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nesaM killed Masen

A friendly goon got me to pay, not even pirate, some Adobe stuff. I currently am paying to use Photoshop on this computer and not just use the questionable copy on the other computer on the desk.

This is where you all come in. I don't do nearly enough edits for me to really feel I'm using my subscription fee. So, give me some things to do. I have a fair bit of free time and I have a fair bit of almost ability. Request anything, reasonable, you want and I'll take a crack at it. Then you can tell me why it sucks and why so I can do better, or maybe I do a good job and you get something made for free.

Worst case scenario is I'm not able to do what you want and I apologize for failing. Failing is okay, disappointing people sucks, and a middle ground is where attempts live. So, fret not if you don't like the thing, I want to try to make it better and I want to figure out ways to do new stuff.

Request away. I honestly have no clue how this will go, but it'll be fun to try.

Last thing, you can request dimensions, animation, or any other specifics and I'll do my best to meet them, dimensions being a hard 'yea i can'.



The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

can you make the dancing miku's in my sig loop
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


nesaM killed Masen

watho posted:

can you make the dancing miku's in my sig loop

Do you want them to seamless loop the dancing left to right to left/repeat? If so, I'm on it.


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

nesamdoom posted:

Do you want them to seamless loop the dancing left to right to left/repeat? If so, I'm on it.

thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


nesaM killed Masen

How's this?


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

nesamdoom posted:

How's this?

yesssss thank you!! i'll update it when i get home
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

its a new era
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


nesaM killed Masen

Awesome. It was a fun dive into frame edits and I ended up figuring out why I kept exporting gifs at the wrong framerate. A success story for everyone.

Got banned, lost sig.


do your "best" to make a cow resemble koala... or the inverse

the more ridiculous the better

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

nesaM killed Masen

RavenousScoot posted:

do your "best" to make a cow resemble koala... or the inverse

the more ridiculous the better

No idea how this is going to go... But I am working on the Midwest's Legendary Drop Cow


nesaM killed Masen

Lol, this one is gonna take some coffee and a lot more work.


nesamdoom posted:

Lol, this one is gonna take some coffee and a lot more work.

this is already much more than I dreamt of

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae


horsing around no longer
Can you combine an anteater and a kangaroo?

thanks 2 balls dildo

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

nesamdoom posted:

Lol, this one is gonna take some coffee and a lot more work.

:nice: cowala

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


nesaM killed Masen

fps_nug posted:

Can you combine an anteater and a kangaroo?

I have no clue, but we will find out

E:I'm fighting myself over whether or not it's gonna be a super jacked antaroo

Got banned, lost sig.


nesaM killed Masen

fps_nug posted:

Can you combine an anteater and a kangaroo?

I hope this abomination is what you've always dreamed of.

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

nesamdoom posted:

I hope this abomination is what you've always dreamed of.

:lol: :australia:


horsing around no longer

nesamdoom posted:

I hope this abomination is what you've always dreamed of.

It's so beautiful. Terrifying.

thanks 2 balls dildo


nesaM killed Masen

fps_nug posted:

It's so beautiful. Terrifying.

I've never done color matching, but I kinda think it worked out not doing it. it can lay in the shade and look like a bit of landscape before freaking the gently caress out of anything that sees it.


nesaM killed Masen




nesaM killed Masen

I could have done the same thing for you, but I played a different game. Also, nobody gets out of the thread without something... ok I probably missed someone along the way, but I'll figure it out. anyways, I love bass and I cool'd up your fretboard.

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

palm trees, swamp, kayak, a tennis racket, the wind, my avatar, and there’s a sunset, maybe some golf, a gen x reference, you get the idea

com truise playlist while you p’shop

please dont let me get out alive

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


nesaM killed Masen

Pahilla the Hun posted:

you get the idea

Nope, but I'll try anyways...

E: I've been giggle/snorting for several minutes over this request. It's going to be so bad hahaha, I'm gonna try to work on it while taking shots and I'll get it done tomorrow, but I might just be laughing too hard to get much done right now. it's just funnier everytime I go through the list.

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 05:57 on Apr 10, 2024


Thank for my shop, doom! It's really meaningful to me, cos I just picked up my bass again after a looong hiatus.

