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The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

get claymored idiot
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
:froggonk: u got me. again!! :ferrari:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


No, I like my hat, thanks.
Resetting my alarm clock so I sleep in until April 2nd

google THIS

Real mature, OP. Has it occurred to you that by claymoring me you have actually claymored yourself, by pulling such a stupid prank? Like everything else in life, it seems the only way you can achieve success is by grasping low hanging fruit. And you expect me to be what, embarrassed? For not detecting the munitions you set in my path, that I could not possibly have anticipated? No, this was no error on my part, therefore I am not blushing even slightly. I'm not even angry. In fact if anything I feel sorry for you, because I still have my dignity intact while you have to bear the shame of *dies*

google THIS fucked around with this message at 18:40 on Apr 1, 2024

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!

google THIS posted:

Real mature, OP. Has it occurred to you that by claymoring me you have actually claymored yourself, by pulling such a stupid prank? Like everything else in life, it seems the only way you can achieve success is by grasping low hanging fruit. And you expect me to be what, embarrassed? For not detecting the munitions you set in my path, that I could not possibly have anticipated? No, this was no error on my part, therefore I am not blushing even slightly. I'm not even angry. In fact if anything I feel sorry for you, because I still have my dignity intact while you have to bear the shame of *dies*

*Casts resurrection*

April Fools! You're not dead!
Sig elements by Manifisto and Heather Papps
Sig File protected by SigLock. do NOT steal this sig!


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

mods can you make it so whenever anyone opens this thread the claymore sound from call of duty 4 plays? tia
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

and yes for those asking me posting a reply in this thread does mean that i too got claymored
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Barco Fiesta

a fantasy of olives

baka of lathspell

watho posted:

and yes for those asking me posting a reply in this thread does mean that i too got claymored

clay less not clay more :smuggo:

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)


20% cooler
somebody should doxx me for april fools, that'd be a great prank


ToastGhost posted:

somebody should doxx me for april fools, that'd be a great prank

this you?

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Escape From Noise

Releasing two tigers: one with a "1" painted on it, the other with a "3".

Then here comes the twist: You throw in 1 raw steak afterwards.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump

ToastGhost posted:

somebody should doxx me for april fools, that'd be a great prank

but that'd mean i'd have to read your posts :owned:

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature


:hmmorks: :orks:


awesome spring sig by RavenousScoot

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
Sig elements by Manifisto and Heather Papps
Sig File protected by SigLock. do NOT steal this sig!

Escape From Noise

Pooping in ur sock drawer.

But quit being so uptight! It's just a prank!

Escape From Noise fucked around with this message at 07:40 on Apr 4, 2024

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

April Fool's Prank...GONE SEXUAL???

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
april fools have gone WOKE

Escape From Noise

Ominous Jazz posted:

april fools have gone WOKE

Many such cases!

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


(I'm across the street using one of those microwave rays that give you havana syndrome to scramble your brains and make you an actual april fool)

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

Ominous Jazz posted:

april fools have gone WOKE

the woke mob is trying to cancel me because i planted anti-personnel mines as an april fools prank
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

google THIS

watho posted:

the woke mob is trying to cancel me because i planted anti-personnel mines as an april fools prank

Shoulda put a mask on the mine

Barco Fiesta

a fantasy of olives

Ominous Jazz posted:

april fools have gone WOKE

april neurodivergents


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

Barco Fiesta posted:

april neurodivergents

thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

google THIS

Barco Fiesta posted:

april neurodivergents

Escape From Noise

Peeing in your closet.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

Escape From Noise posted:

Peeing in your closet.

this is the april fools pranks thread not the time saving life hacks thread
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Escape From Noise

watho posted:

this is the april fools pranks thread not the time saving life hacks thread

Por que no los dos?

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


No, I like my hat, thanks.
Tricking someone else into peeing in your closet.

google THIS

So how many people placed the claymore backwards before they added the label, do you think?

Maybe that was the real April Fool's joke

Can't post for 3 days!
It's April Fool's Day! April Fool's! It's April 1st! April Fool's!

Can't post for 3 days!

calhoun fucked around with this message at 22:19 on Apr 8, 2024


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

google THIS posted:

So how many people placed the claymore backwards before they added the label, do you think?

Maybe that was the real April Fool's joke

for april fools they put the label on the wrong side
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Piss And Shittium
Best April Fools: Beat someone to a pulp with a baseball bat, yell "April Fools!" and flee from the scene. You are now absolved of all wrongdoing.

P.S. If you didn't shout April Fools, you are in deep poo poo.

Piss And Shittium fucked around with this message at 13:24 on Apr 10, 2024

frump truck

hello... again!

there used to be a restaurant in my neighborhood called Front Towards Enemy. It was.... a claymore-themed gastropub?? i never went there and it closed in like a year


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

frump truck posted:

there used to be a restaurant in my neighborhood called Front Towards Enemy. It was.... a claymore-themed gastropub?? i never went there and it closed in like a year

thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

frump truck

hello... again!

the other claymore thing is that 15 years ago i went to the lost luggage store in alabama and there was a claymore (the sword, not the mine) there. who loses a broadsword at baggage claim??

it was $50 and i didn't buy it but i think about it at least once a month

google THIS

frump truck posted:

there used to be a restaurant in my neighborhood called Front Towards Enemy. It was.... a claymore-themed gastropub?? i never went there and it closed in like a year

mine dining

frump truck

hello... again!

google THIS posted:

mine dining


Escape From Noise

A bear trap in your bed and a super soaker full of lemon juice!

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

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