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Feb 8, 2006

Welcome to Cookfia 9: Spicy NonAchos

A mafia game where you get to eat the dead, and people watching. This game is CYOF, choose your own flavor. You pick a recipe, this will inform your role and your flavor.

The big mechanic in the game is the Spice Rack. The Spice Rack is store you can spend recipe points in to purchase spices. Each spice is a one shot role. If you have played or watched previous Cookfias this will be in the vein of Cookfia 4, 6, and 7 the spices and herbs are much cheaper, and have much less potent effects, but can be combined into spice blends. What a spice blend will do will mostly make sense based on what it's components do.

Any player, living or dead or spectators, can cook the dish and get points based on the recipe. Additional points may be awarded for creativity or flair, or if something goes horribly wrong or right. Photographic evidence to show you made the dish is required, step by step pictures are appreciated.

Living players, dead players and spectators can purchase spices, but dead players and spectators can not use their spices directly, they must gift completed spices to living players. Spice gifting is an anonymous out of thread action.

To spend points, send me a message in my discord channel with the spice you wish to purchase. Any spice purchased is activated in the following phase, so get those spice orders in before deadline or hammer, whichever comes first. A spice purchased during the night phase will activate the following day phase.
Other Stuff:
  • Town wins when all threats to the town are eliminated
  • Scum win when they control the execution.
  • Third Party (If they exist) win according to their victory conditions
  • Dead posts and spectator posts are allowed, but only to post things they cooked.
  • The Thread will never close. Nights will remain open. Please do not post about game things during the night, cooking posts only please.
  • Days will be 48 hours long, except for the first which will be 72 hours.
  • Weekends count as 1 day for deadlines.
  • Discord is required.

Otherwise normal mafia rules apply, and if in doubt, you can always ask, but as a general rule, don’t be a dick.

Links to prior escapades:
Cookfia 2
Cookfia 3
Cookfia 4
Cookfia 5
Cookfia 6
Cookfia 7
Cookfia 8

Join the Discord to play or spectate

:siren:Available Recipes:siren:
  1. Grandicap's Choose Your Own Soup is worth 30 points.
  2. Flash Deal 1: Fusion is worth 25 points. This deal is available to cook until Day 2 Starts.
  3. Tired Moritz's Chili and Anger is worth 30 points.
  4. Idle Amalgam's Special Guest Recipe Brown Sugar Glazed Carrots are worth 30 points.
  5. Flash Deal 2:Flavor Combos are worth 25 points. This deal is available to cook until Day 3 Starts
  6. Please the Observers! is worth 10 points on entry, and the chance at fabulous prizes. This event lasts until 4/28/24 at 9:30AM EST.
  7. merk's Sriracha Shrimp Spicy Summer Salad is worth 30 points.
  8. Opopanax's Pork and Beans Bread is worth 35 points.
  9. PhantomMuzzles's Earl Grey Oatmeal Cookies are worth 30 points.
  10. Flash Deal 3: Texture Fusion is worth 25 points. This deal will be available to cook until the end of Night 3.
  11. Voodoofly's Miso Soup for the Soul (With Sashimi and Sunonomo) is worth 30 points.
  12. wins32767's Hungarian Goulash is worth 30 points.
  13. PussyQuipped's Broccoli-Chicken Cheddar Curry Casserole is worth 30 points.
  14. Capitalist Pig's Homemade Pizza is worth 30 points.


  1. CapitalistPig (He/Him)
  2. Cloacamazing! (she/her)
  3. Hyper Crab Tank
  4. Idle Amalgam
  5. Illusionis (He/him)
  6. Maerlyn (she/her)
  7. merk (he/him)
  8. Opopanax (He/him/opop)
  9. Potato Salad
  10. Pussy Quipped (He/Him)
  11. saladscooper (he/him)
  12. Sandwolf (He/Him)
  13. Tea Party Crasher
  14. Tired Moritz
  15. Voodoofly (He/Him/Whatever)
  16. WindwardAway (she/her/whatever)
  17. wins32767

