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nesaM killed Masen

Started a new XCOM 2 game and will add people into roles so that BYOB will be the ones saving the world.

I'll add people a bit randomly unless I happen to know stuff. No customization(unless you specifically ask for an option, which are limited), so you might just be anyone, but I'll try to write a short bio(you can if it's not very long). Assigning people to rookies early game seems the best way to go and then you'll just get promoted to roles based on rng and/or whatever system is in place for that. But there is no problem with requesting a type of role and if it's open, it's yours.

Enlist here and help take the planet back from the aliens that, I can't remember the lore, took over the planet somehow.

I'll probably just be doing a couple missions a day. I don't have ironman on, so nobody dies harder than we can save them(you still might get shot up in the service of byob saving the whole loving world). I can give some status updates along the way. if anyone gets some spectacular saves or kills then videos might be added.

I'll keep track of the roster below
RavenousScoot - Ranger, 11 Missions, 27 Kills
B33rChiller - Specialist, 15 Missions, 24 Kills
Buttchocks - Sharpshooter, 7 Missions, 10 Kills
sb hermit - Grenadier, 9 Missions, 14 Kills
Nosfereefer - Ranger, 5 Missions, 3 Kills
Fredrik1 - Grenadier, 5 Missions, 7 Kills
barnold - Grenadier, 10 Missions, 11 Kills
infrared35 - Specialist, 6 Missions, 10 Kills
Captain Log - Ranger, 5 Missions, 8 Kills
Tyro - Sharpshooter, 4 Missions, 4 Kills
FutonForensic - Specialist, 4 Missions, 7 Kills
Chrs - Sharpshooter, 3 Missions, 6 Kills
Flakey - Ranger, 7 Missions, 11 Kills
baka of lathspell - Specialist, 5 Missions, 11 Kills
watho - Grenadier, 7 Missions, 15 Kills
Finger Prince - Sharpshooter, 5 Missions, 9 Kills
fps_nug - Specialist, 7 Missions, 10 Kills
Doctor Dogballs - Ranger, 5 Missions, 13 Kills

Those are the final stats before the last 2 missions. Won't let me see the end numbers for everyone.
infrared35 was lost on the network mission. On the final mission we succeeded, but it was a full squad wipe.

XCOM:Enemy Unknown - Enemy Within
Flakey - Mec Trooper, 15 Missions, 33 Kills
calhoun - Sniper, 17 Missions, 43 Kills
Fredrik1 - Support, 15 Missions, 25 Kills
RavenousScoot - Mec Trooper, 16 Missions, 52 Kills
infrared35 - Mec Trooper, 14 Missions, 41 Kills
Finger Prince - Sniper, 10 Missions, 17 Kills
B33rChiller - Mec Trooper, 16 Missions, 50 Kills
sb hermit - Mec Trooper, 14 Missions, 30 Kills
watho - Mec Trooper, 15 Missions, 31 Kills
Tyro - Heavy, 22 Missions, 46 Kills
Nosfereefer - Sniper, 11 Missions, 15 Kills
Chrs - Mec Trooper, 14 Missions, 30 Kills
Buttchocks - 17 Missions, 23 Kills
FutonForensic - 16 Missions, 22 Kills
Captain Log - Mec Trooper, 14 Missions, 28 Kills
fps_nug - Assault, 16 Missions, 29 Kills
baka of lathspell - Support, 21 Missions, 31 Kills
barnold - Sniper, 10 Missions, 15 Kills
Doctor Dogballs - Sniper, 511 Missions, 14 Kills

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 12:43 on Jun 13, 2024



nesaM killed Masen

RavenousScoot posted:

I operate the boomstick :c00l:

Several more missions and that boomstick is going to be ace for the first couple extraterrestrials you run up to.


nesaM killed Masen

Live posting a mission update. B33rChiller is still napping, but Rav saved my life with a nade to the only alien that had a shot on me when I busted outside and had to flashbang and hide. unnamed rookie wrapped around the building and caught the other one. everyone is doing fine.


nesaM killed Masen

Well... things didn't work quite well. I retried the mission a couple times because I kept losing people. Buttchocks made the mission work out, but I died. I'll deal with that when I remember how to get me back.

