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Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
He posted bond, but used up his last chance with the NY judge:


Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

CBJSprague24 posted:

Surely nobody could have seen this coming.

There's a fun bit here on how Truth Social kept afloat while their SPAC plan was kept on hold for a few years:

Spoiler for story: it wasn't Donnie putting in his own money, it was some sketchy Russian dude that owned a bank and made some vehicle to loan the company the money

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Pretty much, Donnie's psychopathic in his shamelessness and it's his political superpower. Enough of a critical mass decided "eh, no big deal" in 2016 and retreated into a knowledge hole that doesn't care about or believe the scandals. It's not that it doesn't get covered, it's that those masses don't care anymore.


Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Doubtful that anything will happen, but Donnie's clearly violating his gag order by attacking the judge's wife now.

But what makes it funny instead of depressing - it's because he's retweeting Laura Loomer. So, if he ends up being the first former president to serve jailtime due to violating a gag order, it will be because of loving Laura Loomer.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
lol Donnie's bond is busted

- surety company isn't licensed for the state
- surety company is letting Donnie keep the money (WHAT) instead of using it as true collateral
- surety company would be pledging over 10% of their net assets, which is against New York law
- clerk has already returned the bond filing for errors

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Nick Soapdish posted:

Let's see old Donnie wiggle out of this one

he will, but this is really funny, just enjoy the funny of it

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Platystemon posted:

This seems like something that the attorney general of the state where the company is licensed might be interested in.

About that - the company and that billionaire is already on a whole bunch of radars:

I believe there's also poo poo set up so that a defendant can't just have a shady bond company cover a judgement, then have the bond company go "whoopsie I declare bankruptcy" when the appeal fails. The quote of "hmm we thought he was going to be pledging bonds to us and it was all cash! He's so rich!" was pretty suspect from this dude too.

Entirely possible this bond company won't work because legally, there would be too much risk that the state wouldn't get their money if/when the appeal crashes and burns.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Secret's out!

So to wriggle out of Donnie's new jam (which will happen), the bond company needs to somehow become licensed by New York, or open a subsidiary in New York, or somehow prove they'll be able to directly pay the judgment (not just be a flow-through for Donnie's fake collateral). The corrected bond submission an hour ago doesn't fix any of that. Or, Donnie has to find another bond company.

And so a new 10-day clock has started - if this isn't resolved by then, NYAG can start collecting on the judgment.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Subjunctive posted:

What’s the basis for starting a new clock? Was there some reason that Trump’s lawyers couldn’t have been aware of those requirements? Are they unusual?

Standard stuff. Donnie submitted a legal thing, NY AG said LEGAL THING BAD, now Donnie/bond company need to legally respond. That new clock allows the company to put together their legal argument that their shittery isn't bullshittery.

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

Because privilege means you get as many tries as you need. This is an important case about serious people, you aren’t seriously going to hold him to the same standards as all the rabble who have to follow a judge’s instructions the first time.

I've always thought that two-tiered justice both refers to rich/poor and white collar / blue collar. Donnie's a special rich white collar boy, so these systemic stall-points are tailor-made for him.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
For as slow as the feds have been, it's absurdly fast compared to some of the states:

A few weeks ago legal observers were wondering if this particular investigation was getting close to charging decisions, so this one's fun!

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Tiny Timbs posted:

He’s gonna outlive us all

If you really want some fun poo poo, I think he's on ozempic.

But anyways, kind of a bummer that Solid Snake became a porch pirate:

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

My Spirit Otter posted:

also arent his crimes state crimes and not federal and thus wouldnt be able to self pardon anyway?

Upcoming NY trial yes, NY AG civil case yes, J6/classified document stuff no.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

My Spirit Otter posted:

thanks for the responses, everyone. so he can potentially wriggle his way out of the j6/classified stuff, but not so much the ny/georgia voter fraud stuff.

is he looking at any jail time for the state level stuff or is it mostly fines/forfeiture? if he is, then for comedy's sake and not actually, i hope he gets elected because it would be really funny to see him running the country and doing press statements in an orange jumpsuit and holding cabinet meetings on the bleachers in the yard, appointing aryan brotherhood members to high level government positions

J6 is unclear, but is unlikely this year. Classified documents is chudged to gently caress and even more unlikely. The GA voter fraud RICO thing is a complete clusterfuck and even more unlikely. GA-RICOs take forever to even start.