Grandicap fucked around with this message at 02:51 on Apr 30, 2024


Feb 8, 2006

The Spice Rack: (Link to Spreadsheet with the same info for readability)
Spice		Role		Modifier	Price
Sage		Spice Cop	Inquisitive	20
Cardamom	Empowerer			25
Fenugreek	Doctor		Weak		45
Garlic		Vigilante	Doomed		100
Parsley		Grave Robber	Gossiping	25
Allspice	Bus Driver	Gossiping	35
Tumeric		Remote				15
Paprika		Mason Maker			10
Mace		Spice Stealer	Shy		25
Rosemary	Jailer		Gossiping	50
Saffron		Cop		Doomed		60
Cinnamon	Tracker		Shy		35
Cayenne		Spice Protection Passive	10
Salt		Double-Vote	Tiring		100
Caraway		Watcher		Gossiping	35
Oregano		Roleblocker	Gossiping	30
Thyme		Hider				30
Ginger		Hands-Free			25
Celery Salt	Befuddle	Tiring		50
Anise Seeds	Vanish		Sapping		55
Brown Sugar	Loved Maker	Heavy		40
Cumin		Hated maker	Heavy		45
Onion Powder	Public				25
Unlabled Spice	CHAOS		CHAOS		20
Modifiers Explained:
Gossiping	If the player is visited, their action fails and is not expended
Doomed		If action is meaningfully successful, the player dies at the end of the following day
One-Shot	Can Be Used Once
Shy		If the target is visited by anyone else, the action fails and is not expended
Inquisitive	Bonus effect if the information gained has not been gained by anyone else this game
Passive		Does not require an action, it just happens if conditions are met
Weak		If power is used on a scum, the player dies
Tiring		If this power is used, no abilities can be used the following night
Ruthless	If this ability targets players of the opposite alignment, it kills them
Sapping		When you use this power, you lose the ability to vote the following day	
Heavy		If this spice is used, you may not use other spices for the rest of the current phase, and the following phase	
Public Knowledge Description:
Instead of knowing what each spice does out of the tin (grinder? little shakey thing?), you just know in broad strokes what it does, and how well it does the thing it says it does.

When a spice is obtained, the player that obtained it will get the full description of the power.

When you get a new spice, you can chose to either combine it with any other spice or spice blend you have. This will combine those two actions into a single action that may just do both things, or the spice blend could be something entirely new (but still related to the combined spice components).

Grandicap fucked around with this message at 14:14 on Apr 29, 2024

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Okay I work with a kitchen so I can probably try this game

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut


Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Viva la revolucion

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I’m here to comod and/or morally support this

Oct 20, 2006


Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil

Hyper Crab Tank
Feb 10, 2014

The 16-bit retro-future of crustacean-based transportation

Idle Amalgam
Mar 7, 2008

said I'm never lackin'
always pistol packin'
with them automatics
we gon' send 'em to Heaven

Dec 12, 2011

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Oh I suppose.....

Nov 3, 2005

A Winner is you!
Yes please, I know you postponed this for when i thought i was gonna be done with all this mess but the mess just continues, regardless, I must soldier on and join cookfia.

Feb 26, 2008

dance dance dance
It's me I'm a spectator!

Jul 11, 2002

i was just about to embark on a little mafia break but i've been wanting to do a cookfia......

consider me a spectator for now

Aug 25, 2004

"Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday."
(Wilma Rudolph)

Potato Salad
Oct 23, 2014

nobody cares


May 20, 2003

I will be on vacation from April 21-25, but there will be cooking during the trip. Ok for me to join still?

Feb 8, 2006

merk posted:

I will be on vacation from April 21-25, but there will be cooking during the trip. Ok for me to join still?


Pussy Quipped
Jan 29, 2009

I was just freed from another game on D1 and I still really want to play mafia and I also LOVE to cook and I've never done a cookfia before so I'd love to play if you will have me!

Feb 8, 2006

Pussy Quipped posted:

I was just freed from another game on D1 and I still really want to play mafia and I also LOVE to cook and I've never done a cookfia before so I'd love to play if you will have me!

Happy to have you.

Aug 8, 2007


Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

right when i start my couple-of-months mafia break?!

i will spectate, but probably not be able to cook anything given my current circumstances :hmmyes:

i have successfully made it to pennsylvania with (...most of...) my stuff for anyone keeping track

Jan 25, 2019

I was entreated to play this game so I will play this game

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

I’ll play!

Mar 16, 2007

I guess.

Tea Party Crasher
Sep 3, 2012

Heard a lot of chatter about Cookfia and cooking is one of my favorite hobbies So here I am

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
I'm up for some cooking 🙂

Token Female
Apr 2, 2007

If I hear the music...
I'll have to be a spectator for now, but put me on a replacement list.

Feb 8, 2006

Tea Party Crasher, please report to this discord, trying to get this kicked off tonight.

Feb 8, 2006

What's the best way to start a meal? The same way you start this game!!! With Soup!