Buttchocks got promoted to a sharpshooter. congrats sq
Rav got promoted to corporal and learned Phantom, basically has to openly walk up and slap an alien to be noticed even if everyone else is shooting

Can't be bothered to run a mission over. so, i'm dead. Hopefully the kid avenges me.

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 12:21 on Apr 14, 2024


nesaM killed Masen

Nosfereefer posted:

i will shoot aliems

I'm gonna reload a partial mission and add you after a nap. Thank you for your help.


nesaM killed Masen

Will add you both at base.
Mission Failing Moon successful with no deaths.
sb hermit got promoted to grenadier. you've got a lot of 'splosions in your future. Buttchocks got a skill to shoot people that his friends can see, pretty much wallhacks.

We have enough people for a 4 squad mission. good luck

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 20:02 on Apr 14, 2024


nesaM killed Masen

Nosfereefer promoted to sharpshooter, Fredrik1 promoted to ranger.
No deaths on the mission to save people from attack. Good work everyone.


nesaM killed Masen

barnold posted:

let me in i want to explode the enemy

You're going to take a grenadier role then. Booms can always help save the day.


nesaM killed Masen

B33rChiller finally got uninjured and went out, to successfully hack the target. Promoted and unlocked the skill to remote heal. Nosfereefer was promoted and now fires back when shot at. barnold got the opening shot with a nade launcher and made the group easy clean up for the team. :lol: RavenousScoot was just standing on a van in plain sight until poo poo started blowing up, then they noticed the obvious enemy right next to them.

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 21:46 on Apr 14, 2024


nesaM killed Masen

Adding Captain Log, it's questionable if they requested(but asking about things that totally work in game works), and infrafrared35(tip your fedora, go to war). Just hooked Rav up with a laser sight that gives 10% crit chance, improving with proximity. So, blast away. We are about to go out on a mission.

Also, if anyone asks, I'll put a name on your weapon.

RavenousScoot posted:

sounds about right, I was prob :trashed:'d

It was a great example of why I like that skill. You pretty much only got noticed, like 20 feet away standing on a van, because when the grenade round blew up the aliens moved and you were in overwatch and broke cover to blast one. All of the classes get super cool stuff, but in the end sharpshooters finish most kills.


nesaM killed Masen

infrared35 posted:

is there enough room to put “Vera. No, not that Vera.”

Nope, looks like 11 characters


nesaM killed Masen

Awesome mission. Captain Log blasted some people and chopped one down with a sword, earning a promotion and bonus sword damage. infrared35 hacked the info and everyone made it out alive.


nesaM killed Masen

infrared35 posted:


suck it, everyone in my high school who said i’d never amount to anything

They are probably working with the aliens, those jerks.


nesaM killed Masen

Tyro posted:

Put me in, coach

You're going to be our first test on the EXO suits. The test went well. lots of poo poo got blown up.


nesaM killed Masen

We got chased down by a UFO. It was a horrible mission, but everyone stayed alive.

FutonForensic posted:

put me in I'll never die

So far this is accurate.


nesaM killed Masen

I can only add one til I get supplies. I'm on a forced mission I've wiped a couple times. Going to work on it when I get back home and then recruit some more slots and work on building more armour. Some big alien project is about to finish and we're going to need to upgrade the base so we can send out 6 people at once. Progress on upgraded weapons is coming along well and we're almost to upgraded basic armour and then with advanced armours it'll be pretty good to stay alive. B33rChiller is our only combat medic, so I'm going to have to get better medkits or get someone else doing that role too.
So far some pretty funny moments have happened. Having an alien jump through a window and be in sight of someone on overwatch and then getting shot right back out the window was a pretty funny one I think I saved video or gif.
That's an update since I've been busy and not working on missions today.

