actions targeting them.

You are Town: You win when Scum is eliminated.

---Handsome Nerd (Actioncop)
Each night you may ##investigate [target]. You learn if an investigated target has the ability to visit other players or not.

You are Town: You win when Scum is eliminated.

---Rebellious Tomboy (Tracker)
Each night you may ##track [target]. If a tracked target visits another player with a night action, you learn the target but not the purpose of the visit.

You are Town: You win when Scum is eliminated.

---The New Kid (Backup)
The first time a town player with a night action is eliminated, you inherit their night action for the remainder of the game.

You are Town: You win when Scum is eliminated.

---The Classmates [x4] (Vanilla)
You have no special role or powers.

You are Town: You win when Scum is eliminated.

Action resolution order: Hide->Jail->Vanish->Swap->Abduct->Investigate->Track

fool of sound fucked around with this message at 16:50 on Mar 28, 2024


Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Unspoiled obs.

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Okay the theming is cute

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
I will play this game

Feb 11, 2014

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
Yes me!

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
B-but...I wanted to be a cheerleader

Scrap Dragon
Oct 6, 2013


Alright, I'm in

Jul 11, 2002

sure i can play this game. i do think it is slanted against town fwiw

Jul 11, 2002

big foot hunter should just claim immediately and see if they can sniff out big foot right?

like if they claim, town would never vote them and scum would never kill them i would think

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Sounds like something to hash out day 1!

Feb 11, 2014

I will roleplay an alien no matter what I roll.

Sep 13, 2002

put me in, coach

Tea Party Crasher
Sep 3, 2012

If I play a fool of sound Mafia game It ensures that fool of sound cannot join and mislead me

Aug 20, 2018

yeah ok

Sep 13, 2002

Tea Party Crasher posted:

If I play a fool of sound Mafia game It ensures that fool of sound cannot join and mislead me

Challenge accepted

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Tea Party Crasher posted:

If I play a fool of sound Mafia game It ensures that fool of sound cannot join and mislead me

Feb 19, 2017

Long time no see.
Put me in as well

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
I will show up with a boombox at the window of anybody who wishes it!

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Roles are out in the discord. I'll start the game this evening.

Feb 11, 2014

Ayyyyy lmao

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
"Bro! Dude! Sicknasty radical!"

The skate park looks more like a party as one teen pulls his crazy moves on the half-pipe. It doesn't last, however. The cheers and music slowly fade as a shadow falls over the park, the audience and lesser skaters looking to the sky in confusion and horror. The kid on the half-pipe pays it no mind, he's too busy focusing on his tour de force. He spins in the air one, twice, and on his third rotation, disaster strikes. A lance of hazy green light bursts from the heavens and captures the skater. He is drawn upward, his backwards hat flying off his messy hair as he tries to swim against the pull of the beam. It is futile; the metal hatch of the UFO flying over head opens and accepts the captured skater, and closes behind him. The saucer flies off into the sky, engaging its cloaking device and fading as the title appears in it's place: MY CLASSMATE WAS AN ALIEN


Brad Monroe, the Ace Skater, was abducted Night 0
The Inciting Incident
You die Night 0.

You are Town: You win when Scum is eliminated.

It is now Day 1.

Tea Party Crasher
Sep 3, 2012

I'm going to spend our PG-13 swear budget right now. Holy crap!!!

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

TPC doesn't know it, but i'm their best friend in this game

what i mean to say is that TPC wears a size thirty seven shoe

and by that i mean that TPC has particularly large feet, so to speak

and really by that, what i'm ⌜TPC is Bigfoot,⌝ trying to say is, i mean the thing is, they don't really make boots large enough for TPC to wear, you know?

like the amount TPC must spend ⌞I REPEAT, TPC IS BIGFOOT,,⌟ on like hiring specialty cobblers to make custom footwear alone,,

you see, by that i mean,,,

so what i'm trying to say is,


Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Is that really the best strat

Jul 11, 2002

shwinnebego posted:

big foot hunter should just claim immediately and see if they can sniff out big foot right?

like if they claim, town would never vote them and scum would never kill them i would think

Incredibly, Fool made *me* the bigfoot hunter.

So I'm claiming.

I am hunting bigfoot and my wincon is orthogonal to the rest of ya'll (except Bigfoot and Nature Boy)

Scum: no need to kill me, as if I find Bigfoot and abscond it actually helps you gain control of the vote

Town: no reason to vote me out, as you need to vote out scum in order to win

I am not sure if I plan to actually hunt scum yet. Open to compelling reasons to do so.

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

shwinnebego posted:

Incredibly, Fool made *me* the bigfoot hunter.

So I'm claiming.

I am hunting bigfoot and my wincon is orthogonal to the rest of ya'll (except Bigfoot and Nature Boy)

Scum: no need to kill me, as if I find Bigfoot and abscond it actually helps you gain control of the vote

Town: no reason to vote me out, as you need to vote out scum in order to win

I am not sure if I plan to actually hunt scum yet. Open to compelling reasons to do so.

it's TPC

Feb 11, 2014

How do you do, fellow earthlings?

Jul 11, 2002

Zoya posted:

it's TPC

only natureboy knows who bigfoot is, and natureboy would never betray his big dumb friend

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

shwinnebego posted:

only natureboy knows who bigfoot is, and natureboy would never betray his big dumb friend

obviously i am claiming nature boy

Jul 11, 2002

One reason I might scumhunt is because this game is stacked against Town IMO and I have some inclination to help the underdog out

Jul 11, 2002

Zoya posted:

obviously i am claiming nature boy

interesting. maybe zoya is scum

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

shwinnebego posted:

interesting. maybe zoya is scum

it's an open setup, it says right in the OP that i am town-aligned

Feb 11, 2014

Zoya posted:

it's an open setup, it says right in the OP that i am town-aligned

If you are what you say. What motivation do you have to reveal your friend, if so?

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

i have given you a puzzle to solve

am i lying to you in order to get you to waste your shot?

am i telling the truth, knowing that you would believe i am lying to you, thus perfectly protecting my best friend bigfoot for the rest of the game?

Tea Party Crasher
Sep 3, 2012

The other kids were always making fun of me at school just because I was the new kid. Kids from small towns hate new things, like indoor plumbing or brushing your teeth instead of oil pulling. I wouldn't even be here if my stupid dad didn't have to travel for his lame-o government job.
I had tons of friends back in the big city, and they all accepted me for my gigantic honking feet. Not like here. Everyone is so tightly knit that there's no room for a super cool kid like me, even though I have a Dreamcast. I'll just have to wait until there's a falling out and I can take someone else's spot...

Feb 11, 2014

Zoya and TPC seem a bit alieny.

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

wologar posted:

If you are what you say. What motivation do you have to reveal your friend, if so?

because it's funny

also, bigfoot not being revealed means half the town power roles might off themselves N1


Tea Party Crasher
Sep 3, 2012

*kicking rocks down by the lake, looking woefully along this podunk town and the only restaurant for miles: Sloppy Clown Burger*

No arcades, no mall, no nothing! What the actual flip dad??? He just wants me to be miserable!!!

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