I will be giving a vague recipe for the soup I made tonight, but to get points it only needs to be a soup, not my soup. That being said, if you want to follow my recipe, if you could call it that, go for it!

To start here, I took a bit of a detour. I made caramelized onions. I considered making this a french onion soup, but didn't have any beef bones to make beef stock, but I still wanted to go down this path. They are pretty easy to do, time is the big thing. Start with your Onions, ignore the herbs on the board, except for the thyme, we'll use those later.

But take those onions and slice them up real good. Shape isn't super important, I like rings, and used my mandolin to make short work of it. Then heat up some Butter and olive oil in a large pan. Once the butter is melted and the oil starts to shimmer, throw in some garlic and some thyme to flavor the fat.

Throw in the onions, and some salt and pepper. Then cook over medium low heat for like an hour. Stir like every 10-15 minutes, if they start to burn you can add a couple of tablespoons of water to stop them from burning, and then turn the heat down a smidge, but to get that sweet depth of flavor they need to cook down.

Now that our detour is complete, push those onions to the side, we're making chicken stock. I've been saving chicken bits from every time I break down a chicken or chicken pieces and throwing it all in a zip top bag in the fridge until I finally get around to making chicken stock. There are 3 chicken carcasses, and a dozen thigh bones, a neck and some skin and fat off cuts in the bag.

I didn't take a picture of boiling my meat cube (once it hits boiling, reduce to a simmer). but do that for like 15-30 minutes so your frozen chicken parts are no longer freezing and you have a nice layer of scum. Time to skim off that scum. Or pour it through a mesh sieve.
Return to the pot with the bones but not the scum and bits the seive collected, along with a bouqet garnet I showed you way back in that first pic, but bundeled together with some cooking twine.

Cook down until you have about half of the liquid you started with. Straining it again at the end. Set aside your chicken bits and pull off any reasonably good looking chicken bits for adding back in later. This will depend on how well you butchered your chicken intiially, I had a decent amount from the carcasses but the thigh bones were pretty meatless.

Now let's punch up the flavor by making a soup base out of soy sauce and some miso paste.

Then add some of your stock and the soup base into a bowl.

And layer your flavors. I used some ramen as the starch, the carmelized onions, the stewed chicken from the stock and a bunch of cilantro for freshness. I used some nori sheets for garnish. I wish I had some lime to cut through the richness with some acid. But otherwise this was a delicious bowl of soup.

Grandicap's Soup! is worth 30 points.

Game Starts Now

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 1

Not Voting (18): CapitalistPig, Cloacamazing!, Hyper Crab Tank, Idle Amalgam, Illusionis, Maerlyn, merk, Opopanax, Potato Salad, Pussy Quipped, saladscooper, Sandwolf, Tea Party Crasher, Tired Moritz, Token Female, Voodoofly, WindwardAway, wins32767

With 18 alive, it's 10 votes to execute. The current deadline is April 22nd, 2024 at 10 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 2 days, 22 hours.

Feb 8, 2006

:siren:Some minor changes to those of you have played in these games before. The Spice Rack is now more public than it has ever been, instead of just a descriptor of the spice, you get the full role name. Not a description, but way more than there was in the past. All spice info is in the second post if you need to know what to buy and how much it costs, and what it does.

Combinations are still unknown and specifics about the roles are unknown until you buy the spice, or combine the blend.:siren:

Also Flash deal 1 is up, it's Fusion. Typically, that's combining two types of cuisine, like a Bulgogi Taco, or a Paella Briyani, or a Sushi Burrito or something like that, but fuse whatever the hell you want if you can explain why it should count, I will probably give you the points.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Chilled Lime and Basil, Sweet, Sour and Smokey Soup

Points me up Grandi

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Oh nice theme. It means I don't have to stress out over buying ingredients :^)

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil
Soup! Yeah!

I just checked and we have a couple potatoes left, the local farmer's market is open and the dog needs to be walked, so I can actually make something a bit higher effort than my original idea of Grandma's Oatmeal Soup. I'll still post that recipe later because it's great comfort food when you're sick.

Apr 18, 2018

Too cute to be evil

Voodoofly posted:

Chilled Lime and Basil, Sweet, Sour and Smokey Soup

Points me up Grandi

Sometimes I worry about you, Voodoo.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

Cloacamazing! posted:

Sometimes I worry about you, Voodoo.

You should worry about Lady Fly, I made it for her.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

My shameful secret: I love making drinks, but I don’t actually drink all that much


Pussy Quipped
Jan 29, 2009

I will be recreating grandicaps soup to the best of my ability tomorrow.

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