Got banned, lost sig.


nesaM killed Masen

Had an idea, used magic to roll back to pre-mission and make some changes that let me get some recruits. Everyone is in now. After this big event I should be able to do more missions where people can level up and it's less crazy.


nesaM killed Masen

That was dicey as gently caress. Rav almost got dead from the first civ saved(ended mission with 1hp after being healed), luckily almost everyone had a medkit. sbhermit in an EXOsuit pretty much held the whole thing together. Accuracy in this game is a joke. missing from 4 feet away is ridiculous. and 2 friggin civs ended up being these aliens that morph into human shape. That was close and really, I'm looking forward to some easier missions soon. 3/4 came out hurt. but nobody died.


nesaM killed Masen

I'll update stats in the morning. I'm too tired to do more. progress is being made, but sometimes it's laterally.
buttchocks, know that you are raining shots from the heavens.


nesaM killed Masen

After the current mission a big event should be popping. The upgrade for more soldiers on the field is under construction. Once it's done I will be instituting a 'training, totally not babysitting' initiative to boost some of the people that have gotten less missions and are lower ranked, so get less missions. Endgame I want everyone to be so used to killing aliens that you subconsciously shoot one while eating a sandwich and nobody else notices either. Also, I'm remembering how to run the missions better with things like squad selection for roles, slowing down and not getting someone womped by busting into a place solo, and some of the paths to upgrading things to get us ready for the big fights later.


nesaM killed Masen

Got the 2 of you added.
I have our gym and increased squad size to 5. Somebody needs to be promoted to Captain for the next squad increase. Also, grabbed us a bonus 25% xp from kills. So, lets get out there and kill some poo poo!


nesaM killed Masen

So I spaced out hard and forgot to do the important thing and am going to have to restart the game. Lol, I kinda ignored the core aspect of the game.

Got banned, lost sig.


nesaM killed Masen

baka of lathspell posted:

do we talk about someone being captain or is it a natural function of gameplay

Each soldier gets xp from missions and get promotions. Ranks pretty much only decide how many skills everyone has.

Finger Prince posted:

I hate the stress you out doomsday clock they added to xcom2, it made playing it not enjoyable for me. Which is a shame because I fuckin loved all the shadowrun re-issues. I like those tactical turn based squad combat games.
That said, put me in and give me a shotgun!

Yea, I for some reason was thinking it was waves. The clock is a jerk for most of the game.


nesaM killed Masen

Nope, although I'm working on getting soldiers for everyone. But I'll have you in once I get enough supplies.
Morning coffees and I should have everyone in place.

Got banned, lost sig.


nesaM killed Masen

Ok. Still a few people getting rotated into service, but I've been getting people mixed in awhile working on recruiting. So far we're staying ahead of the timer and working on contacting other places in the world to get the most missions.


nesaM killed Masen

lol, 2 people miss a sectoid and then the next round all 4 do. Luckily nobody died, but the 6 misses in a row made it pretty sketchy.


nesaM killed Masen

baka of lathspell posted:

what's a sectoid?

Skinny aliens with psychic powers. Real pain in the rear end when they mind control someone on the team, but normally they just eat some bullets while raising zombie aliens.
There are way worse enemies, but these ones are more annoying than dangerous.

bonus: Can't remember who it was. But I was going to be so mad if this shot missed.

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 00:54 on Apr 22, 2024


nesaM killed Masen

Doctor Dogballs posted:

i enjoy xcom2 very much. a lot of the time id give my squad names of seinfeld characters and then rude pun names like "harry weiner" etc.

