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add me! I'll fight the alien menace until I die



can't believe I'm not dead



nesamdoom posted:

Life in this game is a funny thing. In our last campaign you blew a lot of poo poo up and made starting fights way easier. This round you've seen some fighting, but the number one rule is stay alive... even if I have to hop everyone back and we pick them off on defense. You'll be in fight rotation again soon and then probably head off to get cybernetic or gene alterations. Nobody will be fully human by the end of this, but everyone will be pretty badass. Who wants to (:lol:, i can't spell hiar) a forklift driver when you can hire(looked it up:lol:) a motherfucker in a mech suit that can curl forklifts? Who needs an elevator when your employees can jump 30' up to a roof? Not saying that the horrors(read as laughs about blasting aliens) of war, aren't going to have some effect, but I fully think everyone will have a fallback if the celebrity of saving the world doesn't work out.

also, I retry some missions to keep from wiping. or even like a 3/4 wipe and it's probably better to not save. It's my time I'm wasting and keeping posting pals alive. If you wanna volunteer for final mission stuff I can safely promise that despite my best efforts, you'll probably die there. XCOM 2 ended with a full squad wipe, but the job got done and I have to assume that future kids are going to schools named after SA usernames. And just keep that in mind if you ever question your role in saving the world. When the graduates of 2100 are leaving Frederik1 Memorial High School to go to Uni, you loving did that... by either dying to save the world or going full ego 'I saved the loving world' that everyone hated you and you got cancelled for a mix of heroin and dog-fighting, but not in the way you'd expect(just saying dogs are mildly interested in people fighting, but heroin makes them really wanna watch people rip each other apart because they are too gently caress'd to tear poo poo up themselves) and after all the people dying from aliens and wills leaving everything to their dogs, there is a surprisingly well off amount of dogs with money to burn. So, gently caress it, bets are bets and if the money is good all these dialed out motherfuckers are still putting money on the table... let's loving get it!

lol, sorry, I get sidetracked. I'm pretty happy that the whole team is alive.

I'm in it for the long haul baby, if the aliens ever get to me I can just add another number on my screen name and come back as Fredrik2

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