NY pornstar hush money is likely, as it starts in two weeks. There's a technical felony in there, but Donnie's old and it's his first offense. Something like a year on a conviction wouldn't be shocking and straight probation wouldn't be out of the question or out of a mainstream decision.

Donnie serving time will basically be up to the election. He can effectively stall everything else for the year. If he wins, all the federal poo poo dies and all the state poo poo more or less gets suspended. If he loses, stalling only goes so far.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Wondered why my poo poo lit up:

My favorite responses so far are blaming DEI and asking simply: vaxxed?

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 15:50 on Apr 5, 2024

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

What in the wide world of gently caress is going on?

Peacetime. Peacetime is happening.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Kazinsal posted:

Of all the things Musk deserves to be hung upside down by his scrotum for, turning the perfectly cromulent nerd neologism "grok" into the name of a racism-enabled chatbot is solidly in the middle tier of the list imo.

Everyone's in a gold rush, Nvidia is selling the pickaxes, and elon's desperately huffing iron pyrite to try and look cool.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
WTYP covered that dumbass Elon tweet at this point in their latest video:

General recap: 99% of that steel is now trash for many reasons, the next bridge will probably be a cable stay bridge that doesn't need that poo poo anyways, these big construction projects already get awarded with an early completion incentive bonus, and Elon's a fucknut

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Yeah that was pretty wild to discover that the best method for cutting apart that ship was a Giant loving Chain that can somehow operate as a Giant loving Saw. News reports right now have shown the bridge being cut apart by plasma torches and the like, but the underwater work has to be real, real rough.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Remember folks:

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns



Edit: imo looking at the eclipse isn't the fun bit, it's how the whole area goes loving dark like it's nighttime, and supposedly that could gently caress with pets too

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 17:03 on Apr 8, 2024

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Guessing it's this one (damnit beaten):

But the trump eclipse thing was the best due to context. The entire country went DON'T LOOK AT THE SUN, EVEN THOUGH DIPSHIT WILL and that was the message for days. Government agencies everywhere warning people not to look at the hosed-up orb, then followed by "no matter if dumbfuck does it".

Then dumbshit did it like we all knew he would.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Donnie's abortion nonsense is kayfabe, he's transparently saying poo poo that he thinks will get him elected, then have wingnuts stop abortion pill transportation and abortions via Comstock executive actions. All theatre.

Speaking of:

Democrats have learned the lesson of the last few years: get abortion on ballot initiatives.

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 18:31 on Apr 9, 2024

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
He did it!

(he died)

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

That's a whole lotta poo poo in the air. Still on team "don't escalate you dumb idiots" but will be interesting to see what gets through and what Iran targetted.

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 22:57 on Apr 13, 2024

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Y'all just generally need to chill at the moment, sheesh. Don't even know if this will turn out to be nothing, a little, or a lot.

Edit: exactly what Nick said!

For instance:

That could mean it's just enough to appease hardliners to send some poo poo to get intercepted, or could be a big attack. Block/mute people trying to tell you otherwise at the moment.

CBJSprague24 posted:

CNN says Iran has confirmed they said "FIRE ZE MISSILES".

God damnit.

The missile thing isn't even 100% yet:

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Honorable mentions:

Edit - first initial official report is best-case:

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 01:23 on Apr 14, 2024

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Cugel the Clever posted:

I really worry that Biden allowing the US to be pulled further into the conflict Israel has sparked could be the thing that loses him the election.

Everyone involved right now is saying the attack is over and sure sounds like it's going to be contained. Even Israel is whining to the United Nations about it instead of rattling sabres and promising counter-attacks.

Everyone chill with the World War III talk, that's Donnietalk poo poo.

The funny bit is that this could be the offramp everyone's looking for. Iranian hardliners got their attack. Israel gets a public opinion shift - hell, their neighbors outright let them use their airspace to shoot down poo poo.

And on the domestic side:

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

pmchem posted:

Netanyahu is too hardline to not retaliate. How, on the other hand, I have no idea.

Outside chance he sticks to covert poo poo, like usual. I'm remembering when Donnie outright assassinated Soleimani in Iraq, Iran bombed the poo poo out an American base in response, and our end counter-response was mouth noises. Got lucky then though that there was just a shitload of TBIs and no deaths.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Nuclear Tourist posted:

Looks like several Iranian ballistic missiles made it through Israeli air defenses.

Yep, missiles only.