Rude names are hilarious until someone wonders why Dick Butts is a character in your game.
I did Ironman one time and it was surprising how many people were named nesaMDoom in their world.
I'm putting you in.


nesaM killed Masen

RavenousScoot - Ranger, 5 Missions, 10 Kills
B33rChiller - Specialist, 8 Missions, 12 Kills
Buttchocks - Sharpshooter, 3 Missions, 4 Kills
sb hermit - Grenadier, 7 Missions, 10 Kills
Nosfereefer - Ranger, 1 Missions, 0 Kills
Fredrik1 - Grenadier, 3 Missions, 4 Kills
barnold - Grenadier, 3 Missions, 2 Kills
infrared35 - Specialist, 3 Missions, 5 Kills
Captain Log - Ranger, 1 Missions, 2 Kills
Tyro - Sharpshooter, 1 Missions, 1 Kills
FutonForensic - Specialist, 2 Missions, 4 Kills
Chrs - Sharpshooter, 2 Missions, 4 Kills
Flakey - Ranger, 2 Missions, 6 Kills
baka of lathspell - Specialist, 2 Missions, 5 Kills
watho - Grenadier, 3 Missions, 8 Kills
Finger Prince - Sharpshooter, 1 Missions, 2 Kills
fps_nug - Specialist, 2 Missions, 0 Kills
Doctor Dogballs - Ranger, 2 Missions, 6 Kills


nesaM killed Masen

Super iffy mission. UFO hunted us down. Got everyone in overwatch because we got the thing broken, but I don't want to leave someone stuck and they are stunned with drop ships coming in. Throwing a smoke grenade and setting people out to draw fire. Now some people are knocked out. Getting people to grab them while trying to get back to the ship and get out of here.
sbhermit almost died there and a lot of the team is busted up, but we bloody did it. Everyone got out alive and there's 22 less aliens in the world.
Congrats B33rChiller for getting to Captain. we'll be able to bring 6 on missions now.


nesaM killed Masen

:lol: Nice dodge there dude


nesaM killed Masen

baka of lathspell posted:

i'm a specialist

you love to hear it tbh

One of my fave things of this game is you can't just bullshit your way. 6 sharpshooters, bangbangbangbangbangbang every round. Roles are cool as gently caress. Specialists get to remote hack target computers, lookout towers, enemy robots, etc. It's a cool role that is able to change based on the gremlin updates. oh yea, your drone is a gremlin(please feed it at night with lots of water) and they kick rear end. Rangers get to gently caress off around the area and just blast poo poo or cut them down while ignoring such trivialities as being shot at. Sharpshooters get a cool choice of being a pistol champ with a bigass rifle that can one-shot or focusing on doing nothing until a motherfucker moves halfway across the map near a friendly and then put them right down. Rangers have a mix of run right up and blast one alien in the face then gently caress back off to cover and walking through a whole rear end sight the hit the target and either bail or sacrifice(not fan of losing people so the sneak while everyone else slips around is best). Grenadiers are a fun mix of opening the fight by blasting several enemies and their cover, to uh... getting into position then loving up everything. They also run crowd control.

This is a good team we got and many alien asses will be kicked in the forward times.
I'll try to remember screen grabs. it's such a long way to play that full recording is unthinkable with my storage.

nesamdoom fucked around with this message at 00:44 on Apr 23, 2024


nesaM killed Masen

Don't know what's with the audio, but one person couldn't make it all the way to the evac. A drop ship was coming in, so we had 4 wait behind in overwatch for the turn the person had to wait to get to the evac. Drop ship came in and all the aliens got blasted before getting to do anything. Good work.


nesaM killed Masen

Pretty sure I hosed up the loadout by not thinking for the last mission. Guess we'll find out in the video.

Sadly, we lost someone on the last mission. I'll update everyone on the next post, but they did the job and made sure we let everyone in the world know how poo poo these aliens are.


nesaM killed Masen

sbhermit was caught using performance enhancing stims, good loving job. That's the way to help the world survive.
infrared35 burned to death in a mission to take over the alien communications network and reveal their bullshit to the world.

For anyone interested or that doesn't know what xcom is, I'm posting the second to last mission now. This mission only let 3 come with and it's a pain, but we did it and gently caress them extraterrestrial bastards. No loving phone home ET, eat shot and die!
I'd like to thank everyone for their efforts and the part they played in saving the world.