I will treasure my new pips.


nesaM killed Masen

Quadramind posted:

Thank for my shop, doom! It's really meaningful to me, cos I just picked up my bass again after a looong hiatus.

I will treasure my new pips.

I was gonna try to make the smiley bounce around to play something, but gently caress all that work. Good to hear you playing again. I go way too long without and eventually I need that poo poo to keep my brain quiet.


nesaM killed Masen

nesamdoom posted:

Nope, but I'll try anyways...

E: I've been giggle/snorting for several minutes over this request. It's going to be so bad hahaha, I'm gonna try to work on it while taking shots and I'll get it done tomorrow, but I might just be laughing too hard to get much done right now. it's just funnier everytime I go through the list.

This is so much of a fuckshow. Thanks for the request. I want it known that I've fully cheated a few of the points. I just gotta figure out the rest of the stuff.
E: put Com Truise on because I forgot to until right now. might still have a video with it in background while doing this.

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 15:27 on Apr 10, 2024

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

nesamdoom posted:

Nope, but I'll try anyways...

E: I've been giggle/snorting for several minutes over this request. It's going to be so bad hahaha, I'm gonna try to work on it while taking shots and I'll get it done tomorrow, but I might just be laughing too hard to get much done right now. it's just funnier everytime I go through the list.

just happy to provide some lulz and definitely looking forward to the results, even more now!!!

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


nesaM killed Masen

Pahilla the Hun posted:

just happy to provide some lulz and definitely looking forward to the results, even more now!!!

maybe some golf ended up being no golf. haha. this was a fun thing all together, i just also got trashed for a day and half so it took extra long. oh and I doubled up on palm trees, installed vice city and never played it to get screen shots, pretty awesome overall.

madness was requested and received.

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

nesamdoom posted:

maybe some golf ended up being no golf. haha. this was a fun thing all together, i just also got trashed for a day and half so it took extra long. oh and I doubled up on palm trees, installed vice city and never played it to get screen shots, pretty awesome overall.

madness was requested and received.

holy poo poo its amazing

edit: it gets better the more i look at :lol:

any chance you can get my name in there for a sig?

hahaha there’s a “golf club” font:

Pahilla the Hun fucked around with this message at 19:53 on Apr 12, 2024

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


yo nesam, cool if I use this for my sig? I added the yoshis island flower

(also it's trailing artefacts and the kowala is uh.. breathing by accident somehow... but I can't be assed to fix it, good enough for me w/e)

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

nesaM killed Masen

RavenousScoot posted:

yo nesam, cool if I use this for my sig? I added the yoshis island flower

(also it's trailing artefacts and the kowala is uh.. breathing by accident somehow... but I can't be assed to fix it, good enough for me w/e)

No problem, looks cool.

Got banned, lost sig.

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

nesamdoom posted:

maybe some golf ended up being no golf. haha. this was a fun thing all together, i just also got trashed for a day and half so it took extra long. oh and I doubled up on palm trees, installed vice city and never played it to get screen shots, pretty awesome overall.

madness was requested and received.

it occurred to me that maybe my edit was too subtle, so if i am being annoying—understand

can you put my name in there? this poo poo looks great and i would love to add it as a sig if that’s ok with you?

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


nesaM killed Masen

Pahilla the Hun posted:

it occurred to me that maybe my edit was too subtle, so if i am being annoying—understand

can you put my name in there? this poo poo looks great and i would love to add it as a sig if that’s ok with you?

lol, missed my own thread getting a post. let me take a shot at this for the fun

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

nesamdoom posted:

lol, missed my own thread getting a post. let me take a shot at this for the fun

goon on!

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


nesaM killed Masen

Pahilla the Hun posted:

it occurred to me that maybe my edit was too subtle, so if i am being annoying—understand

can you put my name in there? this poo poo looks great and i would love to add it as a sig if that’s ok with you?

second is an mp4 link from imgur

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 19:54 on Jun 5, 2024


third time's the HRAAAAAAAAAAAAALF
make me beautiful


nesaM killed Masen

Khad posted:

make me beautiful

You're already beautiful.
More specifics are probably needed. like I don't know what to do with your request as is.



third time's the HRAAAAAAAAAAAAALF
thank you :)

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