And even more good news:


"You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
here's the video, as the idiocy is demonstrated a bit better looking at it in picture form

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Happy Donnie Jury Selection day everybody! Have some of the good stuff.


Jerry Dean McLain first bet on former president Donald Trump’s Truth Social two years ago, buying into the Trump company’s planned merger partner, Digital World Acquisition, at $90 a share. Over time, as the price changed, he kept buying, amassing hundreds of shares for $25,000 — pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

That nest egg has lost about half its value in the past two weeks as Trump Media & Technology Group’s share price dropped from $66 after its public debut last month to $32 on Friday. But McLain, 71, who owns a tree-removal service outside Oklahoma City, said he’s not worried. If anything, he wants to buy more.
But there are also flickers of uncertainty and disenchantment, with some saying they faced thousands of dollars in losses or had “risked [literally] everything.” One user who had posted “Tired of WINNING yet?” earlier this year when the stock spiked posted that this week’s losses were “painful to stomach.”

“Come on DJT, every time I buy more, the price drops more,” the user @bill7718 wrote. “When will it be the BOTTOM!!” (He posted a chart Thursday showing the stock rising slightly alongside the caption, “moving!!” The price has since gone back down.)

The user @manofpeace123, who said they bought shares at $65 and that 71 percent of their portfolio was DJT stock, said on Wednesday that investing was a way of telling Trump, “I believe in you and I stand with you through good times and bad.” But a day later, the user added: “can’t help but feel sad. … feel like I’m trying to catch a falling knife.”

Another account, @realJaneBLONDE, posted on Sunday that she was “NOT panicked NOT worried” before, two days later, posting a message to Trump and congressional Republicans urging them to make it “illegal” to bet against or short-sell stocks.

“Sick of MY investment money being stolen!!” she wrote. “They’re stealing peoples money and you’re allowing it!!”

Some users said they were “baffled” by the stock’s ups and downs, and one asked for advice on how to tell her husband she didn’t want to sell. One user posted a meme image saying, “If you’re worried about your Money, Remember This, DJT stock is about FREE SPEECH & Without FREE SPEECH Money won’t mean much.”

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Editing for video:

And around the same time the DA only wanted like $3k for three truth social posts violating the gag order, here was the judge's quote:

Table-setting for the jam-wriggling, but oh the possibilities!

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 18:43 on Apr 15, 2024

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

McNally posted:

courtroom sketches when?

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Imagine just how broken this person must be, plus the person she's printing all the praise material for:

Also, Truth Social announced plans to release more stock shares to the market - promptly cratering the stock an additional 18% today :toot:

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
The brain geniuses in the house have a new plan:

The brain geniuses in the house have a new plan:

The plan house geniuses have a in the new brain.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

MonkeyFit posted:

I would absolutely love for them to oust Johnson. After passing aid bills of course.

¿Por qué no los dos?

Apparently Johnson even socialized his plan today to a bunch of MAGA influencers and trump before the congressfucks got it and it's still not enough. Donnie's even been yammering that the Ukraine money could be a loan and he'd be fine with it. That conference is really hosed.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

MonkeyFit posted:

Oh I do want both. But Ukraine needs the aid ASAP, and we all know the house will be paralyzed for weeks if not months following an ouster of Johnson. So that needs to happen after the aid bills.

Yeah, it's kind of a telling sign that MTG/Massie are demanding he name an immediate successor, versus outright filing and making the chaos. And a few Democrats are already pissed enough that they might present vote to neuter it. Wild poo poo that should've been worked out ages ago to get Ukraine the money.

Edit: Donnie sleepy again

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 15:58 on Apr 16, 2024

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
ol mumblemouth couldn't keep his yapper shut when he didn't like a potential juror

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Platystemon posted:

My purchase of an airburst firework and a bottle of champagne sparkling wine in early October of 2020 is not going to look good in voire dire.

bahah here's one that just happened:

Edit: a few more got dismissed for memery, but they're at 3/12 jurors selected and Donnie's raging at printouts of some of the posts

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 20:19 on Apr 16, 2024


Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
man some of these are loving good


Judge Merchan is reading Trump memes reposted by prospective jurors into the record and periodically apologizing for any offense given. The latest: "Trump invites the Thai boys to the White House, and the boys request to return to their cave."

incidentally, this is proving that Donnie doesn't have entirely-halfassed council, they've got the usual good social media crawlers to weed out jurors

facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 20:32 on Apr 16, 2024

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