Last mission video is coming. The last one is a 23GB file so the edit is gonna be a bunch and will come after some work. We won And anyone that wants can watch. I'm editing it down to 2 versions. one dramatic as gently caress because it was a fun one and then I'm gonna just wack one into hyperspeed


nesaM killed Masen

Nosfereefer posted:

does being a ranger mean i bring the hanzo steel to the enemy?

Sort of. we upgraded a couple times to techy magic kinda swords. but you have for sure bladed down some aliens, like a fuckin' champ.


nesaM killed Masen

I don't have the internet or patience for the hour an half end fight getting to youtube yet. I'll post the end, it came down pretty close. Thanks everyone for joining and helping save the friggin' world.

Here is the end of the mission/campaign. A sped up version of the whole fight will be at the bottom of the post.

RavenousScoot - Ranger, 11 Missions, 27 Kills
B33rChiller - Specialist, 15 Missions, 24 Kills
Buttchocks - Sharpshooter, 7 Missions, 10 Kills
sb hermit - Grenadier, 9 Missions, 14 Kills
Nosfereefer - Ranger, 5 Missions, 3 Kills
Fredrik1 - Grenadier, 5 Missions, 7 Kills
barnold - Grenadier, 10 Missions, 11 Kills
infrared35 - Specialist, 6 Missions, 10 Kills
Captain Log - Ranger, 5 Missions, 8 Kills
Tyro - Sharpshooter, 4 Missions, 4 Kills
FutonForensic - Specialist, 4 Missions, 7 Kills
Chrs - Sharpshooter, 3 Missions, 6 Kills
Flakey - Ranger, 7 Missions, 11 Kills
baka of lathspell - Specialist, 5 Missions, 11 Kills
watho - Grenadier, 7 Missions, 15 Kills
Finger Prince - Sharpshooter, 5 Missions, 9 Kills
fps_nug - Specialist, 7 Missions, 10 Kills
Doctor Dogballs - Ranger, 5 Missions, 13 Kills

Those are the final stats before the last 2 missions. Won't let me see the end numbers for everyone.
infrared35 was lost on the network mission. On the final mission we succeeded, but it was a full squad wipe.
The final mission had watho, barnold, baka of lathspell, sbhermit, B33rChiller, and RavenousScoot.

Sorry for the poor decisions that got some people killed.
Also, I'd skip this video or atleast turn off audio. it's 8x speed so it's disorienting to watch anyways.
really the only good part is the guns sounding like robot farts.


nesaM killed Masen

calhoun posted:

I will help in any way I can.

Well I finished xcom 2, but I could do xcom: enemy unknown.

Got banned, lost sig.


nesaM killed Masen

watho posted:

i sure killed a bunch of aliens relative to how many missions i went on :c00l:

You were shooting rockets and grenades into groups. it helps. the numbers work out so weird because I think they should count assists.

Thinking I'll get Enemy Unknown downloaded and do that game starting this weekend. Just gonna random the order of the names and load everyone in whatever order they come up.



nesaM killed Masen

2 missions into XCOM:Enemy Unknown... uh the Enemy Within version. Lost someone on mission 1, but hadn't assigned names yet, so I'm counting that as me dying day one. Have mostly everyone recruited already and going to work on filling the rest out. Oddly RavenousScoot got set to support class and B33rChiller got assigned to assault. kinda funny. Will update the OP with a stat/roster after a few more missions when, hopefully, I've gotten everyone into missions.

So far Flakey is a Heavy, calhoun is a Sniper, Frederik1 is Support. Already mentioned Scoot and Chiller, who also happened to be the only ones hurt so far.
As for the classes, I don't remember these ones. My last save is from 2014. Funny enough, the calendar in game is in 2015, so this has already happened, I think we win because I don't see any aliens outside right now.

I forgot you can name medals and award them, so I might need help coming up with better names that 'Medal of Hiding'. To be fair to myself, a medal that gives bonus defense while in cover does seem like hiding is the best use.

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