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Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
This thread is dedicated to the brave warriors who eat lunch every day sometimes at their desk and sometimes at the wendy's desk. pictures appreciated.

byob what did you lunch today? I had some hot garlic stir fry cup of noodles ramen. it was creamy and the right kind of spicy. I'm trying to not spend so much on food. Thankfully it was crazy good. Tomorrow I'm planning on having some chili at my desk.


Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
2 tac'd up

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
my chili plan got derailed by some emergency maintenance to my apartment. having some wendys (sad)

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
don't call me that

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
are those like anchovies?

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
i forgot to post yesterday because work was very hectic. we had to move piles of stuff and as a reward they ordered us barbecue and we basically coasted the afternoon.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
don't call me that

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
ate in at work today. got some chicken tenders at the cafeteria. the blue haired line cook wasn't there today so i didn't get the flirtations with my meal, but it was still good. hope everyone is enjoying their lunch. and if you're not, you'd better

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
I had some leftover chicken and a sweet potato. I'm about to go grocery shopping with my mom. I like doing chores with people. And sometimes she buys me a coke.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
I had what a burger for the first time when I went to texas recently.I was not expecting it to be that good!
I had some McDonalds. Should have just had a bagel but I was already out and about.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
I had a calzone that I got at Aldis. It was pretty good, but why did I get the buffalo chicken one. Wrong choice. My lunch was interrupted by someone messaging me on teams. Even at home.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
today i had a cup of soup that you microwave and drink as well as a bagel with marmite. my coworkers didn't know what marmite was. it did not convince them

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
got chicken tenders from the cafeteria. the blue and pink hair line cook was there and he gives me extra. obviously the dude is in love.

works dragging

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
i packed a lunch and they're giving us pizza smh

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
upset tummy kinda day. skipped lunch. ate some pretzels though.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
I had some oven egg rolls and they were pretty good

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
Oh nice nice how were they

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
all tacos are beautiful

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
a burrito, a yogurt, some chex mix
working from home is nice

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
Burger and fries. Busy day so I got lunch at the cafeteria. Still grumpy

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
oh hell yeah i got a fancy danish at work for free

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
i was taken to lunch by the contracting house i work for. it was expensive and good. glad i didn't pay

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
got heartburn. i think i ate my breakfast/lunch of leftover macked cheese too fast and greedily. Eating chips. hope everyone's lunching good.

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
sorry for the lack of lunch updates. bad weekend. pretty good lunches though!

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
people have often said this!

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
i never know what to get if i go to taco bell

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
sorry for the lack of updates. i came to the realization that i don't necessarily have the best relationship with food. it's a work in progress, but i'm definitely gonna try and eat out less unless of course we're talking about p

today i had a soup cup. it's like a little travel cup of soup that you sip from. when i was working to set up factories they were my daily driver, especially on a cold morning. i did scare a guy badly once because he thought i was drinking coffee and then i had a tomato soup mustache.
Might get some chips as well though. If i'm BIG hungry i have some kimchi ramen.


Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
i got a meatball sub at the cafeteria. it's always too expensive.

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